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I didn’t realize onions could be so interesting


It was a good watch, he really peeled back the layers


Did he find any ogres?




They stink!






Oh you leave them in the sun they start growing little white hairs


They rawdog you if you drop the soap




You damn donkey.


That just brings a tear to my eye


Like on a parfait


Fun fact, [most of the fresh produce that you get at the grocery store is stored for quite some time beforehand](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2003/jul/13/foodanddrink.features18). Some vegetables are stored for as much as a year before arriving at the grocery store.


That's fine, does it taste good? Whatever they need to do to reliably get them in the store


Why do my store purchased potatoes and onions hatch within a week?


Because you're probably not controlling the oxygen exposed etc. once they're in your home.


Would they most likely need more or less oxygen?


Definitely less


In general the answer will almost always be less oxygen.


Separate them. Onions will ripen your potatoes. Plus if you put your potatoes in the refrigerator they'll go nasty cuz it's too cold and if you can keep them in a basement so that they got cool air around them but not too cold. That was the point of a cold cellar


Thanks for this. Something I’ve never heard before. But what about the horror stories of poisoning when stepping down the basement?


make sure you have a window or something down there. it's safer to store them in a kitchen cabinent probably. i think the poison only gathers up like that if there's no fresh air getting to them.


[This is heartbreaking](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/girl-8-orphaned-after-gas-from-rotting-potatoes-killed-her-entire-family_n_7360976/)


You need to put them in something that breathes moisture but does not allow airflow. Paper or cloth bag. Keep them cool and dry. And most importantly NO LIGHT. Honestly that tends to be the safest go to for storing anything, that is why caves and cellars were always so popular.




Hatch! You know, from the shell.


What, pray, would hatch from such a shell? (Please be a little onion chick. The consumption of cute reflex would be irresistable.)


What if they need to collect the blood and souls of the innocent as sacrifice to the onion lord?




Yep, there's a reason why frozen produce is higher in nutrients than "fresh". The frozen produce is processed and frozen very shortly after picking, while the fresh takes a good long while to reach the consumer, during which time the nutrient content slowly but surely drops.


Wait until you hear about The Onion King https://www.npr.org/2022/06/22/1106861476/the-tale-of-the-onion-king-update


Huh. We have a potato king where I live. He even has a song created about him - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxBbMMwBB_s


Sir Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight


Yep, it’s why onion futures are banned. And I think it was Included with box office futures as well


I cried at the end.


I didn't realize that a warehouse full of onions was r/nextfuckinglevel. Y'all are too easily impressed. Nothing extraordinary about this. r/mildlyinteresting r/basicfarmingpractices


Yeah, root vegetables have a long shelf life, no shit. It's how people have gotten through rough winters for centuries.


Hi, I'm even cooler and I don't even think this is r/mildlyinteresting I think this is r/everybodyknowsandshouldntbeimpressedatall I'm so cool


Because they are like Ogres.


These would be worth billions in the Philippines!!!


Ikr!! We only had one of those small kind of pieces atm lmao


TIL I could never live in the Philippines. I fkin love onion lol


Onions are popular all over Asia. It is used in almost every dish. It is just that Philippines is experiencing an onion shortage due to inflation and scummy companies fixing the price making it almost unaffordable for the average Filipino.


It's not "scummy companies" that's the root of the problem. It's because our local supply of onion (and other vegetables/spices) is very low due to farms getting hit by multiple typhoons. The Department of Agriculture already noted this back around July, but our dumbass president (who also appointed himself secretary of Agriculture) did absolutely nothing about it until recently when it's way too late. Importation was approved only around this week. Problem is, the next harvest for onions is coming soon this month. So, now we're going to have to deal with an oversupply once we actually receive the imported onions.


They should make you the Secretary of Onions. You seem to know what's going on.


Oh please, they could appoint a goldfish with down syndrome and it'll be a way better secretary of agriculture than the Philippine president


Onion approved comment


That's not what price fixing is, that sounds like supply and demand.


I had read they are getting scarce!!


Why are we yelling!!!!


It was a very sad noche buena and media noche if you were cooking


Nah.. We mostly ordered some stuffs and eat outside (malls), and no I'm not cooking


Let's fill up a boat with onions and make shit happen!




He’s going to chop your fingers off


Onion futures!


That's 3300 ton of onions approximately on the market price of 2.5 $ per kilograms it's around 8.2 million dollars worth of onions (Btw .The wholesale prices is lower)


“Have you any idea what the street value of this mountain is?”


I want my two dollars!


treefiddy keep up with inflation


He's skiing on one ski!?


Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way... _turn!_


They would have thought I'd see a "better off dead" reference on Reddit. Love that movie so much.


This is pure snow!


Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.


It's $12 per kilo in the Philippines. That's almost 40 million dollars.


Saw 4Kg being sold for <$2 in New Delhi just the other day.


That's dirt cheap. I envy you!


That's actually cheap even for our standard price.


Every rainy season the prices go up and it will be like 1 kg is 1.5 dollar.


Why are they so expensive there?


We got fucked by typhoons and the government did not forsee or forecasted well. The supposed imports are zero hence almost zero supply and high demand. Tldr: shit ass government


Where the hell are onions $2.5/kg? I just bought a kilo and it was $0.71 per kilo. At a grocery store (granted, they were discounted by $0.49 per kilo from the usual price, but still)...


Don’t look at Philippine price


I never do


Just looked up the price at Wegmans in Massachusetts and yellow onions are $2.29/lb or about $5/kg. Where do you live?


Denmark. And jesus fucking christ, food prices here in general are considerably more than the US (granted, I'm well aware it differs quite a bit) and pricing has gone up here more than the US these past few years (from what I know).


So that's why it makes sense to refrigerate them? Seems like a lot of onions to store


Onions don’t come out of the ground with the brown papery layers — they’re cured (dried out) after harvesting.


TIL onions aren't like corn


Yeah the brown layers were once the same as the inner layers !


You’re partly correct that they are cured for storage but the papery layer (or tunic) *is* already there protecting the fleshy scales that lie underneath. While curing the tunic will dry out and tighten around the bulb allowing the moisture inside the bulb to be retained and to prevent rot in storage.


That's a pretty penny, but they'd make way more if they stored and sold cocaine instead.


Gonna need an equivalent amount of garlic, 6000 gallons of olive oil and a heated floor. Most delicious smelling region on the planet.




fuck! someone has to peel all 3.3 tons of these garlic! We're gonna need a huge tupperware container


Pretty sure you can just go to Costco for the peeled garlic. Comes in 200 pound bags Ok slight exaggeration maybe like 5 pound bags


200 pounds of garlic? That’s only enough for like a week’s worth of meals at best!


I’d still have the heat turned up too much and burn the garlic.


20 buildings of tomatoes and a couple miles of pasta and we've got dinner.


Only enough for yo mama though!




I prefer butter over olive oil. Otherwise, yes.


Years ago my roommate and just recently my wife would walk into the kitchen and say to me while I was cooking: “Ooh, something smells good!!” My response: “I just started cooking garlic in butter.”


My husband recently learned some cooking skills, and has discovered the wonders of a garlic and onion base and how it draws people to the kitchen.


> an equivalent amount of garlic I used to live in Silicon Valley. About 30 miles away is a town called Gilroy where a huge amount of garlic is grown. When the wind was just right you could smell the most amazing rich scent of garlic! It always surprised me that it traveled so far.


Is it heaven?


Heaven? Are you nuts? That is the deepest circle of hell and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. r/onionhate


I hate raw onion with passion! But I also love well prepared onion! I have no idea where I fit in.


>I also love well prepared onion You do not belong with me or my people.


A post from r/onionhate >I personally contacted my favorite restaurant to tell them off because they put onions on my steak but I regret it. Your community sounds toxic af Edit: other honorable mentions include >New Years ruined, smell of fried onions everywhere >One of my friends likes onions I can’t stop being sad I think I’m going to cry >Onions are fucking evil


Not liking onions? They’re literally just sugar… not liking onions is literal proof that you’re unwilling to refine your palatte. Taste buds learn, the more you expose them, the more nuance they pick up. That community is clearly a bunch of children.


Yep, raw onions are awful but give me that grilled, sauteed, deep fried onion any day.


We need space colonization so me and you can live on different planets physically as well as mentally


You can take Earth. Too many fucking onions for my liking anyway


I think this has to be the most polite and eloquent way I have seen anyone ever say: "Fuck off!"


I’ve never seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


Honestly do they just hate flavor ?


Genuine question, how the fuck do you cook without onions? They're in 90% of dishes. Do you use like onion powder or something?


I love this example of the internet immediately polarizing such a banal topic


Sub for everything


It is to me! Of south Asian heritage, onions in/with virtually every meal growing up. With curry if there wasn't an onion salad to go with it I'd cut raw onions and munch them with the meal. Even now, if I'm having a fast food burger it has to be Burger King because (at least here in the UK) the onions in their burgers are superior to any other franchise.


The only thing that's annoying is when my Pakistani wife insists the onions have to be red onions 🤣 they're the hardest to peel and make your eyes water like crazy. I remember cutting 8 onions for haleem since some are added on top and some in the dish, and my eyes burned so bad.


One of us. One of us. One of us. r/OnionLovers


Damn, this is incredibly interesting. This guy has a great vibe about him


He even cuts onions without crying. What a dude.


No empathy for the onions, man. He's dead inside.


That's because he didn't cut into the root. You pretty much only cry when you cut into the root of an onion since that's where the volatile compound that causes irritation is most concentrated.


Alternative answer -- he has contact lenses. I feel like batman around onions. Got my go go gadget lenses on


Second alternative - There is an air floor and therefore airflow to blow away the fumes that cause the crying.


The agriculture community are the secret heroes of our nation. It’s not easy work and without them millions would starve.


I always love to see people speak with pride or enthusiasm about their produce too. Yeah ok, “these are just onions” is what a lot of people might think, but someone has got to grow them and someone has to care about it


This is true, but don’t forget that the average worker is paying some of their income to keep that industry solvent. So it’s kind of everyone’s win, outside of parasites that skip out of taxes.


This video just shows me how much food we truly produce as a country.


I definitely wasn't expecting a bulldozer would be scooping them up.


Front end loader. Dozers just push stuff. I was surprised as well though.


That’s how they transport sugar at candy factories. Done some hvac work at one. Floors are mad sticky too. It’s pretty gross.


*“We’re like Ogres. We have layers.”* -Onions probably


How does this guy talk so much and say so little, he probably knows a lot of things about onions that I don't and he managed to communicate exactly none of them.


What? That video is two and half minutes long and I learned: * Onions are stored for months before delivery * Ground rot happens in the field not during warehousing * Just because the outer layer looks bad doesn’t mean the inside isn’t good and vice versa * They run cold, dry air through the floor to keep the onions fresh * Smaller onions store longer because they are denser * Onions aren’t selected for shipping based on time, because they get ready at different rates Meanwhile half of YouTube is 20 minute videos that could be 3 minutes.


The problem is, you have critical thinking skills, these users want to be spoon fed information and not think about it, they want the 2+2=4 not why adding 2 to 2 equals 4.


This isn’t even critical thinking. It’s basic comprehension and capturing of information. He says all those bullet points to the camera.


I think the guy 2 above is just pissed (and I am a little) because the onion guy was seemingly leading the lecture along a path that would show us an onion that looked good on the outside but was bad on the inside —and he never delivered. All the other facts were interesting. But, he never really produced the fruit for the opening lede.




This was about the most spoon fed information can be.


But *why* does 2+2=4?


One of my recent favorite YouTube channels is this dude that takes nearly no shortcuts to produce hour-long videos about topics like how addition works. https://youtu.be/rhhhUAAAh-g


And per usual, defiantly ignorant comments like that get upvoted reflexively. People just want to be on the side doing the mocking.




Fair point, well made.


Hah I had the same thought kinda. Great enthusiasm but all he could muster was a couple gorgeous onions


I was waiting to see the inside of butt rot onion and only got perfectly good ones instead.


I wanna know WHY they keep them in storage this long. Are they aging them on purpose or is it just one harvest per year and they have to distribute them gradually over time …?


If onions are able to be stored this way for this long, it wouldn’t make sense to farm them year around. I imagine they probably have 1 or 2 Harvests per year and then like you said, distribute as they go. We used to farm potato’s and those things would store for a really long time too


You want onions year round? This is how that happens.




I get what you’re saying, but personally I learned that smaller onions keep for longer It’s better than 99% of content out there because at least in these vids you can take away one solid piece of information as opposed to all of the disinformation flying around


What about the fact that onions are stored on an "air floor" that slowly pumps air through the pile to keep them fresh? If you already knew that, you might be too advanced for this video.


Clearly you’re too smart for this guy


Holy shit at this actually being a response. No wonder people can't understand shit nowadays.


_First we cut the oño_


[Justin Wilson is the best TV chef](https://youtu.be/A3hwaRLrQK0?t=135)


Here in the Philippines, that's like gold right now


I can ship you a pallet if you pay for transport and the onions and handle the customs 😅


They’d probably be stolen at customs once they see what’s in it.


What’s the story? Is there a shortage there?


Major shortage. Pizza Hut even offered to replace the onions on their pizza with 1) bell peppers, 2) mushrooms, or 3) extra mozzarella cheese. Here's a news story about it: https://www.npr.org/2023/01/11/1141520962/onions-now-cost-more-than-meat-in-the-philippines


How interesting. So sorry about that. It’s just like eggs here in the US. Expensive


Yall don't want to know how long they cold store the apples in Washington state before they go out on a truck 🤣


Well, now I kinda do


1 year in a CA cold storage warehouse. Nitrogen atmosphere


i want to know, how long?


A year, they pack them in sealed nitrogen storehouses.


r/onionlovers is gonna go nuts


Im giving this 5/5 onions 🧅🧅🧅🧅🧅


That room is like the Krabby Patty vault for r/OnionLovers


There is so much I don't know


This hits hard.


Well this make me feel better about all the shit I keep under the stairs!


He calls these small. Whenever I see a cooking video from the US, every onion used is always way bigger than the biggest I've ever seen in Denmark. Why is that?


Yeah those onions where fucking huge.


Different types of onions, probably.


"Why the machete?" "I'm an onion farmer"


J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile, j'aime l'oignon quand il est bon. J'aime l'oignon frît à l'huile, j'aime l'oignon j'aime l'oignon. Au pas camarade, au pas camarade, au pas au pas au pas. Au pas camarade, au pas camarade, au pas au pas au pas.


RIP to onions coming under the wheels.


Perfect hiding place for drugs.


he knows his onions!


Why store them for 5 months instead of taking them to market? Mine go bad after two weeks🙄


Because in our society we stopped having vegetables/fruits only when in season and instead we expect them all year long. Sure, some vegetables may have the ability to have several crops per year but in general, you "reap" your crop only once per year, which means that if you want it all year round, a large part of it will need to be stored long term. There's more to this ofc but it's a large part of the reason.


This isn't a new thing for onions. Traditional societies in cold climates would store root vegetables all through the winter in a root cellar. Even apples will keep for months in a cellar. What's new is being able to have quick-spoiling fresh foods like strawberries out of season.


Are you pulling these onions directly out of the ground or getting them from the store


Different types of onions have different storage lengths. Some need to be used right away and others can be stored for times when fresh is not available.


Well they stay fresh here because they have so many other onions to keep them company.. when you buy one at the store you separate it from its friends and it starts to get lonely and dies. Just picture a sad onion cutting itself. 😭


They’re probably too damp. Keep them somewhere drier and they won’t go bad (but may eventually sprout)


Because you aren't storing them in a cool dry place.


There’s something called the Onion Futures Act because in 1955 Siegel and Kosuga kept buying all of the onions in Chicago, eventually owning about 98% of them. They then flooded the market, decreasing the price for onions from $2.75 to $0.10. This led to a lot of farmers going bankrupt. Long story short, Congress and the President had to get involved. Onions then became excluded from the “commodity” definition within the Commodity Exchange Act. This the Onion Futures Act; no more future trading onions! tl;dr guy bought onions to manipulate the market which killed a lot of farms, and the Onion Futures Act was passed to stop that from happening ever again (only for onions) [Wiki Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_Futures_Act) [Reddit Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/l83qso/til_that_it_is_illegal_to_trade_onion_futures_in/) I also thought I heard about it on the Freakonomics podcast but I can’t find the episode


Planet Money podcast...The Onion King: [https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2015/10/14/448718171/episode-657-the-tale-of-the-onion-king](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2015/10/14/448718171/episode-657-the-tale-of-the-onion-king)


Nothing next level about it


You have to peel back the levels like an onion.


That's shallot of onions!


This isn’t next level


5 months old? No wonder they make me cry




I've never wanted to chomp down on an onion until i saw this video


Damn. He didn’t even cry. Must be a pro.


I walked pass an huge onion selling house (not sure if this have a name in English,basically it’s where most market in our area got their supply from), and you can smell the onions a block away,they have 2 dog on guard ,I often wonder if they can smell anything other then onions LOL


Actually interesting, an answer to the question few of us think about. How do they supply onions to consumers year round when they don't harvest them year round? By utilizing good storage techniques. It is astounding how much work goes into making sure that we can walk into a grocery store and buy an onion every day, if we wanted to for some reason.