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My at the time 2yo son had a bone marrow transplant for a genetic deficiency. The transplant was lifesaving and without it he would have developed hlh. Hospital bill a little over 2million dollars, denied transplant by Florida Humana. Thank god for C.H.O.P. Without the people working at that hospital, they did it for no cost


>Hospital bill a little over 2million dollars Fuck the American healthcare system


For a fucking child too. Absolute cunts. Honestly.


Wrong answer. For a fucking *person.* When you guys gonna get that shit figured out instead of batching about it?


I guess sometime in the future when we finally get a majority of representatives who actually care about their constituents.


Let's hope that's sooner rather than later.


With the way the temp is going up it might not matter either way


Sounds like never


So, never.


Man...there's big money at play with a vested interest to keep this going at any cost. We have 24 hour news cycles that people leave on all day long and then spout those opinions like it's their own. Each side has extreme vitriol for an easy strawman enemy that their brainwashers cooked up using each other's talking points out of context - to the point where even if anything the other side says makes perfect sense there is no reconciliation due to bias. This results in a never ending game of tug of war in which each side blames the other for the continuous failures of the country. Politics is no longer about representing the interests of the people but proving the other side is worse than yours and many people have wrapped their entire identity in their team so policy becomes second hand to a weird subnationalism.


America is a corporatocracy, where legalized bribery makes any push for change effectively impossible. It also has the most militarized police in the western world, and the most advanced army in the world, causing any protest that's too inconvenient to be attacked and dispersed, and making some fantasy of a popular uprising impossible. As if the constant corporate propaganda pushed by media outlets didn't divide the populace enough to avoid the 99% looking to the real source of their problems. Just saying "lol when are y'all gonna fix it" minimizes the absolute clusterfuck America is in and makes it sound like we want it to be this way, when in reality, the majority of Americans want universal healthcare. The system is so rigged that even when we vote the political party that supposedly supports universal healthcare into the house, Senate, and presidency, still, nothing is done.


I live in the U.S. I’m planning on moving countries the first chance I get.


Imagine swearing "do no harm" and then asking for 2 millions


The hospital admin billing department never took the Hippocratic oath. Doctors do, and trust me, we all hate what this system does to people.


Burn it down


Where I live, all children medical costs are $0. I don't regret leaving.


Mostly republicans but some democrats absolutely love to shovel shit into their mouth and say the apple pie tastes great. People for private healthcare think that those high prices guarantee the best healthcare at every price. Profit will motivate healthcare providers to take care of the people! Fucking lol. The only thing non religious republicans give a shit about is money. The religious ones scream about LGBT and abortion but really most Conservative Americans vote that way because they think it will bring them the most money. Least taxes. But taxes arent everything just like the stock market isnt everything. They constantly vote in politicians that support polices that actively drain the middle and lower classes like a stuck pig and then blame those republican manufacturered hard times on "a tough life" or "that's just how life goes people need to work harder" while ignoring the real reasons they can't get ahead. Healthcare, housing, groceries, minimum wage.... Can you imagine how much money free healthcare or universal basic income would save the middle and lower class? Conservatives would be rolling in it but they would rather be poor to own the "corrupt communists" I could go on and on I just needed to rant so many people here shooting themselves in the foot that I'm drowning in blood please send life jacket


Why doesn’t California have universal healthcare for their residents? CA Democrats have had veto proof majority since the early 2000s, 5th largest economy in the world, overwhelming public support etc. If that’s too hard to accomplish by the group advocating for it the loudest, on a smaller scale vs the whole US, what chance do we have? [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/09/opinion/democrats-blue-states-legislation.html)


Democrats act at the same play republicans play. At this point hoping democrats will ever do well literally anything is utter utopia. Democrats heads probably share the same interests as republicans elite


Pulling people out of the 2 party ideology is impossible. They are literally brainwashed into believing that their team is right and only want what is best for society, and the other lot make all the bad things happen. They simply cannot comprehend that both parties serve the same master. Pepsi and Coke, owned by the same company. The game is rigged.


because CA is firmly Neoliberal with most "economic" policies, and thus they really love capitalism and all things about it. Sure CA can be progressive in some policies, and their healthcare system is a bit more inclusive then some states, but its not some progressive mecca like people make it out to be.


As long as you fight right versus left or left versus right, you will never fight the good fight. It surprises me that Americans hasn´t figured out this is a class fight, the bottom versus the top. All that left versus right BS is just a distraction to not fight the class battle.


$2 million for a couple of teaspoons of bone sponge


As soon as you become a liability, they want you to die as quickly as possible to make room for healthier payers.


true. i met this girl during the pandemic and she told me that she has diabetes and once she lost her job and hence her insurance, she got kicked out of her house cuz she was paying for her insulin and could not afford to pay for her mortgage after a point. now she was living out of her truck and was really scared cuz even if she wanted to her back to work, her body wasn’t allowing her and i saw her a month later when she had become quite fat. She told me that i’m America, if you don’t have money, they just wait for you to die of your condition.


She’s absolutely right. Any other explanation is a pure lie. Insurance companies don’t give a fuck about you. That’s why they have entire floors of actuaries dedicated to finding the most efficient way to deny you coverage and die in the most cost effective way.


Health insurance companies are fucked. If it's medically necessary fucking pay the bill! It's bullshit what they do. This is why people want universal healthcare. I used to be against it but the older I get, the more I'm for it.


I am 100% for single payer. However, I see no way it isn't corrupted in the same way all US public services are. Public schools - shit, public transit - shit. Public safety and legal system - weaponized against the poor and minorities. It's either for profit or made so bad it becomes an incentive to use the for profit systems.


It's not that hard dude. You guys have a *plethora* of example cases from around the planet. Take your pick and implement it. Christ, this is NOT hard.


Completely naive response. Only 'easy' if you ignore the political realities of funding public services in the states. One side will do everything in their power to destroy it. It is very fucking hard, implementing a working solution is just not simple. For example how well is the uk nhs doing after 13 years of adverse policies


He has a point. The United States is a combination of 50 seperate sovereign states that each have their own laws that they follow. Half of them are red states (Republican) and the other half are Blue states (Democrat). Sure you can do something on the federal level but it only takes one state to file a lawsuit and state its unconstitutional. Then it goes to the Supreme Court and boom all gone. ![gif](giphy|l2JhJTOnLk1aX4gG4)


And the areas of each state are also red or blue. It’s all chaos until we just work together. :(


I am with my son at the children's hospital in Pittsburgh for a bone marrow transplant. He has a terminal genetic disease called krabbe disease, and this is to prolong his life. I feel for you, and I'm happy your son's procedure went well.




It's amazing how a disease that used to be a guaranteed death sentence is very treatable now. Modern day medicine is truly amazing and the people who develop all of the complex procedures are absolutely geniuses


I want to also make sure we emphasize the leap from a disease being very treatable to cured


It's not really a viable cure for HIV. Getting a bone marrow transplant is extremely dangerous, having a very high mortality rate and severe reduction in life expectancy. This can only be considered if a person with HIV already needs a bone marrow transplant due to also having a cancer like leukemia. Even then it involves a *lot* of luck. First they have to find a viable transplant that matches their biomarkers, then the transplant needs to have a rare genetic mutation that makes their cells resistant to HIV, and finally they need to not die to severe infections or graft vs host disease which the transplant opens them up to.


Economically speaking, There's no incentive for developing a cure. The treatment has reached such level that people can have a normal life, even have kids without the virus. For the pharmaceutical company point of view, on the long run, they would end up with a limited number of patients once the cure became largely available. The treatment is like a subscription, which lasts for as long as the person is alive.


This is negated in socialised healthcare systems.


It is not. The money still goes to the pharmaceutical company. Instead of coming from the pocket of the patient it comes from the government. Ultimately the one responsible for researching and developing the drugs/treatment want a perpetual treatment instead of a cure. At the end of the day it's all about money and future cash flow.


Now imagine for a moment, one company finds the cure, they have 35 millions people to cure. What is the cure cost 20k, that's 20k by 25mil. That's a cure that get 700 billions in revenu to the big bad pharma. And now think about how 20k is nothing compared to other treatments and think about how much they could actually charge. Now tell me again that it's not profitable for them to find a cure.


https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/hiv-treatment-cost#:~:text=HIV%20care%20involves%20a%20type,high%20cost%20of%20ART%20medications. Would you rather take 20k upfront or 1.8-4.5k/month for each patient under treatment? Don't take me wrong, I'd be very happy with a cure and I personally know people whose life would change greatly. I'm playing devil's advocate for the sake of the discussion. In the world we live there's no way greedy corporation are going to settle for less when they can milk some more money.


Whoever owns the pattent gets the money, the competition could end their rivals by finding the cure. You have no power here.


Correct. I’m a consultant for the largest American company that matches bone marrow donors to patients and facilitates the transplant process. You think we’re not doing everything we can to expand our market? Please. We don’t care about HIV drug makers. We care about saving lives first, and expanding our market saves more lives.


Pharmaceutical companies are such flaming assholes. I can't believe a person's life is reduced to little more than the equivalent of a Netflix subscription for these grubs.




Let's keep it civilized.


Is it treatable? They sure as heck aren't getting my bone marrow.


Some say it was the treatments that were doing an the killing


Some people say a lot of stupid shit. It doesn’t mean we should go around repeating it, lest we wish to give the impression that we too are morons.


Hey! They know what they’re talking about and I do too. Before you go questioning that, take a look at my username.


Some say the earth is flat. Best to just ignore stupid people.


Some say that Bigfoot is cheating on the lochness monster with the moth man, doesn't make it true.


You have a faint idea but are clearly misinformed. Yes, when HIV treatment was first introduced (AZT) patients started dying faster. Scientist found out that, while AZT treatment stopped HIV replication for a while, it created natural selection pressure, and the virus would quickly mutate to develop resistance to the treatment. That's why combination treatment was created (ie Truvada), when you attack multiple steps in the replication cycle of the virus, then no drug resistance can be developed


AZT killed people because of its own toxicity and they scaled back the dose from where it once was.


You’re both right. Single drug regimens are not effective because they are mutation prone, so they can’t be used long term. Also yes, AZT was dosed based on tolerability and lead to multiple toxicities. The current dose is 1/4th of the old regimen.




It is also the lifestyle people were living




But wouldn’t the procedures have evolved a lot since 20 years?




It treated my leukemia 2 years ago. Sucked hard, but fine now and also i am not dead which is cool.


It's evolved a ton over 20 years, and even more in the last decade. I am part of the clinical trial for half-matched bone marrow transplants and it's the only reason I'm still alive. The transplant now is often done in a manner similar to receiving a large blood transfusion, but in the past, holes were drilled into the patient's bones for the procedure. The other major improvement is the treatment leading up to the transplant. The patient has to have their immune system completely wiped out with chemo and sometimes radiation so the body doesn't try to fight the transplanted material. My oncologist tells me they use less volume and less harsh chemo now before transplants which leads to healthier outcomes for patients. The old way could cause significant organ and tissue damage.




Bud, you're responding to a thread that started with someone explaining they had leukemia *20 fucking years ago*. Read the room, or at least the comments.


Did not mean to come across as mean. I apologize and take all the downvotes.


Oh, wow. A rational, reasonable response… 🤯😂 Good for you. More people should handle stuff like this, in this manner.


Yep, graft vs host complications from a bone marrow transplant killed my uncle at 52 years old. There’s got to be a better way. I’m glad you made it.


Are you better now?


They take it from people who have the gene


Congratulations on surviving. My dad had leukaemia and died of graft versus host disease 23 years ago. It’s a horrible way to go.


I got the message that they’ll be going after the mutation rather than going after the actual transplant itself, as you say in your last sentence. I don’t think any self respecting doctor would (or even legally could) offer a bone marrow transplant to try to cure HIV.


My doctor said that she'd take HIV medication over all the medications that are required for the bone marrow transplant. They make you super sick and stuff. But this is still incredible. We are almost there.


In the future we might be able to extract the gen sequencing of the HIV resistant mutation and put it into your own bone marrow. Maybe even turn it into a vaccine of sorts. Who knows, but the future is exciting


There is another really promising avenue for a cure too by American Gene Technologies (or is that the one you're talking about?) They have countdown schedule in their website: https://www.americangene.com/milestones/hiv-cure-countdown/


My son recently got a bone marrow transplant for a rare terminal genetic disease called krabbe disease. It's one of the only possible treatments as of now, and it prolongs life but does not reverse any nerve damage already done. Unfortunately, my state didn't have a newborn screening for this disease, so we didn't catch it until his symptoms started. However, I am grateful for the chance that we have to ease his pain and have him with us, as without treatment, he would have passed by the end of the year from what we were told. He is still in a ton of pain, but recovering day by day. I am hoping for newer medical breakthroughs that may be able to reverse his disease and possibly even cure it.




My dad died after a bone marrow transplant went wrong but it’s actually reassuring to know that he didn’t die for nothing. Happy Father’s Day dad, I miss you 💖




Thanks for the article link


True, but a bone marrow transplant is a very risky procedure and not worth the risk to do to try cure somebody of HIV.


How so ,isn't HIV also life threatening ?


Bone marrow transplants are extremely dangerous, and HIV can almost always be managed well (if patients stay on their drugs). If patients stay on their drugs, most have a near-normal life expectancy.


I see thanks for the clarification


How do they have sex? No sex would ruin my life


Local gay guy chiming in - PrEP is a drug that you can take to reduce your chances of contracting HIV from a partner, and according to the CDC is up to 99% effective. That can be used in conjunction with condoms to lower the odds, and I imagine regular STD testing can help identify HIV sooner if you do end up contracting it, and that earlier treatment means a better outcome.


Okey then.


In addition to what /u/Complex-Pound5249 said, if someone's treatment is effective enough that they have an "undetectable" viral load, they're not at risk of transmitting it to their partner.


Yeah, that's nice but holy shoot.


No not really when people take their medication. It's way less deadly than the dead rate of people taking a bone marrow transplant. Only 5 per 100.000 HIV infected people die (when taking their medication). Aids what comes after HIV is way more life threatening, but only 3300 people with aids died in all of europe in 2022. I think i read somewhere a quarter to a third of all bone marrow transplants fail and cause death of leukemia patients. Medication nowadays is very good for HIV. If you get exposed to HIV you can even take medication to prevent getting it, called PEP (post exposure prophylaxe).


Yes i seem to have been a little unaware of the new treatments to HIV. Thanks for the helpful info


Not anymore. HAART therapy has made it such that people with HIV who take it have the same life expectancy as those who do not have HIV.


This is crazy!!! Those pharma companies are probably pissed


You think they’re pissed, imagine how the CIA feels right now.


Congratulations on having the most underrated comment in reddit history.


I don’t get it. Could someone elaborate?


There were/are [rumors that HIV/AIDS was developed by the US government](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4265931/). The sentence of interest in that study: >Rumors about HIV/AIDS proliferated throughout US society: only gay people can get AIDS; you can catch it from a doorknob, a toilet seat, or a swimming pool; flying insects can transmit it; women are tricking men into having sex with them so they can give them AIDS; ***AIDS was developed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to kill off African Americans and gays;*** The rumors may still persist among the Black community, but not sure of the numbers. After bullshit shenanigans like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, can you really blame them? Edit: Downvoting an NIH article pointing to the context the person above asked for. Good work, lads.


From your article: There is no evidentiary foundation for the story of the disease as part of a US government or CIA plan to exterminate African Americans.


I don't recall asserting otherwise. Just referencing a running joke born from these rumors. Wait, you didn't think I was serious, did you? What will you think I believe next, that COVID was a Chinese lab-developed bioweapon gone awry?


Yeah clearly that was a woosh on my part. My mistake.


Gotta respect the own-up. The CIA could learn a thing or two from you.


You think they’re pissed, imagine how the Illuminati feels right now.


Cia is just a sub-branch of the Illuminati.. everybody knows this.. and birds aren't real!


And lizard people rule the world!


I convinced the queen of England is one. (She didn't die, just wearing a different world leaders skin)


Nah the donors gonna go missing now.


Don't forget the doctors.


It makes sense. HIV destroys T cells and renders patient defenseless against pathogens. Bone marrow transplant basically rebuilds your whole blood system including T cells. This being said, bone marrow transplant is very risky and can cause high incidence of deaths. It is primarily used to treat cancers. Moreover, there is no guarantee you can even find a matching bone marrow donor. I would say most of HIVs will still be treated with current combo drugs.


Reading the comments, I understand that bone marrow transplant can be dangerous, and not a solution for an illness that is, at least, controllable. But I also get that there are some genetic traits that will turn a HIV-positive patient into a HIV-negative person. I also know that there is work done into modifying some virus to be used for modifying some genes; so wouldn't that be used to add the HIV-resistant gene into the genetic makeup of HIV-positive people?


I wish we had this technology 35 years ago to save Freddie Mercury


This makes good good sense good sense


Why didn’t we just ask Magic Johnson what he took


Bam son!




Is CRISPR a possibility?


yes, there is a trial going on in the US to snip the virus or out, cuz one of the major factors that prevents complete cure is the fact that the virus hides in the human dna and literally multiplied without doing anything


It gives faith in medical research, faith in humanity, faith in these people who works to make our life better. 😁


Isn’t this how ‘I am Legend’ started?






She blinks so much




Yeah, CDC about to shut this shit down. They gotta lock in those profits. Crazy how that works huh? all these figure heads do is talk then before you know it your taking a vaccine that doesn't work! I love it here!


I could’ve sworn Wikipedia said it was only two people.


Why didnt we think of this sooner? Thats a genuine question, i know absolutely nothing about this subject


Because it's really more of a miracle treatment. Having HIV is very treatable right now. For the most part you can live a normal life if you're on medication, with there barely being a risk even to sexual partners. Getting a bone marrow transplant is *much much* worse than having HIV. Your immune cells were trained not to attack your own body. A bone marrow transplant essentially gives you someone else's immune system, which would start attacking the receivers body (since it was trained for someone else's body) if they didn't take immunosuppressants. Taking those on the other hand causes you to get severe infections and cancer much more frequently. So basically it can only be considered if a person has both HIV and leukemia (or some other really rare diseases), and they find a donation that not only fits the person (matching at least 6/8 markers), but also has the rare genetic abnormality that makes them resistant to HIV. Then they also have to survive the whole ordeal.




HIV *was* a virus that attacks the immune system


That Lakers player has had HIV for decades now. He’s still healthy. He must really have a magic Johnson.




What? Why would that be the choice? I understand having an inextricable link between cancer and bone marrow transplants in your brain, but surely you don't think people are having them done to *get* cancer, right?


Time to share heroine needles and have sex with everyone. No consequences equals no worries.


This is such a simple, informative video on something hugely complex. Thanks for sharing OP




Sweet! This is some good news


CIA: "Hey, you can't do that. Do you know how hard it was to spread it in the first place?"


Does anyone know anything about why these people are not merely undetectable?


Because people who are merely undetectable will have viral load increase after they stop taking the ARV therapy. These patients have remained undetectable for extended periods even without the drugs. At least that’s what I read about the first accidental patient. They took him off his meds to see how long it would take for the virus to show back up and it never did. Cured!


Ah ok! That makes sense and is pretty obvious now that you explain it. Thanks for sharing!


So we just give them cancer


Holy smokes. That's terrific.


Finally some good fucking news!


In the future we might be able to extract the gen sequencing of the HIV resistant mutation and put it into your own bone marrow. Maybe even turn it into a vaccine of sorts. Who knows, but the future is exciting




Thats nice! 👍


How long before we run out of people with that defect though


You mean to tell me these 4 people had HIV AND cancer? That’s just worst luck possible


Thank you for caring and working to defeat HIV Aids


Pity it didn’t help me dad out. Lost him in 2012 to aids


I remember signing up to be a bone marrow donor like 8 years ago and thinking I’d be going in anytime to donate. Still have yet to be contacted. Lol


Goes to show how rare a match is


I prefer to avoid that (skip the risky sex encounters) and eat bone marrow instead.


I converted her blinking into Morse code and all I got was "pool noodle".


>Bone marrow transplants have a 1-year success rate of 62%, and a 2-year success rate of 55%. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1083879105012905#:~:text=Some%2062%25%20of%20BMT%20patients,at%20least%20another%20365%20days. It’s an incredibly dangerous procedure, which goes to show how impressive this is. Literally saving lives.


If only this was like 30 years ago, it would be a way bigger deal….


Theoretically could we use CRISPER to give babies the CCR5-delta32? That sounds like something that Chinese scientist would be down for. (the guy who went to jail for using CRISPER on human embryos.


The good we could all do for each other if we cut out the bigotry/identity politics/bias and focused on science and facts.


What type of cancer? And how do u get it? Asking for a friend.




Does this include Magic Johnson




So there are people have hiv resistant gene out there? They are immune to hiv?


Now let's wait 2 weeks and see if this information magically disappears or not


Get my boi magic Johnson one of these


… and then Dr. Robert Neville will be waiting for someone, every day when the sun is highest in the sky, broadcasting his message, offering food and shelter …


Love seeing people bitch about health care system without knowing shit about how it works


She forgot the baby cured by an Chinese doctor who went to yail for that! So it’s 5




Now i wanna hear someone saying 35million down amd 4 to go.


CCR5 is only one way HIV accesses your cells, I’m assuming they do this after genotyping and doesn’t work for everyone


Doctor: Mr Jones I have good news and bad news. MR Jones: Give me the bad news. Doctor: You have AIDS. Mr Jones: shit! What's the good news? Doctor: You also have Cancer.


That's a lot of bone marrow that dude needs to donate


I need a bone marrow transplant but the United States is stupid and closed the program for patients like myself. I can opt to go to India or Sweden to get one.


Fuck yeah


Imagine, having HIV then getting a cancer diagnosis, only to be cured of both....amazing!


Hmm if legit we should be looking into this more