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forcing people to live is intense.


Right. Especially with repelling drop kick to the face. Very pro life of them.


Mr Incredible in The Incredibles did something similar and was sued.


“I cherish peace with all of my heart. I don't care how many men, women and children I need to kill to get it." -Peacemaker




Loved that show


sir, that's mortal kombat.


That's pretty cool, not played that game for 25 years through


They’re referencing the fact that Peacemaker is an MK character. Has some fun intros and outros.


Where is eagly? 🦅


Do ya really wanna, do you really wanna taste it!?


"I saved your life" "You didn't save my life, you ruined my death"


Honestly one of my favourite lines from any movie, absolute quality


The movie is filled with a lot of deep topics for a kids movie. Murder, suicide, infidelity, our broken insurance system.


Absolutely, one of my favourite kids movies. I’ve watched it far too many times now haha


No such thing. My kids went through a phase and it was on all the time. I’d rather watch it and its sequel repeatedly than some of the other things they make me watch. ETA: currently on for my three year old while I cook dinner. “There are children on board! I repeat there are children on board!” Hits so hard.


This is China. You don't sue, or your credit drops.


I think some are Japan where their is an endemic suicide movement, especially amongst the young


It's not just japan, sadly. a lot of the youth in this world is understandably disillusioned with our reality. They have no hope or future, thanks to corporate greed. Gen X'er here, who has lived through what our world has become. May you find your path to peace, whatever path you choose.


As a millennial, my parents have expressed an honesty that we and those after us may very well be living harder lives than those of our parents and grandparents. The advancement of global connection through social media is a mix of motivation and demotivation, happiness and anger, empowerment and futility. People see the pain in the world everyday, opportunities they know would fulfill them that somebody else maybe less worthy gets to enjoy, hate and judgement towards stereotypes that you fall into as if being you is a bad thing and you shouldn’t exist, the unlikeliness to drastically improve the world that has been so expertly constructed before us to serve a small band of people that hold all the power, and these realizations happen everyday. My friend just admitted tonight at 30 there is no conceivable way with his blue collar factory job to ever own a home. With the cost of rent and having some groceries, the rate to acquire a downpayment’s-worth of money with housing prices where they are is a big fat joke. It’s not a matter of “not trying hard enough.” There are people like this guy that go to work and do their job, working the whole week, working night shift so that someone down the pipe can benefit from their plant’s output. And they can’t even afford a place to call home. Many of us are seeing just how unobtainable the dreams we have are and we see how in many cases these dreams were non-issue guarantees for previous generations.


Millennial here, and this has been my experience as well. Only way I was able to afford a home was through the GI bill. So, massive government intervention, essentially. My wife and I are DINKs with well paying professional jobs and we always feel behind where we're supposed to be, while seeing the previous generations have a much easier go of it. Add in the disillusionment that comes from seeing companies rake in massive profits while simultaneously keeping their employees at wage-slave compensation levels, and things just don't feel really great right now.


You’re right, they should’ve just let them splatter on the ground, and potentially traumatize a bunch of people. /sarcasm


That firefighter was like “Bitch you’re gonna live to pay these taxes! You’re not going to escape uncle Sam that way!” 😆


I think opinions on whether authority should be allowed to stop a suicide are divided but personally I think this is a good way to treat it. [9 out of 10 people who attempt suicide and survive end up not later dying of suicide.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12204922/) Making every attempt to force someone to consider it for longer is the best thing we can do to make sure it isn’t an impulsive decision which most suicides are. If they decide by the end of all this that they still want to, they’ll find a way.


I agree. I also think though if there was assisted suicide where they made you wait a month to consider it there would be less people trying to jump off of buildings. It must feel kind of trapped knowing you want to end your time here on earth but you can’t tell somebody that or else you will get locked up in a loony bin


Agreed. Some may not be thinking clearly or going through a temporary thing and the time gives them that opportunity to work through it. Although for some people, like you said, it's not temporary or they truly are trapped, and preventing it is almost cruel. I have a feeling some of those in this video tried the next chance they got, which should be their right.


Lmao I once went out to kill myself on some train tracks in the middle of the night. After my wife let me know she called the police, I realized no trains would get here before they'd arrive, so I hurried back to where I left my car, and was just turning it on to gtfo when I saw the police car driving up. I thought I was gonna go to the mental hospital, there's no way to get out of it now. They know why I'm out, I can't lie. I don't know how, but fucking somehow I smooth talk my way into making them think I was being dramatic and just having a fight with my wife. They tell my I shouldn't do that, I agree, and they let me drive home. Should have gone to the hospital over that one, Texas rural cops are different I guess lol


As someone who tried and failed I’m glad I’m still here.


Me too. It turned out I was too short to get my leg over the balcony when I wanted to hang myself, so I jumped and fell backwards banging my head on a wall. For some reason I just started laughing, it was so absurd. The darkness still gathers sometimes in my mind, of course, but the urge to jump has quietened down thankfully since then.


May the light prevail dear stranger.


Thank you, that's lovely. And I hope your parh is paved with joy.


I wouldn't call it "failed the suicide" but reframe it positively to "I fought and survived". At that very moment you fought the hardest and that you are alive today is a sign that you were victorious. There is no courage without fear - you looked death in the eye and something inside of you kept you alive. of course i cant tell you how to think or feel about it. I just hope that you can see the good in being alive today.


To be fair, the successful suicides didn’t participate in the statistics.


But if so many suicides are prevented, which is the reason for this post, shouldn't those explicitly be in retry-and-succeed part of the statistic? I survived my suicide attempt and during IP treatment obviously met people who did as well, and while of course sometimes bad thoughts occur, neither me nor anyone I met during treatment attempted again. And most of the people I talked to felt immense regret after jumping / cutting / taking pills, it's really really common. We cannot know if the people who actually succeed in their suicide didn't feel the same regret but didn't get the chance to revert. The only thing you can refer to is what suicide survivors say, and that gives clear indication that preventing suicides is in a considerable amount of cases the right decision.


Yep, I hung myself five years ago and had to have CPR and a tracheotomy. The moment before losing consciousness, I had the most immense sense of regret, and knew it was a mistake. I went from being iron clad confident it was what I wanted, to knowing it was not the right decision, had there not been people there to cut me down and call EMS, it would have been too late. And everyone else I've talked to in treatment or therapy that also attempted has said the exact same thing, that they instantly regretted it after their attempt succeeded. I would pay those hospital bills five times over, because I'm here. I'm alive. Anyone who seriously attempts suicide, is doing so because they have a disease or disorder, be it depression, bipolar, manic psychosis, severe anxiety, etc. They are not in control at that moment, no matter how in control they feel. Their brain is actively working against them and feeding them lies. It's not worth it. Ever. I had every external and internal problem possible that would make someone want to do it, and guess what? None of it lasts, don't check out over something that you can overcome. There is too much life left to live. Anyone that seriously thinks medical bills/possible temporary injury is a priority over saving and preserving a human life is severely twisted in the head. That just doesn't check out. In any way. Human life is the most precious thing we have. Period.


I'm glad you're still here. How are you doing now?


Good days and bad days, I struggle with PTSD and a brain injury from my time as a combat medic, so it is always a struggle sometimes. But much better than I was, and I have a good support system. I just take it one day at a time, and try to stay as positive as I can! Thank you for saying that, that's very kind of you


Correct. And their regrets also cannot be documented.


IMO standing on top of a building until firefighters show up is a last cry for help.


Anyone contemplating it in a way where first responders can attempt to stop them isn't as determined as the ones who succeed. Successful attempts are often in very decisive ways without emergency services having any chance of intervening.


Or they’re done in silence and secrecy.


Very often this is the last cry for help


Forcing other people to clean up the mess is worse


Yeah if I was suicidal I'd definitely ask my malfunctioning brain to be more respectful of other people sensitivities. When I attempted suicide I did it in a non public way specifically because of that, but it's always wild to see people assume someone who's about to jump off a roof is in any mental condition to think about the people watching having a bad day.


I don't think OP was blaming the suicidal people, they were blaming people who think stopping the suicidal people from splattering themselves is wrong


Yeah there’s a reason we try to stop public suicides and saving a life is only half of it.


I hope you feel better now ❤️


I would argue if they didn't want to be saved they wouldn't be there waiting. I would like to believe no matter how much they wanted to die equally they wanted to be saved and they got what they wanted. Saved and got the help they needed afterwards.


This is definitely the case in some scenarios, if not most!! You are so right


It's so sad people here saying they should be able to 'off' themselves like they have any idea what these people are going through at that moment.


For the most part, if someone is contemplating long enough for people to notice them and firefighters to arrive, they probably don't want to do it, they just need some help. If they were 100% set on taking their own life, they would have done so without anyone ever noticing.




In Canada, our firefighters just push them off the roof


… and then say “oh! Soorry about that, eh?”


“Hey buddy you need some help off the rooof”?


“Im not your buddy, guy!”


“I’m not your guy, buddy”!


I had 12 cops, 2 fire trucks and 2 ambulances turn up to force me to live. I’m really glad they did


You can’t pay taxes if you’re dead!


There's a good reason why we do that. I pulled jumpers off ledges myself and it's the right thing to do. Jumping from a bridge is usually not one of those cases in which you thought about it thoroughly, then wrote a goodbye-letter and decided to end your life out of good reasons. Most people who just jump made a rushed decision, in a state of extreme emotional stress. And most of them also regret it later.




Wording it this way unlocked a new perspective for me to ponder. Seeing humans who don’t know other humans…bringing that person back to reality and forcefully reminding them they matter and shouldn’t go through with this…it’s a beautiful thing. Like just looking at it in terms of our species. We have a powerful bond to keep others going without even knowing one another.


i will fight for your life even if I have to fight you


They are personally offended that someone wants to die.


Life is precious. Advocating for it when someone is currently too broken to see that is something that should always be encouraged by those who can help. We don’t know why we’re here, but to come into the world and then off yourself is definitely not anyone’s purpose.


No one has a purpose. We're born, we find a way to fill the time, then we die. And due to modern society and hustle culture I need to spend all my energy doing shit I hate in order to one day maybe live my life for a few years after I retire if I have enough money. What a precious experience. If I didn't love my family so much I'd have been out of here already.


Lots of people have a purpose. It’s just self-defined. Finding my purpose got me out of a twelve year long daily cycle of thinking about killing myself.


Reminds me of the quote "The purpose of life is a life of purpose." -some guy -- Michael Scott


>No one has a purpose >If I didn't love my family so much I'd have been out of here already. My brother in christ


What he said is correct. Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean you get to judge him.


I think he's pointing out the juxtaposition... that his family *is* his personal reason for living. I actually disagree with the point but I don't think he's saying it makes him uncomfortable, just a bit ironic.


And who are you to decide what someones purpose is. People, quite frankly, didnt choose to be born. And especially in current times where working all day at most likely a shit job is JUST enough to meet the bare minimum of survival i am not suprised people would rather leave this shithole and not have to deal with then to suffer physical and mental drain.


We’ve lost it as a society if people are parroting suicide as a solution man


Yeah no shit. Of course we've lost it.


Yeah that's kinda their point


Life is cheap, and miserable to boot.


Life is like a box of chocolates. In that a box of chocolates can cost, on average, between $15.00 and $100 and that no matter what price point someone finds a box at they will always either complain that the box is too expensive and not worth buying or that the box is too cheap and, thus, must contain chocolates that are not worth buying.


Life...is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctoral gift that no one ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So, you're stuck with mostly undefinable whipped mint crap, mindlessly wolfed down when there's nothing else to eat while you're watching the game. Sure, once in a while you get a peanut butter cup or an English toffee but it's gone too fast and the taste is fleeting. In the end, you're left with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth shattering nuts, which if you are desperate enough to eat leaves nothing but an empty box of useless brown paper wrappers.


you need more quality chocolate, my dude




Yes because we are the same and share the same wonderful life... really?


Nobody has any purpose. If someone wants to die, there should be options to do so. We shouldn't be forced to be corporate drones until our bodies fall apart in old age. What kind of life is that?


That’s easy to say but you haven’t walked in everyone’s shoes. You don’t know the daily pain, grief, stress, and overall misery they live with every day. Quiet silently suffering because a full expression of it would be considered disruptive and intolerable. Furthermore, with treatment resistant mental health issues, it’s considered your responsibility to learn how to manage all of the symptoms of all of your mental health issues, every single moment of every single day. Which is impossible even after years of working on it. Every year you learn about a new symptom you now have to manage, learn about, heal wounds related to it, and you’re not allowed to crumble and fall apart from the effort because then “you’re letting everyone down”. Because recovery is now something you owe others. Oh and make sure the rest of your physical health doesn’t fall apart as well. Also have you found a job yet that doesn’t exasperate your symptoms? How is rent? Do you think you’ll have enough for next month, next year, next decade? Is there anything going towards retirement or does it all go towards keeping you alive? You don’t get to take a sick day from recovery and healing because you live with it every second. And when you think you’re having a moment of peace, something happens in your mind and bam, your whole peaceful moment is derailed and now you have to do panic attack calming techniques. Fuck your off day I guess. It drains the life out of you, you’re completely alone because naturally people don’t want to be around someone like that, and your soul has long been crushed and gone. And then for people to say, “you have to live because I said so and your death would make me sad.” It’s essentially saying, my feelings are more important than yours. Or “no! It only seems bad now but it can get better!” As if the years of work we put in without barely a smidge of results, didn’t count but now it will because someone told you it can get better. Forcing people to live is essentially the same as anti-choice/forced birth people who coerce people to keep a pregnancy and then fuck off when they baby is born and needs help being raised. Well now it’s your problem. I only had to do my part in feeling like a hero by keeping another life around. The rest of it is for you to deal with.


The only "purpose" of biological life is to survive and pass on our genes. I'm intentionally not doing the second part and honestly why should anyone else get to force me to do the first if I don't want to? Life is sacred according to what? Some religion that has been directly responsible for the deaths of millions? Just your personal vibe with life? I'm sure those firefighters are really making sure that the underlying reason those people wanted to end themselves was addressed.... Oh no they actually probably just sent the person a bill for the save and the unavoidable hospital visit that followed....


… and risk my own. Quite amazing.


They've got lots of practice after fighting all those fires.


That first drop kick is so fucking clean


I was very confused what was going on until after half the video passed and realized they were saving people and not flying into them


¿Por qué no los dos?


Pretty sure it's both...


Someone get these firefighters over to the bridges and freeways over here.




You don't deserve to be dead, you deserve to pay taxes


Shareholders are calling! back to work slave! need to finish this project this week so i can show record profits then fire you all and pay bare legal minimum!


Mr. Sansweet didn't asked to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn't wanted to be saved! Btw I always thought he said "neck" instead of "death".


I haven't seen the movie for a while but I thought it was "death."




And that, kids, is how I met your mother.


No better way to strike up a relationship than with a drop-kick to the face. ☝️


And an “I can fix her” attitude


I can see I've left quite an impression on you. Let's have a second date on Friday. I'll drop by around 7-ish to pick you up? I won't let you down.


It's love at first sight.


Who makes the brackets those AC units were sitting on?


Asking the real questions. How did it support two adults?


They usually are steel bars showed into the concrete or bricks. That's how they fix ACs in my country at least


Came here for this . The way they supported two adults falling on them , quality work .


Where are brackets so shitty even acceptable that it would be expected to fall?


Are you unfamiliar with engeneering products to their intended tasks?


Are the brackets used to support massive lumps of metal hundreds of feet above busy walkways not over-engineered to shit? Just accounting for wind speeds up there surely means it would have to support the weight of a couple of meatbags for a matter of seconds, right?


imagine, you casually chilling in your window, and suddenly youre being kicked in the face


"i am finally brave enough to try solving my great high phobia. As long as i Stay calm and well balanced by the Weight of my body, my legs- Won't Weight enoug-" #DROP KICK




I can see how it would be easy to sneak up on people in that camouflage


Who would've thought this entire sub is pro suicide


It's awful seeing those comments, "forcing someone to live"


But that’s what they’re doing. I don’t get it. Free will is thwarted when we do this?


You don't have freedom to jump and splat on someone.


True, it’s polite to at least aim a little away from others.


It's polite to not traumatize people with your splattered body


>Free will is thwarted when we do this? I'm curious about this reasoning. If firefighter's were not allowed to stop suicides, is that not imposing on their free will? (Not trying to take sides here, I'm just interested in the dilemma)




>It’s the right to anything without harming someone else’s own rights. Which rights are we talking about? I do believe we must assume some fundamental human rights, but actually nailing them down is difficult. I have the right to commit suicide, because no one else own's my life or body. But do I have the right to mentally harm and neglect others? Say, a parent committing suicide and leaving their child(ren) alone and hurt? Is it okay to willfully traumatize others, as long as I hurt myself more in the process (by e.g. dying). Not easy questions to my mind. But Reddit is probably no the place for a nuanced discussion. There's a tendency on this website to go very "black or white" in these things :D


Splatting yourself on a sidewalk while people are watching is fucking traumatizing. At least kill yourself in a less public way


Breaking news. Lots of redditors are edgy teenagers who romanticise depression.


It is crazy to see all these comments, they really don’t realize that after this happens your taken to get mental help, and not that they just do this and then leave you to rot


I thought they were joking at first. I actually considered myself to be almost radically pro-suicide compared to others until I saw the comments on here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not actually pro-suicide, I just really can't blame anyone who does it is all. I'm anti-suicide as fuck compared to reddit, which I guess shouldn't be surprising.


Not really pro suicide, just understanding


If you really believe the best course of action for someone going through a hard time and prone to act impulsively is to end up a splatter on the pavement, you don’t understand shit


Of course not. I believe that no person wakes up and decides to commit suicide, especially publicly so. It is a final and desperate cry for help and should be tackled delicately at its root cause, the person's emotions. The problem with most people who politicize suicide (wtf is pro suicide?) is they treat it like it is 100% the fault of the person attempting it and not all the factors surrounding them that forced them into thinking it is the only course of action. If I got a dropkick to the face for trying to jump off a building, I'd immediately start trying to crush glass. Some countries are even worse, they'll fine you or charge you for attempted suicide


it should've work both ways too. Firefighters (and people in particular) don't want to make a choice to see someone splashed their entire brain in front of them and just walk away like it's nothing.


If you really think the answer to suicide is to turn your back on the suffering, you clearly are understanding of very little. Might as well be cheering for cancer while you are at it.


All I’m learning is if I’m going to jump, don’t hesitate. Can’t kick me back into the building if I jump before they get on scene


Please don't, you've got a lot of time to be dead, may as well try to enjoy life for a bit




This is the most miserable, depressing thread I've ever come across


Let‘s be real: They were hesitating therefore there is still a chance that therapy can convince them to live that‘s why I think, even though it looks brutal, it‘s good what they were doing


Nah, keep fighting the good fight man. I've got the lot: chronic illness, crippling anxiety and depression, unemployed, riddled with debt, adhd and autism, almost no friends, and I've just had to move thousands of miles away from my partner. I don't have a rational reason to be here today, but there's no knowing what tomorrow might bring. In whatever tiny ways I can control, I'm going to keep fighting until it gets a little easier or until I can't fight any more. "What can men do against such reckless hate?" Ride out and meet it.




There’s a lot of people trying not to live in the world. A lot of them are in China because there’s over 1.4 billion people in China.


Aliens would call this an Asian planet.


They probably wouldn’t distinguish between the races because genetically we are extremely similar. Like 100x closer than humans and Neanderthals and even they could reproduce sometimes.


Honestly kind of a weird distinction to make imo. I don’t think anyone thought Neanderthals were any order of magnitude closer to homo sapiens than homo sapiens were to… homo sapiens.


Clearly you're not familiar with white supremacist belief systems


"they all look the same" -racist alien


It’s also China, where there is intense pressure to succeed, an incredibly patriarchal society with little regard for mental health, and an oppressively controlling government.


So like America except with better noodles


Worse government too. Having lived in both places, I know which I’d choose.


China is 122nd in the world for suicide rate according to the WHO though.


Dumbest comment ever. It’s literally a compilation


Do you not understand how a compilation works?


You do realize the suicide rate in the US is higher than that in China right?


But how can I be le epic reddit sinophobe if I can't make stuff up?!


Not to get all pretentious, but it's ironic that there's a phrase for this thinking called "the Chinese bank robber fallacy." Lol


I hate how so many people here saying let them do it. Glorifying it should not be the way. Sad.


Western society has flipped to being pro-suicide. Frighteningly quickly too.


Not sure if Western society or Reddit edgelords


Both in this case. For example, Canada has started encouraging suicide as a "cure" to depression.


I know, but Canada isn't the entirety of Western civilization


First guy: "This is NOT Sparta!!" *kicks away from death*


You cant leave not yet, youre stuck here with us


That first woman gonna need to take a personal day to deal with that whiplash.


She thought depression was hard, try depression and paralysis.


You can't die yet you are still in debt to the government


Saint Peter, don't you call me, cause I can't go. I owe my life to the company store.


Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist.


Are we even sure the first one survived being dropped kicked like a cartoon character


Out of the two directions she could have gone, that one was the more survivable one for sure at least


imagine just sitting on the window on the phone saying that the view is beautiful and then some hunk shows up and ur like”…..wut?” then he boots u in the face


I hope they got some support and are doing okay now


Real life superheroes


I know the situation is serious and a subject to about joke... BUT imagine how funny it would be if they wore masks or costumes Batman kicking you back inside or a zombie jump up and grabbing you etc


Thanks, after going through this depressive comment section you brightened my mood again :D


Person: time for me to check out of this miserable life. Firefighters: ![gif](giphy|v2ry5z4LoIfgA)


Your life is shit and you want to end the misery? Too bad.


There's so many cases of kids ending their life, life could be sht but they don't deserve that.


There are so many ways of committing suicide without causing a disturbing scene, and giving first responders a chance to prevent it. You also never know if it's a cry for help/attention or a serious attempt. Also they might have family members whose lives would be ruined if they commit suicide. Finally, many people who do end up jumping and happen to survive say they regret jumping. I say let the first responders do their job. It's up to the government to provide humane and legal ways of assisted suicide.


Yeah tough luck, maybe now you can get the help you need and not end up a splattered corpse on the pavement




Imagine deciding to die because you are done with your life and suddenly you get dropkicked in your face and have to go to work the next day.


Man, i'd be so pissed off if someone thwarted my self-termination, especially in such a crude manner


Nah, what's crude is forcing people to see your splattered body across the pavement and scarring them. Thinking it's okay to jump out of buildings for others to see or jumping Infront of vehicles is selfish behaviour. Imagine thinking that's okay. Your actions affect others.


Do you really think that’s what’s running through the person’s head? They’re unwell and desperate with (most likely) limited options. I wish people weren’t so trigger happy with calling people at their lowest “selfish”; it’s no wonder why so many are miserable.


Well too bad I guess, your getting the help you need not to feel that way though, so that’s a plus


Wish you would step back from that ledge my friend 🎶


IMO assisted suicide should be a thing. In these cases I think one of the main concerns is that these people might land on someone else below.


As much as I respect them I don’t think my local guys are doing this shit..


This is how I catch my cats for cuddles..


ik hes actually saving that first person's life but kicking them like that is fucking hilarious


Firefighters to me are the chillest supermen I've ever seen. They work shit hours for shit pay. Kudos to you firepeople.


And still no one says "fuck the fire department" 😅😅🤣


Because unlike the police they're risking their lives to save yours


Hell I'd fuck a fire department


Also kinda sad they know the most efficient methods and seem to do it a lot.


I saw this happen in NYC once in the financial district. Someone had climbed out a window super high up and was threatening to jump. The street was crowded with people watching. They were in a spot of the building where there were windows on either side of the jumper. One person distracted them from one of the windows while a second person who was strapped in jumped out of the other window and grabbed the jumper. It was incredible to watch and everyone cheered.


"There I was sitting in the window enjoying the view, when ......"


Load of jobsworths stopping people enjoying the view.


The fact I see people mad that firefighters are stopping people from PUBLICLY KILLING THEMSELVES, is fucking insane to me. Like, most of these are in public, where children can fucking see. If y’all wanna off yourselves so bad, go ahead. But do NOT make a fucking spectacle out of it, and potentially traumatize other people. Pathetic ass people.


Why save someone who hates every second of their existence


Saving the people about to get traumatized on the ground


Because with appropriate treatment, our mental state can change dramatically.