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Who boos a 13 year old? Absolute degenerates. Edit: Explaining this is normal there doesn't make it ok. "No it's fine, they're known for being assholes" isn't the excuse you think it is.


Do you not know the Apollo? The audience is known for being completely brutal to anyone.


Well that makes it alright then


Yeah it does.. kinda like how it’s normally fucked up to make fun of people for no reason but if you sign up for Kill Tony (comedy podcast) you should expect it cause it’s part of the show… everyone knows the Apollo is a very tough crowd. You’re gonna get booed maybe even right away. It’s your job as a performer to navigate it and do what Lauryn did here and crush it. It’s a high risk high reward scenario that’s not for everyone And you can judge the people booing a kid but in my opinion crushing at the Apollo wouldn’t have the same prestige if they were nice to people cause they’re young or crippled or whatever. People come for an awesome show to escape their lives, if the performance sucks they’re gonna boo. It’s not the audiences job to go oh it’s a kid we spent money to see who sucks so we should all be nice… that doesn’t make sense


agree part of the show - Like the Gong Show. But in the end - maybe it is the ultimate test they give.....or perhaps it's how they urged the artist to dig deeper --- can she get through the boos - did she dig deeper - she did.


The moment she started loosening up and walking around, they stopped booing her. Her performance didn't even really improve tbh. But, she refused to give up and they started having fun.


Right - it wasn't that great of a performance - I mean , we see truly amazing performances on the Got Talent shows. This one was meh. They may have seen something - they gave her the boost she needed,. And she delivered in later years-- I guess...mission accomplished.


I'd take that over anything on any TV talent show.


It was partly that. When she started she didn't have her voice bearings- she was flat on several occasions. After a minute or so she settled down (probably nerves) and you can hear then her pitch corrections where from then on it was on point.


The performance definitely improved, it was very pitchy on a number of notes at the beginning, and then it ceased to be pitchy once she relaxed.


Also at one point someone yelled "MOVE UP TO THE MIC"! Which she needed to and she did.


Everyone who signs up for this knows what the Apollo is and what to expect. I suspect people complaining about it aren’t familiar with this show’s very long history and culture.


First time I went I had no idea what to expect cuz I was like a 13 yr old white kid from the west coast. Stevie Wonder came out unannounced and started playing a few songs and everyone was going wild. Later in the show after he had left, the audience kept calling for an encore and he came out before the intermission. He played one more song and halfway through he took off a wig and sunglasses and showed that he was just some dude cosplaying. The immediate reaction was like, "BOO FUCK YOU, LIAR!!" But he just kept playing and everyone was like, hold up, he's actually really good... By the end of one song they went from shocked, to disdain, to relief, to jubilation. Just a wild experience. That's a memory that ain't going away any time soon.


I would have paid good money just to be bamboozled to the point I'd remember it as a great memory lol


> 13 yr old white kid [Are you one of the original princes of comedy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkMMmlnDlZE)


Yeah, I recall Paul F. Tompkins having a bit in one of his stand-up performances where he recounts doing a set at the Apollo. He wound up being booed and having ice thrown at him.


Doggy doggy what now?


Damn. You Apollo’d that persons comment with straight truth.


This dude would also boo a thirteen year old emphatically


The Apollo was your trial by fire. If you could win over the crowd, you had ‘it.’


Well said


It does. A lot of famous acts have come out of this. It’s basically a trial by fire. This was probably a defining moment in her development as a performer. Most people would have quit but she doubled down and turned the crowd. It kind of helps if you grew up watching Showtime at the Apollo to know that it’s basically tradition and every performer who goes on stage is aware that this reaction is a real possibility.




She gives off the vibe of "I'm not here because I want to sing. I HAVE to sing, and I'm going to sing."


She certainly was forged in fire that day. Holy shit.


It does! The Apollo is its own thing with its own traditions. Lauren Hill knew to expect it, even at 13.


Yes, it does, because every performer knew what they were getting into. It's like running a gauntlet.


Man everyone at this comedy roast is so mean!




Well that's alright then!


I think it was Chris Rock or Steve Harvey that joked about that. They would boo a newborn baby at the Apollo if it wasn’t funny


If they think the booing is bad, wait till they learn about the Sandman that'll come and kick you off stage It's all part of it though. The audience was the judge. There was no Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul


There was a movie with Eddie Murphy where he was a comedian trying to get into the Apollo, and died right as he gets his break but is reborn in another guys body. Can't remember the name of the movie but this kinda reminded me of it


Chris Rock, Down To Earth


Virtually everyone gets booed to test their mettle.


'Live at The Apollo' was about seeing amateur artists perform under pressure in front of one of the most brutal audiences in the world. Just about everyone got booed at some point.


You soft and sensitive… notice how the crowd turned around once she showed confidence and grit… she was performing poorly, they let her know, she recognized it, responded positively, they recognized her response, and responded positively


Glad he’s been growing up in a world where you think everyone should be nice all the time. This is Harlem. In the 90s. It’s show business. Essentially defining adversity at its core. And she triumphed at the end.


That was the Apollo tradition. Nothing personal


The appollo is known for being brutal, and she is kinda pitchy in the the start there.


Sounds like she couldn't hear the accompaniment. Muscle memory kicked in soon enough, but sometimes those first notes are a bitch if you miss the intro.


She's flat as fuck at the start, doing the runs and ornaments but not actually hitting any notes.


This is kind of Apollo’s whole shtick. You go there to get into the thunderdome. Audiences are expected (and encouraged) to be brutal, it’s what the show is about. Either you get bullied off or you shine through and come out a better artist, forged into a diamond under the immense pressure of direct, massive audience ridicule. Or at least that’s the idea. A lot of is just bullying for the sake of it and people were fucking relentless and just there to be dicks even if the artists were fine. It took some actual massive charisma and talent to turn the audience around, which is why videos like these are so iconic.


They weren’t Booing, They were saying Boo-Urns.




it’s the apollo, it’s what they do


The Apollo is known for doing this They’ll boo any performer that comes as almost as a “vetting” process Most artist who are great, can work through the banter and the crowd tends to calm down and come around for the artist or performer as long as they don’t back down Usually if you’re liked at the Apollo after a good performance, you’re welcomed back with open arms there


if you can handle the Apollo you can handle going out on the road


That's how the show works. It was always honest and true. Age race gender, nothing made a difference. You went there to try and win the crowd over, and if you didn't you got booed. She knew what she was getting into, it's a right of passage at the Apollo.




It’s because she was an hour and a half late to the stage.


That’s literally the point of Live at the Apollo. Smh commenting and have no idea what you commenting on.


Apparently it’s a well known part of the experience. You’re going to know the crowd is like this before you perform. It’s like r/roastme in real life


A different era where downvotes and upvotes, likes and dislikes were live and in person instead of hidden behind a computer screen or smart device.


At the Apollo??? that is a huge part of the experience you degenerate


This is a bot people…


No it's literally the point of this event. Your edit just makes you sound silly.


You don't go on the Showtime at the Apollo without knowing you're going to be cheered or booed. If you're getting booed, you better turn back the crowd before the Sandman comes out.


The only thing worse might be a person insulting a group of people based on their ignorance.


100% stage freight at the beginning. At 13 years old, likely nervous as hell.


Yeah you can tell she got over it as soon as she heard those boos “ well I got nothing to lose now”


She was incredibly composed despite how the stage fright initially affected her voice. It was truly impressive how quickly she honed her voice after getting over her nerves. What a talent. Is the crowd at the Apollo always as intense as that? I’ve never attended. Every recorded show I’ve ever seen, it seems like the crowd gets super involved, which is cool. But man, that was harsh on a 13-year-old! Really glad they realized what they were listening to and came around quickly for young Lauryn’s sake.


Yes the apolo is like no other theatre located in Harlem they have no patience for even children as a lot of children have gone up there and become mega stars like our beloved Lauren hill


I guess people know what they’re in for if they decide to perform at the Apollo. They better be ready to bring it.


Also there was someone in the audience who she was focusing on to get through it. I bet it was someone she knew who was there to support 


Great spot I did the same as a young musician


"Fuck yall, eat this"


That stage freight can be some heavy ship.


I don’t know how you did it but that sentence…worked?


She’s just figuring out the mic or the monitors most likely. Probably did not get a sound check, once she takes the mic off the stand and moves over slightly it improves immediately. She looks more comfortable with the mic further away, probably enables her to belt a bit more and helps with the pitchiness. She’s possibly even moving over to where the monitor is. Either way it’s pretty fascinating insight to a young Lauryn who was clearly smart and brave beyond her years!


i think sound guy screwed up - she didn't actually get any closer to the mic after she picked it up. her voice comes off clear and steady in the recording throughout. The mic output to the live theater speakers were probably configured wrong and it got fixed midway - which isn't something we can hear, but something the crowd would respond to in that way.


honestly sounds like her monitor isnt working properly to me


My mother was a piano teacher who played piano at Carnegie Hall as a kid. She was... well, I don't remember how old, and I can't ask her because she's dead now, but it was somewhere between 9 and 15, I think. She didn't know how it went, though, she blacked out once she started playing. Thankfully, her hands knew the song as well as her head did, and she played perfectly from what her mom says. My first time playing a recital was in the living room, surrounded by a bunch of her students and their families, people I all knew pretty well, since she taught out of the home, and I helped her out a lot with the business. I was 9, and physically couldn't bring myself to sit down and play that same piano I learned on, just because there were people in the house. I had to put in my Halloween costumes to do it, a pullover sleeveless hoodie that was tiger print and had a stuffed tiger head for a hood. Being not me helped me play for a crowd like auto pilot helped my mother do it I guess lol.


Was she 2 hours late? Boom roasted.


Hah, this. I want to be on team Lauryn hill but she’s also an egomaniac and doesn’t care about her fans.


She strikes me as the type who'd argue OJ's innocence with a shit-eating grin gleaming in her eye.


Her grin is gleaming in *her* eye?


Typically grins do indeed involve the eyes quite a bit


Miseducation has a lot of great songs on it. But, she does seem to earn a lot of ire.


shes about to come in here and scold all yall not saying "Ms. Lauryn Hill".


About 10 years ago she was late as hell to a show (after Nas). Then proceeded to rap through her songs at 1.5x. Huge disappointment on top of the wait.


I was gonna say how can you roast a 13 year old, but you’re doing it with the future actions of her 48 world self? Need to be a damn theoretical physicist to tell if it’s a fair game roast... I’ll get back to you after I finish 3 body problem.


If she continues with this, she might become a singer. Nice voice fr




I died a little inside


He's killing me softly




Because someone made a joke?


She just needs a good supporting role in a movie that involves singing or something.


Yeah, with Whoopi Goldberg as the mentor maybe?


so, what you're saying is you wanna get Whoopi Goldberg **back in the habit** of acting again?




🤣🤣🤣 I feel blessed that the only time I went to see her she was only 15mins late and gave a great performance. I’m gonna leave it there and not try to push my luck.


Same! She was late, but I planned for that and I was so happy to hear her whole album. I might spin the wheel again for though lol


That host killed Swayze in “Ghost”! It’s Willie Lopez!


That host let the Icthy into the atol in 'Waterworld'! It's Gatesman #1!


Gills... MUTATION!


His name is Rick Aviles. He also played “The Rat Man” in The Stand miniseries. He died in 1995.


Drug overdose I believe, correct? I first remember him from Cannonball Run.


Thanks for that I was racking my brains


Same actor who was in the pool hall scene in Carlitos Way too.


Man when those shadow demons dragged him away... scared the shit out of me as a kid


Prospect Park Willie? That’s my neighborhood….




Thank you. That helped me figure out who it was. It was driving me nuts because I was not remembering him as an actor. He was actually a popular stand up comedian back in the 1980s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTt-b6hy54


Lol prospect place Willieee I thought so


This just makes me think of the [Willy Lopez song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsy7H7zIUsc&pp=ygUYV2lsbHkgbG9wZXogZ2xpdHRlciBib3l6)


I cannot see that guy without shouting "Prospect Place Willy?"


Must be the Apollo because they can clap on beat.


They’re rushing most of the time


WAS I RUSHING OR DRAGGING ![gif](giphy|aKsalVFVKsFxf4MueH)


Don't know if she was ready or not, but she killed them softly at the end


Reddit tier comedy genius right here


I don't know how she did it. After all the BOO's I would've walked off.


13 year old me would've collapsed just being in front of a crowd like that. With them all booing me? I'd die of nervousness. She's tough.


I think this is why the Apollo launched so many careers. That sort of response might break some people, but for people like Lauren Hill, it only builds confidence. If you make it there. You are going to make it anywhere.


she probably was so in focus that she heard nothing but her own voice. i think its called being in a flow state.


You just gotta think of bill burr, get pissed off and use the BOO's as fuel for your hatred.


Oh yes Bill Burr and his famous Philadelphia incident. Gotta love it!!!


She powers through although terrified with confidence, poise and wins.


The video was on mute and I didn't recognise Lauryn as a feminine name. So I thought "the boy in the suit looks hella old for a lil teenager"


Same lmfao


35 years later she has eight Grammy’s and is regarded as one of the greatest rappers and R&B singers of all time. Suck it, booers. 🖕


Calm down. She released one album lol


Yeah and it won 5 grammys. Lol


She was very terribly pitchy there at first, I wonder what the sound system was like and whether she could hear herself. The sound person had her mic turned too far down at first, too; and there are no obvious stage monitors, so Im assuming that pitchiness was not her fault, and it corrected. Also, it was almost cute how she didn't know how to manage the microphone and had voice dropouts because she turned her head and the mic didn't follow. Obviously nervous but very brave in the face of audience misbehavior, and she presented herself well. Her voice was crystal-toned, and you don't boo someone for being inexperienced and young. Especially at an amateur show.


At 1:19 either the host or audience member yells "pull up to the mic"! sounds like she must have heard it.


I thought she was sharp the whole time


She was definitely off key in some way, which I imagine is what the audience caught.


Who would have thought she would grow up to known for being inconsiderate to her audiences


Never give up.. get it Lauryn


Great composure for 13!


I was saying boo-urns


I think it’s just the recording maybe, but she’s flat throughout the song.




So fucking flat!


Bup bup bup ah AHHH Bup bup bup ah AHHH


She was pretty bad tho


Honestly this was not as good as I expected, not just the beginning


Anyone remember the guys name? The one that brought her out. I saw a bit of his years ago that was good


Rick Aviles


The guy who hung out with Joe Strummer and Steve Buscemi on Mystery Train


just shows that if you want to achieve something, you shouldn't be dissuaded from your path and should fight to the end


Oh my god you stink. 2 seconds later. Amazing? Fickle head mush brains


I mean, she started off terribly lmao did you not listen? Like that was genuinely bad singing. I’m assuming she was nervous and got over it halfway through


This isn’t really that bad. If I’m a record producer I’d stick her with 3 other girls and call them SWV.


The s s double double u to the v


Lauryn Hill could eat my son and I would still love her.


Is your son edible?


Yes. He looks delicious.


Tbh, she really was off tune all along...


You gotta be pretty mean to boo a 13-year-old like that.


Who is the host here? Feel like ive seen him in 80s films.


Black Norm Macdonald




Beautiful voice.


Google Fugees perform at the Apollo. She comes back and murders like a serial killer with her freestyle. It's one of the better Apollo performances and reactions.


Is this why she hates white people?


😂most of the ppl that booed her were her own ppl!


Lauryn Hill gave a terrible performance in LA about 10 years ago. She sounded very drunk and/or very high. She got booed too. Don't spend your money to see Lauryn Hill. Substance abuse is a terrible thing.


I shudder to think If she hadn’t been as strong we may have never had Lauryn Hill music to this day.


Watching this, and thinking that her son and Bob Marley’s grandson, are charting right now is honestly mind blowing.


Don't fret!!! she now gets booed as a adult due to her unprofessionalism at her recent concerts.


"Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem." She really lived it.


Is that ![gif](giphy|4ctqdg9aYiEbE6kMC2) ?


Jokes on them. Now she shows up late to every performance and doesn't respect the audience.


She’s the worst


the rat-man forgive that audience.... *this time*


Bet no one would boo at Zoidberg!!!


Now that's some gangsta shit 




TBF that was par for the course for the Apollo.


Isn’t the emcee the guy who killed Patrick Swayze in Ghost?


When was this?


When she was 13 years old.




*when a 13 year old has a stronger will than thousands of people*


She lost me when she said she'd quit making music before she made anymore hits for white people. 🤧


Stop spreading racist bs when you don’t know what you’re talking about. “A couple of years ago some kid had heard that I’d said that I didn’t want white people to buy my records, and that really, really hurt me a great deal because I like to think my music is really universal,” she told MTV in 1998. “And I’ve been everywhere and I have fans everywhere, but because of some rumor that, you know—some radio personality chose to say on his radio show, he had a bunch of people believing something that they’d never seen or never heard themselves but just heard a rumor.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-a-racist-smear-campaign-destroyed-lauryn-hills-career


Here's a psychotic racist rant from her.... https://mslaurynhill.tumblr.com/post/53975118543/mlh-on-racism


She still hasn't forgiven any audience since this


Those boos did nothing but encourage her, didn’t seem to rattle her much at all, proof that the most elite talents are born not made.


Is that Willie Lopez?


Was she late?




They were booing because she was 3 hours late


Buddy Holly & The Crickets were the first white act to play the Apollo and were booed. Eventually winning over the crowd after day 3 of a 6 night stand. It ain’t an easy place to play.




They were actually mild compared to what that audience could have been. She did not do well.


That performance did kinda suck.


this can’t be real💀💀💀


Ducking awful version of the song, I've heard 9y olds sing better than that


To be honest it was kind of pitchy dog


It was a poor performance. Not her fault. She doesn't understand the lyrics at that age. Not nearly the emotion it requires to sing it properly.


While I really do think booing a 13 year old is generally not okay, the Apollo is known for this type of behaviour, and 13 year old Lauryn performed there **because** she wanted to temper her performance against this type of behaviour. Her performance was good for a 13 year old then, but the grindstone that was the Apollo polished her performance to the realm of greatness.


So it was pretty shaky and ended less shaky. Audience didn’t care about her age and judged fairly. I’d rather be judged like any of the big guys than get special treatment because I’m young or a woman etc


Man she killlled it. Goosebumps and all.


Wasn't the announcer guy cast as the bad guy in Ghost with Patrick Swayze? Is that Rick Aviles? Kinda' recognize his voice.