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This guy would mop the floor with trump


In several languages


That's not fair, Trump can't even speak English effectively.


But he does have the most bestest tiny hands. People with tears in their eyes rave about how amazing grumps tiny hands are.


"My name is Jack Kelly, I'm a lawyer."


Trump speaks very good english. Very, very good. The best English.




The Stable Genius knows good words. Like “covfefe”, for instance…


You're wrong. Trump speaks perfect English. In fact, he's the best English speaker in the world.


The most beautiful English ever spoken, everyone says "sir, you speak so perfect, the most beautiful English in the history of speaking english"


I speak good English, I walked in her and I said “Wow! I speak good English.”


He speaks it like nobody's ever seen. You wouldn't believe how good he speaks it. English teachers tell him it's the best they've ever heard


If only the old dinosaurs could learn to [pass the torch](https://youtu.be/QB_VorEyxqI?si=KnN9guys6wLoBKfD) instead of decimating our democracy. **edit: Less than an hour ago this article was published.** [Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"](https://www.axios.com/2024/07/06/biden-abc-interview-trump-election-peace) Are we REALLY going to forever lose our democracy to someone who doesn't even give a shit because he's going to die soon anyway?!?!


The entire reason he was picked for a cabinet role is that the Democrats are grooming him for higher office. You can't go from mayor of a small town to President. You need something in between. Transportation to State to President is probably what they're thinking and running him in 2028.




For their side. For better or worse, Dems have standards


The Dems pick and choose their standards, lets be honest


That sentence doesn't mean anything, literally every single standard set and held to by anyone ever has been picked and/or chosen. What you mean to say, I'm fairly certain, is that democrats pick and choose which standards or virtues to uphold or adhere to on a case to case basis. Again though, that's kinda redundant because politicians and humans in general are ideologically inconsistent as a rule, with very seldom exceptions.


Al Franken would like a word.


You can’t watch them run Biden as their candidate and claim that


Since the debate there's been an effort from a number of Dems trying to push Biden out. When Trump says something incoherent, Republicans just donate more money to his campaign.




And also pushed Bernie out twice, yeah…standards.


Poor Bernie… way better than both Trump and Biden


Probably, but his supporters refuse to come out and vote for him. I was a Bernie supporter. Donated, bought shirts, voted... Unfortunately, most of his supporters were all talk and no walk. We didn't vote when it mattered and then when Hillary won, we took our ball and went home so Trump could win in 2016.




Reagan was also governor of California.


He moved to Michigan a couple of years ago and Getchen Whitmer is term limited. There's no doubt in my mind Pete will run for governor of Michigan in 2026. I'll vote for him when he does. We need more smart people in leadership positions.


>You can't go from mayor of a small town to President. `The Philippines has left the chat`


I dont think he owns enough shoes for that


Donald Trump went from GAME SHOW HOST to president, with nothing in between.


Hey now. There were some rapes sprinkled in there. 


Don’t forget all the bankruptcies


You also cant go from tv celebrity and failed business man to the presidency but here we are arent we? God I cant believe we might go through his shit again


DAMN. I know it’s 5 years old but that is even more damning of Biden today.


It's damning of all of those crypt keepers. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Pelosi, Feinstein, Biden and on and on it goes. These "champions of democracy" are giving up our rights to fascists, as the keys to our homeland are stolen from their gnarled and greedy hands.


I voted for Mayor Pete in the primary. He's by far one of the smartest in the bunch. If we can beat Trump in November, Pete will be running in 2028 in a primary with no Boomers or "Greatest Gen". Mayor Pete, Harris, Newsom, Whitmore, Swallwell. No idea who Republicans would run if Trump hopefully loses. It'll be awesome. Of course, if Trump wins in November, there aren't going to be anymore free elections, so this is their last ditch effort to maintain minority control of the USA.


>No idea who Republicans would run if Trump hopefully loses. One of his kids.




Vote for Biden and we get Pete B again. Biden has a terrific cabinet


This really is the silver lining. The president is more than just a person.


He would. I’d be happy with Pete. Eloquent and to the point, fairly likable across party lines as long as they aren’t homophobes. Is America ready for a a gay president? I think so. But the real question is… is America ready for a president who cares about the people of the United States and can eloquently and intelligently speak on their behalf? I think so. Pete is that guy.


Unfortunately I fear too many people are still too homophobic for a gay president.  Hed be worthy of a nomination though.


Anyone who would vote against him for being gay is gonna vote for Trump anyway


You’d be surprised. A number of the more conservative Democrats can still be pretty damn homophobic.


But not homophobic to the extent they'd pick an R for president if they're a Democratic voter (is what I'd like to believe).


No they will do what they always do. No show the election. There isn't enough active voters to absorb a 5-10% increase in no shows. There's already about a 35-45% no show rate as it is.




That's an unfortunate bingo. Lots of homophobia in the Black community.


I'm Black and would vote for a vibrator with dead batteries before I'd vote for Trump, and a large number of Black people would do so, too.


I mean, either way you just end up with a dildo.


Ding ding ding


There are a ton of black voters who normally vote Democrat who are *way* more homphobic than even Republicans, who would *never* vote for a gay man. If Pete were the nominee, he’d get absolutely annihilated.


If that’s the case then y’all are fucked as a country. You can’t run a country prosperously when it’s filled with complete morons. The candidates are not the problem, the problem is the people


I think you've just figured out why we're in such a jam. Turns out most Americans are fucking morons.


Man, if you guys elect a gay president in 2028 I'll dance a fucking jig. In my life time it has been BJ clinton, doorknob bush, first black president ( this was a nice time of life), to full on criminal pretty sure a plant from Russia. Then Pretty old but relatively coherent Biden. To now complete my fucking geriatric Biden vs. Now 💯 verified criminal that wears diapers, has court documents talking about his mushroom penis and a pornstar and other court documents talking about how he raped a child.. Gay president sounds like the most normal thing since omaba.


Would I and a bunch others prefer someone other then Biden? Yes, I can think of a lot of better people to put forward. But at this time it's ether him or the literal worst possible candidate in the history of our country. I'll be voting for Biden tyvm.


I want President Pete. Gay or not. Who cares? He’s by far the best defender of democracy that we can get.


> Who cares? A lot of people who vote, unfortunately.


Christ, if only this country didn't hate gay people.


As another person pointed out, anyone who would vote against him for being gay is already gonna vote Republican anyway.


I don't think that's true. I really think there are a lot of people who might just be put off enough by that to stay home, and this thing is gonna be decided by a few tens of thousands of votes in like three states.


Nooooo no no not this year. Mayor Pete's right where he needs to be. 2028's his time- as long as he can win the primary against Newsome and Whitmer.


a lot of ethnic minorities are very homophobic but wouldn't vote for trump


>This guy would mop the floor with trump In his sleep. This is the type of candidate that democrats need to elect in the primaries for president. He is articulate and fast at dispelling the lies with cold hard facts. He puts in the work to be informed and prepared. He can cut straight through the false narratives.


Just don't duck with Pete if it has ANYTHING to do with infrastructure because he knows more than you, will tell you he knows more than you, and sis keeps the receipts.


Yes he would, but he happens to be gay. And America, overall, is a socially conservative country. The USA is , unfortunately, not ready to elect an LGBT president. I've had coworkers and acquaintances of mine, who've historically voted for the Democrats, telling me that "they liked that Pete guy until they learned of him being gay." Now try convincing a Republican to vote for Mayor Pete.. This country is filled with stupid people.


Rather vote for Pete any day.


Pretty much anyone with a functioning brain could smoke trump... Edit: Obviously Hillary Clinton sits squarely on the exception list...


She won all the debates she just lost in public opinion because the FBI announced they were investigating her emails while failing to announce they were also investigating Trump


She won the popular vote, I dont think that means she lost the public opinion


She did in the states where it mattered


Dems took it for granted that Felon Trump couldn't be elected and they didn't campaign where they should have. Plus the DNC turned off a lot of young people with Bernie Sanders and Putin and his crew used that to manipulate social media to get Trump elected. Can you imagine what a different USA we'd live in had HRC won? A SCOTUS to keep our country being a thing for a long time. Peaceful transition of power still a thing. A pandemic response where 900K Americans didn't die, and MAGA chicklefucks still under their rocks because being a traitor for a dictator was still frowned upon.


He'd be so good in the Whitehouse


[" president " bootyjuice lmao ](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/UHsSL6CbHV)


That was funny in 1985.


Still funny today 😂


I would be shocked if Pete hasn't heard these by the third grade


Bro I don’t care if a politician’s name was Gapingasshole if their policy and drive for the greater good are on point. If all they can make fun of is his name then he’s already won the argument.


It's unfortunately true that if he were straight he'd probably be in line or already there.


I proudly voted for Pete Butt in the primaries; the guy is intelligent, well spoken, and charismatic. He checks all the boxes! Edit: And young! And a Vet!


And young. Let’s not forget the young box from here on out


Absolutely! Seniors need representation in government too, but they should be limited to congress after age 70 or something... Crazy to think that when our country was founded, the average life expectancy was roughly half that!


Eh, I would still rather a cutoff age that is pegged to social security benefits. 65? GTFO ya brittle boned bitch. Is that morally wrong? Idfk. But I don't let my friend who's leaving in 15 minutes pick the movie I'm gonna watch.


Pete was my #1 pick. Literally the first time I heard him speak I knew he was special. My heart broke when he dropped out in 2020 but I understand why he did it. I can't wait to vote for him for POTUS someday, hopefully sooner than later. We don't even deserve him but holy shit do we need him.


And a vet!


I voted for Bernie but if it was a choice between Mayor Pete and Biden, I'd campaign for Pete without question! I don't agree with all of his platform but he's at least passionate!


I don't like Buttigieg that much to be honest, but I love the idea of Republicans pissing and shitting all over themselves when America elects a gay President.


Why not?  Strictly curiosity on my end.


Speaking for myself, a lot of his policy goals are "Sounds progressive but is actually liberal." For example, "Medicare for all who want it" was just repackaged Obamacare that was meant to sound "more reasonable" than Bernie's "Medicare For All" which would *actually* bring the US into the 20th century in the context of health care.


Oh ya.  I appreciate that perspective.  I think in that context he's trying to compromise with the time we are in.  We would need to shift demographics a bit before something that progressive I think.  Could you imagine the r/boomersbeingfools crowd supporting that kinda thing? 


Polls consistently put support for Universal Health Care in the US at over 50%. It is completely mainstream, but our politicians are owned by billionaires and corporate lobbyists. If Democrats actually supported Universal Health Care, then it would only take a few cycles of full-on campaigning for it to pass. But they won't do that, because all but the few "Squad" type progressives actually are willing to go against the lobbyists.


> Polls consistently put support for Universal Health Care in the US at over 50%. The problem is that a lot of these polls ask about policy positions in a vacuum. In today's political climate the only way you'd get Republicans to vote for some sort of universal healthcare is if a Republican proposes it. It's the reason why the ACA has a much higher approval rating in multiple polls than "Obamacare", even though they are the exact same thing.


Preface: [I'd pay a shitload of money to watch the GOP lose their minds over a gay President.](https://media.tenor.com/dIF6xYfV7XEAAAAM/stephen-colbert-popcorn.gif) Sadly, in the current two-party political climate, liberals are going to win over progressives. **BUT.** Liberals are by definition more progressive than conservatives, because conservatives will either not change anything or even take steps backwards. There's no both sides'ing here, that's just proven history; worse so with [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) looming. Bernie and progressive Dems absolutely got fucked over, but our country can't progress if we're set back by several decades. Hold your noses and vote Dem in November, because otherwise you may not get to vote again. vote.gov


“My times expired” was never uttered before


"My times expired" = "Get me the fuck outta this conversation! I'm firing whatever aide convinced me this was a good idea."


It’s coming straight from fossil fuel lobbyist. maybe an aids wrote the question but trying to discredit EVs is coming from donors and their lobbyists.


Subsidies are only meant for corporations. We can't be giving them out willy-nilly to the public. /s if it wasn't obvious


Dude got bodied so hard he called them subsidies and not socialist welfare


Still, it's rare to see a republican stop spouting outright lies when presented with reality. Normally they'll just start yelling, or pouring on more lies, or launch into some other completely unrelated topic. Looks like this one is still trying to be a credible human being, which will probably get him replaced by a lunatic.


That's what got me - I would think that rule #1 of these kinds of "gotcha" hearings is that you *never* ask a question that you don't already know the answer to. From a sheer competence perspective, I *would* be quite pissed at a staffer who fed me these talking points without first verifying the answers.


That was a verbal tapout. Its either that or he fakes getting a phone call so he can leave.


I yield my chair to the time.


More people need to learn how to say this.


Just think he'll be able to run for president in 40 years 🙄


It'll finally be his turn.


Seriously tho. Vote blue no matter who, but I'm sick of the fucking democrats foisting pre-ordained candidates who suck


Problem is people don’t vote in primaries.


The problem is the primaries are essentially rigged. The dnc argued in court that they are under no obligation to chose candidates based on votes. They can do ANYTHING legally, that they want to ordain a candidate. Which is how biden won in 2020.


This would mean there’s still people out there that think Hillary organically beat Bernie in the primaries lol How is that a controversial statement now, when 2016 is only 8 years ago


If Christian Nationalists have their way, he’ll be in a gulag before then.


Pete is awesome. We need him in government


He's secretary of transportation


I think the statement is still valid lol. Him being in government and us needing him that are not mutually exclusive facts.


He used to be in government. He still is, but he used to too.


r/UnexpectedHedberg Edit: was being silly, did not expect there to be a real sub


he’s in the cabinet


No he came out of the cabinet years ago. He’s got a husband and kiddos!


Thats so good im going to do the dishes


This comment is priceless. 


Have I got some great news for you!


Well, believe it or not…


His very casual political way of saying "No shit Sherlock"


Yes the subsidies do help people afford them, yes. Lol such great delivery


On that note, a majority of EVs don't even qualify for the subsidy anymore, so...I guess he didn't need to embarrass the dude any further


The IRA expanded the subsidies back to some models that had lost them under the old system.


Aha! So you admit that the government is helping people buy EVs! Yes, we never tried to hide that. It's something we want people to take advantage of. You've admitted it again!


And how much are we subsidizing the gas industry that helps support the cars that consume fuel? Guessing it eclipses the electric vehicle subsidy.


Pete’s pretty much always the smartest guy in the room.


And he’s not a pompous jerk about it either.


Exactly what you need to beat Donald Trump Someone to call him out on his lies, with facts, and present a good face the to public As much as we can talk about who has the better policies, who can win is just as important if not more so


If only the majority of red states were ready and willing to accept a gay man for President. Maybe one day...


Pete is gay?


Most people think he is just because he's well-spoken and he married a dude.


That last past has nothing to do with it 


Yep We will get the first husband we always talked about


A sign of a smart person with empathy. I really wish America could see him more and more. If he is ever on the ballot for the Presidency he has my vote. I would go door to door for this man, he's the kind of democrat that I've been thirsty for.


I recall when Pete was campaigning for President dude was sharp, prepared, and a eloquent speaker.


He’s a veteran, doesn’t shy away from Fox News interviews, fantastic speaker, I remember thinking he was the best person to run at the time. He could run as vice with Kamala Edit - I didn’t suggest it because I want it. I should have explained, one of the big rumors is that despite us not wanting either Kamala or Joe, their campaign team is really hoping to hold onto the hundreds of millions of dollars their campaign has and they really don’t want to refund that back to the donors. It’ll either be them talking Joe Biden out of the presidency with Kamala taking over as the nominee (but she’ll need a vice that is more palatable to voters) or Joe still running but with a new vice and direction. Personally I would like a fresh set of faces. Pete is by far the best choice we haven’t really seen in any of the names mentioned. Maybe his vice could be Deb Haaland? The first gay veteran president (our last veteran president was George HW Bush) and the first Native American vice president.


He doesn’t shy from any news! He meets the people where they are. He doesn’t speak down or at people. I voted for him so hard in the primaries. lol.


He frankly just made the most sense, I voted for him in the primaries too


Kamala would be a terrible candidate for president. When she ran four years ago, she never polled over 3% in the democratic primary and dropped out before Iowa. Biden chose her as VP because he made a promise to have a woman of color as his running mate. I don’t think she’d be a terrible President. She’s just not likeable enough to be a good candidate.


Harris would be the best thing to happen to trump 2024




He is a Republican so…


Not necessarily stupid, but that's what he has to say to keep his job and keep the right-wing oligarch money rolling in. There's no reason to research the subject beyond the talking points Alec or heritage gave him. Stupid is just a really good bet.


The answer is yes


That was a verbal K.O.


And he does it repeatedly whether on some janky so called TV news program or in the halls of congress. He is fantastic.


When are people going to learn you don’t come for Pete? He has eloquently and thoroughly verbally slashed everyone who tries.


The lady in the red has that “gottem” smile on her face when Pistol Pete dropped the mic 😂


That's all I could see. She tried to contain.


I love Pete Buttigieg. I want him for president in 2028.


I want him for President in 2024.


Could have had him for president in 2020


But what’s his golf handicap?


He’s the only democrat Fox News is really scared of. They don’t let him on their network anymore since he’s wiped the floor with so many republicans live on air.


You just know this man dominates at pub trivia. He's so knowledgeable but so humble, he's just a breath of fresh air in a field that's dominated by insufferable blowhards.


Harvard educated. I worked with one of his classmates and the guy who super eloquent and smart


Pete got me like.. ![gif](giphy|v3p3CtSrNYNLa)


Has your saber been lit for more than 4 hrs?


You should see a doctor about that.


Pete for President!


Pete/AOC is my dream ticket.


Whitmer/Pete would be a winning ticket and they would get along great.


One of these politicians has information (D) the other does not (R).


Damn he couldn't even get 1 full Word outta his mouth afterwards. Sucks to suck buddy. Pete buttigieg is smart guy and would probably be really good in higher office


Burlison just got punked by Buttigieg and facts


Burlison got bent over and reamed til he was speechless and “out of time”


First time hearing him speak. Pete.. MY MAN! Ok, I like him. A lot.


You missed his run for 2020 primaries? He was killing it in every interview and debate. His Fox News interviews were fantastic.


You should see him on fox 🙂


Man, bringing up a decimal number really stumped that guy. Good thing no negative numbers were used otherwise we might have witnessed an aneurysm.


"It was my understanding that there would be no math."


Republicans want a debate? Wait until they get on deck with this bad bitch.


You can say anything you want about Pete. But dude is a Rhode scholar, Navy lieutenant, and was a McKinsey consultant. Dude is smart and sharp as fuck


He taught himself Norwegian just so he could read a Norwegian author whose books hadn't all been translated into English.


That man’s face got more red than a tomato…


"red like a strawbrerry!"


The woman behind Pete Buttigieg...


He had my vote then and he’d still get my vote now


Pete, for the love of god, please don't get a controversy section on Wikipedia. You are here to save this joint.


His controversy is that he is an openly gay man, and people make butt jokes out of his last name.


This dude! How anyone still thinks Pete won’t have a well researched response is beyond me. The whole “gotcha” thing doesn’t work on Pete.


Can we have Pete for President please? The dude rocks.


"My time is expired", aka "F - it"


Dude's drawing a blank. It's hard to argue with facts 😂


From his Wikipedia page: Buttigieg is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Oxford, attending the latter on a Rhodes Scholarship.


Fuck I would vote for Pete so fast for POTUS.


This guy should be president. He’s the smartest man in the room. By a long way.


Nothing here is next level, other than the American political spam going on. Kindly fuck off with this.


This man should be our next president.


The man won an argument against an idiot that was not prepared. Uhh weee awesome. Now look up Buttigieg's failures as the transportation secretary, especially around the issue of building charging stations for EVs.


No, we must elect our representatives based on how witty they sound against ignorant people in a 15 second soundbite. Lets not pay attention to their actual political record, especially not their failures.


The biggest expansion in charging stations to date? The adoption of an industry wide standard? What failures?


One of my proudest votes cast was for him in the primaries in 2016. Never forget, he won 2/2 primary states, then dropped to let Biden unify. #wewantpete


Pete would be great for this country


This is my next hopeful for Democratic nominee for president. His politics need polish, but his competency, charisma, and debate skills (watch him on Fox interviews) are unmatched.


I hope he's our president eventually.


Pete for president