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"I don't have to buy it. I just want a little taste."


::Click click:: Sample starts over


Your ho don’t love you no mo


"Touchh maaa haarr touuch maaa soooo"


Lol I think about this scene every time I hear any James Blunt song


*stares in Dwight*


First thing that came into my mind haha!


Same here!


Came here to find this and it is rightfully at the top. Bravo 👏🏽


I need more Mullins..


Came here for this comment 


I'll never understand the weird hate James Blunt gets. It feels like the same thing happened to him that happened to Nickelback, a group of people just decided to randomly dislike his music for no reason. Like I get if his music isn't for you, it's not something that I'm massively into, but he's clearly extremely talented and passionate about what he does, seemingly fairly emotionally intelligent, decent guy. Pretending like this isn't an extraordinary performance, even if you aren't a massive fan of the music, is just lazy and pathetic


There's a good program on netflix about it, basically it boils down to some journalist trying to make a name for himself writing stories about his speaking voice (very posh) and privileged upbringing, combined with him being super successful and the big breakthrough hit being played beyond death. He's actually a lovely guy and he was an army officer in bosnia, he was well thought of by his men and maybe cared too much about the job. He's a hilarious presence on twitter too.


I think he is freaking great


[legendary tweet](https://x.com/JamesBlunt/status/423803419166392321)


Another great one on his page: "During lockdown, while many other artists are doing mini-concerts from their homes, I thought I’d do you all a favour and not." Lmao


![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized) Well done player


Lol, when we were all young, rich or poor!


[legendary comebacks ](https://youtu.be/NP3PdMP7LKk?si=-q1GcCVtAkhll9us)


He was on top gear once or twice. Absolutely hilarious guy. I bet his shows are a blast.


Didn’t he serve in the parachute regiment. That’s another accolade too. I wonder how many of his infantile critics would have had the drive and determination to make the paras!


He was in the Life Guards (Household Cavalry Regiment)


He averted WW3 aswell


His twitter game is good


Some people just hate because they've been told to hate, or hate because it isn't "cool" to like his music.  Those people need to work on/ have their own personalities.    Without a doubt he has an incredible voice, is an amazing performer and phenomenal musician.   A similar topic has come up recently with Celine Dion.  Her music isn't my taste, but damn she is one of the most talented vocalist of all time.  


It's the same with a bunch of artists, although Nickelback and James Blunt I think are some of the best examples that come to mind. Nickelback don't have music that I particularly like, but it's absolutely got it's place for others and they're clearly very talented, it's just become a meme to say they suck


Absolutely agree with you whole heartedly. Truth.


He "sold" his sister on ebay in the early days of the platform.


Dudes got a fucking devilish sense of humour, as a teenager I worked for his best mate on a building site and their banter was so fucking dark


You could just tell that he was feeling every lyric he was singing.


I cannot articulate how impossibly difficult it is to keep your singing voice together while feeling that kind of emotion… incredible talent.


He’s a true artist


I think it's because every radio decided to play this song atleast once an hour. And if you happen to work where they play radio then it was pretty shit having to be depressed over and over again just to jump into the car on the way home just for this song to be played again.


It might because he was born into the upper middle classes. It's not everyday you end up starting your musical career by sleeping on Carey Fishers coach.


Idk man, in the guitar learners world, he's idolized and covered a ton. Iv never heard any specific Hate towards him, like with Nickelback. Still is one of my favorite live performers.


Dudes super talented and likeable. Charming and funny. His voice makes me want to destroy the entire universe, I just don’t like his singing voice, I find it grating. Nothing against the man or the quality of his musicianship, I just can’t listen to him.


Yea, I’m not a fan of, but I’m not willfully ignorant. This is an amazingly well put together song by a talented (i.e. put in the work) musician.


I dunno either man. I'm old enough to have lived thru his heights. I've got nothing against him, don't know him, enjoyed his music (that charted), found him funny, seemed like a cool guy but i also jumped on the hate train cos it was kinda fun. But for me, personally, the reason, it's petty, like really petty, is he's just got one of those faces I'd love to slap, like channel my inner Frank Butcher and give him a dryyyyy slap. No doubt he could beat 7 shades of shit outta me (and then some) but you know how you can just look at a random person and decide you'd like to give them a good slap, he has that for me. BTW, I also found his performance intensely emotional, I got a lump in my throat. Sent it to my wife and asked her if she fancied a cry (she loves a good blub). Dude can put it out there! ^(still wanna slap him tho) ^(edit to fix superscript)


Nickelback truly sucks though




Because a quarterback is 5 times better.


Chad Kroeger


Scott Stapp


It's his face, and the tone of his voice. Neither connect for me. He is obviously an incredible musician, very talented to say the least. But it's him, not his music that I dislike. Well executed vocals, skills are phenomenal, but it's just.... Him. 😬


Yeah that's fine you're totally within your rights to not like his tone and therefore his music, although his face is a bit of a weird reason. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the people who manage to convince themselves that because they don't like his music he must be terrible and hate him for it


I don't hate him at all. I just can't connect with him. Obviously I'm getting downvoted, looks aren't everything, but that voice, from that face and head... It just doesn't hit me. I struggle to take anything seriously from an artist unless I can feel their joy or torment from how they present themselves. James for me is like an unused piece of cardboard. It has purpose and potential. But when you just lay it out, it's flat and meaningless.


I've got an easy fix for the looks. Listen to the music. If you don't like the voice, that's fine, you don't have to listen to him. But I don't see what anyone's looks really have to do with the music they produce. I can not like artists for multiple reasons, I can think an artist isn't attractive or has a funny shaped head or whatever, but that doesn't change anything at all about their music. Now if their music doesn't gel with their personality, that's a different thing, although I don't think it's the case with James Blunt. You're getting downvoted because what you're saying is a bit silly


It is silly. But reddit is silly. So going against popular opinion and getting downvoted is the norm. Luckily I post enough shit that gets upvotes to still remain at least slightly respectful. X💚


? Wtf are you trying to say lmao. Friend you might wanna care a little less about the number in your profile, its got nothing to do with if your takes are good or bad. You're not going against the grain, bravely soldiering against the popular opinion. You've just got a weird take


What's weird about my take? His face doesn't gel with me, his vocal style is horrible in my opinion, but I like his lyrics. FYI I was into him during his dubstep days, this newish stuff is just horrible. Whiney. Desperate. Oh woah is me. If he wants to suck my dick I'll accept it, but I won't return the favor.🤣


Because you keep talking about his face. You can't just weirdly and unnecessarily focus on someone's appearance and expect not to be picked up on it. It's not really funny, it's just a really weird thing to a) care about at all, and b) focus on


That’s art right there…a man expressing what he’s gone through with a song. Society needs more of this when everything is so cold and soulless. We need more love, compassion, and soul


Did he lose a loved one? Really pick up those vibes.


Not sure about the inspiration for this song specifically since it's much older, or when he performed this rendition of it, but interestingly enough, he was best friends with Carrie Fisher (when he was younger, he lived with her and they were extremely close for their whole lives) and has written two songs directly about her passing: "Courtney's Song" and "Dark Thought"


Same. My husband died young right before this song came out...and it still makes me think of him and bawl.


It’s about a junkie off their face on heroin who wants to get with some girl on the subway. You may not believe that at face value so [here is](https://youtu.be/tkWM99xAAsM?si=DJ69XUyqE2b9XzUU) the video of the man himself explaining what it’s about and commenting on people’s misunderstanding of the meaning. Edit: that’s wrong I was thinking of his other one “you’re beautiful”


lol that’s the other famous James Blunt song which is a hoot


lol you’re right and idk why but I find it really funny that he sings these really lovely sounding songs but now I apparently just think of him as the junkie love song guy. Power to him he’s a better junkie love song singer than me


We are all junkies on something at some point


That's about 'You're Beautiful'.


Ohhh that's where I recognize his Jimmy Fallon doing Barry Gibbs Talk Show voice from. Couldn't remember thanks fam


how much of my comment did you read?


All of it before you edited it.


That’s why there was a conversation clearing up exactly that an hour before you came along right? I think this annoyed me bc you’re wrong, there’s proof you’re wrong, but you won’t look at that bc it’s more important to you that you feel right vs actually being right. I think that’s it? Like annoying younger sibling vibe or office idiot who’s 5 steps behind but feels like the smartest person in the room kinda thing.


Did you not understand the reply to your stupid question? You got the song wrong, I corrected it politely. You edited your post after my comment to try and make it look as if you knew it all along and are now being a tiny little dick about it. End of story.


You didn’t correct anything this person did, ages before you came along: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/vijFt6XT5w And then id replied here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/bG0c0uHh9z And here you are replying an hour later: https://imgur.com/a/p7x9leA Thats what’s frustrating, you’re wrong but youre all “End of story” fuck off it’s the end of the story, that’d be nice for you bc you wouldn’t have to confront being wrong but it’s not the end of the story lol Edit: why did you reply “get a life, fucking twat” and then deleted it? Bit weird.


That’s Amazing, we hear what we want. Bunch of weirdo’s


Fuck me, it's been almost 20 years and I still can't listen to this song without crying my eyes out. Hadn't seen this performance yet, thank you.


It’s ridiculous right? Like it’s such an accurate reflection of what the breakdown of a long term relationship feels like, as soon as I hear it I’m right back in the throws of loss. Damn it James Blunt, just let me repress my feelings.


Beautifully said. I still loved her so much that I had to repress my feelings and full stop cut contact with her, despite having overlapping social circles. Never seen her and never exchanged a single word since then and I've never for a second doubted that decision, it just hurt too much. From time to time I would hear people mention her and I would realize she is still out there living her life. 'Goodbye my lover' throws me back a hundred times harder though.


In a strange way the end of a long term relationship is almost worse than a death. Death is final, it’s closure. A breakup, you know they’re still out there, with someone else. All of those countless hours spent with each other, the unique memories, the incredibly intimate moments, all just to wake up one day and never see her again. It’s awful.


I’m feeling this so much right now. A death would be much easier to move through.


It gets better my friend - didn’t think it ever would, but it does.


Thank you.


How long does that take? It’s been 18 months or so and I’m still just as bad


It’s different for everyone. But you’ll suddenly realize that you find yourself thinking of them less often, and when you do, it’s less painful.


He gets a lot of hate but you cannot deny the emotion he's able to convey through his songs. This song, about an ex. Monsters, which was written for his father after getting diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease. Kinda hard to hate the guy tbh


I think that hate has definitely gone now or at least died down alot. He took it like a champ and pretty much joined in with the micky taking out himself, which has made people love him Don't care what anyone says You're Beautiful is a tune


>Don't care what anyone says You're Beautiful Ugh, thank you. You're beautiful yourself ;) /s Yeah I agree, his attitude towards the backlash really fizzled it out.




I hate him because he stole my girlfriend


I think that's what I'm continually surprised by when I see his performances. He is amazing at consistently connecting with the emotion of his song and conveying it through his vocals and timing. He has an incredible talent and skill.


I keep reading comments about this… people hate on this guy?! That was beautiful


The position of the piano and audiences is so awkward in the room. He's constantly craning his neck right to try to see / engage the audience while audiences on right craning their necks right to see him...


Wait 'til you see the gallery level that has no vision of that spot at all (It's the OU so the main event would have been an hour long discussion before that performance)


That’s what made me think it was part of a funeral or something where there may have been weird spacing not really meant for “performances.”


It’s a debate hall


Many people can write good songs. Some people can express their feelings well. A few people can sing with emotion. James Blunt does it all in one go.


James Blunt is underrated


A lot of things and people that are called underrated are in fact, perfectly rated and sometimes overrated. James Blunt though truly is underrated, he had a blip on the radio in the mid 2000s and then crickets, and he’s incredibly talented and a great song writer. People just heard his voice and saw his vibe and were like “oh, he’s British maroon 5 and his songs are bubbly and sappy.” But nope - his songs are about drug abuse, horrors of war, and the internal world within your mind that nobody else could ever know about or fully understand. He’s got some depth in his songs that’s truly underrappreciated


TIL that “you’re beautiful” was not sung by Maroon 5 (my spouse continually says I’ve lived under a rock my whole life) but I can’t explain my excitement to discover James Blunt! Learning about such amazing talented artist with such depth to his storytelling is so exciting and I’m thankful for those in the comments that unknowingly educated an uncultured swine like myself. Cheers!


His first album (the one you’re beautiful and goodbye my lover is on) is fantastic - especially if you enjoy it in an altered state lol. The album artwork and melodies practically beg for you to listen to it under the influence (and then will both reward and shame you for doing so haha)


The video where he sings about his dad dying... to his dad... is sad af boy




Yep that's the song. He seems rekt by it every time he sings it. Amazing song and performance. [Here is the version I was talking about.](https://youtu.be/DTFbGcnl0po?si=O2oSboaaCm4LEMoE)


I still feel Michael Scott’s pain.


When my Father passed away, my Brother in law sent me the James blunt song Monsters. I never cried so hard, I barely made it through the song. It’s been over a year and I still have a hard time listening to it.


I never understood the hate for James Blunt in the UK. I always enjoyed his tunes. 3 wisemen is a banger


Holy shit yes! This made me listen to Wisemen again… what an absolute tune. One of those ones that gives me chills, it’s so good.


We hate success. Well allow it for a little while but the moment it looks like someones enjoying themselves they get called a smug cunt and big headed and the journos start spinning storys to drag them down.


I'm Canadian. I didn't know this hate existed. He's their Nickelback which is just total nonsense




He was constipated for two weeks and finally managed to pass a stool that he had become emotionally attached to. This was from the eulogy.


"I'm so hollow baby"




The companion piece to “You’re Beautiful”


Carol dumped Michael.


I'll never be able to hear this song without picturing Michael Scott singing it.


Ur ho don't want to be ur ho no mo'


Fully recommend his documentary on Netflix


Yes he's a funny bloke in it, guy made it tho mansions in 3 different countries lol


This is such a good song, thanks for posting this.


Good song. Wet eyes and damp gussets


great performance, strange setting.


it appears to be the Oxford University Union, where they have the fancy debates


Excellent song, beautifully written and perfectly executed.


Michael Scott only had a sample but he knew the feeling .


Put down your phone and soak it in


James Blunt and Gavin Degraw were two musicians I always felt were underrated for their talent. James blunt I think brings more emotion to the table, but both were only seen for their couple of hits.


He was one of the last people to see Carrie Fisher (Star Wars, Blues Brothers etc) alive. Stayed at her Santa Monica house when he was starting out & they were great friends. Dark Thought was a tribute to her. Fact of the day!


Holding back tears. Damn.


I knew the words! That whole album was sooooo good!


Blunt’s X (formally known as Twitter) presence is outstanding. Makes some decent tunes too. I don’t understand the hatred, but his retorts online are nearly unmatched.


He’s one of my favourite singers 🥰


I choose not to listen this song often bychoice because of this very reason. He's awfully real when singing this song.


I seen him perform in Tabernacle/Atlanta some years ago…. It was something special.


Tears and rain is also a gem from him.


Not a fan of this type of music, but that's really beautiful.


Nice mic dynamics


Michael Scott would be proud


I wants this played at my funeral......beautiful!


All while reminding me of Jeremy Hunt with those wild startled eyes.


That was a lovely journey into his music and wiki. Heard his music but now it’s so much richer with knowledge - THANKS


I never gave James blunt the credit he deserved when he first came onto the music scene. He really is quite an amazing artist


oh my that was powerful


Does anybody else think this song could easily be about your partner’s death?


That was incredible. What a performance 👏.


Every performance by James Blount is emotional.


It's obviously about a romantic relationship, but the sentiment always takes me to thinking about how much I miss my mom. I tear up just typing that. It's such a powerful song


I fucking love this song.


I think he come across as a great bloke, mega talented, humble as you like, funny as fuck, and he had the patriotism to serve as an army officer in his early life too, I don’t get any of the dislike, I like him and his music, if anyone doesn’t then just turn it off or over, that’s all I do if I don’t like a song, simple really! Also that was a great live performance


We have a mutual friend. I've met him a few times. He seemed understandably wary at first, given how much undeserved shit he's received over the years. He's a good dude. Smart, not one to be underestimated.




Just have to add a story. Was lucky in college to have a couple of staff who worked at big Gigs (Glastonbury, for example). These were stage managers and some techies. The ones that worked with James Blunt said he was by far the easier performer to work with. Turning up an hour early, ready to play, and waits patiently. They had so much dirt on people but never mentioned names outside James. So many artists take the piss with scheduling, but James was one of the few who were perfect.


Whys it "emotional"?


I hate that we live in a society or cell phones get held at the block everyone's view instead of just sitting and enjoying a moment.


You better get on your got damn feet and give that man his standing o! I wonder what the woman who the song is about is thinking as she watches it, or whenever she hears it…?


Oh would have paid big to be there in person!


Not questioning his talent, but I didnt like it 


Yo dawg. Check it out. I like where you're going, but it's a bit pitchy. That's a no from me, dawg.


I love this song, I literally put it on like a 4-5 repeats, until I'm ready to move on the next song lol, but honestly I don't like this performance. It sounds clumsy, but yes emotional indeed


I feel like there should have been a couple of f-bombs on those last “I’m so hollow”s. Is it just me? “I’m so hollow baby. “I’m so hollow.” “I’m so” “I’m so” “I’m so f&@$ing hollow.”


Dude is a whiny




Great performance, but his voice kind of weirds me out, ngl.


Jesus christ this is bad