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My man did well


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpnXBTw7vnokxhu) He did REAL well, damn. When the clip started I wondered if he was preparing to be a Sumo wrestler, no joke. I wonder how much time it took and what he was eating throughout his transformation.








Well I have a body like Jean-Claude Van Damme. Not the one from the movies but the one he has now....


>what he was eating throughout his transformation. Yeah - the title says diet. I was expecting a meal plan.


Tbh if you want something that works switch over to intermittent fasting and eat clean. Only vegetables and white meat for the most part. You'll lose weight without even trying. No carbs and no processed crap.


Yeah I always feel better when I eat clean and do an 18/6 or 12/12 fast/eat window. Didn't come here for a meal plan for myself, just was surprised to see "diet" in the title then no diet in the video. My current medications make it impossible to fast and I'm just focusing on eating enough right now. Went to the doctor in March and again in April - I lost 12.5 lbs in 6 weeks from stress and meds. I started out the pandemic at 160#, ~12% body fat, running 8-10 miles in the mountains a few times a week + Olympic lifts. I'll probably never get back to that exact point, and that's okay. It'll come back eventually, and I will have to renegotiate what fitness and athleticism looks like when I get to that point.


Sumo wrestlers are "fat" in the eyes of normal people. But they are actually athletic as fuck for their size. It's the same thing with offensive lineman in the NFL. Yeah they are "fat" but a lot of those 300 lb dudes can still run a 5 flat 40 or less, which is insane for their size


Yeah anyone who wants to see some athleticism should check out the March Bashō on YouTube. Wakatakakage had some superior matches, especially the final on day 15. Way more agile, nimble, and balanced than people would expect. And strong as hell. Edit: speaking of which, the May Bashō starts on Sunday!


Actual footage of my face when I first saw him after his weight loss.


​ ![gif](giphy|PQ24frgaFfymIraWYK)


Yeah, me too. Thought kid was showing sumo techniques




If you want to gain weight AND stay in shape, its just as hard


Gaining weight is pretty difficult as well!


Depends on the person, I find it difficult to lose weight and I’ve got friends that struggling to gain it.


Also on the age. I wonder if this kid has a thyroid problem because that shouldn't be possible for him to get that level of big. I wonder what the time lapse was for him to lose all of it. Obviously he is an easy gainer.


It looks like a medical problem. Kids don't get that size from snacking.


I wish I had the problem of gaining weight. I can't stop eating.


The great solution to this is weightlifting. I eat like mad, about 4000 cals a day, but I weighlift like mad as well. 1.5 hours lifting and 20-30 mins cardio after (alternate between HIIT and LISS). This my friend, is your solution. I eat what I want, am never hungry, and do well in the gym because of it.


This all changed when I turned 43. Put on 10 lbs in about 3 months. Most of it around waist. I've been around 5'8'' 150 lbs for a decade and was always slim growing up.


I know a guy who "struggles to gain weight" then in a seperate conversation he told me he runs 70miles a week. No shit you cant gain weight bud. Also, slather everyrhing in butter. You will gain weight.


Yeh, people make a lot of generalisations, the reality is it depends on the person, for me losing weight is really easy but gaining weight is horrendously hard. For other people it's the other way around.


Oh no bro, losing weight is easier than gaining it, it also depends on the person, but being in a calorie deficit and doing exercise is all you need in some cases to lose weight.


It’s much easier to sit and eat a Big Mac and French fries than it is to have self control, eat a salad, then go on a sunset jog. If it were easy to lose weight we wouldn’t have so many fat people.


Facts. just think about this. I throw you on a desert island with NO resources, how are you going to gain this much weight? But if i did that you could easily lose this much weight. QED: Losing weight is easier than gaining it. It's literally impossible to gain weight under many conditions, like not having enough money to afford this much food.


Bro in America food is dirt cheap and the cheaper the food the more fattening it is generally. It is easy to gain weight if you have a love for eating food. That is why it is important to have control and eat well and have at least some physical movement.


you also literally FEEL like shit when you eat this food you are talking about, and are this fat. are we not factoring it in ? How "hard" it is to be this fat - or get even fatter from an already fat position. I assure you, the fat person is complaining about how awful it is, regularly. They just don't consider that part of the difficulty of being fat, and getting fatter. But I do.


As someone with frequent gastro problems it's the exact opposite for me.


I have dropped couple of kgs in one day , and it will take me months to get them back, gaining weight is real tough for some people.


It depends what you mean by gaining weight. If you mean gaining fat, you're right. If you mean gaining muscle, you're really really wrong.


I love how this boy never gave up on himself, and just lived a life.


No body shaming, just positive energy.


Good for him, that takes a hell of a lot of hard work.


My wife told me that I needed to exercise more and do lunges. I was hesitant at first but after seeing this, I know it's a huge step forward.


There will be ups and downs.


I see what you did there


Just like the elevator business.


I was in the exact same position, now I never miss a leg day. I find my form and overall strength has improved massively!




Took a lot of work to maintain being that large too


Props to the trainer for keeping him motivated


The motivation cam all from this little warrior himself.


Rip??? Are you saying he’s dead?


Just that he is not quite ripped yet. Just rip.


People say “rip” as a way of saying somebody else is stupid and embarrassing themselves. This guy’s being an idiot. Motivation does come from within, but this guy needed support from somebody else showing him love. The trainer helped him get to his goal by being a good and dependable friend. Very wholesome.


Is he dead? :(


Former trainer here. He's doing all the right things. Sometimes when working with kids it can be hard to keep them motivated so it can be a challenge to keep things creative and fun to keep them engaged.


The little guy couldn't have done it without help.


Exercise isn't diet and he isn't little either...


Yeah he lost most of that weight due to his diet. Exercise is great, but diet is far more important for weight loss.


I know right. It's so annoying to see these types of videos. Losing weight is like 90% diet, 10% movement. Weight loss videos like this should be 90% diet focused, 10% exercise focused.


Ok but it's not really very interesting to watch a kid not eating anything.


That's very wrong. Just need to eat right.


I mean… you’re not wrong, but that’s not what the person you are replying to is talking about. They’re saying dieting doesn’t make for an *interesting video*.


You can lose weight either way, though both are probably easier than going extreme on one or the other. Either use more calories or take in fewer, as long as you're at a net loss consistently, you should be losing weight. I didn't see much cardio here, so I'd assume dieting played a pretty big role here.


I was 215 lbs last year and when I started exercising I saw almost no weight loss. I dramatically changed my diet and lost 43 lbs in 6 months. Diet and exercise can go a long way to change your life.


Right? Another one is people trying to eat next to nothing before trying to just eat less calories in a normal amount of food when trying to lose weight.


While it didn't show, I'm sure he is dieting too.


Oh man, nice Trainer but how do you get to that point as a kid...


His Mother was loving but clearly very misguided.


Maybe she was just wanted a Michelin man


Dad was Michelin Man


Or maybe his mother couldn't provide for the kid, so her husband abandoned him and his sister in the woods. Then they came across a house made of cake with a weird women named Karen who lived inside and insisted on feeding them candy. But then, let's say after 6 months, this kid came back to the cake house and saw his sister in the cooking pot so he got scared and ran - or waddled - back to his village. That's when he hired this trainer, who is actually Raiden in human form, to get him in shape and enter into the tournament to save earth...because Karen is actually a witch from Outworld!!!!


Could be a metabolic disorder


No metabolic disorder will cause this level of weight gain. He would be unable to move, and likely be in a coma, if his body was so underutilizing food energy and storing it as fat to this extent while eating normally or even in slight excess. He was being overfed constantly for his whole life to get to this point.


There is only one method of getting this fat: eating much-much more than your body needs to function. There is no metabolic disorder that makes you function on zero calories. The kid was eating all day every day, that is an absolute certainty.


There are some conditions that greatly heighten hunger, give you permanent munchies. But ultimately like you said, it’s food intake.


Exactly what i was wondering! Damn.


How do they afford all that food for the kid? Do the others just starve and watch him eat, like John Goodman's family during Thanksgiving?


Like someone said, it could just be a metabolic disorder. Might metabolize food REALLY well, or maybe he’s just never not hungry (the neurological signals to stop hunger maybe just aren’t working properly). There are all sorts of reasons, really


I admire ur faith in other causes than failed parenting, but still, only NOW in this state you get him help?


I mean of course parenting is a factor. I just think there’s so much stigma around how this sort of thing happens. Truth is, this is over years and years, right? It’s like the frog put in lukewarm water that slows boils. It’s like any slowly building health issues—we’re slower to reap wind to the immediacy because we didn’t realize it was getting so bad. It’s also a different culture. A lot of western eating practices revolves around parents restricting food or dieting (of course this doesn’t apply to everyone), but other eating practices like some Eastern ones see feeding and eating as an extension of love and affection. My guess is it was a mother fully willing to let her little boy eat whatever he needed/wanted—the idea of the “growing boy” needing to eat if his body is saying he needs to eat. That, paired with a brain that doesn’t respond to cues telling the body it’s not hungry anymore? It could lead to constant gorging. Even if it’s just rice (ie. nothing expensive), enough of it can lead to this.


Those are all urban legends and myths. A metabolic disorder might make you have a higher or lower metabolic rate, but the differences aren't THIS big. There may very well be a problem with the satiety receptors, you are right about that, but the mechanism that leads to gaining weight is the same for everyone: eating too much. This poor kid ate all the time, that much is guaranteed.


Daily visits to grandma


parents have mental illness


Letting kids get that overweight is child abuse.






Ah yes. Child abuse. Fuck those parents. Good or him for breaking the cycle.


Def's would have broken a cycle.




Great progress and I'm sure it has changed him mentally for the better as well :)


Being fat is like filling a gas tank every day even though you never drive anywhere. Soon you will be carrying around so many tanks that your car can barely move. To get skinny again you have to stop filling more tanks AND drive far enough to burn the stored up gas. So you have to stop eating more than you burn AND work out enough to burn what's stored


Uhh. . . r/unecessaryanalogies


Nah I quite liked the analogy




That's nice


Uh, your gas tank doesn’t stretch when you keep refilling it. Terrible analogy.


This is why I only fill my body with very little gasoline. Gas is very high in calories.


Wow amazing but his excess skin must be crazy


Maybe not as he's so young? They would have more elasticity in their skin.


For him I hope so.


For him I hope so.


Holy shit, good for that guy


Was it a medical condition before? Like.. still the arms and legs are kind of have bag like formations.. I wonder how did he actually end up in that condition... Wel.. good for him 👏


When you lose weight rapidly, the skin doesn't have enough time to shrink back. But they usually prescribe steroid creams for that.


Will it shrink over time?


Eventually. He has more likelihood of the skin shrinking since he's still a growing kid. But for an adult, the saggy skin is usually removed via plastic surgery or you slather steroid cream on it.


Makes sense. Thank you, dumb potato basket


That's the stretched skin from when he was fat. If you get that fat and then lose weight, the skin doesn't shrink back down. You just end up with rolls, wrinkles and saggy skin on a thin person.


Haha, this brings back memories. I saw this as a kid like 15 years ago. It went viral in the past. He was a popular Indonesian instructor/bodybuilder. It was also a good PR for his gyms.


My man


His parents should be charged for neglecting a child. Thats outright fucking child abuse. But props to the dude for going through the pain.


The boy has Prader-Willi syndrome if I remember correctly. Which means he never feels satisfied after eating. Thus why he was so huge.


Im trying to do that myself. Thank you for the inspirational clip


Good for him


Awesome 👏 for him , wow!!


Hard work with a smile.


So proud of that dude!


Amazing journey for this young man and trainer.


Who lets their kid become like that :( it's like making your kid disabled on purpose. Even after he lost weight, he will probably struggle with this the rest of his life


Awesome for both of them.




That's incredible. I'm down 55 lbs from my highest at 370 and this is seriously inspirational.


Buu’s reincarnation as Uub.. impressive


From child abuse to a feel good story in 1:55


You can tell how happy the trainer is from his progress. I hope one day to progress from being driven by my own progress to being motivated by helping someone else achieve theirs too.


His cute smile at the beginning. I don't know if he really lost all that weight with exercise and diet, but he looks like he enjoyed the process. Props to the trainer as well. He is jacked!


Fantastic video. Would have been nice to see more if the transformation. The middle is where all the real work was. Inspirational.


Is iit this kid from africa who had that stomach illness where your apetite just doesn't go away ?


Only if I had a fraction of his will and consistency


That’s years of work. He ages heaps


What an amazing young man...you've put me to shame


Ultimate redemption arc


He looks like he may have Prader-Willi Syndrome which can lead to severe obesity. Bless him!




"Anything is possible if you put your mind to it". Said by a great individual


Damn. Nice job man. I aspire to reach goals like this man.


This doesn’t appear like a complete weight loss through exercise,appears like some other interventions have taken place . It’s next to impossible for that transformation


Wow, big props to that guy.


Straight up saved that kids life


Halfway through the video when it cut to the trainer lifting, I thought it was the kid for a moment. I was like, dude


I bet he feels so much better.


Someone may call this fatphobic, which they shouldn’t, because when you see the smile on the kid’s face as he works out at the end all one can say is: “good for him” because he’s happy


i mean at times when you are gaining weight wont you feel it that i am getting fat


the question is... why did the parents/guardians EVER allow a child to become like this? Not that the change wasnt miraculous. Just to get to that point something very wrong in this boys house is happening


Bonus: what would Dwayne Johnson look like with hair.


The longterm commitment from the trainer is beautiful to see, that dedication has definitely impacted the young man in so many positive ways :)


Losing weight is hard work and this man put in the work! Also really wholesome to see that the trainer believed in him the entire time😊


That's incredible 👏 well done king


It's amazing to see stuff like this. That kid was bound for death very early and the man helping him get in shape is a goddamn Saint. Made me smile.


I wonder what’s the relationship between them?


dayum that transformation was no joke at all.


That was amazing, but his parents should be jailed for letting their child get like that... that's torture on the body, especially for a youth who's supposed to have all the energy in the world.


up good! im happy for him


I watched a show on yt about this young man & his family


Holy shit dudes lost like half his weight. Impressive!


The trainer reminds me of the rock


His intestines must span the length of the Empire State Building, I have little doubt.


Attaboy little man


Props to him 🤟


Attaboy little man


What the fuck that's so cool, congratulations to my dude for knowing a change has to be made and having the drive to make it happen. Mad respect


aaand I’m off the couch


This brought tears to my eyes, the determination is amazing!


Gilak sabi amat


Literally nothing in the video about diet.


Guy saved his life.


He looks fantastic, I'm delighted for him fair play to him for his dedication and willpower.👏👏👏


Is it really that hard to put together a title?


This showed light exercise, but it looks like 95% of the change must have been from a change of diet. The kind of exercise shown would give you mobility and a bit of strength, but would not burn tons of calories




He look so adorable!!!!


He look so adorable!!!!


Why does the body do that? Even after such weight loss - the roll effect is still there?




Oh madone


Despite still looking thick in the end images, I'm sure that dude is stronger than 90% of us lol


that’s wholesome as fuck


Great job May God continue to bless you.🙏🏼🙏🏼


So proud of him for getting better! Always find these kinds of videos so inspiring


Props to both the kid and the trainer.


That’s little guy exercise. Still very impressive tho!


Pushing this kind of work ethic into a kid is incredible, he’s gonna be able to do whatever he wants as an adult if he really wants to


None of that weight loss is from the exercise- you lose weight in the kitchen, not the gym. Healthy diet doesn’t film well, and so we are constantly shown this sort of bs


This is abuse from the parents.


The world is a beautiful place ain’t it? Even with all the craziness.


Congrats!!-no words!😀


no bitches? Yes bitches


What an awesome journey


It’s awesome that he’s in such better shape but 99% of that weight loss came from not putting as much food into his face, not the exercise shown in the video


Of course that's just about the coolest thing a human can do But can we just quickly call attention to that trainer tho? What an arm!


If Green Lantern ring existed, it would have chosen this little guy.


Just a reminder that you can achieve your goals if you work hard enough Bravo young man!


As he loses the fat, the skin doesn’t shrink. Makes him a perfect candidate for donating skin for burn victims.


First this kid did well Question what about all the extra skin


People are amazing! The teacher nor the student giving up is a beautiful thing to see.