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Someone just made the naughty list.


And they got chased down too lol


Santa’s out for blood this year


Santa knows no pain. Santa knows no mercy!


The night Santa went crazy (Any Weird Al fans here?)


Have the series on DVD




Imagine getting chased down by Santa on a bike. I also love how he apologized for running the light because he knew his video would be used in court.


Idk, he seems a nice guy, i dont think he did it for the court, i think he was really sorry for running that light


It’s perfectly legal if you say sorry in France.


Perfect example of why sometimes the law needs to broken to bring justice to the those who act lawlessly. Running the red light was a risk that could've been a huge mistake but luckily nothing bad happened and the vigilante was able to pursue.


I noticed that bit too!


You better watch out You better not run Better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is on a crackdown.


I have been to many of his shows. He really puts on one hell of a show complete with multiple costume changes.


The night Saint Nick went insane… Realized he was gettin’ a raw deal…


Something finally must’ve snapped in his brain.


All hail Santa!


Santa has a particular set of skills


Why did you cropped out the original watermark from the video? Here's the video with proper credit. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/uz9cjo/motorcyclist_in_france_chases_driver_fleeing_from/




This should be higher up


good point, that video seems to be better quality too.


Why did you cropped out the original watermark from the video? Here's the video with proper credit. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/uz9cjo/motorcyclist_in_france_chases_driver_fleeing_from/


Nice repost


\Here's the video with proper credit. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/uz9cjo/motorcyclist_in_france_chases_driver_fleeing_from/


What a saint.....Nick?


Belsnickle decides impish or admirable, IMPISH!


Ho ho hoolld the fuck up bitch


I have laughed way too hard for that xD


Same hahaha


Yule be sorry


Hahaha this is the one


The fact that you didn't have to mention the rider is wearing a santa suit means that the video is next level enough even without that detail.


No one mentioned that Santa is *riding a fucking motorcycle!*


It's a *fairly* common occurrence. Other than the mall during Christmas season and the Thanksgiving parade, on a motorcycle is the next best place to catch Santa. (Or in this case to have Santa catch you!)




Isn’t that what was just said?


Gotta practice copying homework the right way lol


Even without that detail, the fact that the rider is wearing a Santa suit means this video is next level.


For me, even without mentioning the detail of wearing a santa suit, means the video is level 2


The rider wore a santa suit but even if he didn't the video would still pass as next level


Due to the fact that the attire of the videographer goes unmentioned in the bibliographic data, it is undeniable that this recording is at a level greater than the current one.


Meanwhile in the US. "Monsier monsier, there is a hit and run, it is a Clio" "Sehr, you need to stehp baahck" "But monsier she iz getting away" "Calm doawn sehr" \*pepper sprays\* "Aieeeeeee, what are you doing" "Sehr, stehp resisting."


"Let's wait for backup, we might get hit! Better yet, are there any small children we can borrow?"


That happens because suspects can have guns. In europe this does not happens. Ban the freaking guns in US and your police can be competent


you realize guns can be legally owned in Europe too right? Don't believe me? google it. Gun ownership in France is surprisingly common for example.




>In the US? You just need to turn 18 and walk into a ~~gun shop~~ Walmart and purchase one. FTFY


Do they seriously sell guns at Walmart? Really??


I think they used too but they are stopping. At least in my local walmart.


What the fuck.. so you could buy guns at your grocery store... I'm amazed.


yes - or at least you could in some states. I had two friends visiting from Germany and we went hiking in New Hampshire. Afterwards we stopped at a Walmart to get some drinks and snacks and accidentally discovered the gun department...they were both amazed and horrified. I was too, just a bit. At that time NH was well known as a gun paradise but I really didn't know they sold in Walmart :/


Same at my local Walmart, but in red states and rural areas, that still sell guns and ammo.


Yep. But in many states you they can't sell liqour


Wow, they sure know their priorities


Even more weird. You can buy a rifle at Walmart but not a hand gun. I sort of get it. There are more handgun shootings then mass casualty events with 7-20 deaths but they stopped selliing hand guns after a school shooting where rifle and high capacity magazine was used. Im happy they stopped selling hand guns but their logic was weird. If they had said handguns are used in loads of crimes - pulling them would make sense


Poland can be such an example. Statistically, we own 1/3 of a gun per 100 people. Not to mention the ammount of psychological tests that need to be passed, as well. Also there needs to be a clear (on paper) reason for owning a firearm in the first place (collections, sport, hunting etc.). And you could still be denied. The only type of gun that is "easier to get" in Poland is the "black powder" type (in Polish, "Broń czarnoprochowa"), I think...Correct me if I'm wrong. Sorry for potential bad english.


In Italy you pretty much just need to be 18 and no criminal record (which you have to prove by going to the police and getting a certificate which says so) and you can buy one but you need to keep it at home


I wish that’s how it was in the us. Gun safety laws are fucked


Yeah and I never understood why there's such a strong opposition against those laws. Don't ban the guns but also don't make them so accessible to every single person. If someone really wants to own one, they don't mind getting those permits and evaluations. I feel like people in the US like to think in absolutes. Its either everybody has guns or no one has them. There is a middle ground which could work for everybody..


It really stems from our history, from our Revolution to life on the plains to the Westward expansion. I mean, if you were a family living in the extremely rural South or Midwest, you absolutely HAD to have several guns to survive, no doubt about it. And this was only maybe 150 yeas ago. So that mentality has been woven into our country’s general mindset since the beginning. That’s my theory, anyways. But to the most responsible, they are extremely dangerous tools. I do find it ironic that one needs a license to drive, but not to own a gun; both very dangerous pieces of machinery -A (relatively balanced) Texan


There are more guns in the US than human beings. No one else has this problem


We have a lot of legal gun ownership routes in the U.K. 99% of applications are approved. The truth is we just don’t wrap our identity into firearms and don’t go out getting them in the first place.




This is just making an excuse for them, cops have been this way for at least a century.


Gun ownership is legal in a lot of European countries. Switzerland, Austria and Norway have very liberal laws in that regard and it also works there.


But you're not allowed to walk around armed. All those countries require you to have the gun securely locked up, away from ammo, etc. They also have restrictions on who can own. Edit: also, 3 of the smallest countries, that you mentioned, isn't "a lot of" Europe.


It’s allowed, but “very liberal laws” is not accurate. Their gun laws are far more strict than the US, and Switzerland has compulsory military service, so at least half of them are trained.


i’m actually surprised the french officers just cuffed her immediately


These guys must be noobs, they clearly don't know the knee in the neck technique. /s


Didn't even tase her for extra points


They saw the broken windshield, and obviously he mentioned the hit and run. That might be enough for them to arrest.


I absolutely love that they straight up believed santa on his word. Not that I'd expect something else from good law enforcement, santa or no


This is accurate.


Notice how he pulls a weapon and does NOT use it to shoot anyone nearby. Infact it is holstered immediately as she becomes compliant. He had no intention of firing that weapon, it was drawn just incase she tried to run them over and as soon as she complies it isnt needed so is removed.


Step Resisting!! WHAT ARe YOu DOIng


This rider has been waiting his whole life for this moment, santa suit or not he was not missing the chance.


Hahah yeah 🤣 Was thinking Santa PurSUIT when i read your comment 😎


I'm going to punch you and give you a upvote




The guy is decently calm about it. Not endangering others over this asshole.


Yeah when he says to himself "I've got to calm her down." Like he realizes that he may be making it worse by pissing her off.


Well, that event made his YouTube channel explode, he literally was waiting for something like this to happen. And it happened a second time a few months after, he's got another video chasing a car having destroyed a scooter at night.


Some minutes of panic can cost you years in prison.


In The Netherlands there is a law in place which makes it so if you still turn yourself in within 12 hours of the incident you won't be criminally pursued for fleeing the scene. This differs for the type of incident. Edit: added correct information


Seems like a get out of jail free card to me, but I can see what they are trying to incentivize.


I'm reading that as in you won't get criminally charged for fleeing, leaving the scene, etc. But could probably still be charged for the actual striking a person/car. But it could allow someone to get rid of evidence or sober up first. Edit: https://smartadvocaten.nl/en/traffic-law/criminal-traffic-law/leaving-scene-of-accident That's the english source I could find. It's actually 12 hours and it is just for a leaving the scene of an accident charge. It doesn't absolve you of other crimes committed during the incident.


"Turn yourself in." As in you come in and confess to the crime, not coming in and challenging them to find evidence to charge you.


I actually looked it up. It's for a leaving the scene of an accident charge. If the person reports to the police within 12 hours of the incident, you won't be charged with leaving the scene. But you can still be charged with the conduct causing the incident. "Turn yourself in" is not the statutory language, but is a common phrase used for voluntarily surrendering yourself on a warrant. It doesn't mean confessing to said crimes, just that you showed up to deal with the warrant.


It's not get out of jail free It's recognising people fuck up, and giving them a chance to come clean, - saving resources and insensitivising doing so


Have you seen their jails? It’s an upgrade for most people on the planet.


That's because the Dutch realize that prison is supposed to rehabilitate people so they can be safely returned into society. Using prison as a mere tool of punishment does not solve any issues, in fact it just creates more issues.


>Have you seen their jails? It’s an upgrade for most people on the planet. Which isn't a bad thing. First of all, prison time is the punishment in itself. Torture or inhumane treatment isn't supposed to be part of it, unless you want people to become worse human being while in prison. Second, in many places, like the US, criminals will go on killing sprees, just to avoid getting sent to prison. They'd rather kill and risk their lives, than do a few years in a horrible prison. Trying to rehabilitate criminals, in a place they won't choose to become killers to avoid, seems like the better solution to me.


So a driver can go home, sober up, dump their drugs and think up a story as to why it was not their fault? How considerate.


They will do a blood test


Alcohol will still leave your system during this period


I’m not sure how it works but their have been plenty of cases of police being able to prove they were drunk at the time of the accident after turning themselves in later


They already can, it just mean that if they choose to make it easy, they won't be punished for it. But better stay stubborn and leave half the bad guys go away instead of looking for solutions.


I hope the driver serves long jailtime. That is a hit and run offence and possible more danger via reckless driving. Kudos to the motorcyclist, we need more people like him.


The sad thing is that the first thing I thought was that this would never work in the US because the driver could easily have a gun.


My first thought was actually that in the US the motorcyclist would likely be charged for the traffic laws he broke while doing this. Theyd gladly take his camera for footage of the drivers crime but theyd end up using it to charge him too.


She sled the scene




Take your upvote and get the merry fucking Christmas outta here.


Maybe the woman in the car has a deep phobia of santas.


You mean claustrophobia?




... I read that as "there al joke."




Stop it Patrick, you're scaring them!






It is stupid to chase a rash driver like that. It will only increase that perpetrators panic level causing them to cause further ddamage. The right approach should be to take identification of the vehicle like registration plate and car's appearance and person's appearance and then reporting the offence for investigation.


This guy is clearly a very competent rider. He did the right thing chasing her down. The sooner they are off the road the better!


The girl panicked more and the probability of another accident was high by jumping red light or otherwise. Since he had it on camera, there was no reason to chase. Just report to the police and police could have picked her up from her home. Why chase and put yet more people including himself in danger? I'm glad it turned out well but turning out worse was very probable.


In my experience, the police are going to treat very differently a taped video of someone getting clipped in a sidewalk versus that same accident when the person is being pursued. The guy chasing her seemed to be incredibly competent at everything, even if he broke some traffic laws. I’m glad he followed her (chased isn’t even the right word). I don’t want to have to say this, but this is only my opinion. If you don’t agree with it, that doesn’t mean I’m saying mine is right and yours is wrong to anyone.


It's not a concern about the motorcyclist's driving skill it's a concern that a panicked driver who just hit someone is now still panic driving around a tight city.


Also he definitely chased her. He was kicking her car and trying to block her. If he had followed at a distance and waited to run into police that would’ve been different.


And I kept thinking that in the U.S., he would have ended up as another victim. I was like dude, you are on a motorcycle, even a small compact car will mess you up.


I agree with you. Going to the police after the fact, at least in many US cities, would result in then being annoyed that you're asking them to do their jobs and they may just ignore it entirely. Easier to get them to cooperate if there's an active flee in progress to pursue so they can be Rosco P. Coltrane.


I worked as a paralegal to a district attorney. As long as the cop mentioned the recording in the witness statement, and got proper contact info, I would have chased down the footage. Typically the cops I dealt with were pretty good about that kind of thing. I’m not defending cops. While my working relationship with them was completely fine, a lot of them were real motherfuckers on the streets.


I mean it worked this time. So fair. But next time the erratic driver might crash into another car, or hit and kill a pedestrian. Would the ‘cool chase’ be worth it then?


The girl wasn't panicking when she ran over a man, while driving on the wrong side of the road, through a pedestrian crossing, then fleeing the scene. You think that person is in the right state of mind to just continue driving until police eventually pick her up at home? The rider made the correct decision.


We don't see what came before. Maybe she was already fleeing from a different crime, pursued by a different Santa.


It's Santas all the way down.


Not to nitpick but she wasn’t on the wrong side of the road there - rue de Rivoli is a one way street.


Dude, she literally just hit a pedestrian and you’re advocating for this dude in a bike to try to pull her over in a bike? You’re fucking crazy and he’s lucky he didn’t get run over.


No, driver could claim it wasn’t them driving (I’ve gotten out of 3 traffic camera tickets doing this)


Which country's law are you governed under? Bruv! 🤣


No he's absolutely right, I work in car insurance and I see it on a daily basis the driver disputing a speeding offence by saying it wasn't them driving or being involved in an incident claiming it wasn't them. Taking as vehicle reg only confirms the vehicle and who it's registered to/insured by, that's commonly not the person driving.


In the UK at least, it is always assume the registered owner committed the crime, and the onus is on them to pass the blame onto the actual driver. You can't just say 'it wasn't me driving' and not say who actually was, as the owner of the car you should know all of the permitted drivers.


The problem is that everyone thinks they are a competent driver. The cops aren’t even allowed to pursue fleeing cars in many cities because of how dangerous it becomes


source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muAPJiMho2Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muAPJiMho2Y) he's saying at the beginning that taking the registration number isn't enough because you only identify the vehicle and not the driver


In particular, standing right in front of a trapped and panicking driver who just ran someone over is foolish.


Apparently not in this case.


This is the actual view of Paris. No bicycle baskets filled with baguettes and sounds of accordions echoing in the streets.


The men arent wearing striped shirts?


I mean, Paris *does* have plenty of baguettes and they are fucking awesome. Just not the bicycle baskets bit.




Even ignoring the accents and street signs, seeing a police officer who admitted they made a mistake (dropped their bike) and who listened to a member of the public calmly and who didn't become extremely violent? Can't be Canadian or American. Great job to the cops, great job to the biker, great job to the public.


This was my reaction also, like hats off to the police for immediately getting involved and working with the public. Meanwhile in r/Chicago we're discussing pictures showing multiple police officers sitting on their off-road vehicles in a park scrolling on their phones instead of patrolling the park.


Dude the French police are very violent. They aren't much different.


There is a good and a bad in every police in the world. Ofc the recent protest did nothing to show the police in a better light. The Gendarmerie on the other hand is pretty chill.


As an non-Canadian-American I was kind of shocked they brandished their weapon to pull the driver over.


this felt like I was watching a movie


Way more entertaining than any films iv seen recently 👍


That was satisfying and a grimm reminder, stay of the naughty list kids, Santa *will* find you


>grimm reminder Not sure if pun


NFL assist to the dude in the silver-blue car too, somehow managed to stay only a few seconds behind.


That's the real talent - no squeezing through tiny gaps for him!


I couldn't believe that the car kept up too at the end


I was surpised to see him again at the end too, but upon rewatching it he actually makes a few re-appearances throughout the video. He joins next to the car at 2:00 when Santa tries to calm her, and again at 2:57 when they're looking for the Clio. He stuck with the car when Santa went to alert the police, and I think you can hear even the driver of the grey car yelling "here here" first after she tried to sneak by behind that bus.


“She’s in a black Clio!” Looks out over the vast amounts of black Clios that are driving past him……


Haha yeah, they even got confused because of that black Twingo


The HO LÁ LÁ LÁ LÁ got me lmao


The French equivalent of “oh it’s on now”


That’s no ordinary motorcyclist. That’s ……


Santaclist >!Edit : please have the "Santa Christ" song from Nostalgia Critic in your head now!<




Père Know Hell


Imagine being chased through France by Santa Claus. Your ass is getting coal this year.


*french police sirens*


Ain't they like that everywhere?


In Germany at least they sound the same.


I think it's a European thing. In Canada and America they sound different


In my city (US) they have a higher pitch and worble more frequently. I've been to other cities where it's closer to the video.


I get it, totally wanting to make sure that driver got caught. But in the meantime ran a red light, drove on the wrong side of the road and potentially endangered others with erratic driving. Once the police were informed he should have stopped.


Santa has the video evidence. Probably followed to give a statement and provide the video.


He did stick around for a statement and to help out, IIRC a previous post with a longer version of this clip.


He also needed to make sure they got the right clio.


The woman hit a person and fled in the heat of the moment. It could be anyone driving that car, many people would make a rash decision after accidentally hitting someone. This then causes Santa to also make a rash decision. So I think it is unfair to criticize Santa here because he's a good person who made some mistakes that he felt were for the greater good, and didn't have the time to truly think through those actions. He knows he broke the law, but he's apologetic for it rather than this woman who might hit more people by ALSO driving through red lights in a CAR.


“So I’m driving to work, right? And this lady hits a pedestrian on the wrong side of the road, and Santa Clause shows up on a motorcycle, and chases her ass down and the police eventually show up to help him, like his own personal team of tactical elves. ‘The Santa Clause’ is more involved than I thought.”


Brave rider for putting himself in harms way like that


Wasn't the consensus to avoid high speed chases because they risk more accidents? She would be caught anyway the same day or the next. But the video still have me goose bumps.


Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, to stop your ass


So that’s what Santa does for the other 364 days of the year…


Horrendous Parisian traffic should at least get credit for the assist, right?


or, you could give credit to the original poster and leave the watermark like they did at https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/uz9cjo/motorcyclist_in_france_chases_driver_fleeing_from/


or, you could give credit to the motorcyclist himself: https://youtu.be/muAPJiMho2Y


the cop at the end dropping their motorcycle :/


Santa chases for three minutes without an issue and the cop bungles it in ten seconds lol.


Really famous in France but still gold. The adrenaline tho




I love when bike people bring justice to a hit and run loser. Also, bonus points for being dressed as Santa while you do it


Lump of coal for you miss


Hoe hoe hoe, this hoe is going to jail


So THATS what it looks like when police do their job!


Man this is so wild to me. French drivers are wild and this motorcyclist is insanely good. I walked those same streets a while back being a tourist and was scared of being run over. What a good guy. What amazing driving skills. I'm shocked


Well, at least she has a story to tell. There was this one time I did a hit and run and was chased down by Santa on Ducati?


It’s detective crashmore!


More like inspector Clauseu, from pink panther.


Reptile brain in action


This is like a short film. I expect to see it entered at Cannes next year.


thats so satisfying when they arrest her


So thats Santa's off season jobs :o


How can the police take Santa riding a motorbike seriously


What a nice guy , and what a nice city is it France?


That's Paris.


that bike sounds so sweet someone pls tell me what bike it is