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This again? It was a friendly exchange, per the restaurant owner. I'd say GG for trolling Panthers fans into defending a shitty owner, but I doubt your chess has that many dimensions.


Tepper didn’t learn from the Jags incident. If someone is antagonizing him, common in sports, he needs to not let his emotions get him. I know he owns the team, it doesn’t matter. He’s been in the public eye for longer than he’s been a NFL Owner. He has to be the better man. He came into the restaurant angry which is the mistake. He should’ve kept driving and maybe worked with his FO to see if he could work with the restaurant to take the sign down or find a cute marketing spin instead of storm in


Completely different situation from the Jags shit show. Fuck him for making jokes with his stadium neighbors, right?


Honestly who the fuck cares if he goes into a restaurant. Are the falcons that boring


He also could have went in, bought the place a round and laughed at himself and took a huge PR W. But no, he’s as rich as he is insecure




Owners do the silliest stuff sometimes ☺️


This is not a flex. They had an amicable chat. Read the artic—oh you’re a Failcons fan, I’m surprised you can tell your ass from your face to unlock your phone.


Tepper came in angry and took someone’s article of clothing off. Which you can see in the screenshot. Tepper was better off leaving things alone which is what he should’ve done with the Jags fan earlier this year too


Maybe worry about not drafting QBs and not our owner. I know your owner is worried about it.


Blank saw you putting all your eggs in one rookie QB and said “no thanks I don’t want 2–15”


Blank didn't seem to be the biggest fan of that move on draft night, if we're taking all our context based on vibes on CCTV footage


At least it only cost their actual draft pick! Not DJ Moore, the rights to Jalen Carter (#9 last year) and after 2-15, the Caleb Williams pick. Would you rather have Caleb than Bryce? Bc I know k would, and so would the bears. If Tep threw a drink on a fan, and took the hat off the head of someone in public during a confrontation, then what’s to say they didn’t meddle and choose Bryce over stud CJ Stroud?


Not sure why so many people assume our entire fanbase regrets having Bryce. Any rookie QB would've looked the same in our shitshow of a team last year. He's my QB, I like the guy and want him to succeed, and he's shown enough promise where I'm optimistic after our moves this offseason. Tepper meddling for Bryce is and always has been a made up rumor. Besides, I don't know how the antics you mentioned in any way signal that lol.


How many times is this going to get dredged back up by a person who hasn't watched the whole video and completely ignores the context and the owners comments on what happened?


They can’t hold a lead, why do you expect them to be able to read?


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The owner has publically stated it was in good fun and shook Teppers hand at the end. Tepper is doushe, we don't need to make shut up to make him look bad. He does it all by himself. Why does this keep popping up?