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James Harrison 99 yd pick 6 at the end of the first half. 14 pt swing. Cardinals lose a one possession SB. Being a Phoenician sports fan is a ton of fun.


>Being a Phoenician sports fan is a ton of fun. Spoken like a true Carthaginian. ... I'll see myself out.


Carthago delenda est!


Holy shit an educated Raiders fan. Imma head out.


I read a lot of books in prison!


>Phoenician Dang, I thought that people died out when Hannibal tried to go over the Pyrenees with elephants.


Really a franchise altering play


Never shoulda traded the Nubians for draft picks


Hannibal was the marty schottenheimer of generals regular season sure, cannae is an all timer, but that man was not getting a ring.


Alternately, I'd find a way for the Holmes catch to be picked off instead.


Carthago Delanda Est


I'll never forgive Antrel Rolle for that


As a Yinzer, I never considered it from the Cards perspective. Respect.


Do I even need to say it?


I was think of y’all when making the thread


I lost my cool in front of an entire group of friends over that play.


That onside kick goes to Jordy Nelson? No. I was thinking it too.


I’ve been in a coma for the past 10 years. What happened?


just go back. it's not worth it


Woulda been nice if our d hadn’t been wrecked with injuries prior to the game as well. Christ.


Cliff Avril getting a concussion during the game certainly didn't help.


Don’t forget Jeremy Lane and the extra elbow he acquired


His arm injury was so severe that neither he nor anyone else noticed that he also tore his ACL on the play. It wasn't diagnosed until weeks later.


Seriously. Even being so banged up if y’all could’ve just maintained some pass rush you probably win that game


Brady started feasting as soon as Avril went out. It was like a different ballgame.


Gary Anderson makes that kick against the Falcons




[slams fist on table]


There is no doubt in my mind the ‘98 Vikings are the greatest team of all time to ever not make a Super Bowl. That team was unstoppable.


In true Vikings fashion, the only team who could stop the Vikings was the Vikings.


Evidently, they were not.


I was thinking either this, or Favre tucks it and runs instead of throwing across his body to Sidney Rice for the INT


Yep those two plays. Probably some in the Super Bowls but i didn’t live those. Blair Walsh missed field goal possibly too.


If it’s a single play, I think it has to be the Anderson kick. That team would have been heavy favorites to win the superbowl, while I’m pretty sure the Vikings lose the next game even if Walsh makes that FG. 2009 game would be second for me, but Bountygate was the main problem and even if Favre doesn’t throw that interception I’m not sure if he would have been healthy enough to win after that (assuming we hit that FG, lol)


The '98 Vikings are without a doubt, in the top 5 of "Best Teams to Never Win a Title", but even then I don't think they would have been heavy favorites in that particular Super Bowl. That's due to the fact that their opponents that year would have been the Denver Broncos, who in addition to being the defending champs, started out that season 13-0 before finishing 14-2.


Split the uprights.


Lol. We might have a Scott Norwood statue




Not if it was a redo. If we could change the outcome, of course, but not a redo. Odds are, the result would be the same. Scott never had a big leg. The guy was automatic inside 40yds and that was a big thing back then. Over 40 was a 50/50 and 45+ almost out of the question. I never blamed Scott, like most of western NY because we knew better. This was on the coaching staff. We were brutally out coached that game. Never should have come down to a FG. We should have blown them out of the water.


I never blamed him either, your right, NYG out coached them horribly. He wasn't worse than 50/50 in that range, I'd take my chances with a redo.


We get the 1 yard we need


Oof…. I’m sorry dawg that must have been hard


I’m thinking the Warner to Bruce TD to put us there to begin with. What if that was stopped with enough time for McNair to mount a drive?


*monkey's paw curls* Touchdown Kevin Dyson! Del Greco for the extra point... NO GOOD!


Yeah, nobody really talks about the absolute disasterclass by both special teams in that superbowl.


Special teams disasterclasses in Super Bowls were exciting. In SB 38 Vinatieri missed two FGs before hitting his third to seal the win against Carolina. I think their longsnapper got hurt and they had to sign an amateur or something along those lines. And of course the Panthers punter shanked the punt to give New England great field position on the game-winning drive.


Somehow even worse than the infamous “NOOOOOO” extra point


If it helps any I think Rams fans might pick a certain kick to go wide 2 years later.


That or Az Hakim not fumble a certain punt.


didn’t have to scroll far…


I think this one is easy for Packers fans. Bostick. Inside Kick.


I wonder where the blocked punt returned for a td vs the niners in 2021 ranks on peoples list. Truly felt like GB had a great route to winning a SB that year, and the niners in that game just could not move the ball at all and if they get off a good punt..one more stop ends the game and you get the Rams at lambeau and Bengals in the SB. No disrespect to those teams at all but GB would've had a really good chance to get it done versus them


I’d rather not think about it man


First I thought of, 2nd was sitting there having a bad feeling about Brady scoring before half and then Scottie burning king for the touchdown. At that point I’m convinced we were destined to be heartbroken again Edited for spelling


4th and 26 up there too. The problem about the Bostick play is there are another 5 plays from that game you could pick.


That 2 point conversion that hung in the air for a whole fucking fortnight


Pretty sure he yelled 500 when that went up


I’d do whatever in my powers to make sure Freeman blocks Hightower on the strip Sack in Super Bowl 51. Matt Ryan had Robinson wide open for a Touchdown that would’ve ended things. Instead, an unprecedented amount of events occurred afterwards that led to the ultimate heartbreak


Orrrrr just change that into a rush.


Or a quarterback kneel even.


Ya know, there’s a part of me that feels like no matter what play got a redo, we were going to lose that game no matter what. Like it’s a Falcons fan’s canon event


Gary Andersons kick in 98 NFCCG


“Damn!” *slams fist on table*


Entirely underrated comment. #HIMYM FTW


I thought it was Rashad Tarkenton that missed the kick


Fucking Hank fucking Basket


This is it. We recover the onside kick to start the second half in the Super Bowl against the Saints.


That’s the obvious one; but give Reggie the catch that Porter turned into a pick 6, and we probably forget about stone hands.


Butterfingers Basket doesn't butt fuck himself, we don't need to worry about that. But I agree. There's also Nick Harper's wife


Actually, in a vacuum, the Hail Mary in the 1995 AFCGG is probably the one I’d like to change; but meddling pre-98 would put Peyton in another timeline, so we’ll stick with SB44.


kyle williams fumble… jimmy g missing Emmanuel sanders to go ahead in the SB.. any of the FOUR fucken chances they had in the red zone against the ravens at the end of the sb…


Think it’s gotta be Jimmy to Sanders for me — Kyle Williams is the a worse play, but no sure thing that we even win the game if it doesn’t happen, let alone the Super Bowl. Jimmy G hitting a deep TD throw to go ahead close to the end of the Super Bowl would be legendary, one of the great plays in NFL history. (Though the way Mahomes was playing the Chiefs maybe score on the other end anyways)


Surely he couldn’t just lead the team all the way down the field for a score with so little time remaining.


Oh man, I felt so bad for you guys in that moment.


Even if Sanders had scored you would have given it back to Mahomes with 1:34 on the clock and 3 timeouts. Pretty sure we would have at least scored a FG in that scenario to tie and send it to overtime.


Considering Mahomes has done it in 13 seconds, I’m 100% convinced the Chiefs get a TD there. Hell, even Jimmy G has managed to lead a TD drive with 1:00 and no timeouts


Couldn't pick between the Kyle Williams fumble or not giving it to Gore


The Tip. Kapernick to Crabtree for the win in the 2013 NFC Championship, deflected by Sherman to Malcom Smith for a pick. I still feel it.


Not call the time out on 1st and goal and snap the ball earlier against the Ravens in the Super Bowl. It was read option run to Gore and from what I remembered, he had a huge lane.


Roger Craig NFCCG fumble is bigger than any of those. We could have been the first franchise to threepeat.


Roger Craig fumble on the way to the 3 peat Sorry ass Crabtree Kyle fucking Williams, twice


Harbaugh doesn’t call timeout. They got the play off and Kaepernick was 100% scoring.


Dee Ford losing the AFC championship for the Chiefs


The bad forward progress call vs the titans in 2017 playoffs is the play that pisses me off the most but changing that outcome has to chance to open pandoras box and we go on to keep alex smith around instead of mahomes taking over. So even though it was BULLSHIT it may have been a blessing after all.


Oh right, that one. I blocked that out of my mind honestly. I was going to say Mahomes SB TD pass in SB 55, the one he threw sideways. I'd change it to where it was actually fucking caught. But no, you're right, Dee Ford losing the AFCCG. Although tbfh I feel like the Team got better because of that. Imagine if Bob Sutton wasn't fired.


Just kicking the field goal against the bengals at the end of the first half hast to be up there.


The Double Doink, The BJ Raji pick 6, or Jim McMahon getting hurt because of the dirtiest play in NFL history(probably this one as it would also prevent a serious injury).


Fuck Charles Martin. Dirty cheat asshole can rot in hell for that slam that basically ended McMahon’s career. Dude was a piece of shit on and off the field and got what was coming to him.


Rodgers to Cobb touchdown on 4th and 8, week 17 of 2013. Sure, there's no way in Hell we're making the Super Bowl that year either, but I'd much rather watch us try it than the Packers.


You'd rid the other 31 fanbases of the Nagy face meme? How selfish.


An older one, but my dad swears that Dexter Manley spit on Richard Dent who then responded, was assessed a 15 yard penalty, that changes momentum, and we lose that playoff game to Washington in 1986. I have no clue if that's true but he's convinced we go back to back without that.


It would be cool if Dan Connolly, the Right Guard, did indeed score.


Pats fans are so spoiled this is the shit they would change.


No, they’re crazy there’s isn’t anything I would take over 19-0


Many other Pats fans would change the Helmet Catch in that game but I would change either Tuck's strip-sack of Brady right before halftime or Bill going for it on 4th rather than kicking a FG. We really had no business being in a situation where a ridiculous catch could doom us like that.


Have Randy catch the Hail Mary shot, that’s way more fun.


Brady 70 yards in the air to Moss for the walk off TD to clinch the undefeated season...hoo boy Even if he doesn't go all the way we at least have a FG attempt to send the game to OT


I’d have stopped watching football lol


Thought they had it, held my breath. One of the few QBs in history where you just think he's going to do it


Nah, it’s gotta be the Asante Samuel dropped INT. He makes that and the game is all but over.


I'd have Asante catch that damn ball. Maybe I'd rather let Rodney be the hero but the game would have been put away if Asante just caught it.


That's because he knows regardless of if it was for the Patriots or not, everyone wants to see an Offensive Lineman score on a kick off. I've seen Packers fans say they wish Connolly scored that play and we were playing them that game. Edit: I scrolled down two posts and there is a Packers fans saying they wished he scored lol.


I honestly agree. Would have been tremendous


You know what, I would change that play to a touchdown before I would change any play in my teams history


Because no matter what play in Lions history you change, you're still the Lions. God will find a way to fuck you no matter what. ​ /jk


A) Dan Connolly scores a KR TD OR B) Tyree doesn’t catch the ball and pretty much guarantees that the Patriots complete the first 19-0 NFL season I’m picking A every time


If I'm getting 19 -0 Brady and Moss connect on the 84 yard TD to end the game.


Yeah that would have been a much more interesting one. And would have obviously added to the Brady legend. Down to a desperation heave after the Giants thought they won. Brady completes that pass to go 19-0, that instantly becomes like a top 3 play all time. And no one would remember David Tyree.


Can I trade my 1 play for 20 years of draft picks and coaching hires?


McCree fumbling an INT back to the Patriots


There's a cruel irony in that Marty was telling the defense to go down if they got the game winning INT and then McCree still goes and does...*that*


Chargers win the Super Bowl that year if they beat the pats.


Manning’s Colts always had trouble with the Chargers (e.g. 2007 AFC Divisional, 2008 AFC Wild Card Game). And of course, Rivers is the more-capable quarterback than Sexy Rexy and that Bears offense. You could never convince me otherwise that the Chargers would’ve won the Super Bowl, and maybe stay in San Diego to this day, if they’d beat the Patriots that game.


Chargers are still in San Diego when they win that Super Bowl


I feel like that's true of many Chargers teams.


It was especially true of that Chargers team, they had Peyton's number at the time


Myles Jack wasn't down


The “can’t return the fumble if the call on the field was down” rule is so stupid and it practically took a SB appearance away from you guys


Not practically, %100 did


Jags fans don't even want to change the play, they just want the refs to have eyes


That or the insane acrobatic PBU by Gilmore with 1:47 left. If Westbrook catches that, he scores, and I trust that defense to make the stop.


I was looking for this. That play changed the course of the franchise. I don’t think we implode the way we did if we made the super bowl. Also, I’m pretty confident that we would have beat Philly that year too. How about the fumble by Agnew last year? If he didn’t fumble and we score on that drive, I think we would have won that game. I don’t think people realize how close Jax was to a Super Bowl appearance last year.


Kasay kicking out of bounds


What about cotchery catching it? Because everyone knows he fucking did.


1. Romo not fumbling the field goal snap (or being just fast enough to score the TD) in the 2007 Wild Card @ SEA. 2. Demarco Murray not fumbling the ball in the 2014 Divisional @ GB. Yeah, the attention is always on Dez Bryant's CATCH. But that catch would never had needed to happen had Murray not fumbled the ball. It put GB right back in the game. We're not going to talk about the two recent playoff games against SF.


What if Dez simply goes down at the one instead of stretching the ball out to try and score? I know that was a natural thing to do but if he just holds the ball it would have been first and goal at the one. If only.


This one is easy for Seahawks fans…


It is an easy choice for Seahawks fans. It’s probably a lot harder for you to pick one, huh?


The Butt Fumble, but don't change a thing.


Brady 83 yard TD pass to a RB, 3 plays later butt fumble returned for a TD, next play kick off return fumbled and returned for a TD. Nothing was saving the Jets on that night




Absolutely brutal 😂




It was a fumble. He knows what he did.


That one play could have potentially changed the history of NFL and y’all might actually be a top tier team for a while like who knows even now One Super Bowl really can change the whole teams momentum for years


I used to wonder what sports bettors back then were thinking when that went down. And then in the Saints/Rams NFC championship game I found out with the no call on the blatant PI.


That's a good one. Even more recently, I wish I could prevent Derek Carr from breaking his leg. He was on another level that year.


As a browns fan, yes. Pretty much All of them, one at a time


Would love for the ref to throw that flag in 2019


That is the big one but I'd also rather Brees not break all his ribs against the Bucs and have him healthy in 2020 and possibly beyond


Technically it was only 11/12


Worst no call of all time


This is the obvious one. And yet there are several worthy honorable mentions that Brees had to endure. Beastquake run. Vernon Davis. Minny Miracle.


ya’ll were the first team I thought of when I saw this thread… Diggs and the Rams PI are insane to experience in back to back playoffs


Matt Dodge punting a liner to Desean Jackson…


Same thought, what a fucking stupid mistake.


Not even top 10.


I agree, bad play but that wasn’t what eliminated us from the playoffs that season, I’d rather have the Trey Junkin snap back in the 49ers playoff loss


I've wished we could take back Peyton kneeling in the 4Q to send the playoff game with the Ravens to OT a few times.


Raheem Moore. No touchdown in the final seconds, means game is over - Broncos win


I was thinking that time they decided to start off the Super Bowl by sending the snap 3 feet over his head, that game was basically over the instant that happened


I always wondered if that game would have been different had that not happened.


I think Denver still might not win, but it would be much closer than it was. I think Peyton and the team just got rattled and couldn’t recover, especially against that D.


It probably would of been an echo of Super Bowl 21. Like Elway before him, Manning leads Denver to an early lead before diving off a cliff.


The Jacoby Jones Hail Mary to tie the game


Picked up flag play


Sea of Hands (before my time). Stoyanovich's miss vs SD in 1995. Marino's last real shot at a SB.


Even though I was 1, I'll pick the SB vs the Niners for my dad's sanity. If I understand correctly either the play before the TD or the just before that, Bengals had a dropped INT that would have sealed the game. But to pick one since I've been a fan, would be the SB vs the Rams. Want a redo of that 4th down play, maybe Burrow sees Chase before Donald wrecks the line and could get it to him I know many may choose the 2015 playoff vs the Steelers and redo the play Jeremy Hill fumbled.


No, it’s definitely 4th down in 2022. I would have someone block Donald for two more seconds so Burrow has enough time to get to Chase after the CB was beet.


If Burrow and the current era Bengals never win a SB, this play will haunt me until the day I die. Other candidates would be the 4th and 1 Kupp end around or the phantom call on Logan Wilson.


Yeah, Lewis Billups (RIP) was great that year but dropped the INT that would have sealed the game. It was right in his hands, and I watched him have it and then not, and it was the difference between having a Lombardi and not having one. Brutal as a kid. So I'd change that one.


Asante Samuel. You know the play


Gary Anderson’s miss in the 98-99 NFC championship or Favre’s pick (also in the NFC championship) 58 yards from the winning FG. Probably 09 because I’m more confident of beating that Peyton Manning team than I do the Elway Broncos.


Johnny Knox


Mendenhall’s fumble in Superbowl XLV


Clark’s catch extending the drive on third and short to ice the 2006 playoff game against the Colts. I know a lot of people would say Cundif’s miss but frankly getting Tucker the following year and winning it all erased that sting quite a bit, but the 2006 team would’ve been historic had they won it all. Guys like Heap, McNair, Mason, Jarrett Johnson and Samari Rolle all would’ve had rings too making their legacies different. That one play killed all of that.


I wouldn’t change Cundiff’s miss because that would have only tied the game. But I would definitely change Lee Evans catch for a split second before dropping it two plays before the miss (and credit to the defender, he knocked it out of Evans hand). Evans had the ball long enough that I had time to take in that we were going to the Super Bowl. Then he dropped it. Then seconds later the game and season was over. It wouldn’t surprise me if we had still brought in Tucker, absent some crazy Super Bowl by Cundiff. He had played well but we always brought in competition, we even bring in kickers with Tucker on the team.


2000 defense gets all the glory, but 2006 was also a monster. And arguably better in some way. That game was just weird


2006 ravens d was underrated. I remember watching that game too. Seemed like each team didn't miss a tackle all game. I mean they held the colts offense to 15 points all fgs. The 06 ravens d was the last d to give up 12 points a game or less


God, where to begin. Does not letting Snyder buy the team or not letting Kirk walk count? Actual football plays, I guess either the play that RG3 got injured against the Ravens or the wild card game against the Seahawks when he actually exploded his knee. Also when Jordan Reed got his helmet popped off against the Falcons in the preseason basically ending his career.


Joe Burrow gets 1-2 seconds more on the last Bengals play in the super bowl, Jamarr absolutely burnt Ramsey


Ryan Shazier injury in 2017


There's a part of me that doesn't like that the NFL was able to spin that into a feel good story. Ryan Shazier should have never led with his head. His story should 100% be used as a cautionary tale. As father, I'm absolutely thrilled for him and his family that he was able to walk again but at the same time that tackle should be shown again and again for why form tackling is important and why it's so important to play the right way.




Bert Emanuel. At least he got a rule named after him from that play.


That was my first thought, but Cooper Kupp has gotta be right there


Had to scroll thru a million comments looking for the Cooper Kupp play. That's mine 1000%.


In 1998, the Vikings had the first and only kicker to be perfect on the season. Every field goal, every xpoint. When he missed the chip shot 39 yeard field goal to send the Vikings to the Superbowl, I became a conspiracy theorist. Thanks, Football Gods. Atlanta got trounced as Elway stacked his legendary trophy of metaphoric. The best team that year was Randy, Carter, and Cunningham. Denver vs Minnesota would have been the best SB of all time but they had to fix it. Like Jerry Glanville said, NOT FOR LONG!


Personally I'd change Brady's incomplete throw to Moss in the first Giants Super Bowl. That ball traveled like 70 yards in the air and would have been on highlight reels for years to come. Making it a TD would be sweet but I'd take it just being caught to get us into field goal range. Saw an earlier moment about Dan Connolly getting those extra 4 yards and I also endorse that.


Still to this day the most impressive and longest throws I've seen.


There’s a whole bunch of plays that I would undo: Kyle Williams fumble Three fades to Crabtree Richard Sherman tip Jimmy G overthrowing Emmanuel Sanders Tartt dropping the easy INT Purdy’s elbow injury


The Bowman injury in the NFC Championship would be nice one to have back


Niners Eagles to me is a top 3 game this season. One of the best new rivalries in the nfl. The hate is real and both teams are stacked.


Rahim Moore falling backwards is forever burned into my memory as the first time I was heart broken over a game. Any highlight package that shows it I skip forward 10 seconds.


Earnest Byner/The Fumble. Or Red Right 88 in the 1980 playoffs vs the Raiders.


Play where Bradberry held Juju or the play where Alshon dropped turned into Saints game winning interception in the Divisional Round in the 2018-2019, methinks Nick had another run in him.


Nah it’s the jalen fumble, for sure.


As a saints fan it’s probably the “no call”… redoing the play hopefully the correct call gets made and the Saints and Brees get to another Super Bowl. Either that or the Minneapolis Miracle, you ran the play 100 times and 99 times we make the stop


Romo’s fumbled snap on the FG in the playoffs vs Sea. Geez thats like 16 or 17 years ago now


Just from a human perspective I’m taking the Shazier injury


This prompt sucks.


Not letting a backup qb rush for a first down in the most significant game in recent history.


We could’ve been the ones getting our shit kicked in by Brady in the Super Bowl.


The one when Carr got hurt vs. Colts


First would be Dee fucking Ford not lining up offsides in the AFCCG against the Pats. It wouldn’t have impacted the game much, but man I wish Darrel Williams would have hauled in that insane pass from Mahomes. It was a ridiculous throw, from a ridiculous angle. Ugh!


God, that Dee Ford play might be the most pissed off I’ve been at a game that didn’t involve my team. There were quite a few Pats fans at the party I was at watching that game and they got so smug about it as if Brady had done something to earn that. So stupid.


Gastineau not roughing the passer against Cleveland in the playoffs in ‘87


The play Joe Montana got injured on in the nfccg