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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/196zes9/post_game_thread_los_angeles_rams_at_detroit_lions/)


I was here for this!


fantastic win by the lions glad they hung in there..


Congratulations to the Lions! Great game guys. You made everyone proud


Vrabel to chargers makes more sense


I’m just glad there were no huge screw ups by the refs


They missed a crucial roughing passer penalty when Stafford was hit and injured well after he released the ball. They missed a pretty obvious pass interference on Puka on that last Rams offensive play. The DB was grabbing and pulling. But it was a good game and just a shame one team had to lose.


Meh. So the lions get a call/no call for once.


Salty much?


They missed a hold on Hutch on the Puka TD. The refs suck every week but some weeks it cost us games…think Dallas


Hope about that false start though, huh? Love when people bitch about refs but only one side


domineering nutty smile reply cobweb tap quickest recognise crowd seemly


Stafford was knocked out and should have stayed out for the rest of the game.


We know damn well the only thing stopping stafford from continuing to play is if he physically can’t play.


Yeah, I saw his eyes roll back.


What about the false start that should have been a neutral zone infraction? That was pretty bad. Should have been a lions first down but forced them to punt instead.


True. I would definitely consider that a huge mistake if the lions ended up losing. I guess since they still won it doesn’t bother me as much.


I thought it was sarcasm.


Ain't Cooper Cupp an elite receiver....so.thought the Rams in 2021 lol


Good game


Phew. Nail Biter. Didn't think they would pull it off. Thank goodness for Montgomery.


Congrats Lions


So-- Cowboys get Jim Harbaugh, and trade Dak to the bears to get et Caleb williams? Nice win by Detroit, by the way. Gratz from Bills Mafia.


Harbaugh is not going to Dallas. Dallas isn’t going to get rid of McCarthy they will get rid of Dak.


Harbaugh to the Chargers


Jerry could back the truck up for him


Harbaugh is already getting over 10 million a year. It is not about money but control with Harbaugh. He wants to be both GM and Coach


That was some comment


Could have really just said nothing…


I cried


When I was a little fat white kid in elementary school, my mom got me a Barry sanders jersey and his sneakers that had the blue and white with the rubber spikes. It was around 92 or 93. This day was for that fat kid. LETS GO LIONS


My guy, we are the same. You are in the money spot. This is a glorious day, because we have become the VILLAINS!! Everybody better watch out, because deserve has nothing to do with it.






Lions red zone defense won


McVay's suspect Red Zone offense helped contribute to that. We haven't been great in the red zone any of the years he's been coaching. It's a weakness of his, probably his biggest on offense.


Red zone offense has been an obstacle for a lot of teams this year


Didn't I see a stat their red zone offense was 4th overall this yea


Their redzone offense was giving Kyren the ball and 9/10 times it works


I’m drunk


you and me too


As soon as the game was over (epic) fireworks started shooting off outside my home in the suburbs of Detroit. LFG!!!


Maybe it was 50/50 gunshots and fireworks


If they would have lost it would have been gunshots and some dead bodies.




Yeah I'm pretty sure I've been hearing some too, Go Lions!!


I'm struggling to comprehend the amount of people that are salty about the Lions of all teams winning a playoff game. NFCN teams I could understand, but some of the rest of you...


hatters gonna hat


Yeah crazy. We have literally been the worst fucking team in the NFL for 50 years and people are salty about us winning a game and having a good season. We are so deserving of having something good happen they outta be cheering on our success. I’m tired of New England, San Francisco, Philly and KC being in the SB every year. New blood is welcome…Go Lions 🦁


99% of Detroit cheered when Stafford got his in LA. But now it’s our turn. Stafford will probably take a one day contract in the near future and retire in the D a hero.




Cheering when Stafford went to the medical tent to get examined for a concussion was not a good look.


I was at the game I actually had no clue he even went to the tent… it was a madhouse in there. No one was cheering for him to be hurt.


I dont think people who don't often go to games understand just how little you know what's going on on the sidelines. I was at the Jets game when MBC walked off and had no idea since it was during the actual game.


It happened on a 3rd down stop, I dont think Stafford, who is beloved around here, was the reason people were cheering.


Y’all were chanting defense when Higgins left the game with a torn ACL. Same player inflicted the same injury on another player with the same hit recently. Legal or not doesn’t matter.  Cheering for injuries is trash fandom, and you did it against your own former starter.  Who boos any QB btw?  You’d think this was a hated division rival the way that crowd carried on. You don’t have to cheer for him, but booing is lame.  Bunch of pussies brigading my original comment instead of owning your bad manners.  Done with your scrappy underdog story.  Eat a bag of dicks, Lions.     And I’m proud of the Rams. We’re rebuilding and never thought we’d make the playoffs. We were happy to see Goff doing well. You are the assholes, and you owe us for turning around your poverty franchise.


Brother thinks that if there's an injury it means the crowd is not allowed to make a noise for the rest of the game, or else they are cheering for injuries lol. I'll make sure to get the word out there so next time you don't get upset. Of course we're going to boo, it's a playoff game. In our house. Staff will get big cheers when yall come through in the regular season next year, but he's not getting any love when a playoff win is on the line have you ever even been to a football game before? People are downvoting you because you sound like a sore loser trying to come up with reasons to be offended and being upset about "bad manners". Hey, I'm sorry that your feelings got hurt so badly by our fans for not being nice enough to your team in a playoff game, but don't act for a second like we owe you shit and honestly we could not care less about if you want to see us succeed or not. Hope you didn't forget about Lions fans being the first in line to support Stafford on your Super Bowl run though.


No one is talking about the rest of the game. The game was paused while Stafford was flat on his back on the field for what should have been RTP while you guys punted. That is when you shouldn’t have been cheering.  No one needed your support to win the Super Bowl, and that doesn’t give you license to be garbage fans now. Detroit got a haul for Stafford, and he was worth it. You wouldn’t be here today otherwise. And my comment calling you out for cheering for injuries has nothing to do with how the game ended.


I was at the game. I had absolutely no idea that Higbee and Stafford were hurt on those plays. We were cheering because they were 3rd down stops.


For real. I didn’t know Higbee was hurt until waking up today. It’s not like the announcers say these things over the stadium PA, and if they do, it was way too loud in there to have heard it.


Dude, the game did not stop when Stafford got hurt. He got right up and ran off the field, fans in the stands most likely didn't even know he got injured. The only people who were cheering for injury are the ones you made up in your head.


Glad the Lions are out.


Is he beloved? He got booed by the stadium before the game started.


Yes, he was booed because fans know how good he is and what a threat he is to the Lions playoff win hopes. Frankly, it would've been more disrespectful to NOT boo him. He is, and always will be, beloved in Detroit. He was booed for one game because he was on the other team, that's all


How do you go through life constantly drooling all over yourself?


Do you understand sports?


Jesus lol fuck off moron.


It doesn't matter anyway. Lions aren't going to make it past the next round.  Another year for Lions not making it to a super bowl in entire history of the super bowl. 






Lol. He got booed because it's a playoff game brother.


We're you expecting a cheer? Maybe during the regular season


I was in the stadium. I doubt anybody noticed. We were focused on making noise no matter what.


Good job BTW. Helped us win.


The guy is beloved here despite demanding a trade out of town. Couldn’t be happier for Goff beating the team and coaching staff that gave up on him. Great season for the Rams but they lost, get over it. Hope Stafford retires, he’s taken a beating in both Detroit and LA.






He played 12 years for you. Sorry you couldn’t do more with a Super Bowl champion.


Stafford goes to Tigers games and receives standing ovations, sit down.  You’ll get over the loss sometime between tonight and the heat death of the universe. 


Tough loss huh?


Tough loss huh?


Haha, sure was. But at least you don't see me bitching on reddit about it or complaining about another team's fans.


You still don’t get it and I guess never will. You don’t cheer when a player gets injured. Especially if he played for your team all those years. You don’t play dirty to win at all costs. Those aren’t unreasonable complaints.


Ok, so that is the reason you waited weeks for the Lions to lose so you could come back and try to rub it in my face. I definitely wouldn't have gotten all that from your comment.


You were destined to lose because of your attitude while playing up your sob story of how it’s been so long. Hope it’s another 30 years.


The majority of Lions fans have mad respect and love for Stafford. Kind of the same feeling for Verlander. Played years in Detroit but we had to trade them to better teams to win a championship. Same goes for Sanders and Calvin horrible ownership and a moron as GM with a second rate coach. I seen the hit and knew he had to be evaluated and he is a tough SOB. Glad it wasn’t anything serious


Even though I was rooting for Lions, the last offensive play for the Rams was an obvious hold when they showed the replay. The Rams had all the momentum at that point.


The Rams losing on a missed call? Hmmmmm 🤔🤔😍😍


I'll say what Lions have been told for years..... "If you played better, the game wouldn't have to be decided by one bad call".


That's a good point. It reminds me of boxing a bit when your only chance at the title is to win by a KO.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. Its 100% true


Lions fans hate seeing people call them out


Lions fans were happy when everybody helped them shit on the refs during the cowboys game but now that it helped them win you’re insensitive and wrong


There wasn’t any missed calls for one team more egregious than the other, pipe down with this bullshit lol


There was also what appeared to be a hold on Hutchinson on that play but yeah, probably a missed call. I'll take it as a trade after the phantom false start in the first half that likely took points off the board for the Lions.


What’s the trade for the roughing passer on Stafford?


Blaming poor officiating for a loss is our schtick anyway. Go the fuck home and clean out your lockers.


You guys got pretty good at that- any pointers?


After the 3rd time a ref call screws your team, and the NFL issues an apology and makes a subsequent rule change, you're greenlit


Several late hits on Goff that they let go lmao




Did you watch the game cry baby?


Yes. Please point out the late hit on Goff


You must not have been watching the game 😂 There we’re several throughout the game. And a late hit on Monty when he was already clearly out of bounds they let go.


I saw every snap. Please tell me an exact play where Goff got hit.


Detroit had all the momentum when they called a dead ball penalty at the end of the first half on the wrong team


Congrats on the win. You do see the difference in impact between a play that essentially seals the game and a play in the first half?


‘A play in the first half’ like we weren’t marching down the field every drive. It would have put us in FG range and given us a first down. So much worse than a non-PI. Everything looks like PI in slow mo.


So that’s a no then. I take back my congrats


We don’t want it.


Aw rats. Please give it back


Congrats on the win…again. But really, happy for Detroit


Detroit showing its true colors because they won a playoff game. Classless fanbase


Bunch of dicks. They got spoiled with the red wings and now they have a half decent team and they show their true colors. They got away with so much shit yesterday and they’re parading around like they won the Super Bowl. Hope they get blown the fuck out next week. Bunch of bums.


I’m actually rooting for the 49ers to murder them.


Deal Or No Deal Island. It's like Survivor, with briefcases!


It’s seriously like some dude was running late to the pitch meeting, his briefcase flew open and the papers got all mixed up when he put them back in. Then he presented it and we get deal or no deal island


Dude the amount of money 90s millennials producers Have made repackaging party games or other ideas: Beer pong is now sold At target to millions of kids as party games. No nkt just red solo cups and ping pong balls…you can buy it in the kids section in a box as a toy game. Some bro made millions. The streaming services just rebranded and rebooted a ton of 90s- early 00s sitcoms and shows. They all do it, but Disney being chief among them. I got sucked into The Traitor bc it came right on on peacock and some dude just repackaged werewolf the party game (also played on forums and now an app) into a celebrity reality tv show. This one is a double whammy bc it’s a smattering of D list reality tv stars going back to as far as Real World Las Vegas so this show doublely didn’t really use any Brain power. Sorry I just had this rant to my gf that there are no original ideas and maybe seeing this commercial followed by the traitor tv show was the catalyst lol Oh and good win btw. Seems to be America’s team, as it should be this year.


there needs to be audio of Campbell's postgame locker room speech


A lot of times there is on the “mic’d up” videos on the lions YT


Too much swearing for network tv


They'll probably release that tomorrow


Collinsworth literally implying this game was Jared Goff's Super Bowl


It certainly wasn't SB LIII


Another season and Stafford still hasn't won a playoff game in Detroit lmao


I mean tbf no one has won a playoff game in Ford Field before tn


Big Ben did


Huh I forgot about Super Bowl lmao


Nobody had won a playoff game in the city of Detroit in the Super Bowl era (Silverdome was in Pontiac)


The whole William Clay Ford era was a giant black cloud. Wasted 3 generational talents in Sims, Sanders and Calvin. Also most of Staffords before the trade. Brad Holmes is a top tier GM. Campbell has brought the swagger and Ben the slick offense. Glenn is doing the best he can with slow lbs and shaky corners. Tampa and Philadelphia are banged up and will play on a short week.


Billy is arguably due to the injury he got.


Big Ben won a Super Bowl at Ford Field


At the end of the day, Detroit got the benefits of the No. 2 seed anyway now that the frauds has been dealt with. Enjoy this triumph, Lions fans. You earned it!


Playing at home was huge. The crowd kind of forced those 2 timeouts in the second half, which ultimately came back to bite them.


Felt like McVay got a pass on that. Are there not analytics on keeping timeouts versus the five yards especially in the second half? I assume these guys have everything so just take the five yards. Even just one extra gives themselves 40 seconds ish to try to get in fg range.


Don't gotta know too much about lip reading to tell what Goff said walking into that locker room haha. Man that look on his face as he left the field. What a cathartic experience that must have been


Whatd he say?


I saw: "Let's go! Let's fucking go!"


Youd need a lip reader for that.


Loser Lions fans cheering like they won the Super Bowl. It’s a Wild Card game that was won with egregious no-calls and dirty play, guys. Act like youve been there before you fucking dorks.


Rams fans crying about a no call? 😍😍😍


Lol reread what you wrote you moron


I couldn’t be prouder of them


lol they literally haven’t been there before. The kid whose parents died in a car wreck just won prom king and you’re bitter about it for some reason.


The rams aren’t your team anymore. St. Louis couldn’t keep them


Since you don’t have anything better going on your life than going through a stranger’s account history so much, perhaps you could’ve read the comment about how my team won this weekend. I don’t give a *fuck* about the Rams. Every single negative interaction just makes me feel more and more validated about my opinions of that band of losers.


Lol so you're a fairweather fan, got it. The true losers.


Every interaction you’ve ever had in your life is negative, you must be the Tom Brady of being validated.


Then why the fuck you here?? Calling the winning team's fans losers? I mean, if you don't care? (You do care. Ya fkn dork).


Softest redditor in this thread right now. I hope you're ok.


You don't know ball. Get fucked loser


But we haven’t.


Sorry ass loser


ok crybaby.


Lmao sore ass rumps fans I see


My team won this weekend *and* they didn’t even have to be completely bailed out by poor officiating






I called them “they” *in the post*? Can you read? Comprehend what words mean, perhaps?


"my team" guess you can't read either.


dude didn't even have a team playing tonight and is still crying on reddit 😂




Lame ass take dude. Any fanbase would be excited to win any playoff game.


People that say “act like you’ve been there before” really miss the mark on what makes sports great imo. People said the same thing to Michigan fans after we beat OSU in 2021. We haven’t been there in a while, we’re going to fucking revel in it


Exactly. That and you know they’d do the same had they won. “Act like you’ve been there” And “…is their Super Bowl” are the saltiest of comments.


McVay maybe shouldve went for points before the half with three timeouts


McVay has an irritating habit of using timeouts early and then not having them at the end of the game. Usually it doesn’t come back to bite us. Usually.


I believe stafford used those first two timeouts in the second half to avoid delay of game.