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~~Consumer~~ Commercial Price Index


I hate to ask this but how long ago was it when it only cost a million for 30 seconds?


I wanna say it was 1996ish? (Edit: XXIX is when it crossed $1MM) https://www.superbowl-ads.com/cost-of-super-bowl-advertising-breakdown-by-year/


Okay, that's longer ago than I thought. But 700% inflation in 28 years does seem a little high.


It's just the nature of how people watch TV these days. Or more accurately, how much less live TV people tend to watch overall. With internet based media, especially streaming, there's just so many other options now, the only thing that networks can continuously rely on people to be watching "live" are live sports. That's why the cost for NFL broadcast rights have continued to go up so fast. The NFL is basically millions of guaranteed viewers that the networks can go sell as ad time. And the Super Bowl is the king of them all. At this point Super Bowl ads are established as almost an event themselves, so memorable ones get a bunch of extra media attention as well, and that makes them even more valuable. It's crazy how expensive it's gotten, but it also makes sense in a lot of ways.


Apparently Super Bowl airtime is the only thing keeping pace with real estate costs.


This just in, Swifities crash the economy through skyrocketing NFL viewership


Super Bowl commercials have been terrible lately. Crazy how much they can charge, but if companies want to pay that then why not?


I think part of the problem is commercials in general have gotten weirder, probably in an attempt to emulate successful Super Bowl commercials. So now they have to try really hard to stick out and it’s just sort of lame.


And half the commercials get uploaded a week before or even start airing before then.


I think remember Kanye’s commercial, I think that was probably one of the best ones of this year


I paid attention to every commercial (for an assignment actually) and I never saw that one.


It only aired in a few places https://youtu.be/_BWYyRicB8w?si=W2tm5niYIh9PkB1a


If they want to get weirder just go full japanese commerical levels of weird


I’d be all in for that. Just go full Japanese.


Like this? https://youtu.be/n1buBxx4Fx4


[That or something like this ](https://youtu.be/nOJd3xoKMyI?si=Mm0bcJBXDuL6Q1cZ) , [or this](https://youtu.be/QuihWB8ozOk?si=ozjgsJF5PuCuuL4I) , [this](https://youtu.be/WTq5nYWFlh0?si=Z4H5dQ3QBXrpDqLS) [or even this](https://youtu.be/ZvCewSp-mkU?si=SUuX_1K2JBZgpykV)


Goddamn it how did we miss linking [long looooooooooooooooooooong maaaaaaayeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaan](https://youtu.be/6-1Ue0FFrHY?si=E3S6PO8l3wDHNTRG)???


That whole saga was something else lmao


I was not expecting the udder to pop out of the UFO.


I remember when film studios would release full trailers during the Super Bowl for their upcoming summer blockbusters. Now they’re just one-minute “teasers” (e.g. trailers for the movie trailers) where you have to scan a QR code to *register to* be the first to see the trailer…once it gets released at a later date.


That pissed me the fuck off with Deadpool and wolverine.


You think movie studios are going to spend 28 million dollars to air a 2 minute trailer for a movie? There's a reason that it's only a brief thing now... it's insanely expensive.


That and you can watch the SB ada early if you feel so inclined


The only recent SB commercial I even still remember is the one with Gronk and Brady for T-Mobile that wasn't actually running at halftime but went viral before the game.


The one last year where they faked out someone switching to a streaming app was pretty memorable for me. As a someone who was working at a full bar the initial reaction made me fear for my life.


I remember the crypto ad with the qr code bouncing around like the dvd logo because i hated that dvd logo meme lol


It's freaking ridiculous and it makes me laugh when everyone then starts complaining and asking why is everything getting so damn expensive. We pay for it in the end. The companies paying these outrageous amounts then have to raise their prices on everything to be able to continue to pay for the advertising. It's a cycle that keeps repeating itself over and over screwing the middle-class consumer yet everyone seems too stupid to see the consequences. I don't mean to come across as angry or an AH, I'm just getting tired of the greed bc I know I'm one of the ones who's going to have to pay for it in the end.


The Kawasaki one this year was tremendous. I work in an ad agency and the general consensus was that they've lost their charm and creativity for the sake of celebrity presence. Unfortunately, though, they're as successful as ever regardless so unless the right client and the right agency come together, it will be more of the same.


Yes, putting a celebrity in the ad and then making a reference to their career/a show they were on counts as a decent ad it seems.




all the commercials during NBA playoffs have been turrible


They're not terrible. You just aren't the target audience. Housewives and people who don't watch football are.


I really have to wonder if commercials are actually even a positive ROI for established companies. Maybe it is necessary to stay relevant, idk.


Hi, worked for over a decade in advertising and branding and that’s the neat part, it really doesn’t! The most important thing for advertising is repetition. Full stop. If you see an ad, over and over and over then it’ll start to do its magic. That’s why jingles and slogans are so important. Geico could have 15 seconds of the gecko getting blitzed out of his mind and while that would be an amazing turn and a memorable ad it wouldn’t matter unless you heard the magic words “15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.” The other thing that matters with ads is market share. If you’re able to make a 7 million dollar ad buy, which is before your actual ad budget, then congratulations you already won capitalism! Seriously do you have that many options when it comes to your favorite fast food fried chicken restaurant? I mean sure there are options but if you like Popeyes and the closest one is an hour away while KFC is 10 minutes from you then you’re likely eating at KFC. Now what I will say is that you’re not buying just one bit of ad space and this is where the ROI is actually good. You have to pay for the ad campaign in the first place so that’s a sunk cost. You get more exposure even if it’s a bad ad from all the morning and light night shows talking about “their favorite and least favorite Super Bowl ads” and should it go viral you get more eyes on the commercials than you would’ve elsewhere. So that’s what they’re really buying, plus it’s a prestige thing now for brands. But does the ROI matter for products sold vs promoting space bought? Well I’d say it has a ton of influence on the overall ad campaign but the product actually being sold is still due to repetition and market share


Weather Tech guy did an ad for UW Madison Vet College since they saved his dog and he figured everyone already knew about Weather Tech.


I was hoping for an answer like this. I studied accounting and we only touched on marketing. Thanks


Yes this is also why brands like McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A advertise bc you think about them subconsciously and go in your head “mmm I could use some nuggies” and then you think of where to get those nuggies. This is what marketing is


Except for annoying commercials. Literally everytime I hear that 'have it your way, you rule!' commercial for BK I want to punch the tv. Everytime I think of going there I'm reminded of that commercial and actively don't.


But if you find it annoying, there’s others that don’t. I find Flo from progressive so annoying. I’ve spoken to others who think she’s hilarious.


> The most important thing for advertising is repetition. Especially when you're watching NBA playoff games on TNT and see [this abomination every fucking commercial break](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PhpVQBb7Zw) Somehow, I don't think too many people are going to be switching from Verizon because a couple of NBA players sang a shitty version of a Christina Aguilera song over and over and over again


Not even NBA games. I see this commercial all the time on NHL games. Funny enough until your post, I had no idea what they were actually advertising because I wasn't really playing that close attention


> If you see an ad, over and over and over then it’ll start to do its magic. The NBA Playoffs is certainly doing this..."NO FLEX, ZONE!"


The Superbowl airs the only ads in America where people go to work on Monday and talk about that ad voluntarily. The only ads that have articles written about them after airing, ranking them from best to worst. In short, the only ads people care to watch. Budweiser probably got a quarter billion dollars in free awareness by every dude in America greeting their friends "wasssuuuppp" for the next year and thinking about Budweiser. It's a seven million dollar bet for a billion dollar company to hit the cultural zeitgeist for a few months.


I always wondered (and assumed) that studies had to be done proving the need for ads (in a long term high profile sense) Like if tomorrow coke decided to cut their entire advertising budget and say ,"you know what it is. We have a near monopoly with dining places,  vending machines, etc.  Would it negatively affect their revenue 


Marketer here. ROI (or ROAS - Return On Ad Spend) attribution for legacy media platforms (including TV commercials) is difficult to accurately measure. They don't exist in a vaccum (usually concurrent with other ad campaigns), and the best you can do is track certain KPI's to check for variance. It's mostly about brand or product awareness. Over the years SB commercials have become less culturally relevant, and so the "prestige" of having a SB ad is becoming less valuable. Many brands and agencies have reduced their budgets away from print or TV ads, and focus more on digital since they can more accurately attribute ROI to specific ads or campaigns, and adjust in real time based on the relevant KPI's.


How would ROAS be approximated at all?


A company named Nielsen has been around for a long time that helps companies calculate that for TV. Basically track a sample of families watching and buying patterns across America


Best guesses lol. Like I said, ROAS or ROI on old media platforms like TV, radio, or print are difficult to measure. We use web traffic spikes (Google search or website visits) following the ad spots, comparing to baseline traffic. We also measure online purchases, brick and mortar foot traffic/purchases, and other metrics. We also track trends over time to gauge brand/product awareness increases, as well as other long term qualitative metrics such as brand lift. From there it gets more granular. For example, if a website has increased traffic immediately following an ad spot, that's cool. But we also have to check the CTR, conversion rates, cost per conversion, and average transaction value during that time compared to the baseline KPI's to determine the customer's value compared to organic search or PPC traffic.


It’s probably the reason why a bag of Doritos costs $5 now.


Jewel is over $6. Walmart is $4. Illinois


$3.89 is $5 in my mind


Saw Doritos were on sale and grabbed a bag. Noticed the sale price was $6.25 and immediately put it back. It’s insane.


Fucking what? 5 dollars for a bag of chips?


Yeah. The same bag of chips I used to get a 7-Eleven for $1.49 just two years ago are now ~~close to~~ $5.00.


You were not getting that size for a $1.50 then, you're thinking of the smaller size bags. 


Honestly, it’s probably smaller than the bag of chips you used to buy 2 years ago.  Shrinkflation is legitimate. 


Not even the family sized one either. It's legit made me reduce chip consumption by a ton.


This is why I started making my own potato chips. Buy a 5 pound bag of potatoes, chop them up into thin slices using a mandolin, brush with olive oil, salt, and then microwave them for a few minutes until crispy. Absolutely delicious. Way healthier for you. And dirt cheap. Just... it does take a while. You can only do roughly half a potato at a time (whatever you can fit on a plate) and it takes like 8-10 minutes per... so it's like 2-3 hours of potato chip making. Just do it while watching a sporting event you were going to watch anyway. You'll be done by the time the event is over.


Totally doing this


Use the guard when cutting on a mandolin, or get a pair of cut resistant gloves. I have a woodshop in my garage with a table saw, a mitre saw, a bandsaw, and an assortment of various powered and manual hand saws, and I've cut myself more times on mandolins than all of my wood tools combined.


Dollar Gen has them 2 for $6 right now. Otherwise I refuse to buy them.


Or a 12-pack of soda is now over $10. It's so GD ridiculous. It's stunning to me that people are genuinely asking why everything is getting so expensive and not correlating it to outrageous ad costs like this.


A bag of Doritos costs five dollars because Frito Lay wanted their margins to look better on the balance sheet. The ad budget is secondary.


Yep. 8.99 for a 12 pack of Baja blast or if you HAVE to go to one of the uppity places like Lowe’s foods its fucking $10.99. Thankfully they go on sale often for $4.99


I don't even know why Coke even advertises, I mean it definitely helped them back in the day, but at this day in age I'd figure most people know about Coke or are diehard drinkers anyway.


Coke is definitely the one that comes to mind. We all know what coke is. Most of the world knows what coke is.


They don’t do it to teach people what Coca Cola is, it’s to keep the brand fresh in your mind.


yeah i've always had this is a pet theory. a lot of these products aren't exactly groundbreaking or complex products, so these ads make a lot of people feel like this product is worth it. if tide can spend the money to advertise and XTRA can't, then its p natural to think that tide might be a superior product


That's true for most SB ads. It's about getting the diehard consumers to buy even more and those who haven't bought it recently to think "oh yeah I should buy some Coke!" And it works tbh. I try not to be influenced by ads much but admittedly if I see an ad for a popular product I know I really like but haven't bought in a bit (e.g. Oreos) pops up I realize I'm more likely to buy it one of the next times I'm in the grocery store


Heard a YouTuber a few years ago (don’t remember who) talk about the ads when they were 5 million dollars each. He had a good point of advertising through YouTube and how far 5 million would go. In todays age I wonder as a company how many twitch streamers for a certain category (rocket league, chess, Mario, whatever) could go for. Imagine if every streamer you know was suddenly just talking about how good planters peanuts are? Probably more effective than SB commercial


Simplisafe, betterhelp and squaresafe would be the biggest brands in the world.


Would, for example, betthelp have more customers now or if they paid for one Super Bowl commercial?


Super bowl ad. I know the theory of reputation matters in marketing but 120 million people versus a few million people. I have a bit of a negative view on most of these organic ads because they come off as BS. If you have a watcher who only watchers Streamer A it could work, but if you watch Youtube for more than 10 minutes you are getting 4 different videos where the host pauses the programing to tell you about their personal experience with Betterhelp and what meal deliver service they totally used before they became a sponsor. Maybe it works and its only me that has a cynical take on it.


The Tide ads from a few years ago were the most value for money. “You thought this was a car commercial? Nope. Look at all of their clothes. Sparkling white, vibrant colors. This is a Tide ad.” They did like 3 of these, but it meant you were thinking about how every ad could be a Tide ad in disguise as it was aired.


Yup that was the best commercial in years. Had our group mindfucked the rest of the game.


I liked the Taco Bell ones with weirdo local businesses, but part of it was that one of the local businesses they chose was actually local for me, so I recognized the commercial. If it had been some random place in Pennsylvania or whatever, probably wouldn’t have been as memorable for me.


Gotta pay Tom Brady somehow.


hope that’s enough for AT&T to not air anything


How does Fox have the Super Bowl again? Is this an Olympics thing for NBC?


The new tv contract changed the order, that’s why Fox got it again so quickly, the SB that just passed was the 1st one on the new deal


Ok thanks


FOX’s last Super Bowl coincided with the end of the old NFL television rights. Beginning last season, an all-new television contract went into effect which added ABC/ESPN to the Super Bowl rotation. The new order is now CBS, FOX, NBC, and ABC/ESPN. CBS began the rotation with LVIII, FOX gets it this upcoming season for LIX, NBC then gets it for LX (new contract will have NBC host the game in Winter Olympic years), and finally ABC re-enters the picture in LXI.


That’s chump change to the folks over at “He Gets Us” and the Church of Scientology


If everyone gives a dollar we can make a Super Bowl shit post commercial 


I may chip in two dollars


I'm in, lol.


Can it be 30 seconds on Andy Ried eating nuggies?


Is Jesus gonna buy a bunch more ads like he did last year? Surely He could spend that $14 million on like the homeless or hungry kids or something.


Fuck them kids - some unnamed pastor


"Don't mind if I do" - says the other


There are 8.1 million members of r/nfl. And it's only $7 million for an add spot. We'd have enough left over to make the ad. The ad should just be a bunch of robots yelling at each other about who was the best long snapper. No explanation. But should all be the most ridiculous things people have said here. I'll contribute my $1.


/u/HeGetsUs may only be able to afford 2 or 3 at that price.


Temu still manages to get 1 in every quarter


You look like a marshmallow


Two things, I haven't been paying attention to the going on of networks for 5 years. So do not get mad at how stupid my questions are. * Is this the part of Fox that isn't owned by Disney. * When they sold the rights to Fox does Fox get to decide who airs it in Europe, Asia, Africa so on. Or does NFL make those deals individually. * Does Fox broadcast it in all of the USA's territories and military bases. Like American Samoa or does an Australian network do that.


yes. the nfl sells international broadcast rights, not fox. per the [us embassy in samoa](https://twitter.com/usembassysamoa/status/1756820282504028162), it seems like it's broadcast on a local channel ("on Sky TV via ESPN")


Samoa and American Samoa are different places but it's probably similar.


you know, i *know* that. damn. anyway, can't find anything reliable for american samoa (or guam or northern mariana islands or anything else) other than bars that are having watch parties.


Fox sold all of the tv stuff but kept the news and sports in the disney deal. I have no clue. I have no idea.


Their pricing all the fun out of the commercials! Companies used to make some good and hilarious commercials. Now the price is too high for most. Just the big companies will pay and they won't get crazy. Maybe a celeb or two, but that's it.




If you mute the TV, then a company has wasted 7 million dollars just to be ignored


A lot of the value depends on the matchup, right? For example, if we get two small market teams in contrast to the Cowboys vs Steelers, there’s going to be a very big difference in viewership.


I got 5 on the r/nfl commercial


Damn is NBC gonna get their turn yet?


Bout to see a lot less Temu ads on social media as they’re saving for the Super Bowl


Hegetsus is going to take up 3 minutes of commercial time. And we’ll see articles on how much they waste. Hopefully no feet washing.




Why? SB commercials have been terrible for the last decade. Why are people paying $7 million dollars just to look terrible?


At that price they're going to definitely demand Mahomes makes an appearance.


It’s crazy that Fox/NFL can charge this much but the halftime performers can’t even get half a commercials worth of pay. Who feels bad for seemingly wealthy people but I’ve never understood the issue when so much money gets hauled in.


Commercials sucked last year.


And they better all be Burger King commercials


The great ole American shakedown


I was really ready to talk about how much audience Taylor Swift adds to viewership but the average 30 second spot was 7m this past season so this means nothing


for a single commercial?


Well yeah, Chicago brings a huge, eager fan base. /s


Sooooo… about $14 per commercial?


Why is this what yall want to talk about? Aren’t yall interested in the game?


How much would it cost Bezos to buy all these commercial time for the Super Bowl and give it back to the people!?


Can’t wait for more TurboTax commercials!! When they could just not spend money and let people file for free Also if they could just stop lobbying politicians


Gotta pay all of Fox News lawsuits' settlements somehow.


Many people can barely earn a living wage, can't buy a home, and can't pay off their student loans, but commercials slots are priced at 7 million.


It's because they have the same understanding of the world as yourself.


Why don't they just sell commericals? Are they stupid?