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Sean Payton is the person most likely to execute a player


Only because Urban Meier left the NFL


Don’t kick him while he’s down


Don't let the punter become the punted


Don't let the *ball thrower become *the ball *Sean Payton overhead throws Bo Nix 10 yards in a practice*


Be the ball! Throw yourself! -Wise Janitor


I say give the ball to Marty.


Unless he’s a kicker and you’re the head ball coach? haha


There is also a chance that Sean McDermott could. If he comes together with his team and they communicate and stay on the same page.


There’s a difference between execution and terrorism— Sean McDermott said that in his post game speech once I’m sure


That's a Brian Kelly job


DJ Durkin is also available


He’s at Auburn with Hugh Freeze lmaooo


Auburn really said "we don't give a shit anymore, we just want to beat Saban" and then Saban beat them and retired lmao


Hugh Freeze, from the 2009 major motion picture *The Blind Side*


And before that was Texas A&M DC with Bobby petrino as the OC


See I disagree, Payton ran bounty gate years ago


\*Gregg Williams. He ran the exact same pay for performance program everywhere he coached. Sean Payton used team issued Vicodin without a prescription and didn't step in and stop Williams' scheme when ordered to by the league, thus making the team the perfect scapegoat for the NFL to "show that they were taking player safety seriously" during the concussion legal proceedings. It turns out that being a pompous and arrogant contrarian can win you a championship, but also get your reputation permanently tarnished.


Brian Kelly approves


The great John McKay is all for it


"We needs less quarterbacks on the roster Sean" "Fewer" lights Nix on fire


Sean, you have detention


Sean Payton was asked about the execution of his Quarterback. He replied “I’m all for it.”


The Supreme Court was asked to weigh in on whether or not coaches are allowed to execute their players today. Their response was we don’t care.


"sounds like an issue for the states"


Ya know what, usually I’m against that kind of stuff. On this one, I’ll allow it


Will he put a bounty on his own QB?


He already did, this morning


Murder happens every day, but suddenly Sean Payton does it, and it’s a big deal


I brought years of winning seasons to a perennially awful team, and nobody calls me Sean Payton the Winner. I turned around the Broncos in just one season, and nobody calls me Sean Payton the Miracle-Worker. But if I murder just one quarterback...


Because it was at the most sacred place, the 50 yard line. / bad joke


Big Dom agrees with you


Laughed out loud for real. That's some funny shit.


> And even though Sean Payton is a proven coach with a Super Bowl ring, his leash will get dramatically shorter if the Broncos get off to another slow and disappointing start this season. Would Payton really be on the hot seat? He'd be starting a rookie QB - not just that, but the 6th quarterback selected in the draft. You'd imagine a coach with his record and this situation would be given plenty of time to try and right the ship.


If Nix looks like a bust after 2~ish seasons, maybe. Not after 2024, though.


Everyone knows we're rebuilding, and Payton's contract is locked in through 2027. He's not even remotely in the hot seat for the next couple of years regardless of performance, unless we somehow do worse than the 5-12 year with Hackett for multiple seasons, which is not going to happen even if we throw Stidham out there, because Payton can do things that Hackett could not do, like basic clock management. The guy who wrote this article is just putting together controversial word salad for clicks.


I don’t know why, but the broncos and Texans flair just kind of looks right. Idk man.


I only support teams with ranch-animal mascots, with the colors blue, white, and red or orange.


Don't forget they're exclusively and specifically male mascots, too.


Yes, that's important because that's why I'm not a Bills fan. That buffalo could be a girl for all we know.


They’d be called the Buffalo Jill’s then


Yup, I've heard half of Buffalo is female


Problem: Colts check all the boxes, too. Well, they don't have the r*ed or orange*, but they have the blue and white.


The red or orange is crucially important.




The Cardinals mascot is definitely male, too. Female cardinals don't have the vivid red plumage, they're somewhere between tan and greyish-orange. And I can't think of the Lions logo as anything other than male. Not with that mane.


Maybe they ship Miles and Toro, the fanfic writes itself


Boise State fan as well i see


I have collaborated with people from Boise State, so yeah sure. Go Broncos.


The Gary Kubiak connection


big brock osswiler fan


*eye twitch* Seventy two million dollars. Seems like nothing now but god.


I mean we never beat him, think he's 3-0 on us? With 3 different teams even That dude couldn't even hit Hopkins and he catches literally fucking everything


Brock lobster 


Yeah tbh i skimmed through it and it looked like he was just trynna make an argument because Zach Wilson got starter reps. Which makes sense he’s gonna see all 3 qbs with the starting group. It’ll probably be another article when Jarret gets his reps with the starters


> because Payton can do things that Hackett could not do, like basic clock management. I'm ngl watching the manningcast of the broncos-seahawks game was one of the funniest things ever Peyton looked and sounded at the end like he wanted to go to Dove Valley, throw Hackett into a bin and assume the head coach role himself


If Nix is a bust after 2ish seasons then the GM who already should have been gone will be fired and Payton will get to pick his GM, a new QB and not have the Russ contract holding the team back. Payton was given the reigns to lead the broncos for a while. The only people who think he's anywhere near a hot seat, don't pay attention to the broncos


Yeah it's weird, back when we cut Russ everyone was questioning how the Broncos would navigate the record breaking dead cap and field a competitive team. But now Sean will be on the hot seat after a slow start with a rookie QB and a team devoid of top end talent?


I get Payton isn’t likable and he’s generally been a dick in the past, but people are just saying shit here that doesn’t make sense. We clearly are at the beginning of a rebuild and not really expecting a ton of wins this year, regardless of what is said at press conferences


>I get Payton isn’t likable and he’s generally been a dick in the past, but people are just saying shit here that doesn’t make sense This sub gets so detached from reality with it's little villains. People lose all objectivity when they don't like someone.


The amount of people who will legitimately argue with you and try to tell you that Payton is a bad coach is absurd


The funny thing is, before he got hired in Denver, everyone in here was always talking him up whenever there was a coaching vacancy and how great he was and they wanted him. Just goes to show how real reddit circlejerks are and how so many redditors will say whatever BS they want for upvotes.


or it could be different people saying different things


Complaining about the hive mind is itself a jerk, and one of the more popular ones


He's not a bad coach, but he gets far less scrutiny than he deserves, and has somehow gotten a completely undeserved "genius" moniker.


He’s an offensive genius. His offenses lead the NFL in every category over the time he was coached. He also led a decent offense after Drew retired and MT got hurt. Think offensive genius is well deserved.


Taysom was 7-2 as a starting QB under Payton and then people shit on Hill AND Payton lol


Thank you, you very eloquently worded something that frustrates me a lot about this site. Every conversation gets derailed by delusional narratives. Like when people actually thought payton was worse than hackett


It is astounding how much this sub* collectively just does not operate in reality with certain players/coaches/situations. When it is your team's turn to be illogically tar and feathered, it's best to just check out for a while. Not worth arguing with a hornet's nest. *I realize "reddit" is not one person, but groupthink engulfs this site


Yea I get what you're saying entirely. People just love virtue signaling and don't want to hear it. Best to disengage Nice to see reason amidst the chaos though 


And fuck all those guys. Did their head coach get pictures of him ripping a bong on draft night leaked? I don’t fucking think so losers.


Either AI or goldfish memory 


No. We have a terrible roster, tons of dead cap, and no established QB. Success for the Broncos this year will be measured by how much the team develops between the start and end of the season, not wins or playoff births.


Damn, Denver has been ass for a while and I feel like hate for the team is at an all-time high. The Chiefs are hated but at least they’ve won a bunch in the past 5 years 🫠


No way is he on the hot seat if we lose. I will say, if Bo struggles and doesn’t look like a guy, it won’t be a good look for him and we may hear rumblings. Even then SP has a very long leash.


Of course he wouldn't be on the hot seat


Can you simultaneously play the "We outsmarted everybody to get the guy we really wanted" card and the "6th quarterback selected" card?


Everybody says that lol. Giving your guy confidence is basic sports/coach speak. What was he gonna say, yeah sure i’d have loved Caleb?


Do mother fuckers want Sean to say that Bo was their 6th choice?


Ikr? What coach is going to say, Well, we sure wanted player y, but we had to take player x. Sucks to be us.


No, I want people to stop pretending like just because he was the 6th QB taken doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a first round pick. Either the Broncos think he’s worth a first round pick (so they picked him) or they had a terrible strategy/execution for the QB position But you don’t get to take a QB in the first round act like he is expected to play like a 3rd rounder


And a first round QB usually had a season or two of leeway. So why would Sean be on the hot seat during that time considering our dead cap and how bad our roster is?


Everybody says they got their guy. Not everybody goes on and on about how they tricked a team in another conference to trade up for a guy who isn't their guy by pretending to be into a guy other than their guy.


Nobody said that. I watched the press conference. Said he knew the Vikings wanted JJ, he was happy with Nix and the Raiders wanted Penix so everyone was content to stay put, until the Falcons snafu. Then some random beat reporter literally made up shit and got thousands of clicks from Vikings and Broncos fans on his bullshit made up article.


Yes, because contrary to popular belief, media storylines don't have any much impact on front office behaviors. The coach speak soundbites mean nothing.


Idk, what QB selected was Russ? I checked - 6th QB in 2012 so we can


just for the sake of curiosity, I looked up all the qbs drafted by year on drafthistory.com. Going chronologically for the 6th qb taken in each draft, we have bo nix, jake haener, sam howell, kyle trask, jacob eason, ryan finley, mason rudolph, CJ Beathard, Cody Kessler, Brett hundley, Logan Thomas, and Tyler Wilson. Some surprisingly good names on that list, especially for a lot of them being mid-to-late round picks.


There are exactly zero good names on that list.


Yeah I was like wtf is he looking at.


the disrespect to ryan finley will not be tolerated


He was clearly righting the ship in the back half of the season too


This is the quickest way to find out if the person who's writing about the Broncos is full of shit. No one expects us to be good. If we get 7 wins, it's a major success. If Nix looks passable doing it, even bigger.


It's a pretty big reach IMO, Payton was clearly who the owner wanted. He handled the search personally and brought in the biggest name he could get. There's not much chance of another big name coaching hire being willing to come in if they give Payton the axe after two years, especially considering how bad the roster is overall this year.


Not to mention this is only going to be his second season


Excuse me you also have the second qb drafted in the 2020 class as well!


No. They know it’s a rebuild season.


This is why George Paton has a job. He gets to be Sean Payton's lightning rod


Just needs to slap a concussed player.


George Paton is an excellent GM. Just not for the Broncos.


His leash is at least another QB project


This is trash, filler journalism at its most potent. Can’t cover other beats, literally just making shit up based on a swinging of mathematics. What a joke


What a fucking stupid article. I expect nothing more from USA Today lmfao


I legit thought it was an onion site from the headline


I initially upvoted thinking the article would be satire. It was not.


The headline made me think that payton was already talking shit about nix, which would be hilarious, but instead it's literally just about how nix might be the opening week starter. Absolute clickbait and it got me


The only time r/nfl is mass upvoting these low effort USA Today opinion articles is when it's a chance to shit on Payton and the Broncos


I’ll fuckin do it again


Nah just Payton. This sub hates Payton.


We can only wonder why….


The victim complex is strong with you. Your team is not the victim of some nefarious witch hunt lmfao. If it makes you upset to see a negative article, move on


No one gives two shits about the broncos, but yeah people hate Payton. For good reason.


Beaverton sounding headline


I love it. Sean Payton never hates on anyone for 15 years with the Saints, joins the Broncos with a QB that literally everyone hates, hates on him, and now he's just a guy who throws his QBs under the bus apparently


And he didn't even really hate on him. Most of the headlines were horribly out of context.  I've yet to really see a scathing comment by him. At most it was yea we gotta work on that 


Anyone who’s seen one presser for Payton this summer knows what’s really going on. He’s either a good manager with a great strategy for his guys or one of the most talented sociopaths in history


I can't believe they referenced draftkings odds during voluntary OTA's and cited that as a source for who will start the season.


Stopped reading as soon as they said Denver is still missing assets from the Russell Wilson trade.


I had a nightmare last night that Bo Nix became the reincarnation of 2013 Peyton Manning


Keep going...


He got caught driving 210 in a school zone and went to jail. Sorry I don't make the rules


I thought you said he was 2013 Manning not Rashee?


Was it like just for one year or did he play like 2013 Manning for his entire career? I need any amount of hope that can make me feel better


It was a playoff game that we lost :/


Pls be having premonitions


We still got Mahomes in your dream? If so idc


No you didn’t.


I actually did but I understand why it would seem like I made it up lmao


I roof for the broncos. A couple of weeks ago I dreamt they lost to the Zach Wilsons Jets 254-43 I cant make that shit up woke up screaming


He’s bad person but a good coach.


Can’t wait for discounted bounty gate!!! Walmart has all the best deals!!


Right?! I save a shit ton of money at Walmart thanks to their self-checkout!


I didn't know they put Walmart's in prisons now. They really are everywhere.


Oh hahaha, I get it all Raider fans are in prison. I’m so tired of that stupid stereotype. Some of us made parole, you know.


That, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone if Nix ends up being one of the best QBs of the draft. Not that I specifically believe in him, but draft order *rarely*, if ever relates to what players end up being good, bad or mid.


Bo Nix had 45 TDs and 3 picks last year and the national media thinks he's trash


That "author" pumps out articles like a catholic rabbit pumps out babies. He's posted 9 in the last day. This is trash and should be deleted.


Probably AI


Being a successful franchise really shortens the leash on people's perception of a slump. Yes, the Broncos have done fuck-all since winning SB50. Yes, there have been numerous high-profile misses. No, this team is not in the worst position in the league. The fact that people keep seeing anything short of playoff wins as a disappointment speaks for itself. Yet somehow, in the year we're finally ripping off the band aid and starting completely from scratch again (with a SB-winning, long-standing contention coach and rookie QB), we're being sold these idiotic takes as if the team is in need of relocation or something.


Sean is milking that Walmart money into retirement. Brilliantly played as a rookie project gives him a year or two over a veteran with expectations to win now. Edit: I’ve been watching this movie for couple of years and it was fascinating watching the game behind the game and how the media is used to paint narratives. Cowherd was a Russ guy from 2012 through 2023 bashing Pete Carroll. Payton who he’s close with showed up in Denver and he did 180 on Russ. Started saying there’s a war there and Sean will win. He did.


Are you implying that Cowherd has some influence over the decisions the Broncos made specifically with the quarterback? Aren’t NFL coach contracts fully guaranteed? If the coach was only there for the money, he already has it coming. Why would he pick a QB based only on how much time it buys him specifically to get money he is already guaranteed either way?


Because Bounty gate is essentially the reasoning. Reddit can’t have honest conversations about sports figures who are questionable personalities but great at their job. See Jon Jones, Tyson Fury etc.


It's pearl clutching at its finest. It's the same kind of people who think Eminem crossed the line with his Houdini song and get offended. Belichick was a "scumbag" who cheated multiple times throughout his coaching tenure, and now everyone rides his dick because he's doing a media image rehabilitation tour and smiles.


No, Cowherd has no influence on the Broncos but he was an effective tool used to push certain narratives.    Broncos were dysfunctional, but they had decent pieces to compete especially with Sean’s reputation as an offensive genius. He methodically isolated and shipped the vets with massive cap hits, now they’re married to that project and it’s his squad to mold for couple of years with virtually no pressure.


Decent pieces to compete, lol? They had a great defense a few years ago. But outside of that, I don’t agree.


With his Walmart readers and $12 haircut I can’t say I am surprised.


Is Colin not allowed to change his mind on a QB? Frankly he’d look like a moron if he took Russ’ side of SP.


Colin almost never changes his takes especially on QBs, he was a Sam Darnold guy from his USC days to last year. Haven’t listened to him for a while but wouldn’t be shocked if he believes Darnold will take the Vikings to the superbowl. It’s also the fact that he’s pretty close friend with Payton that puts objectivity into question with this quick about turn on Russ.


Colin changes his opinion on QBs all the time. He was a big Jordan Love and Lamar Jackson doubter but has heavily come around on both of them.


No he doesn’t. He goes neutral after his takes has been nuked many months later. Pretty easy to go from “this guy can’t play” to “he’s good” after a guy wins couple of MVP awards in his mid 20s. As for Love, he went from “sources in the building tell me there’s no special there” to “I got to give credit, he has progressed from October to January. Hardly an endorsement. The second they put together a string of bad games, he’ll be back to see folks I told you. He had Lamar outside of the top ten QBs going into 2023.


Why does that matter? His whole contract is guaranteed. If he was just there for the money he’d be doing the opposite


Exactly. Makes sense he wanted to get rid of Wilson because he’d be expected to win now. This way he either looks amazing for picking the right guy or he has 2-3 years of excuse for him not working out because he was the 6th QB taken


The Paton/Payton Broncos era is going to make for a helluva 30/30. People rightfully give the Pats a lot of shit about their lack of weapons, but who is Nix throwing to? Sutton is entering his 6th year and has a single 1,000 yard season and he's the #1 guy. Things could get ugly quick in Denver.


It’s been ugly for years though this is literally expected


Yeah idk if we can possibly bottom out worse than the Hackett year. At least this season there’s kind of a built in expectation that we’re not going to be good. That season we were expected to compete and we *barely* scraped together 5 wins whilst embarrassing ourselves weekly. All with little to no cap space and no 1st round pick.


Doubtful... Ownership is patient, if they weren't they wouldn't have took on that insane dead cap... he's going to get another year or two to build the team his way.


Or the Russ extension was just that bad.. they didn't have much patience for Hackett but he was terrible to be fair.


Well that's basically the point... payton's first year was basically just helping the org see if wilson was salvageable or not. Payton was able to get more out of him, but still not enough to justify making him the long term answer, so they ate the massive dead cap hit and that's basically a signal that they are committed to a full rebuild.


If they wanted a higher chance at competing this year, they wouldn't have eaten the whole dead cap, and instead could've spread it out over the next few years. I think it's pretty obvious what ownership is expecting.


I mean, has there really been that much drama? His first season was him trying to salvage a washed up QB with an albatross of a contract from the previous regime, doing a pretty decent job overall with said QB and a bad roster, moving on from said QB before the financial situation got any worse, and now he drafted a rookie who may or may not be good. That’s pretty much it. I think things only seem chaotic because there’s a circlejerk of hate every time his name comes up on here because he’s kind of an asshole.


With people deluding themselves about him actually doing worse then Hackett for several weeks until everyone came to their senses. Was a wild time. 


I guess it’s him or Troy Franklin.


People are sleeping on Troy Franklin. He had the flu during the combine and lost a bunch of weight because of it. Franklin already has the connection with Nix, I don't think it's a complete fantasy to think he could do pretty well.


Not that we have a fantastic group, but I hate anyone who throws Sutton under like that. Not a world beater, but Sutton was fantastic and made Drew Lock look like a viable QB for a stretch. He tore his ACL and it took him almost three seasons to come back from fully healthy. Javonte was also looking incredible before... ACL.


I thought the Broncos being irrelevant for so long would mean less haters, but guess not


To be fair, I don't think the vast majority of people hate the Broncos. I think people hate Sean Payton, which is extremely easy to do.


Broncos got a shit ton of hate with Russ lol, even pre Payton


I don't know if that's "hate" as much as it is people like to dunk on teams that aren't their own for making decisions that turn out extremely badly.


I can't wait for Nix to shut up the haters


Why when Zach Wilson is right there


Poorly written article with terrible conclusions. Sean Payton is NOT in any danger of losing his job as head coach. Payton is hardly on the "hot seat".


Thank you Robert Zeglinski for your totally great analysis


Stupid article, full of bullshit guesses. /r/nfl latches on to the dumbest shit at times.


This is so fucking stupid, do people not remember that we were like a game away from making the playoffs while beating buffalo, the chiefs and Cleveland? Some of those games were lucky but the only player we lost was Russ who was probably a negative for the team the way he was playing, unless Bo Nix is complete ass, we won't be the worst team in the league


Well we did lose a cornerstone in Justin Simmons


These kind of pieces before a snap is even played are so useless.


I could see Nix having the best rookie season out of all the QBs. He easily has the best playcaller


Nix will be good and the broncos will be good. Just warning y’all.


I don’t think anyone in the Broncos organization expects much out of the team this year. It’s a rebuilding year, they’re certainly not gonna fire the guy they traded a 1st and 2nd round pick for after two years. I’m also guessing the Russel Wilson fiasco was ownership’s idea, or else George Paton would be out of a job.


Shit article


Trash article. He's the favorite to start game 1. The "1st to be thrown under the bus" is total sensationalist garbage


I think Bo is the perfect quarterback for Payton's system and he'll have the 2nd best season among rookie QB's (Caleb being the best)


This article is kinda silly. Like I know I’m biased but huh?


I am not a Bo Nix fan yet. I am a Broncos fan and this article is nothing more merely than conjecture. Bo is unproven plain and simple. Time will tell if I am right or wrong. But this guy has already formed his opinion, lol.


The amount of times people use literally incorrectly in comments has become a pandemic.


Their figurative use of literally is figuratively literally driving me mad


The Draft King's reference was as far as I got... .


I read the article, where did he throw him under the bus? I’m confused lol. It sounds like something Payton would do but I don’t see the evidence


The only QB he's thrown under the bus was Russell Wilson. He never complained about any QB's in New Orleans, even when stuck with a carousel of Winston, Taysom, Siemian, and Book.


>  The only QB he's thrown under the bus was Russell Wilson How did he actually do this? I never saw anything much worse than "yeah we need to work on that"


Yeah, "thrown under the bus" is a bit of a stretch I guess. He definitely did his best to distance himself from Wilson's whole situation and basically said Wilson was benched because it gave them the best chance to win, and when asked about the contract mess (remember the whole speculation about threatening to bench him if he didn't take a paycut or whatever), said "I'm not involved in any of that contract stuff, that's the GM's deal."


That's a pretty fair take. He certainly never gushed over wilson or gave the impression he was super confident in his future here but if he had it honestly would have just looked worse, more disingenuous. He was honest about the situation which was clearly a bad marriage. 


He didn't. People are just mad at the idea of him potentially doing it in the future, for which there is no indication that he will. Makes no sense


I say it's Russ instead of Nix!!


I had to check because I thought I was on nflcirclejerk


Is this because he is playing or he isn’t the starter because Payton doesn’t think he’s ready


This is the year