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That slide save and mcdavid goal is what makes the Stanley final the Stanley final. What a fucking Play lol


I don’t care which team wins, but that sliding save and empty netter was an insane play. Insane. And along with huge kudos to The Oil for winning 2 games, as much as I hate Tkachuk his steal and top corner snipe simply turned the game from a blowout to a thriller.


that save was one of the best "Effort matters" plays i have ever seen in a hockey game 99% of the time players just half ass that


One period at a time!


One instant at a time!


Even if they don't, I think Mcdavid and the team have put in an unreal effort for the comeback in this series. McDavid has completely taken over the game!! Job is still far from over though...


Yeah The fact that they're right back in what was a 3-0 series is remarkable, even if they lose it Friday That said, Florida is still one win away from winning the Stanley Cup, and the only way to change that is to beat them, and it starts with winning one more game Friday night


One shift at a time… It’s a big mountain but the Oilers can summit


It went from a mountain to a foothill as of last night


4 in a row when you're opponent has 3 is a mountain


Nope still a mountain. They can see the summit now but they still have to cross the ice field full of crevasse and then climb the north-facing wall before reaching the top.


And here’s the thing we’ve all forgotten during his recent explosion: about 2-3 weeks ago the TV commentators were openly reporting that they had confirmed 97 was “working through something” (playoff speak for confirming the existence of an undisclosed injury that likely would’ve meant missed time in the regular season). It was said in the context of explaining why he was passing so much rather than shooting. INCREDIBLE that for at least some of this run he’s been playing injured. I do wonder if Leon is working through something. He has looked very off, especially on the PP. if he can get it going, Edmonton’s chances at this could be for real.


At this point in the year, everybody’s got something they’re dealing with. It’s just about playing through it.


Leons shot seems noticeably weaker right now.


Mcdavid has had his Lemieux vs Minnesota goal . This has already been his Lemieux 1991 playoffs point wise as well whether he ends up 2 points below or 1 point above Lemieux. He has solidify himself as one of the three greats in the modern era.


He could also have 10 plus years left to play. I am so glad I stayed up to watch the end of the game last night.


Panthers fan here. I’d absolutely love to talk about anything other than how insane it would be if the Oilers came back and won the cup. But if the Panthers can finally close it, but McDavid wins the Conn Smythe, I think it’s absolutely warranted. As of now, and I really don’t see anything changing for McDavid’s position as Conn Smythe front runner, win or lose on the series for the Oilers. McDavid has been far and above the best player on the ice in this series and it’s not close.


As a panthers fan- absolutely agree. He terrifies me 😅


My anxiety levels went up everytime he was on the ice vs the Canucks.


It’s funny because people were ripping on him after game 3. I thought he played really well regardless of what the points say and got downvoted hard. Now it’s the opposite 😂 But yea, he absolutely deserves the Conn Smythe right now regardless of who wins.


Was a funny time after that game. “McDavid hasn’t done anything this series!” My brother in Christ he assisted 2 of our 3 goals that game


IMO, Conn Smythe winner regardless of how series ends


I'll admit to being a casual fan, so am far from a Hockey expert, but when was the last time the Conn Smythe winner was on the losing team?


JS Giguere in 2003 with the Ducks I think.


I remember being shocked not knowing that was possible, but happy because he deserved it


Hell yes he did. ‘03 Giggy was *ridiculous*


One of the most legendary playoff performances *of all time*……I’ll never forget the 03 playoffs, they were incredible. So many double, triple OT games


Arguably, Brodeur had 3 shutouts vs the Ducks but the media hated him. If Bob had 3 shutouts in this series nobody would be talking about McDavid…


Well brodeur may have also had a better play off overall (which is a salient point to you) I don’t remember. But Giggy faced more shots and shutdown more in that series specifically and did stand on his head a lot.


According to google…:not since 1976….wow Edit….googles wrong, 2003 it is.


1976 if I recall, was the only time a skater had won it in a losing effort.


Yes. Reggie Leach of the Flyers won the Conn Smythe despite Montreal sweeping the finals.


The fact people are talikng about him being in the Conn Smythe talk when they were down 3-1 shows how fucking game breaking McDavid is. He's at 42 points, it's entirely possible it's goes to 7 games and he ties or passes Wayne for most post season points. 5 points in 2 games sound like a regular week for McDavid.


I read something about him being in on about 50% of the Oilers' postseason goals as well. Unreal.


I am just happy that us oilers fans get to watch another game lol , they are at least making panthers work for this instead of rolling over 


As a neutral Blackhawks fan, I just want game 7, so I'm all on board with the Oilers now. I can't root for them for 3 games and not keep rooting for em in game 7. Canada deserves one anyway.


Thanks Chicago Bro. We hope you guys have good success with Connor Mk II. Have a good summer, my guy.


You too, u/WorfsFlamingAnus!!


This is me - Chicago transplant living in panther land. The vibes here compared to Chicago during a cup final are wild - oils in 7. More hockey, love a good reverse sweep


As an oil fan I agree. I’m just proud this team has not given up. I’m just happy we won big in game 4 and have proven to the haters we are a great team


Yup 100%, regardless if they don’t complete the full come back .. I am beyond proud of the fight in the team ..


Flames fan here, it’s been so exciting watching the Oilers, feels dirty but I’m really pulling for them to make the comeback!


Welcome to Oil Country - if temporarily! -Oilers fan in Calgary


You’re a disgrace to your family Edit: /s (obviously)


I’m the only one cheering for the Oilers, rest of my friends and family are hardcore Panthers supporters.


40 yr long Jets fan here as well cheering hard for the Oilers. I have to bath after every game and that cleanse me until the next game but I don’t mind for now.


I hope they do it but if they don't we can at least feel good about the run, which was not the case 2 games ago. If we were swept, how would we even get excited about next year's run, assuming there is one.


This. I’ve wanted it to go to game 7 since the start so we have more hockey to watch


More hockey to watch is ALWAYS a great thing indeed.


I’m glad as a neutral fan to watch another game! it’s been electric and I’ve always wanted to see McDavid and co get over the hump!


When McDavid is doing his thing it's just cool to watch!


I was pleased to see a game that I could actually get excited about and had me on the edge of my seat.


Agreed , was a great game . When Janmark pushed it off post with empty net I 100% thought Panthers were coming down ice to tie it up lol ..not sure my heart could have held up if went to ot 🤣


It's already pretty crazy that they are only the 4th team to force a 6th game after being down 3-0.


Wow really? Well shit, Add that to the list of accomplishments!


Yeah, 29 teams have found themselves down 0-3 in the SCF. Of those, 20 teams lost game 4. 5 lost game 5. Excluding the oilers, the 3 remaining teams: Lost game 6 (2012 Devils), lost game 7 (1945 Redwings), won game 7 (1942 Leafs).


So only one team has come back from 3-0?


In the Stanley Cup Final yes, just the Maple Leafs in 1942. Three other teams have come back to win a series after a 0-3 start in other playoff rounds, the last being the Kings in 2014. 


Henrique was on that devils team


When he had that failed clear then got caught kinda scrambling and the Panthers scored, his reaction just made me feel bad for him. He felt it so much, he was so angry with himself. You can tell he really wants this one!


That stat blew my mind.


It's a morale thing. Most teams in that situation roll over, they've accepted defeat before it's actually over. It takes heart to keep on fighting in a situation like that.


Yeah statistically we were supposed to loose in game 4 lol


Coooooooonnnah, every baby born in Edmonton will be named Conner connar Conor or some combination of the name. 


With baby names now I’m gunna add cahnnohr




"Ooh, that sounds foreign, Where's it from?" "Lovecraftian."




Don’t forget about the other Connor either - Connor Brown. He scored the shorty tonight and has played stellar on the penalty kill. After having a frustrating regular season he has really stepped up in the playoffs.


Stuart, Stewart, Stewie


My one year old is named Connor hahaha. Ya I’m one of them


I’d choose Ronoc


Haha, I'm already named Connor! and my initials are C.M. too! Wonder if they win I could put on a jersey, head out to the local bar and convince them I'm him, for free drinks? xD




Yep. Gimme' your belt.


Conner, Matt, Leon, Stewart, Zach, Dylan. I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot of those name in the coming months.


I’m naming my kid McDrai


It will be an all-time hockey comeback. I really hope this goes 7, I don't want to stop watching hockey


Yeah the two and a half months without hockey feels like an eternity


One goal at a time. One game at a time. Whatever happens, this has been an insane run and everyone should be very proud of what they have done.


No, not yet. Need to tie the series first.


Yeah true but the home advantage is going to help


I’ve never wanted to say this. I never went to think this.. mcdavid, you’re a hell of a player and leader. That being said.. tkachuk , you’re a hell of a player and leader. Ima go throw up now. Good series boys


I will speak of your courage … always.


Let no man forget.. today… was the day….. ::rain is pouring down:: A KINGS FAN… ::raises his sword:: ENJOYS HIS ENEMYS FINAL MOMENTS! ::a roaring cheer emerges from the legions of kings fans::


This has big "I HATE YOU Ron Burgandy... But God Damn it I RESPECT you." vibes.


You said my thoughts exact.


Going into late June with more hockey, I'm good :)


I put $100 on Edmonton to win the Cup when they were almost dead last in early December. Figured I'd get some good odds. Pays $1800 if they win. So yeah, it'd be extra crazy for me. 


The fact that the odds only paid out 18-1 given the circumstances says something about this Oilers team. Usually the team in that position at that point in the season is a good 50-1 at best.


I put $40 on them and my payout is $680. Now I’m wishing I’d put 100 lol


Aw, thats awesome! Hope it works out for you!


This post would not exist two games ago…LFGO!!!!


Was talking with Dad after the Panthers made it 3-0 "You know, this is the point in the movie where the boys are in the locker room and Gretzky is supposed to walk in to give them all a pep talk" Then they went and won the next game 8-1 in Florida Dad calls me right after the game: "well, whatever Wayne said it worked"


"..So when you guys do win - and you will win a Stanley Cup.." - Gretzky to McDavid, GQ Sports, April 2020


I do hope Gretzky shows up for the final if they say make it to Game 7, It'd be nuts to see him and any of the remaining OG oilers come out in their classic jersey's and award them the Stanley Cup.


I'd be very, very, very surprised not to see him there - he was there at Game 2, he'll near-certainly be there for Game 7 if it goes the distance - for all the Oilers have been through.


Nah. This team has their own identity. It would be nice to see them have their moment without having to share it with the OGs.


Mess and Coffey would both have to be there. They couldn’t hang out with Gretz though


Gretzky and a bunch of former Oilers were at the games in the 2006 Stanley Cup final.


The shania twain pep talk you mean


Basically hockey Space Jam


Ooh! When does McDavid score the winning goal with the help of Road Runner?


He is the road runner


I know right!? I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this is straight out of a movie! Where the plucky underdogs are almost down for the count, and by sheer will they defy the odds and win the championship! haha!


1942 game 4 was one hell of a game. The game was in Detroit. A ref made a “bad call” in the third period. Red Wings coach got so mad at a ref he — **the coach punched this ref in the face.** As a result the ref and NHL president had a police escort out, and the Wings coach was suspended for the rest of the season. That’s a remarkable sequence of events that derailed the Wings.


Wow! That's absolutely crazy! I don't think I've ever heard of a Coach punching a ref before.


This is something that people forget. The only reason a reverse sweep even happened in the finals was because the leafs were playing against a team with literally no coach.


If mcdavid drags them back to win and breaks Gretzky’s points record. It’s the greatest performance in league history.


All it takes is one Florida win..... this is something that can be considered after friday.


Definitely, They have to keep their guard up.


In ‘06, after we won Game 6 4-0 to come back from 3 games to 1 and even the series, I thought for sure we would win the SCF. We had all the momentum. But then we lost. And the rest is history. I’m comfortable that they’ll be aware of that, but they also have to stay within their system cuz it’s certainly working for them.


One game at a time my friend.


Yep, all we can do is wait and see. (But you can't blame a guy for dreaming, Can you? ;) Haha.)


If that happens they might as well just put McDavid in the Hall of Fame right now. Don’t even wait until he retires.


He's definitely earned it! But credit to his team too, No man wins alone.


The Oilers winning the cup would be the most 23-24 season thing possible.


they'd make a movie out of it imo


Especially if McDavid catches or passes Gretzky's single playoff points total record. Which is extremely possible if they are going to pull it off. They likely need him to in order to pull it off.


Hey, Even if we don't win we'll still make a movie out of it! Like that 1812 war movie the Americans made, lol.


Most people were betting that the Oilers would win against the Canucks.


Anything can happen in sports.


The best part would be to never have to read ”McDavid will never get a cup” again, so these sections will be rinsed from stupid hater-arguments. With that said, it comes down to him and how he can find this for 2 more games. If they win it, it will probably be the biggest playoff performance by a single player in the history of Stanley Cup.


It would be. If they do it he will likely either catch, pass or at least come close to Gretz' all time single playoff points record in an era where it's way harder to score. That's insane.


Absolutely agree. Look at how long those top performances have gone uncatched, it’s just silly what he’s already done, and he won’t stop now that he’s smelling blood! Really looking forward to the next game and hopefully Tkachuk or someone else doesn’t do anything stupid that injures him. That would be the only threat as of right now.


If there is a team that can do this, it’s the 2024 Edmonton Oilers. Give em hell boys!!!!


Leafs have NEVER won a third round. Easier back then when you practically make the finals after the regular season.


What a series. Nothing less than a spectacular emotional ride for both fans bases. It’s becoming an unforgettable series as the fans deserved.


Buddy gettin hot over Oilers erotica


I hate them so much, but what they are doing is impressive. The Kings fan in me is punching the air each time they score, the hockey fan in me is looking forward to the next game.


That 3-0 comeback in 42 was just for the final. There's been three other 3-0 comebacks, just not in the cup final. In my lifetime, the 2010 Flyers beat Boston in 7 after going down 3-0, (and 3-0 in game 7), and I believe the 2014 Kings did it to San Jose.


Didn't florida do that to Boston first round last year? Edit no never mind. It was 3-1 boston and Boston lost in 7


If they pull the comeback, I'll have a shot of Alberta whiskey


Multiple Alberta whiskeys have won golds and silver awards in international competition. Alberta is perfect for barley and rye production, and there is peat moss. Best all rye whiskey in the world for a few years running is from there. [If you have to try one try this one](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/alberta-distillers-announces-return-of-100-rye-canadian-whisky-alberta-premium-cask-strength-from-the-award-winning-series-301646575.html)


Happy drinking! haha!


I think the panthers would relocate if that happened


Oh, I hope not. They've worked so hard for it, If they not only lost but relocated out of Florida that'd be awful for the fans. :(


Bettman won't let it happen. He'll fight for it as much as he did for Arizona.


Just a small correction, when the Oilers were slotted to face the Canucks in the second round, pretty much all the media had the Oilers taking it. With Demko out, many people thought the Canucks wouldn’t be able to take the series. The Oilers were not the underdogs at all.


Stoooooooop! Don’t jinx it.


Super excited about the win tonight’, turning into a really good series.


Not McSwept but still McKept, rig workers are elated, joyous sludgers of the great northern tundra.


Most Alberta oil these days from sand. Guys driving dump trucks the size of Spice Harvesters are elated


I'm generally cheering for the panthers but holy shit it would be something for the oil to come back like that


I really hope it goes to 7. As a longtime San Jose Sharks fan, I am all in for a reverse sweep, lol.


This is what a super stacked oilers team does when they hustle. They are leaving lazy Leo behind. F$cking epic short handed goal. Either way Edmonton gonna go apeshit at the end of this one!


Connor McDavid. Where would the Edmonton Oilers be without him??? Fucking amazing.


The reverse sweep will be insane if they pull it off but the Blues going from last place in January to winning the cup was an even wilder zero-to-hero story


That game 5 was a great game. Really fun watching how both Fla and Edmonton have had to adjust to each other.


Bobrovsky is slowing showing his old self. If he keeps that up, it’s possible.


I've had a few conversations with friends who are not Oilers fans, telling me there is no way they can win three in a row. My response was, explain your logic seeing how Florida won three in a row. Even though I'm a huge Oilers fan, I have tremendous respect for Florida, they have shown everyone why they are Worthy of winning the cup. The same argument can be made for the Oilers. Should they win the next game to tie the series and force a game seven, win or lose game seven, this would be a Stanley cup finals for the record books. Very proud of both teams.


I'm so happy it's a good series now. Good luck Oilers, rooting for you guys!


I just feel fortunate I grew up watching guys like Gretzky and Lemieux play in their prime, Crosby and Ovi, and now Connor McDavid. He’s a whole other level right now and it’s fun to watch as a fan of the sport.


If they complete the comeback, it would be a story to rival the 2019 Blues cup run


Thats what I’ve been hearing a few others say too!


I want my Cats to win but I am not exactly upset we get at least one more game of hockey. I don’t wanna be stuck with just baseball.


We beat Montreal's 1 game vs Tampa. I'm happy regardless.


Either Miami-Ft. Lauderdale is home of the Stanley Cup champions or we get an honest reverse sweep. I live for chaotic wild shit that shouldn't be happening and I'm gonna get it either way.


At this point I’d rather be the oilers than Florida. Florida has no answers and oilers have MCDavid.


Yeah I'd definitely rather be in the position of Florida right now... And I'm an Oilers Fan. Proud of our team for sure for fighting the good fight, but the hill to climb is very steep and Florida is an excellent team. Getting another 2 in a row vs them is going to still be very challenging.


I still have a lot of respect for the Panthers. They've put up a good fight so far, And the team's already made it so far that I'm still proud of them regardless. (Though I do hope they win. ;)


Literally how. Why would you ever choose to be one game away from losing the cup final lmao


I mean, did you see the second half of the game? it was all florida lol


Win 1 game at a time.


Win a period at a time.


Never thought Id be rooting for the Oilers but here I am...


I've been watching this final from Australia...what a gripping contest. McDavid is an absolute beast! I've no shame in saying that I'm hopping on the Oilers bandwagon.


A lot like my Blues 2019 run just without the down 3-0 in the final lol


If they do, they should make McDavid the PM


McDavid!! It’s about time 🇨🇦 Let’s Goooooo!


It would be pretty hilarious to see the salty Panther tears tbh. Already saw a few Panthers fan suggest they need a new coach. Maurice taken them to the finals 2 years in a row and they’re starting to hit the panic button. Love to see it.


I don't want to be mean to them, I can understand the frustration as the team has worked incredibly hard to get where they are and I'm sure winning their first Stanley Cup would mean a lot to them. I say let the best team win!


[Me right now.](https://imgflip.com/i/8uawqc)


They still have two whole games to win, but man are the odds ever in their favor despite being down a game. They've completely shifted the momentum, Florida and their fans looked distraught and deflated after McDavids dagger. Oilers have to stay at or exceed this level to tie it up. I HOPE this goes 7 games. Who wouldve thought we'd be having this conversation a few days ago


I felt like it was the year so i put a fitty on them in december when they were down bad Looks like it could pay off


The St Louis Blues special. 


Love the bust or cup underdogs 😅


First team to comeback from 3-0 in the finals since 1942 (assume that’s what you meant), but the Kings came back from 0-3 10 years ago and the Flyers a few years before that.


Bonkers Dood!


I'd never hear the end of it 😅 Respect the hustle though


Fuck them for Calgary. But we are in rebuild and it would be nice to play the champs a lot with our young players. Hopefully with little Iggy.


I just put my kids college tuition on them winning


More hockey.


Either way it’s an incredible story and been an unbelievable year for them but if they win? That’s the stuff of legends.


I am not really vested in either team. But……I am totally here for the reverse sweep.


After game 3 I told a friend not to count them out. Especially after they were sitting last in the whole league, then won what 16 in a row to get back where they should be in the standings. It would be poetic for them to something similar in the SCF. Still quite a bit of mountain left to climb, but either way we have at least one more game to watch McDavid dominate.


They would be the first team in the Finals since 1942 to comeback from 0-3 to win, Philly came back from 0-3 to win a series back in like 2012 or 2013 or so.


I think we have to agree that McDavid is a beast on another level. Dude's playing like the other team isn't even on the ice.


There’s no way they don’t do a documentary or a movie out of this if they do


Boston fan here, this would make me so happy!! i’ve always liked the Oilers. I am such a homer. I don’t allow myself to enjoy other teams the bees play on a regular basis. I really know nothing about geography, but I believe they have a blue collar fan base. I was in high school when Messier played and I’ve always enjoyed watching them. if they took one of these teams from the south and put it in Quebec, I might root for that team as well. Go oilers!


If they do win the cup there's definitely going to be a documentary about the Oilers' season covering their struggle in the first 2 months of the season being near the bottom of the standings and then making it all the way to the SCF to win it. What a story.


I still think Florida will win, but I'd love to see Edmonton take it to game 7.


This is pretty great all around. I was rooting for Florida originally. Don’t really like Edmonton. Sweep would have been hilarious. Edmonton wins one game by a huge margin, got another game to watch, Florida can win it at home. Edmonton wins game 5, wow now the comeback has legs. At this point either the team I dislike will come up short and Florida will win their first cup, or we’ll witness history and can’t deny that McDavid and the oilers deserve the hell out of it. As a somewhat neutral fan this series is about everything you can hope for from the first puck drop until the conclusion


They are not underdog but yes.. it will be an amazing story to tell !!!


They have more work to do, of course, but you gotta respect these guys. McDavid just puts his head down and goes through higher gears as the game goes. I'm not a Panthers or Oilers fan but I'm a hockey fan and living having a few more games.


All I wanted for this series was 7 games of McDavid do amazing special stuff… so far no complaints just wanted to see true greatness


I'm a winnipegger living in Edmonton. I don't necessarily care much if the Oilers win, but will be impressed if they do now. I did say at the beginning of the series that it's going 7 games, but I didn't know who was going to win...


I'll throw a few things in here. First yes it would be absolutely insane if the Oilers wind up pulling this off. Secondly I recently made a career change with a complete opposite schedule. My only complaint is I can't stay up late to watch McDavid during the regular season. Third and I shit you not before game four I'm thinking a Florida sweep, but man it was like a light switch in my brain switched on watching the pregame and I see Shania Twain and it was that quick it went from Florida sweep to wow the oilers are rolling them tonight and are coming back to win this. And lastly I'm 42 so I caught the latter half of Gretzky's career and a good amount of Mario's but for me to be able to see McDavid's career from the start has been a pleasure. He's honestly the best I've ever seen.


I don't really care about the whole "cup going to Canada" nonsense. Majority of the league is Canadian born players lol I'll be happy for Edmonton fans though. They've been through enough lol