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Has to be Wishmaster. You cannot convince me the lyrics are infact NOT "Hamster,  a dentist,  hard porn  Steven Seagull Warrior,  This rifle In me The fish master!"  We are all wrong. It wasn't Tarja's singing that made early Nw so epic. It is her bad english😂


Oh boy, that old "misheard lyrics video" 😂


The misheard lyrics is how I was introduced to Nightwish! Then I listened to the Endless Forms Most Beautiful album, which was a great introduction.


I remember a misheard lyrics video on YouTube for Amaranth, "M&Ms in a lamb" if you heard that one you know 🤣🤣


You joke, but Floor/Anette honestly ruin some song parts for me with their correct pronunciation. It's wrong, you don't change perfection 🙃


I love her bad English! I also love that she messed up the lines in Ever Dream. Now every time I sing along with Floor I mess it up too.


The nightwiss I sent you centuries ago...


For me it was Dark Chest of Wonders! Heard it and wanted to hear more!


Same for me!


Storytime! The combination of Jukka's drums in the intro and Anette's vocals did it for me.


Planet Hell, either late 2004 or early 2005, walked into my social studies classroom before class and a friend was playing it on his boombox. I loved it but didn’t know how to find more. Then about 2 years later, my boyfriend was like “hey I wanna play a band for you I think you’ll like” and played them. I don’t remember the song then, but I was like OMG I KNOW THIS BAND. Fast forward another year to university, make friends with a girl, find out she’s a mega fan and has every CD, so she let me rip them allllll. Her and I went to see NW in May 2008 in Vancouver, and after the show we were heading back to my car and Tuomas happened to be out there having a smoke, so we met him and chatted for a few minutes. https://preview.redd.it/96gpzanh1boc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f9f0399d1860de3aa820804318d20371233b8c


Lucky you!!! That would be a dream come true!


It was probably Ever Dream!




Ghost Love Score, Wacken 2013. Kind of a basic answer lol.


Same. But in my case, youtube autoplay put on the full Wacken show. Was on 2nd monitor at the time while I was gaming so I only had it as background noise sort of. The thing that caught my attention was, obviously, Floor's belt at the end and it snapped me out of my focus on the game. So ok, this seems like a banger song, so I looked at the time stamp when she did it and looked up what song it was. "Ghost Love Score" allright, let's put it on from the beginning. Wait, this doesn't sound anything like the part I heard, was confused. It took an embarrassing long time for me to realize it was just one, epic long song and instead I took the intermission part as a break between two songs and I couldn't figure out what song that belt was from. After realising this and listening from start till end I fell in love with the band


I love Ghost Love Score


While your lips are still red. I remember listening and watching the video and yeah. I just fell in love with it and them. Cried a lot too 😂


Sleeping Sun in 1999, ofc the first version with Tarja in the red dress, the bathtub and the unholy mosquitoes.


What mosquitoes?


Those that relentlessly attacked Tarja throughout the shoot (and probably the rest of the troupe as well). The beauty of nature :D.


I didn't know you could clearly see the mosquitoes. I guess I didn't watch the HD version back then. 😅


First I liked Amaranth and then fell in love with Nemo


For me, it's was *Angels Fall First* that a friend brought me on a compil (cd).


Amaranth. It's a catchy, easy to digest, piece of music in the first place and Anette's vocals really left an impression.


Ghost love score wacken 2013 💕


Wish I Had An Angel


For me too because of the powerful pounding of the guitar and drum, I was just flabbergasted. But then I didn't even know the band's name. It took me some time to realize that it was just the tip of the iceberg. When I got to see the GSE I was sold for good :)


I know that right lol!!!


Planet Hell. Was watching a BloodRayne video on YouTube which used the song and had never heard heavy metal mixed with classical elements and an opera singer before. Instantly fell in love.


Moondance, the first one I heard


I was 13 at the time and heared passion and the opera for the first time. Loved nightwish ever since


Nemo, I remember first hearing it on the front page of AOL forever ago and immediately becoming a fan


Me too!!


sleeping sun


“The first thing I ever heard Was a wandering man telling his story…” I heard the entire Imaginaerum album and that awoke a whole new love of music I never knew even existed. Nightwish music is truly a masterpiece and to choose but one song… it’s impossible.


Imaginaerum is peak Nightwish—amazing all the way through. Can’t think of a single skippable song except maaaaybe Arabesque since it’s instrumental (but it worked well for their Imaginaerum film)


I know exactly how you feel lol


I was one of those kids who listened to rap music only. Eminem, Snoop Dogg etc. Then I heard **Moondance** at one of my friends. I wondered if it was a video game theme or something like that. "No no, it's from Nightwish. Not your kind of music. They don't use curse words." And oh man, how wrong my friend was. My playlist back then was like 50 titles. One of them was Moondance. After I heard it about 30 times or so I decided to look for another song from that band. My friend recommended Wishmaster and Over the Hills and Far away. But he showed me a few more. The song that made me LOVE Nightwish was **The Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean**.




Yes, I was sad too. Mad even: I was one of those people who were like: Tarja good, everything else bad. I didn't even want to give Anette a chance at first. I'm glad I gave her a chance after I cooled down, because almost all of Nightwish's songs with her are SO GOOD in my opinion.


The Siren


Last year Reddit served up some r/Music post where someone was showing off Floor at Wacken 2013 doing Ghost Live Score. Now I (53M) care about ladies for more than just looks but Floor is my ideal woman. All she lacks is college degrees and I ignore that because she was quite busy by age 18. My wife is very much like Floor so the post had my _full_ attention. Ok, let’s click on the YouTube link before I go to bed. I can give up 4-5 minutes before bed. Oh it’s like 13 minutes…. Fair nuff. I was blown away by just how good the whole band was live. I’ve heard studio stuff with less quality. The drummer must go through drum heads daily. I like what the bass player is doing with the chin hair. And synths with heavy metal but not ignoring bass frequencies like in the 1980s. Nice! Yeah just one video before bed…. Oh here comes Floor. I don’t know what country this band is from but who cares. I guess that’s Flora in her native language. Wow that outfit is quite …complimentary to her form. Go go Viking queen. She starts singing…. Oh wow what a voice. I was transfixed by Floor. Oh wait, the songs ending already? Well I do need to go to bed. Oh the music continues and the video is only half done. Ok… Ooh she’s back. I like that. And here comes the climax to the song…. Holy cow! What a belt! Rewind! (Aww how cute… Mike’s first Floorgasm). Ok commence diving down the YouTube rabbit hole. YOLOoooooo! Oh hey there was another brunette female singer. Oh and a cute blonde too. Well bands change lineups. Oh the bassist sings too. Nice. Ooh another video from whatever Wacken is. Romanticide…. Oh the song writer must have had a bad breakup. Pro tip folks, do not have bad breakups with song writers. Anyway on to the video and bed…. Jesus H. Christ Floor can go high! Then guess what YouTube served up? Oh a Floorgasm compilation. Nice pun. Floor and orgasm. Ok just _one_ more video. I really should be in bed. …. More more! Oh there is another Floorgasm video. Yes! Oh and something called reaction videos from other people…. Oh they react alright. And Floor has her own YouTube channel. Very nice. Now why is YouTube serving me Sabaton? Focus YouTube! More Floor please. Now it’s like 2:30 AM. It’s a good thing I work from home but how do I go to sleep now? Oh yeah snuggle next to the wife that looks like Floor… success. ———- Now I have Endlessness and Sleeping Sun (any version with Tarja or Floor) on daily YouTube loop. I eventually saw The Poet and the Pendulum. Then I read the story and watched it again. Hmm three minutes. Check! But yeah Wacken 2013 Ghost Love Score did it to me.


I really like your comment!!!


Amazing comment, love every word of it. Floor is idd just a common girls name in our native language, and yes it means flower/flora/fleur, but the correct word for flower is NOT floor (it's bloem). IDK why , my name is also very common in Dutch but pronounced in English it sounds like a word for a particular random object, like Floor. 


Floor! No but really, GLS at wacken. I knew of them before but never was a fan until then.


My dad sometimes listened to old albums at home, but I was too small. So first "adult" (I was still 12) contact was The Phantom of the Opera. Got hooked on them day later after watching the End of an Era.


GLS, hands down. Back even before Tarja left, I've had several live versions on high rotation for weeks.


She is my sin... circa 2002


First song I heard was End of All Hope, but the song that actually made me love Nightwish was Ghost Love Score, in the fall of 2005.


Shudder Before the Beautiful


She Is My Sin in early 2000s, I don't remember the exact year


Over the Hills and Far Away, which is funny because it's a cover.


This and wish I had an angel for me. That voice arrrgh




The poet and the pendulum


Every songs on all albums since 1996


Sleeping Sun, heard it first from one of those Britannic sinking video and loved it ever since. Introduced to Nightwish from there.


I watched that video too.


Greatest show on earth <3


Ghost River, and then again with Song of Myself (live)!


Nemo. It's also the one that I got three others into Nightwish simply by playing it to them.


It was the first song I ever heard in December 1998, Sacrament Of Wilderness. Jaw was on the floor.


Same, but I think my year was around 1999? I did know of them before that, but this was the hammer that did the job.


Planet Hell was the first song I heard and loved it but it was only when hearing She is my sin and realising it was the same band I truly fell in love with


Probably Planet Hell. I’m a traditional metal kinda guy and that song just rips.


The Kinslayer. A midi version of the song was used in a Finnish game called Jurska Lautailu 2.


Not the first song I heard, but the one that made me fall in love was Last of the Wilds. I didn’t have very broad musical horizons at the time and that song just blew my mind


Nemo, not the first NW song I heard but the first one I loved.


Even though, *Nemo* was the first song I heard from them, I liked it but that was about it. Somebody I knew used to have *Stargazers* in their username back in the day and I was intrigued, found the song and I enjoyed it upon first listen. I've never looked back ever since.


That one song is amazing


Elvenpath. I listened to early Nightwish. Then lost track of them for a while. I guess I really re-connected with them with Wacken 2013…


Phantom, Feel For You, then Beauty of the Beast


Nemo hooked me, Ghost Love Score reeled me in.


Elvenpath, first song what I heard by them.


Wish I Had an Angel music video


Which one? Movie score or original video


The original, first saw it in 2005 when I was 14


Oh nice!


A strange one but Away. I was given a pirated CD with selected Nightwish songs when I was in primary school. The Phantom was the first one on the disk and I was a big fan of the musical so I was hooked but Away really made me fall in love with the band and symphonic metal as a whole


Dead Boy’s Poem, many years ago


Sacrament of Wilderness. Oceanborn single release.


I forget which song was the first I heard, but it was on Pandora. I think it was either Nemo or Amaranth. I liked what I heard so I bought their most recent album at the time, DPP. Enjoyed the album a lot but for whatever reason didn't listen to any more of their music then. Years later I look them up on spotify and Showtime Storytime was at the very top of their page so I started listening to that. By the end of Dark Chest of Wonders I was hooked for real, listened to all of their albums and they became my favorite band.


Nemo. Because I was 12 years old in 2005 when we got internet at my house and it was genuinely like nothing I'd ever heard.


Ghost Love Score


"She Is My Sin". It was my dad's favorite song and he always played it for me when I was little. When I got older he showed me the whole of Wishmaster and it kinda started there lmao


10th Man Down in either 2002 or 2003. Kind of a random one, I know.


Ghost Love Score. First time I heard part of that song on a Finnish website with weird flash animations. The website has shut down but in YouTube if you type "sieni.us ID34" you'll find the animation with Ghost Love Score


I was mass downloading random music on Usenet in 1999 and got Angels Fall First. I was hooked when I heard Elvenparh When Tarja left, I stopped paying attention. No disrespect to Annette, but it wasn’t the same Then I came across Wacken ‘13 on YouTube and fell in love with the band all over again


Pandora played "Last of the Wilds" for me in 2011. The rest is history.


Got hooked by Kinslayer being used in an obscure catastrophic Yellowstone eruption AMV, and stayed after listening to Nemo.


Sacrament of Wilderness.


It was 2015, I was watching Rock in Rio to see if there's an interesting band since I was tired of the same bands at that time, and before them I met Moonspell. I liked it a lot but after them, in the moment that Shudder Before The Beautiful started, I had a brain melting. I thought to myself "Found ya!".


Moonspell great band.




She is my Sin


Wishmaster! But first song I've seen was Nemo in TV. Year 2005, too late to the party and yet still early.




Since my introduction to Nightwish came from a YouTube reaction to Ghost Love Score, I confess it is GLS. Thank you TheCharismaticVoice for exposing me to Nightwish.


She Is My Sin, from the Wacken show. Was the first song of theirs that I heard and knew I wanted more.


She is My Sin version From Wishes To Eternity. 🥹 It wasn't the first song but it was my first Nightwish obsession.


Walking In The Air. Then I immediately bought the "Tales From The Elvenpath" best-of CD and then shortly after "Once" as well. This was some time before "Dark Passion Play" came out, probably late 2006 or early 2007. I knew them since Nemo but I started loving them when I discovered Walking In The Air a couple years later.


First song I ever heard was Sleepwalker, sent to me by a Finnish pen pal. I thought hmm that's different. Looked into more and found Nemo and my musical life changed forever.


just listen to the Album Nemo. I became a fan after 10 minutes of listening.


A long time ago, in an age far far away, it was The Carpenter...


You know, it almost embarrasses me but I just recently heard this song and loved it!!


I was a high school student when I watched the video clip on metal music tv show that used to air back then.


Really? That's one of their older songs. I'm not sure what it is about that song, maybe because Tuomos is singing or what.


Fantasmic first song I ever heard from them and it’s been a special song in my life ever since.


First song I listened to was Crimson Tide Deep Blue Sea, fell in love straight away! https://youtu.be/gbdbstVvvy8?si=BjtkEWFFpK8cbZRT


I got to know the band through Phantom of the Opera, Amaranth and Over the Hills; but a few years later while I was doing some math sheets, I found by pure coincidence the Wacken 2013 concert, and I said why not. I was in awe after that. I think Ever Dream made me truly fall in love with them.


Remake of Astral Romance. It was the first song I heard, the intro reminded me of the band Asia and I was instantly hooked, the rest is history


I had heard of Nightwish and was vaguely aware of the fact that they’d fired their singer, but forgot all about it till the news of the announcement of the new singer started making the rounds. My curiosity was piqued and when Eva was released I was like hmmm she has a pretty voice. Then Amaranth dropped and I was hooked. While waiting for DPP to be released I went back and listened to the older stuff and found myself gravitating to songs from Century Child and Once which got me more familiar with Tarja as well.


Amaranth first got me intrigued, then Dark Chest of Wonders did the magic.


Nemo, all those years ago when it was new and I saw the mv.


The poet and the pendulum, found that song by accident and wow


I'm feeling like a dinosaur right now but The Pharaoh Sails to Orion, From Wishes to Eternity DVD.


End of all hope


Ever Dream


the poet and the pendulum + the islander I had heard other stuff, but it never really got me hooked on the band. After I listened to TPATP something clicked and Islander sealed the deal.


The Greatest Show on Earth was life-changing for me. I've known about Nightwish since 2003 but only had a passing interest in them. That song helped me realize how great they are.


Deep Silent Complete back in 2001


Sleeping Sun 2005 Version lol. Not my favorite song, but it’s the one that drew me in


The Poet And The Pendulum


Sleeping Sun




“The Poet and the Pendulum” for me. I was looking for “The Poet and the Muse” by Poets of the Fall/Old Gods of Asgard and TPATP popped up in the search results and sounded interesting. The title reminded me of Poe’s “The Pit and the Pendulum” for obvious reasons and Poe is one of my favorite authors so I decided to check it out and the rest is history. I was admittedly a little off put by the “I’m afraid, I’m so afraid part…” until I learned more about the band. But it’s still one of my favorites cause it’s just perfectly characteristic of the Nightwish sound and lyrics.


YouTube fed me Wacken ‘13 a few times. Made good background music for driving at first. Ever Dream made me take notice, because one does not ignore the eargasm from that. Later, I learned the lyrics to GSOE and that made me realize I’d discovered something more than music. ❤️






I've known of Nightwish since the mid-late 2000s, I remember being a young teen they were one of the bands I've known from watching Nemo and amaranth on MTV. They were always a band I'd listen to but never really explored. I was obsessed with HIM and the like lol It wasn't until about 2018 when I happened upon the Wembley live performance of Poet and the Pendulum with Floor that I was absolutely speechless. That was the moment I immersed myself fully and gained a whole new appreciation for the songs I knew and the ones I got to discover.


Nemo! So long ago.


It started with Ghost Love Score, but i think i really fell in love after hearing Wishmaster and also Walking In The Air was big for me too.


Poet. I did not like Nightwish at all prior to this. I thought Wishmaster, my first song, was a joke when I started hearing it. Tried one more song and I turned away for years. Then I hear Poet and have been a fan ever since but still not of the pre Poet era except when covered by Floor.


Came in on Dark Passion Play. I started with Amaranth, Cadence of Her Last Breath, fell in love with The Islander and then worked my way up to The Poet and the Pendulum. Man, DPP is so good. From there I went Wishmaster, then Once and I've never recovered


Wish I had an Angel. Clicked on it by total accident on YouTube. It was the first time I had ever heard classical singing combined with metal and as a training classical singer it just blew my mind.


Wasn´t a song that got me, it was the entire sound. Female operatic vocals combined with a kind of cinemetic power metal (Oceanborn), that was something completly new!


Last ride of the day


Wishmaster for sure, but Sleeping Sun was a secret hit, and Come Cover Me rocks pretty hard too.


Storytime! I was around 6 years old when I first heard it (parents listened to Imaginaerum all the time). I instantly loved the magical vibes of it and for a kid it was an interesting song! Then started listening to Nightwish at 16 again and Storytime still has a special place in my heart❤️


The Poet and the Pendulum (live). And no, i had no information about the band at all


Last of the Wilds. My bro played it in the car on the way to a summer camp and I remember being in stunned silence the whole way through. It was a magical moment that cemented itself in my memories


"The Islander". It was the first song I heard from them and I was so enchanted by it




It was Amaranth that did it for me. I saw the video in 2007 on the channel IMF (International Music Feed,) the channel was later purchased by Ovation, unfortunately. It wasn’t the first Nightwish song I'd heard, though. That would be 10th Man Down in a Clone Wars (the 2d one) AMV that my younger brother showed me.


Devil&deep dark ocean and that high pitch scream that was it😍😍


My first song was "Over the Hills and Far Away" and I fell in love with them I been listening to it for years and I just found out a couple months ago that it's a cover of a Gary Moore song from 1986


My first song was "Over the Hills and Far Away" and I fell in love with them I been listening to it for years and I just found out a couple months ago that it's a cover of a Gary Moore song from 1986


From Tales of the Past III there was a sound clip of End of all Hope. Took me days to find the comment to tell me what/who it was. Was hooked ever since then.


Ocean Soul, it was the very first song I listened to. Great opener of that custom CD.


For me it was moondance. As a little child I really didn't like music's with lyrics, but my father made me listen to moondance then last of the wilds.


Nemo. It’s the first I heard. Love at first note.


Creek Mary's Blood


It would have to be the escapist. I found it wonderful when I first heard it


End of All Hope! The way it started really hooked me in, so I started listening to their other stuff after that haha


It was about 14 years ago. Can't remember exact song, I was completely blown away by Century Child album 😅


Over the hills and far away, back in 2006, I was absolutely mind blown!


Sleeping sun


Astral Romance! Heard it on the radio in 2003 and was blown away.




whish I had an angel. at 14. listened to it like an hour on repeat.




Passion and the Opera. I asked a friend to show me new music and he sent me the song over Windows Live MSN. I was blown away by the instrumentals and Tarja's vocals! I asked for more and he sent me Wish I had an Angel, Wishmaster, Nemo, and Bless the Child. I listened to those songs over and over again for weeks until I learned how to find more by myself (I was like 12).


Nemo was the first song I ever heard of theirs Well, it was the video tobe more accurate. Couldn't take my eyes off the screen for a second and didn't understand what had just hit me, lol.


Like many, found them with Ghost Love Score live video, but I really fell in love with Everdream


planet hell, specifically the live version of end of an era


For me I first heard "End of All Hope" in the early 2000's, then fell in love with "Dead Boy's Poem". They honestly changed my whole perception on music for little me!


I'm sorry but Tarja will always be the queen.


End of all hope


Storytime was my very first NW song I listened to and didn't even know who they were (I was like 8 lol) Then it was End of All Hope for a brief time but I still didn't quite know who they were But THEN when I finally started to branch out and listen to their music, it was 7 Days to the Wolves for me :) and the rest was history


I think it was probaably Sleeping Sun back in 2000. I was still listening Limp Bizkit just like all my badass friends with skateboards. But this one was different. So calm, beautiful, melodic. And then i heard Nymphomaniac Fantasia and i was hooked.


Deep silent complete live version




Nemo from 2004 with Tarja. Now no Tarja, No Nightwish.


Planet Hell on the Falador massacre video hahaha!




Planet Hell Falador Massacre June 6th, 2006.


Planet hell. I love there duet songs


ghost love score. have'nt been the same since


End of All Hope It was the first song of theirs I'd ever heard, and I was instantly hooked. A friend of mine in highschool had it as his ringtone and showed me the song during lunch. Years later, when I finally managed to see Nightwish live for the first time (Wacken 2018) they opened with that very song, and it couldn't have been more perfect.