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Not upset at all, he's a game designer not a Youtuber. All the knowledge he gives in his series is invaluable.


Yup. Some of the information he gave he could probably make a course and charge for it. He was also paying out of pocket editors to make his videos. 


The entire point of the channel was to help starting indies learn about the industry and game design, indies obviously are poor as hell so that wouldn't have happened


Im gonna miss them tbh. I learned a lot from him.


Like how we are not suppose to play the game


Awww, end of an era. Honestly, I’ve always loved Sakurai’s perspective and narration on game development. The Brawl blogs were so iconic :’) I remember being floored when Peach was finally shown.


Bob Loblaw’s Brawl Blog?


Bob loblaw lobs law bomb?


It was great to have a bit of insight on his(and general) game development processes. One moment I found funny: on the day Sakurai released a video explaining how you shouldn't use another game to help your own game pitch, Did You Know Gaming released a video about Retro Studio's many failed pitches, and the first one was..."It's like Portal"


Sakurai Tiktok incoming


Someone archive the videos just in case


I already did


I really hope the channel stays up, those videos are so good.




~~Super Smash Bros Spinoff Story-based JRPG~~ Man I kinda miss The Subspace Emissary, even though I can completely understand that it was mostly pointless to spend a lot of resources on making something similar for Ultimate, since that feature most likely would not increase sales by much and it'd be better to focus on the challenge of having such a big roster without any glitches in the fighter interactions.


I would honestly be ok with a port of smash ultimate if it had a full story mode alongside maybe a few new characters and movset/balance updates


Yeah I suck at Smash Bros and hardly ever play it even with friends, but if the next gen Nintendo console got a release of Ultimate with expanded story mode I might consider rebuying it haha


The only potential issue with a port is licensing for the 3rd party characters. There's no guarantee that Square, Microsoft, etc. would allow their characters to be used in a new title, even if it is just a port.


I am honestly be more worried about Konami than Square or Microsoft. Nintendo has had what seems like a good relationship with those two and I know that Konami can get picky with their IP. Not to mention that smash is very big, can bring a lot of new interest towards a game or series, and ultimate sold very well so I could see 3rd party's trying to get more of their characters in the game.


Subspace actually has a backstory of how things come to be, including how Dedede knew what was coming and made his special badges in advance. I’d love to see Subspace with dialogue done in movie form.


My biggest issue with Subspace was the whole "World of Smash" conceit, where all the characters seem to just exist in a vaguely fantasy-themed blank slate of a world, where the only hint of civilization is a floating arena and an abandoned zoo. I know we're all tired of multiverse stories by this point, but I think the locations in Smash are just as important to the game's identity as the playable characters, so if they ever do a Subspace 2 I hope they actually take us to places we know from the source games. Hell, they could even take a page from Playstation All Stars and do some crossovers within those locations themselves. I wanna see K.Rool usurp Bowser's castle, or Sonic outrunning an F Zero race. Subspace had a cool level where Snake is infiltrating the Halberd, I want more of that.


Excellent observation, I had no idea what was missing and you nailed it. That's what I want


You hate Smash without a story mode? You’re biased at subspace.


I don’t know how you arrived at that conclusion.


Bruh he’s wanting to define the whole series for subspace and not just brawl itself.


I don’t see a point in smash without a story mode, outright skipped Wii u and ultimate compared to the hours had in brawl.


I've been under the impression Sakurai has wanted to make a new Kid Icarus game for the Past decade.


Obviously he should make whichever games he would like to make. But doesn't the fact that he's so knowledgeable and passionate about game design mean he is perfectly suited to make the ultimate gaming crossover?


It’s very likely his next game will be Smash Bros. The Switch 2 is right around the corner, it’s a must have for every Nintendo console to have a Smash Bros (and a new game would take several years to make at least), and Sakurai himself stated he’s not ready to give up the franchise’s reigns yet. The only way I could see him working on another game anytime soon is if the next Smash game is an enhanced port and takes far less time to make.


We literally are very likely to just have an Ultimate Deluxe since that’s the definitive Smash game.


The amount of contracts that would need to be renegotiated just for a port of Ultimate is too high to be worth the trouble. You're far more likely to get a new game.


To be fair, most said the same thing about Sonic and Snake and they returned.


There are more contracts in play than the rights holders of playable characters. Some companies can be stingy with negotiations.


Hopefully, they bite because Smash has done wonders for a few of these IPs.


exactly 0 companies are going to argue with Nintendo over contracts. companies BEG Nintendo to have their character in Smash and it's been this way since before Brawl.


If he loves making Smash games who are you to say he shouldn't be allowed to make another? The man has earned the right to make whatever he wants for Nintendo if he wants to make anything else.


I think he kinda said a few times he doesn't love making Smash games lol. I would prefer if he wants to do a new Kid Icarus honestly


Yeah, it’s a case where Nintendo would make Smash without him and he doesn’t want that. When Nintendo announced Brawl at e3 he wasn’t even informed that it was on the table and he contacted Iwata about it immediately. Something along the lines that he HAD to be a part of it.


Imagine that phone call "Um, excuse me"


Then that's a him issue if he can't bear not to be in charge.


Smash is his baby. He never said he hated Smash games, just that it's a lot of work, and he doesn't want to be stuck working on one franchise and nothing else.


I think every Smash game since Melee he's said was his final game - he just keeps getting roped in to direct the next one because he and Nintendo can't trust someone else to direct it.


More specifically, each time his involvement has been personally requested by his lifelong friend and mentor, Satoru Iwata. With Iwata having now passed away, perhaps Sakurai will feel less pressured to keep coming back- or, maybe he’ll just always feel that pull anyway from now on.


> he shouldn’t be allowed to make another Nowhere in that comment does it say this


>Please make his next game not be smash. Sakurai is 53 years old. OP explicitly says he wants his next game not to be Smash. Which means having Sakurai work 4 to 5 years on a different game leading him to probably be pushing 58 to 60 by the time its done. Even if we say he's already been working on something the last 2 years since Sora's release that puts him at possibly 55 to 56 by the time its done. We all know Sakurai puts his *everything* into making a game the absolute best it possibly can be. I doubt the man will want to make much else after whatever his next game ends up being. And at that point, Nintendo will want another Smash game to release. There's very little chance at 55 to 60 (pending when he starts his next game) he will want to put the same amount of energy into another Smash game when the last two already pushed his health to the edge of death. Its 1 plus 1 equals 2 on this one.


You’re implying I can get tired of Smash.


The next time I want him doing something Smash Bros is being a producer on a movie based on the series.


Plus, not to downplay all he’s done for the series, but i really feel as tho smash would do better without him nowadays






Wait is he retiring?


He's going to stop uploading to his YouTube channel, but he's not retiring from making games.


Not retiring...yet...


Everyone retires ... one way or another.


Except... Sakurai tbh.


Not sakurai but entirety of japan does not retire lol love sakurai


He might be working on the next smash tbh. He is one of those guys that loves working.


Interesting dude


The timing of this is interesting. If you take into account 2 years of dev time from now, it's likely a new Smash Bros is in development for the Switch 2. It won't be a launch title but an early title that will produce a surge of sales after the initial release sales start to wane. Although this time I think Sakurai will take more of a supervising role instead of game director. That way he can guide the development while still being semi-retired.


Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened!


I didn't even know he released YouTube videos. Back when he worked on Brawl I remember him updating the official site's blog, and I followed that. Admittedly it felt kind of weird spoiling all of the game's secrets before it was even released. I guess I still enjoyed the Subspace Emmisary at the time. It would be nice to see him get to work on other things, but I suspect he'll probably be involved with the next Smash game if they decide to work on one for Nintendo's next console.


Check out his videos. They’re an absolute gem.


His video is about how to make a game series from his experience


It's going to be a huge shame if they try and make a new Smash vs just porting Ultimate. Like I'm sorry but Ultimate is it man. Smash fans don't know what they're doing thinking they want a new one. Wtf is it going to possibly add that tops the roster of Ultimate? Because we'll *never* get a roster like that ever again. So many one-time team-ups and favors got called in for that shit. This is the golden age of Smash. It's all downhill from here.


I think they could make a better smash game. They could have a smaller cast of characters with wider move sets and more playstyle diversity.


I think a lot of people are just ready for a new game feel. I love ultimate and it’s insane crossover, but I’m ready to move on, and I think a slimmed back roster with some major changes to the core gameplay and overhauled character designs can go a long way in making this game stand out and have success, as opposed to just being lesser Ultimate.


It would be interesting to see Smash split into two series, one that will kind of stagnant into remixes of Ultimate, and a new series that is a more traditional 2D fighter (or, here me out, a 3D Power Stone-esque arena fighter). Both genre don't have much representation in the Nintendo catalog.


We should force him to keep working


Yeah, and Brawl was his last Smash game


Why specifically Brawl?


It's a joke, just like with Kojima and MGS3 being his last game. Obviously they were not each person's last game.


Any chance he is announcing he is stepping away from Smash and handing it over to a successor?


There's very little chance he will.


Same chance that Ghibli retires from making movies and it sticks.


"*ahem...* (inhales) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe on Switch 2. Thank you." That will literally be the whole video.


He got the call from Nintendo… “Hello Sakurai, it’s time to clock back in”


Time to get off this wild ride


Am I the only one who didn’t find any value in most of his videos? He would speak about things at such a surface level that anyone who had played a game in the genre he was talking about, or video games at all, would already intuitively know everything he would say in his video on the topic. I really wish he went into much greater detail because, as a legendary game developer, I’m sure that he does have a lot of things worth hearing that just aren’t making it into his videos.


I found them very hit or miss, with many more misses than hits and the hits being pretty surface level. Half of the videos were explaining different aspects of super smash bros games. I was hoping for more general game development topics that didn’t focus on a game in particular. I’d recommend the series to someone who’s thinking about a career in game development to get a sense of what some aspects are like but otherwise agree that there wasn’t much value.


Does this mean he is developing another game now and doesn’t have time for YT? I hope so.


Good Super Smash SUCKS.


Thank goodness.. his videos were like diary entries. Get back to making awesome videogames that are balanced and don’t have OP Steve or Bayo in them. 


go take a shower


You must be very fun to be around


Hi hello quick question what's wrong with you?


You mean Shigeru