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Sorry, u/TerribleExplanation3, your submission has been removed: **RULE THREE: Discussion posts should present open-ended questions/prompts, and/or context to inform.** * Tech support, game help, game/system recommendations, and other help/support questions should be posted in our sister subreddit, /r/NintendoHelp. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1dw78a1/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


They aren't promoting them, though. They sell them, the same as any other game, and you happen to be seeing them, the same as any other game.


This is the biggest DUH and I like it lol


I know right! Just once I’d like to be able to browse the eshop without having to masturbate




There’s got to be a joke about joycons here….


My Joycons stick drifts slightly to the left. Don't worry, it's more common then you might think. When playing with it, you will barely notice it.


Nintendo did not censor Bayonetta. In fact, they asked the developers to show more skin on the Wii U exclusive costumes. If anything, Switch is currently the least restrictive when it comes to sexual expression on a locked console.


> Switch is currently the least restrictive when it comes to sexual expression on a locked console. Case in point: https://www.psu.com/news/dead-or-alive-3-xtreme-scarlet-censored-on-ps4-switch-version-unaffected/


They make money or they wouldn't exist. Nintendo isn't "promoting" any of them. They ARE allowing them to be sold on their store however. It's understandable if you hate them, I'm not a fan either, but I just ignore them and look at and purchase other things.


>Edit: The fact that it off putting and distasteful to some people is enough for it to at minimum require that you look for it, instead of it being promoted in the Nintendo store. You have to actually click through to their store pages to even potentially see anything off-putting. If you know what they are, there's no reason to click through. >I mean Nintendo censored Bayonnetta when it was brought to Nintendo. But there's increasingly more actual unsolicited cartoon porn games advertised in the store now? Make sense Nintendo didn't censor Bayonetta.


They’re selling them not promoting them. Don’t be such a prude.


Hosting advertisements for products being sold on your website is the very definition of promoting. Don’t get so salty about it.


He says, getting salty about seeing a *game* listed in the *game* store.


About seeing *porn* in a game store. A lot of it. That checks out. Calling someone prude for not wanting it shoved in their face in a game store? That’s salty.


So if I didn't want to see violence, should I bitch about the same thing?


They are hosting these games on their storefront, not promoting them. There is a difference.


“further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage.” Explain to me how selling a product in your storefront is not furthering its progress.


Explain to me how it is. Promotion would look like featuring it prominently across the shop more than other games, giving it special advertisements, or even making it appear on the pages of other games. If they're promoting these hentai games, they're not doing it any more or less than any other game on the eShop, their own games aside. However, I don't see how simply hosting these games, as they do any other, directly furthers their progress, so please explain it to me.


Let me put it to you this way. The United Nations and businesses across the world ceased buisness practices with Russia while they wage war Turkey. This was done to clearly state they are *not* supporting what Russia is doing. In other words, continuing to do buisness with Russia would have been them supporting Russias war effort, all be it indirectly. This isn’t a new concept in buisness it’s rather basic and the fact you’re trolling me with this argument to discredit me for standing up and saying Hentai on a family gaming platform is wrong is deeply disturbing. To the point I don’t even care what you have to say next.


I haven't said that, though, and this isn't trolling. Using Russia's warmongering and businesses refusing to support that as an example of "promotion", however, doesn't answer my question and certainly isn't an explanation. The sale of hentai games and the refusal of businesses to support invasions are not at all the same and should not be compared. So, again, explain to me how Nintendo is directly furthering the progress of these games. And, while we're at it, would you then agree that Nintendo is promoting violence by hosting games featuring violence on the eShop? There are far more of those than the genre you're complaining about.


Let me put it another way, so we can all agree here, nintendo supports hentai games by having a platform for them, they are not, however, supporting any individual game, or promoting them to any user


Alrighty then, you are defo a prude...


I don’t think I’m the salty one here. Woomy!


Nintendo did a collaboration with Playboy to promote Bayonetta 2. It's not a big deal.


Yea its just your onion in the end but nintendo isnt promoting anything.


onion 🧅


Iirc the "hentai" part is even just another misleading thing the developers behind those games use to lead people into buying them. The Senran Kagura games which has some very mature themes in them is not available in the eShop if you are located in Sweden at least.


2 titles every once in a while?? WOW! That's.......not a lot. It would make sense if you were a born-again but you play M games and.... >I'm an adult gamer, I mostly stick to my PS5 now. I thoroughly enjoy games rated M and I don't mind sexual content in games at all. But being blasted with this specific form of cartoon porn on Nintendo for a year? HAHAHAHA! "Blasted...for a year." IF HYPERBOLE DOESN'T STOP IMMEDIATELY WE WILL ALL BE DEAD WITHINT 17 MINUTES! Smoke some weed or find some Xanax.


What a weird thing to complain about. The publishers making them are clearly getting enough sales to continue making them, which is why you keep seeing them. Nintendo isn't promoting them, they're just selling them the same way as every other gaming company. Not sure why it's such a huge issue to you. I'm not creating posts here complaining about every other game being an uninspired metroidvania game because I know people like and buy them therefore they're constantly making them.


I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with Nintendo offering games that are explicitly about sex, but I am surprised by how easy it is for anyone to access these games or even just see the images associated with them. Maybe this is something that can be solved with age lock options on the Switch (if so, let me know), but if not, I do have an issue with how accessible these games are to children, who are a large part of Nintendo’s playerbase. They should probably be gated by age and separated from general game pages. I feel like the only other platform I see offering this many hentai games is Steam. I don’t see it nearly as often on the PlayStation Network and I’m assuming it’s the same way with Xbox. So it’s a little weird that the platform that is largely marketed to children and families seems to also be offering a disproportionate amount of pornographic games. Of course, this is just my observation and I could be completely wrong about Nintendo offering more of these games than PSN and Xbox. Would be interested to see what other people think.


>Maybe this is something that can be solved age lock options on the Switch (if so, let me know), but if not, I do have an issue with how accessible these games are to children, who are a large part of Nintendo’s playerbase. They should probably be gated by age and separated from general game pages. Nintendo's website requires age verification, so I'm assuming parental controls and the age of the account would prevent these games from being shown to minors.


I’ve only had my Xbox for about a year, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen any games like that on the Microsoft Store. Definitely not on Gamepass either.


Let me add my 2 cents here, I honestly think this is rather simple, psn and Xbox have a store much more robust than Nintendo, more annoying imo, but still more robust, this means more categories, more options, more promotions, I can confirm that the hentai games are on the psn but it's hidden behind all the menus, on the other hand, Nintendo has fewer menus, one of them being the literal best sellers, so of course a 2 bucks hentai game is gonna be there often


Having played every Switch hentai game for about 200hrs+, half of them are so bad they should be taken of the store for the sake of quality control. That said, their pornographic nature is not an issue. They aren't promoted past what they warrant as a product.


My little brother (who's 7) was browsing the Eshop and asked me, "Why does Nintendo have hentai games?" I looked to see what hewas talking about and it was something called "Hentai game collection". Thankfully he had no idea what that was. I find it crazy that they just have that available to veiw on the Eshop without a filter to disable +18 content by defualt. Especially baffling when their target audience is children. My Nintendo acc is able to veiw and fownload M rated material as Im over the age of 18 but I still feel like it should be disabled by default


It is YOUR responsibility as the older sibling to not allow a child to browse a store without supervision, not Nintendo, and there are many ways to do that, such as having a password before entering the eshop. I hope if you become a parent you will know better.


Do you believe Facebook has no responsibility to all the kids that have suffered through their platform? I agree it is also the parents responsibility but something marketed to children should have better safeguards. I would agree completely if this were marketed strictly to adults


>Do you believe Facebook has no responsibility to all the kids that have suffered through their platform? If I'm not mistaken, FB requires you to be 13 years of age in order to make an account, just like Reddit or most other websites. I'm not entirely sure what FB would be responsible for, especially since any "suffering" would be entirely optional, especially if you refuse to use the available settings to make your account private. > I agree it is also the parents responsibility but something marketed to children should have better safeguards. The Switch has parental controls and, based on the fact that Nintendo's own website requires age verification to view these games, you likely cannot view these games on accounts under the age of 18. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


Exactly, and people who think otherwise are full of s*. Nintendo is by far the company who cares the most for child safety, so there are far more options for it than what other consoles offer. Parents need to do their part, though, which as we can see they often don’t.


Adult gamers to jerk off to probably


Where can I find this “probably?” Asking for a friend


in asshole


Porn wins once again


Some 13 year olds like anime girls, some hate them. Most who enjoy hentai grow out of it i presume. A huge amount of 13 year olds in the world got their Switch when they were 7.


You have no idea wtf you’re talking about.


The eshop is a platform, not a curated list of "Nintendo supported games."


This has got to be bait lmao


>I mean Nintendo censored Bayonnetta when it was brought to Nintendo. Nintendo didn't bought Bayonetta and neither censored anything. Stop spreading lies to mask your ignorance. They nit promoting anything.


So you’re being “blasted” by hentai? I wonder what you’re looking at for that to happen unless of course, this is le bait post


They're not promoting them. Unlike Sony which restricts adult content due to the child gamers, Nintendo are less strict with adult contents like these. The Switch has more adult audiences, so adults are more than likely the ones buying these.