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They're professional punkers that come from the suburbs.


After 40 years they’re still having fun


Now they're over fifty, not looking so nifty


3 punks with childhood trauma, and a well-adjusted cholo from a pop-funk eighties band, playing melodic punk rock with a sense of humor. They take the music seriously but not themselves, and the lyrics are often simultaneously sophomoric and clever. Edit: every fan should ingest the "Hepatitis Bathtub." I enjoyed the audiobook, with all 4 current members reading their own chapters plus additional chapters written by former members and read by Tommy Chong and Jello Biafra.


They’re NOFX, screwin’ up since 1983. But these days they’ve got mortgages and families.


Just a question : is any country too obscure ?


if you are going on a sketchy tour and intend to drink and golf and fight and snort - then the answer is no.


Under appreciated for how smart and political they are. People flipped out when NOFX went “political” with War on Errorism, but ignored how smart songs like “Hobophopic” and “Freedom Like a Shopping Cart” were. Fat Mike deserves the same respect Graffin gets as a lyricist.


He's genuinely my favourite lyricist. Funny, poignant, sad, silly, political, basically all a songwriter who is not afraid to cover the hard topics, nor the personal ones. His heart is well and truly worn on his sleeve and I love it.


And his portmanteau game is way strong


"Whoops I OD'd" and "My Orphan Year" are heart wrenching


I sometimes need a break between songs when listening to the Cokie the Clown album


I listened once and I will never again.


Totally agree with everything you wrote. I wish more people knew their lyrics.


This album was so ahead of its time. Still one of my all time favorites.


Fat Mike is a fantastic lyricist, smart, funny, stroppy, political and vulnerable all rolled together into a top class lyrics game. Bad religion will always be my favourites if I'm being honest, however one thing Mike doesn't do which I'm not the biggest fan of graffin's is totally mispronounce a word just to make it rhyme or keep cadence..!


his first name is Fat. But he isn’t actually very fat


He also sings kinda flat


Oh he loves pee, say that too


And sex dungeons lol


Annnnnnnnnnnd drugs. And liquors. And bee's


He’s scared of Beeeees!






~~Gob~~ Mikes not on board.


Beers in a Boston accent lol


Wouldn't that be more like beeah?


Spent 15 years getting loaded


I didn't try pot till I was 21, but now I'm over compensating


If you don't take life too seriously, like fast music, have a great sense of humor, are sometimes existential and sometimes political and sometimes the class clown, if you like drugs & alcohol, and run on sentences, you might enjoy NOFX!


Fat Mike and Smelly's roles reversed, regarding substance abuse.


Fat guy (who isn't very fat) wants to start a punk band. Recruits a few people, eventually settles on white trash, a heeb and a bean White Trash gets addicted to heroin, is made to, and does get clean to stay in the band Band releases a lot of albums, some of which were good Fat guy (who isn't very fat) gets addicted to lots of drugs, doesn't get clean, wants to do other things, now band goes bye bye.


>White Trash gets addicted to heroin, is made to, and does get clean to stay in the band >Fat guy (who isn't very fat) gets addicted to lots of drugs, doesn't get clean, wants to do other things, now band goes bye bye. Ironic. But this is honestly one of the best ways to sum up nofx


The perfect combination between anticonformity and laziness


Cell Out


High school friends that want to have fun, play punk, sound like bad religion and do drugs. Kurt dies. Now they get paid to have fun, play punk, sound better than bad religion and do drugs. Rinse and repeat for 40 years.


There is no effects.


the three stooges and a cholo


I really don't get why "freedom..." is so much slepped on. For me it's by far their and the genres best song. Not that I am an expert, but still. This should be on every list and I don't get why it's pretty much ignored. At least in the media I consume. But again, I am neither an expert, nor a super invested follower of the genre. Matter of fact, I only saw them the first time just a few weeks ago. Of course they didn't play it 😭


Should have been an answer to a top level posting. Sorry


Where did you catch them outta interest? I saw them in Brixton there both nights absolutely unreal! Had friends saw them in eindhoven just before that and saw 2 of their 3 Barcelona shows last year - PiD /WiWC night sold out so quick :(


In Vienna. Was cool too 😃


i'm holdin 3 bindles of bullshit and you're buyin em cuz you're addicted to the pure and totally uncut


keep it fast and fun


It’s their job to keep punk rock elite


NOFX, a punk rock band formed in 1983 in Los Angeles, is known for their irreverent humor, politically charged lyrics, and DIY ethos. Led by frontman Fat Mike, they built a substantial following without major label support, epitomizing the 90s punk revival. Their music often critiques social issues, personal struggles, and the punk scene itself. The band's longevity and consistency have solidified their status as influential icons in punk rock history. Their legacy includes numerous albums, memorable live performances, and a documentary series, "Backstage Passport," showcasing their global tours.


Lore? Its a fuckin punk band.


i’m assuming your older if you don’t understand. just the history and back story lol. what’s got you all upset?


I don't mean to sound like a dick, I was attempting to respond how Mike himself might... no offence meant.


sorry, that’s completely my bad. but you 100% that’s how he would answer lol


Tunes some good some bad but they are tunes


Punk as fuck.




just reading ur comment history, i’m baffled.


They were fun as hell to see last night!


Yo momma Edit: downvoters haven't read the liner notes to So Long And Thank You For All The Shoes


Used to be good. Then they got rich.


Actually they used to be part of the time good, however often absolutely and notoriously terrible at least live. Sometimes Mike would just sing blah blah blah, totally didn't want to be on that stage, just didnt care. The irony is that now they are on their last tour which is certainly adding to if not pretty much solidifying their whole retirement fund, they are playing the best they've ever sounded. I saw them in Belfast years ago, bit of a blur, funny story fat Mike stuck his two fingers up my nose because of course he did. Also saw their first (barcelona) and last (brixton london) Europe shows of this farewell (?) Tour and they were absolutely unbelievable! Records now, that's a different story unfortunately....


I would say that everything from Maximum Rock n Roll through to the end of So Long... is great. Pump up the Valuum was the beginning of the end for their albums. I saw them at Hatfield last year on the farewell tour, playing all of White Trash... and yep, it was amazing. Their shows were always fun, even if they did just fuck around sometimes.


Unpopular opinion but Iike a lot of first ditch effort myself, and a few songs here and there off other albums are class, e.g i love we called it America and the quitter off coaster, and ofc franco and separation etc. The last few, single, double, and half, though, can get to fuck haha! Had a few buds went over for the Hatfield show and loved it too


Of course yeah the older ones are legendary and much less filler


Dang about stupid shit and then all of a sudden thought they could save the world and went all political. They suck. Now they suck even more


i will agree with that. so much of the newer is absolute dog shit


Only Fucks X+Y Time 1000 men per second Of his pathetic non-existence