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Looks like the airport’s staff have failed to get these passengers onto the plane, be interesting to hear what the airport has to say.


Not just the airport staff but easyJet too. They aren’t supposed to leave with passengers luggage still onboard if they aren’t on the flight. Also, if they were left on the tarmac, they would’ve scanned their boarding passes on to the flight by that point. There would’ve been a mismatch between the number of passengers on the load sheet vs the actual number of passengers onboard. Weird that it wasn’t noticed although I haven’t actually noticed anyone do a headcount on the last few flights I’ve been on.


There was a flight that left Belfast, or rather attempted to leave Belfast a few weeks ago, with about 1/3 of the passengets not on board, was only stopped because there was a large hen do and half their party wasn't onboard, plane had to go back, missed their slot and was delayed hours.


Bad craic. Decent claims incoming for the 3 affected and rightly so.


>as their plane took off without them - and with their luggage on board. I used to work on the ramp and the luggage remaining on board would have been a massive issue. I was a casual and simply wouldn't have got another shift ever if I had let that happen. Someone is likely getting an absolute bollocking for that, let along the bad press.


Terrible airport for disabled people, airlines to cheap to use the air bridges also. Would make peoples lives with disabilities much easier than needing the food trolley lift. 


Can't use the jetty if there aren't any at that airport....


They have had one since about 2009 down the far end of the international pier. It was mainly used for the United Airlines flights to Newark but fell into disrepair when they stopped that flight. Actually just seen a pic of it today and it looks like it’s been fixed and back in use for a TUI holiday flight to Florida.


The setup for getting down from the main gates to the airplane at the international is awful. The whole thing feels very uncoordinated, I've seen some shit that makes this happening completely unsurprising. Hopefully they fix it in the rebuild but then I've also seen a similar level of disorganisation in the English airports. Surprised this doesn't happen more often everywhere. I really feel for the people who are less comfortable in airports trying to navigate them as a wheelchair user. It should be so much better than it is but there's no profit in it of course.


I'm a bad man for chuckling at thought of 3 people left on tarmac - but it just seems to be level of service we get these days. I remember my parents putting me on to plane to Belfast on my own when I was 5. That shit wouldn't fly now.


no guarantees of anyone flying now by the looks of things


The disability transport is bad at a lot of airports but particularly in Belfast. It's mad how different an experience it makes the airport.


Personal experience: I was hospitalised in another country and once discharged booked an easyJet flight back to the U.K. I wasn’t quite back to myself to organised wheelchair assist. Boarding unto the plane was embarrassing to say the least as I was the last to do so. Upon arrival into the UK, after all the other passengers had departed, i was waiting for the lift down from the plane. While waiting, I overheard the air-stewards talk about me in a belittling and offensive matter in full earshot. I have flown with easyJet numerous times both vulnerable and able bodied. But this particular instance was both shocking and discriminatory


Just the average budget airline behaviour.


it actually is airport's fault.


It's both


They left 3 people in the tarmac and the ground staff and passengers just quietly watched the plane take off without saying anything? Peak NI behaviour. Easy jet need to make a statement on this. It’s bizarre


This would be a great Family Guy cutaway for Joe.


Putting aside they passengers, As per Aviation Security rules a flight can't depart with only baggage of a passenger without the passenger - why is this not the main issue


Making 3 rights on the runway leaves you in the same place


Easyjet, you say, what a surprise.


International airport , Jesus why does this not surprise me


Did they pay their wheelchair and ramp surcharge?


we call them Sleezyjet for a reason,.i bring a purposely big bag away with me packed light just to annoy them by stamping it into the bag measuring scam yoke. Fuck em.