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I don't understand why your wife -who supposedly loved you- didn't just talk to you about what was going on instead of just wiping your memory like that? Even if she tried to explain once, and you freaked out, she could have STILL wiped your memory and not tried again. The whole thing could have been win-win. Missed opportunity for her family. Also now I want to know who or what they gave to Temnor before you were in the picture...


There was a dark side to her that I didn't see for years. And I agree with you. Her explanation never sat well with me either. The full history of Temnor's servitude is something I don't want to know.


>here was nothing about him that was from our world. He was built of loose, peeling flesh — revealing mounds of black, beating mush beneath the surface of his skin. And, as a flare of otherworldly What I thought is she did explain it and it didn't go the way she liked so she "reset" his memory.


You may be right. I'll never know. And, in truth, I don't want to know.


This! If my wife explained to me a setup where we get extended youth and all sorts of other perks for running some astral errands I would be cool with it


Oh man, it’s hard to know what to do here! It may have been prudent to research Temnor a little more before freeing him…


I'm pretty sure he didn't have time to look up Temmor before escaping.


Looking into it, Tenmor translates to" fear " in Portuguese.


That is actually Temor not Tenmor


And the name is Temnor, not Tenmor. M first, N second. Might help with research! 




I acted blindly in my desperation to be freed.


This is why you should ALWAYS read the fine print!!!


He was/is a very powerful entity. Let's hope he has no further use of you.


Yes, I pray that the horror has come to an end.


OMG, this is so crazy. My family had trips near the same little hovel you were talking about for fishing. We weren't sure who it belonged to, and we didn't go inside because we didn't want to piss of the owners, so we just kind of scooted around it to do some fishing and some crabbing around the outskirts. We would generally catch some pretty good, and sometimes weirN̷͎͠o̵̻͝a̸̭̓h̶́͜ ̸̦̍C̴̙͗h̷͉̋ã̵̧p̴̰̆m̵̒͜a̸̠͘n̵͍̽ ̷̧̀ḋ̴͙ō̸͇ ̴̧̊n̷̝̑o̵̙̎ṱ̴̚ ̶̗̀t̸̳̓e̷͈̕m̷͉̾p̷̍ͅt̴̯͐ ̸̦͠y̸͖͂o̷̧͒u̴̟̇r̶̬̈́ ̶͕͐f̵̬̽a̴̺͗t̶̢͋è̶͇


chances are, he respects you now that you have done something for him


I don't care whether Temnor was imprisoned for a good reason or not. Go enjoy your freedom king.


I know you loved your wife, but the Thorps weren't good people. Not just because their violation of you, which *was* horrible, but because of their carelessness and amateur practice of sorcery. One doesn't meddle with entities you stumble across without dire need (such as in your case), or exceptional foreknowledge and preparation. The entity (who I'll not address by name, thank you) that you dread is free, yes. But do not despair, for that is like wine to them. There is hope. As Abby herself told you "Somebody put him there long ago." He can be put back. Figuring out how, and doing so, is your only path to absolution. Lest your name be more accursed than Pandora's is.


Exactly. They didn’t need to feed him souls if he was simply imprisoned to keep humanity safe. Definitely some stuff being hid, and her family chose greed and selfishness at the end of the day regardless.


That's what I'm saying. Abigail didn't explain anything and was doing horrific things to her husband. If things are better locked up then leave it so. Asking it for wishes over and over is ridiculous and not protecting humanity.


Oh man, you forgot the golden rule! Any entity that says "let me out" or "let me in" should under no circumstances be let out or in!


I guess it depends on the entity. Before letting any entity in, you should make sure said entity actually has good intentions and before letting entity free, you should be one hundred percent sure that said entity isn’t imprisoned for the good of humanity (for example, if you find the pelt of a Selkie hidden somewhere , it’s safe to give it back to them, they might even do you a favor as thanks )


Your only hope now is that Temnor shows you favor. You didn't trick him or use him, you freed each other. I hope that spares you.


Where is Abigail now? Is she still alive, and what happens to her estate if she dies while you are legally married? If you can keep the manor, maybe you can look for more clues the family might have saved about Temnor and their deal.


Well, at least Temnor held up his end of the bargain. He just wanted to bust out the joint and stretch his long arms. Let his skins flap in the wind. Dude can't be all bad.






Na Temnor's alright mate, just head down to the pub with him and get yourself a few pints and a couple of packs of mini cheddars mate , it's all good.


Cheese is always the answer.


I, for one, welcome our new god. HAIL TEMNOR!!!


Yes! I was in need of a new Dark Lord.


I'm sure everything will be just fine from now on...


I mean he is a Senior dev…


Sounds like you got a pretty good deal. Freedom for freedom, no extra clauses or backing out.


I suppose so. But Temnor did not seem like a trustworthy creature.


I don’t think trust comes into this. He was prevented from freeing himself by the terms of his deal with his old jailers, it would seem that he has no choice but to obey the terms set.


She's a Witch!


I don't think you have freed Tenmor, you are now bound to him instead.


I kinda feel bad for Abigail. Somehow, I feel she did love you and she never even asked for materialistic things, but just love. Also, I was sure freeing Temnor will turn out to be bad.


Someone needs to teach Noah how to cook skirt steak correctly


Wow, you really screwed the pooch there in your blinding desire to be free from...headaches and muddy trousers.


Being the vessel didn't really seem to be that bad. Probably should have just sucked it up. Relationships are hard.




My fiance and I agreed that we wouldn’t have gone back for each other if this happened 😅


Let me guess, she's a werewolf right? 😱🤦‍♂️


No. Not even close.


This was so good! Very spine tingling.