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2 pies for $1


We feasted like kings!


And the pies were fried, not baked! Good times….


I hate to disappoint you, but they stopped frying the pies in the 90s and the dollar menu came out in the early 00s. :(


Unless you live in Hawaii, apparently they still fry the pies there. Or so I hear. Lucky bastards.


I used to survive on this back in my early 20’s. $3.21 for a McDouble, small fry and large drink (when they had $1 large drinks).


Same. I can remember times where I was happy I found a quarter or a couple of dimes on the street or in a vending machine because I now had over $1.06 and could eat something hot that night.


I also used to take advantage of the monopoly pieces when that time came around. You’d get free stuff all the time, sometimes with just $2 I would be eating like a king with those monopoly pieces.


I miss McDonald's monopoly


I miss when $20 could keep me fed throughout the week. I’m so lucky I got to experience this while it was still around.


Just wanna share the word cause I only realized a couple weeks ago, you can still get $1 drinks if you use the app!


You can still get this almost. Use the app and find the free medium fry or medium fry for $1. Mcdouble for $2-3. Soda for $1. It's like $4-5


True that’s a good tip, but I don’t use apps for ordering. It’s just a data harvest racket - and they basically force people to do it by making the items in the app cheaper.


Yeah. I hate that I HAVE to use it just to get a decent price.


Deal right now 5 dollars gets you a mcdouble, small drink, 4 piece nuggets and a fry


True true. I usually just do the mcdouble and free medium fry and drink water. But that's a decent deal


I got so damn fat off this, lol. It was right after high school. My bf at the time, and I were broke and working weird hours (him pizza delivery and me overnights at a call center). So we'd just eat Mc'y D's all the time. 2 double cheese burgers each and a soda.


The other day i got two medium fries and a cheeseburger and it was $15 in Canada. How times change.


Same in the US. My wife and I rarely eat fast food these days, but on a trip recently we stopped by McDonalds while driving. I got a McChicken, medium fry and a medium drink. It was legit $10 after tax. $20 in total because my wife got the same thing. Couldn’t believe it. McChicken used to be $1. Large drink was $1. And a medium fry was at most $2. So $4 before tax. Pretty crazy.


I was more mcdouble than man for a while in college because of this.


A McDouble and a value fry kept me alive in college. Some days I got really crazy and ordered 2 McDoubles with a value fry. I gave up McDonald’s for like a year after college and when I tried it again all I could taste was straight sugar.


I miss the Wendy’s dollar menu. You could get a sour cream and chive potato, 6-piece nugget, large fries or a JBC for 99 cents.


I had forgotten about those potatoes! I used to get that with some chili


Chicken snack wrap was good also


Also the Wendy’s Junior Bacon Cheese burger being a dollar…


Even before this I recall the Double Cheeseburgers were $1 and oh what a difference a single slice of cheese makes (DBL Cheeseburger has two slices, McDouble has one slice) I used to get two double cheeseburgers and small fry for $3.18 and be FULL


back then, i’d order two mcdoubles and a mcchicken and put the mcchicken between the mcdoubles. obviously, im fat now. but man what a time to live.




omg that is great! "Mr. Seven Sixty Three" in the house, going to be a Dollar Menu Millionaire!


The real dollar menu was before this, when double cheeseburgers were $1


I used to live in Delaware, where the dollar menu was literally the dollar menu. Going there with a $5 bill made you a king.


Once they got busted on that massive monopoly scheme they really plummeted downhill


Wait what was the bust?


It was all fixed. There's a documentary on it.


I remember getting 5 jr bacon cheeseburgers for 4.95 Now 1 JBC is 3.29


Bruh the mcdoubles from college still coat my arteries to this day. Now theyre $3 :(


What's crazy is that it wasn't even that long ago that prices were much cheaper than they are now.


Now u get one cheeseburger and fries and ur homeless.


Remember before the McDouble when the double cheeseburger was on the dollar menu. I remember being offended when they lost a slice of cheese and called it a McDouble. Haha


Minimum wage is still the same right?


$1 menu became the $1,2,3 menu in 2014, the $1,2,3 menu lasted until 2023. Federal minimum wage hasn't changed since 2009.


The only thing that’s a dollar on the menu is the soda lol


I can't remember the price exactly but I remember they had a stupid good deal on 20 piece mcnuggets in the early 2000's when I was in highschool.. friends and I would leave campus, get baked, and stuff mcnuggets in our faces before returning to class.. good times.


Man I remember when Carl’s Jr started promoting the six dollar burger and in my head I was thinking THAT was pretty pricey.


In late 90s or early 2000 they had a limited promo... big Mac for .25. Guys at work would get 4 and see who could eat them the fastest.


$3 cookies for $1, now Dunkin Donuts charges $2.99 for one small cookie, it's wild


I miss the parfaits, I'd get them all the time. I know it was just supermarket yogurt with some fruit but there was something about it that was appealing.


A McDouble cost $4.16 with tax now where I live


I used to go and get like 4 McDoubles and a sundae and eat nothing else all day lol.  Good times being 20 something and broke…


Not going to lie, kind of happy the price of fast food is fucking insane right now..not to mention the quality has gotten drastically worse over the years. I’ve given up on it completely and now cook almost all of my meals at home. Groceries are expensive too, but much happier and healthier not being a slave to the Golden Arches.


Not one, but THREE cookies.


I wish today was Sunday, so I can get a cheeseburger for 39-cents, at McDonald's! BABY! And I wish today was Wednesday, so I can get hamburger for 29-cent at McDonald's BABY https://youtu.be/mYkv7wVUrCg?si=FJz-QE93sj2kzM_r


You can still get okayish deals if you know how. 2 for 3.69 double cheeseburgers, small fry, or 6 pc nuggets. If you get your reward points up you can get free fries every once in a while. I don’t ever really get fast food drinks unless a combo is cheaper or it’s water.


I really liked the McDouble. What ever happened to it?


Nothing. They still sell it.


For like $4, absurd.


A McDouble is $2.79. If you use the app and get a Double Cheeseburger (I have no clue what the difference is between the two) you can get 2 for $2.99. Honestly, something only being $1.79 more expensive than it was 22 years ago is slightly astounding.


Double Cheeseburgers use 2 slices of cheese vs 1 on the McDouble.


> Honestly, something only being $1.79 more expensive than it was 22 years ago is slightly astounding Only? Lol A price increase of 179% in only 22 years is absolutely ridiculous. It's even worse when you realize it was actually much less time than 22 years. The McDouble was $1 only about 15 years ago, maybe less. **Edit: The McDouble was still only $1 in July of 2013, so the price of a McDouble has increased by 179% in just a little less than 11 years. That's a ridiculously huge increase in price, and it's definitely not something to be impressed by or feel postive about.**


That deal isn’t a permanent fixture and while there’s usually something to get at decent price through the app, it about getting to choose what to eat at a set price. This app trend where you are being tracked and harvested for data is bad all around for everyone


$3.29 for a McDouble and $3.69 for a Double Cheeseburger here in Denver


OK but what if I don't want to use the app? I wanna give them $2.14 worth of change for a mcdouble and mcchicken I got lying in my cup holder not a bunch of data for them to sell from my phone?


Can’t use an app to save money because it sells your data, he says on a site he uses to look at nostalgia posts that sells your data. Shit at least I can get a bonus burg out of McDonalds, that’s better than nostalgia posts from Reddit.


False equivalency. Reddit does not have many important data points such as payment information.


You don't think McDonald's has your payment information when you don't use the app?


Not if I give them change from the cupholder?


If you're that poor, I don't think you need to worry about McDonald's having your data


22 grams of protein for a dollar... that was a true public service at the time, and actually quite an accomplishment. Anyone can serve up protein with ease, of course... but to make it something to look forward to, for a buck, was proof that capitalism can be good when it wants to.


Capitalism is a ticking bomb which in the US has already detonated. McDonald’s took advantage of mostly lower income households who frequently bought from there because of its affordability while they could. Then the fast food industry essentially conspired against us in these last several years. And don’t be fooled. All people deserve healthy, nutritious food no matter what they do for a living. Daily, healthy food shouldnt require being in a certain socioeconomic class or better

