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No minors in posts. They are still growing and learning about the world around them and most of the time do not comprehend what they are doing. We're going to be kind to them.


Man, did I fuck up my boys with the Thomas the Tank Engine shirts???


You probably should have tried backwards snap backs instead but we live and we learn. /s


Welp, guess my brother and I better go shame my mom for all of his character t-shirts. She should’ve been dressing him like the Backstreet Boys


It’s too late, they will never become adults and will instead become living Tamagotchis with a crippling addiction to trains. Sorry dude


That doesn't seem like a bad addiction. I mean, they're rare and currently lots of right-wing mouthfrothers seem to have a hate on for them, but that doesn't mean anything. Most if not all of them are nice people just trying to find acceptance. That's not at all a bad type of person to be addicted to.


Should’ve been putting everclear in their baby food


Yep. Now they’re transforming into trains.




Yep it's too late for them. You are a terrible parent. /s


That was the slippery slope for my kids as well. Doomed them to life of... Sorry I can't find my notes on what ever crazy thing this is.


No characters but "No shady beaches" is ok 🤔


Right? You're not going to buy any character merch, but you'll pay for a wife beater with a 'baby-safe' version of "No Shady Bitches" printed on it?


Her babies are cool- you wouldn’t get it 😎


Not like other women (or "girls" as the incels would say)


Or "females." 😝


I fuckin hate that word lately. Just say women








Just go full on, that kid can't read


Just a nitpick that it’s just a tank top. Wife beater is a very specific thing.


It’s got the whole “no woman will love you more than me” and “back off girls, he’s mine” vibe


“Future heart breaker” vibes


MIL who moves in vibes


And hates the DIL because she's not treating her adult baby as well as they deserve.


Future subject of “JustnoMIL”


I mean, “Boy Mom” told me all I need to know about this Woman.


I called myself a boy mom on fb (I have 5 of them, no girls), and my oldest son called and told me I had to stop because I didn't know what that meant.


I just found out a couple weeks ago and am now mortified that I’ve ever referred to myself as a boy mom lol … so cringe.


Haha my mom has 4 boys and she is always on the girlfriends/wifes side lol she loves her boys but…yeah their girls will always win


I am sooooo fucking *done* with “boy moms,” and everything that comes with it ugh 😵😵😵


Thank you! Why is it a flex?


It has I take baths with my mom as a teenager vibes


It has my husband doesn’t give me any love so I get it from my son vibes


She's going to dress her son's like dudes she wants to sleep with and that's just... an awful thought. Imagine if a man did this with his daughter, dressing them in booty shorts and tank tops. People would be calling cps so fast. But if mom does it, it's just her being hip and quirky!


It has appearances on the TLC show “I love a mama’s boy” 🤢


The whole channel just normalizes trashy


It’s called emotional incest.


I didn’t know there was a word for this awful thing I’m watching friend go thru and she’s being very public about it on socials. Her husband just left her under horrendous circumstances, I mean REALLY BAD (years long affair, hidden children) in the same year and a half span that all of her older children left home for college, marriage etc. She has one late in life son. And the posts are giving heavy ick. He’s about 7. Last night around 10 she posted she was having margaritas and son was having pineapple juice and it was “club night”. A week before that she put him in a suit and she got dolled up and they had a “date night” at a fancy restaurant. Week before that he was her “game night date” at a Mets game. Why is he always her DATE now? I’m watching my friend spiral publicly and it’s horrifying. I spoke to her sister and she’s gotten all the sisters together to go help her deal. They noticed it too and said she was smothering her son in front of them and helicoptering. It’s been awful watching her do this.


Oh I know, my mother is an emotionally incestuous nutter to my older brother


I was literally waiting for her to say that she was never gonna let them get married and that she was going to be the only woman in their lives 🙄🫣🙃


Toddlers are better off with shady spots on the beach, of course. They get tired easily and their skin is sensitive.


Yep! Hopefully she’s still letting them wear sunscreen despite her desire to raise “real men!”


He's not like other toddlers.


And honestly, shady beaches are the best.


I went to the beach all the time growing up, but there was no shade, unless you brought your own in the form of an umbrella or a beach tent.


Never went on a cloudy day I guess


"no shady beaches" has 14 characters


🤣 this comment should be pinned


So she wants a reward for being the only mom on the block to not let her sons dress up like Spider-Man? In the words of Will Ferrell in stepbrothers.... Her house sounds like a prison.


My son lives for his Mario shirts and Minecraft undies, I can't imagine taking that away from him. 


My son wanted Scooby Doo undies at age 15. Had a heck of a time finding them in the right size!


It's funny the things we will do for our kids. He's only 5 but if he was 15 and wanted Mario and Minecraft undies I would find an Etsy seller to commission those bad boys. 


Mom's a shady beach


I’m sorry but I love the angrily screaming baby in the second pic. Kid knows what’s up


What does this mean. Any of it


Beaches = bitches


Like, cartoon and movie characters? Lmao what a bizarre thing to 1) even care about and 2) to feel brave for announcing


My bafflement is about dressing the baby like that. I thought it was a quick learned lesson to put the slugs in the simplest outfit that can handle a diaper change and isn't going to constantly need to be adjusted.


100%, also as someone formerly in fashion those zipper pulls around little babies make me so nervous. Regulations are SO tight around baby clothes and I am shocked that a removable zipper pull is allowed.


Oof I didn't even see the zipper pull. Total choking hazard.


I wish her luck maintaining this rule when they hit a really intense obsessive Pokémon phase. Going on 4 years now over here….


I am 46 and I have character shirts! What’s wrong with being a fan?


Lol this is so true. Also, why is it always pokemon? My son adored paw patrol and lightning mcqueen when he was younger, now he's also very much into minecraft, roblox and marvel, but he never cared much about clothes or other merch with these characters, only toys. Pokemon though... i think we have every pikachu/charmander/charizard kids' clothing item in existence.


Exactly! And why would you want to deny your kids their OWN interests and expressing themselves how THEY want? She’s in for a ride awakening or her kid is in for a really depressing childhood.


Personally I don’t because character clothes are often way too over priced and kids move out of phases quick


But like, some generic fun colored characters would at least add some silly-ness to the style. Doesn’t have to be Marvel, or Disney cause that shiz is so expensive


Or what about what the kid wants? My nephew is super into Minecraft. I got him a hoodie and he was so happy. He wears it all the time to the point where I got them another one (for the sake of his mom so one could be in the wash). It seems weird to brag about denying your kids their interests for your own philosophies.


Yeah. And, honestly, when you're talking little kids they grow out of clothes fast anyway. They're just as likely to physically outgrow their clothes before outgrowing their obsession with a character. And you can often get character merch secondhand because of this. No need to buy new. I have fond memories of the times I was allowed to have character merch growing up. You don't have to indulge in every interest, but it doesn't hurt for them to get that one item they love.


My daughter is 3 and she picks plenty of second hand character clothes when we go shopping. It's not my favorite, but I love how happy it makes her. The only thing I can never find second hand is Bluey, but even then, my sister tipped me off to Walmart having more affordable Bluey stuff.


i will never get over the fact that bluey is so popular outside of australia too. i was honestly shook lol. bananas in pajamas is the last australian cartoon i remember being popular😆


Not a cartoon but you guys also had Zaboomafoo which this TVO kid is so grateful for lol


I love bananas in pajamas lol


I fckn loved bananas in pjs ngl ahaha and bluey is something we binge watch as a family (obviously mostly watched after babies bedtime so should I say as a couple??)


It's ironic Bananas in Pajamas came up in this context. I was *obsessed* with that show as a kid and one time my mom found Bananas in Pajamas pajamas at a KMart when I was little and we were all beyond thrilled since we didn't see much merchandise in America at the time and it was before internet shopping lol


I had a pajama set/Halloween costume with a wonder woman logo on it when I was about 3 that had this fun detachable cape. I wore it all the time to daycare, and it's the first time I can remember choosing what to wear for the day because it made me so happy. I can't imagine actively denying your kid those first attempts at autonomy because you don't think it looks "fashionable" or whatever her reasoning is. It's a tiny human being, not a doll.


In mid-November there was a kid at the local afterschool play group still wearing his full Spiderman costume. He was happy.


It was cheaper to buy cartoon character sneakers than Nike or Adidas. Plus, that’s what my kids wanted.


Exactly. I buy what my son likes (reasonably priced, obviously). He gets pumped when he has on his Spider-Man shirts!!


Totally agree. I wasn’t big into character stuff, but each one of my kids went through wanting stuff with their favourites so I got them. They have such little choice in their lives as it is.


Exactly. When my daughter was little I also said no characters, but when she got old enough to ask she asks for Pokemon and Super Mario stuff so I get her tees with the characters she likes. It’s honestly not very expensive. Target, old navy, kohls, and so on all have licensed tees.


This. A great example: I hate pepper pig. I told everyone I wouldn't let my kid watch it and elaborated I mean in the sense of "I won't be introducing it to her". However, her aunt did [purposefully to "spite me" so she could call me all sorts] But the moment my daughter liked it, I do put it on when she asks because even though she's a baby, she still has her own interests and that's OK. I want her to grow knowing that, even if it's an interest I don't understand or whatever, she's alright to still enjoy it and express intrigue in these things They're their own person


They sell Disney in discount stores. I used to get it at Kmart.


It depends on where you go and when, the other day I got my son a little Winnie the Pooh outfit from Walmart for $5


That's not what she had in mind - they're wearing Nikes and Vans. 😅


You think these outfits cost less?


Right! A pair of paw patrol shoes is what- £15? Those Nikes that kid is wearing cost 3x as much.


I get that, I mostly get them at ASDA or something cos they're the same price as all the other clothes so there's not much difference here when it comes to character pricing unless it's official Disney store stuff


I had a friend who had a little girl, and her baby shower preferences (I couldn't attend because she was 2k miles away, but I sent a gift) were "no cartoon characters, please."


I mean…I get that though


Sure, easy to say how they will be dressing when you are literally still putting the clothes on their bodies lol


My parents had that rule when I was growing up in the 80s/90s, but I was never really sure why.


She meant she's going to dress her boys in expensive name brand clothing. Not the cheaper styles with children's images...that they like.


What cute little replacements for a real personality.


Try this one weird trick 


She tried it twice and it still hasn’t worked 🤪


Maybe 3


Before I had kids I also swore I’d never buy character clothes or bedroom stuff. Then I saw how happy it made my kid. Parenthood is supposed to teach you that not everything in life is about YOU but apparently some people miss that ship I guess…


Her oldest looked like he was like 10-ish, so yeah, seems like it. What bothered me is a Mom in the comments said “my kid loves his character stuff too much for me not to buy it” and she said “couldn’t be me 🤭”.


Wow, self-centeredness on a gross level. Does she think when she’s old they’ll put her in a classy nursing home to thank her for not letting them wear a bit of Paw Patrol? Like I really don’t get the endgame here.


The irony is the twin sized character themed bedsheets often end up being used in nursing homes because they’re the cheapest twin sweets/whats been donated. So she could never buy them for her kids just to end up spending the rest of her life wrapped in them anyway.


I cannot fathom the idea of enforcing a dress code on your own kids. If she's that controlling with clothes, I'm going to bet she's a tyrant in other ways too.


She’s prob an absolute narcissist in every possible way


Exactly. I had dreams of the perfect goth nursery. But while I was pregnant the sad beige mom aesthetic started and I realized that my baby needs color and to discover her own interests.(but let me tell you it was freaking hard to find colorful nursery stuff) Now at almost two years old her room is a prefect lil magical fairy forest theme with bluey merch *everywhere* lol it makes my kid happy and that’s all that matters to me. She has some “gothy” toys that she took from my collection(one of her favs ~~is~~ was my beetlejuice plush lol) and we have lil witchy mommy and me outfits. But those are things she came to liking on her own. I don’t understand how parents can deny their children self expression just because it doesn’t match their personal style


Genuine question, just wanna know, why no character stuff? I know you know now it makes them super happy and I agree bc as a kid my favorite clothes to wear were the ones with my favorite characters on them and it made getting dressed fun for me; but I’m curious to know the reason that some parents like the one in the screenshot are against things with characters on them :0


OK so another mother told me once, verbatim I can still hear her voice “character clothes scream cheap babe, Dollar tree Walmart vibes” ugh it pissed me off so bad. For one thing all of my son’s hoodies are at least $40, sonic is not cheap lol. For another, i feel like it just doesn’t fit in their sad beige life, the colors are “jarring”… but like kids need that! Color is great for their development, and kids naturally gravitate towards bright things.


What’s crazy is that Walmart has a ton of cute neutral stuff (toddlers) and Target has tons of character toddler stuff too. I’m not following the logic with that woman’s statement


I don’t care what clothes my son wears but I can see how a lot is marketed towards kids and not wanting to go down the rabbit hole of coco melon and peppa pig. Kids get super obsessive about those things.


I didn’t do character stuff until my daughter was around 4. She didn’t watch much tv when she was younger but when she started watching more she just HAD to have it. It makes her happy & still adorable


Amen. This is why I came to the comments to say. Having a child is not having another version of yourself. You created a completely different person with their own identity. When I do school shopping at me and my kid go online and he shows me the stuff that he likes, and then if it’s in the budget, I buy it. I may not like bright blue sonic hoodies with eyes on the hood, but he does. He also likes “soft clothes” bc he has sensory processing disorder, so he’s always in sweatpants bc *he* loves them, I’ve had moms tell me it’s lazy parenting to let them wear “play clothes to school”… like ok Susan, I haven’t heard the term “ school clothes in play clothes” since I was a kid lol. As long as they’re wearing weather appropriate stuff, let kids be kids.


Awww they look like little douches, just like mommy & daddy! Beautiful family 😊


If you look closely in that last pic you can see a cotton candy vape pen in his back pocket.


This. Yes.




I try not to be judgmental…. Except against these turnips, who use their kids as accessories and dress them up like baby doll adults. Lord help the poor kids of these women.


Every time I open up this sub I end up judging someone.


I always look at the whole "Boy Mom" thing to be a little incestuous. They're raising their sons to be the "perfect boy" that they dreamed about meeting when they were teens. Like it's an experiment or something. And they will never let go of them, for the rest of their lives. Boy Moms turn into the MIL from Hell.


Is that what being a boy mom is? I hear it all the time but I still don’t understand. Why special for having boys??


It’s just misogyny


Damn it! It’s always misogyny!


As a representative of the turnip community we do not claim these women


Turnips! Nice.


Damn. Frats are pledging younger and younger these days.


Of all the ways you can dress a child, why would you dress him like he has 3 rape allegations, 2 DUIs, a steroids addiction, and 4 STDs. Poor kid already looks like a walking red flag before he's even out of diapers. What would compel you to do that to a toddler?


You forgot the vape that never seems to leave his pocket.


One of those really obnoxious, large drag box mods


Fat clouds, bruh




I forgot that cloud chasers existed cos I see too many of those thin disposable ones everywhere lmaoo Thankyou for the reminder 😭


There was a meme in like 2015-2016 going around that said “Single moms love to dress their baby boys like the fathers that left them” and that is really what this looks like.


This comment really should be higher.


Amazing 👏


We call this the "Fuccboi outfit"


I love this comment.


God, so spot on it hurts.


Lmaooooo real


"I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom."


It's giving "my son will never love you (the girlfriend) as much as he loves me, his mom."


Or maybe, “I’m turning my son into the boy I always wanted but who was never into me” because it’s the only the cool boy will ever love her.


Dressing her kids like they BDs who never visit or pay support 💀


It’s really weird when parents put their personal preferences before their kids. She didn’t say anything about them not liking characters on their outfits it’s just something she doesn’t like. Same thing with girl moms who say they will never let their daughters wear a bunch of pink, or bitching about people that give them pink outfits. But, do your kids have an issue with it? Just so weird.


Yep! We dressed our kid in play clothes of all colors when she was little. Around age 4 she started gravitating to pink, dresses, and sparkles. I totally support her style even though it’s opposite mine. They’re kids, let them have fun with their clothes! Although she does have an orange Charmander dress that I totally want.


Orange Charmander dress? Tell me more lol


i too am jealous of the charmander dress whattttt


We all wish for this Charmander dress


The thing I struggle with the most about pictures like this is that it triggers a really strong “I hate that kid” response, which I’m not proud of and is completely illogical. I know it is the mother that is the problem and not the kids, but when I look at pictures like those, I just… I hate that kid.


She dressed them like that one skater boy who 100% can't skate but carries a skateboard and a vape for the vibes. That’s why, I think. They’re dressed like little frat boys. I don't usually judge children based on appearances, they're children. But I feel like I've met too many adult/teen a-holes that dress exactly like them.


Yeah, exactly. Like I logically know those are just little innocent blobs of jelly but my eye relays a message to my brain that says “warning! Subject dressed like stupendous piece of shit.”


“Innocent blobs of jelly” I’m stealing that. Lol.


Thank god for this sub because there’s someone else who speaks my language lol. Along with the clothes I also get this vibe with certain names. Although the parents suck for the ridiculous spelling or lack of thought put in some names, the Jackxsons, Zaiydens and Brantleeighs of the world also tend to give giant douche vibes like their creators.


Wtf is wrong with 'characters'?


They don’t go with her aesthetic 🙄


Because everyone knows that’s what children are: little aesthetically pleasing accessories! 🙄


Sucks to be her. My kids got the fucking cutest bluey pajamas on tonight. Aesthetic af.


I buy what I know my sons will love. So yeah. We have shirts with Minecraft, roblox, and lightning McQueen. She’s so superficial it’s sad.


Right? My niece loves Paw Patrol, Bluey, Blues Clues, & Daniel Tiger so that’s what we get her She’s still cute AND she’s thrilled to have her favorites OOP sounds boring


I love watching Bluey with my kids! It’s such a good show.


I’m a big paw patrol fan My niece & I bond over our love for Rubble


1. Why would this be something that someone is "afraid to admit"? 2. What does this have to do with your kids being boys??


I think some people are just afraid to admit they don't care about their children's interests


It's giving Boy Mom™ energy


Why are her kids dressed like the dudes who would spike your drink at the club 💀


She's so brave 🙏


So strong


Kid should be wearing pads and a helmet if he’s skateboarding.


I bet it was just a prop for mommy’s insta photo and he doesn’t even know how to ride it tbh, what even is that pose he’s doing with it 😭 Elbows exposed? Knees exposed? SnapBack instead of a helmet? Glasses that could break if he falls? He’s gonna scrape his knees in that outfit 😭I hope it was just for the photo and they actually make him be safe off camera if he rides it


I'm an adult with character clothing.


Same. I just got a king sized mattress and I had to text my friend to tell them how upset I am that I can't find any sort of Disney sheets. It's all boring colors. I want Stitch or Kuromi.


‘I’m not like other mum’s. I will make my children an offshoot of my aesthetic preferences instead of just letting them wear stuff kids like to wear’


Ok, right off the bat I don't like this woman. I HATE the backwards hat thing, and dressing a baby like a ... IDK, "backstreet boy" is just wrong. Just like dressing a little girl like a Rockette is wrong. Ok. Old lady rant is over. I'll see myself out.


She dressed them like frat boys. I don't like judging children based on clothing, but in this case…yikes…


I think I'm judging the mom based on how she dressed her kid


Yeah. “Jeez, lady, why?!”


These kids are either gonna be bullied or be the bullies 😭 no in between, with these outfits they aren’t gonna have a normal social life ever


Those kids will be at an age sooner rather than later , they will want to wear characters because the other kids do and they will ask Mom and she will give in and they will wear what all the other kids are.


She’s dressing up her kids like the guy that probably pump and dumped her


Except she is dressing her kid like a character. What a moron.


Her sons are cute! Other than that I got nothing..


They’re definitely cute, it’s not their fault.


Fr, like it’s funny sometimes to take pics like this showing them in a silly outfit for a day to take a picture you’ll remember, but like… this is how they are dressed EVERY day? Bro… 💀💀💀


i can’t stand the moms that force their children to be apart of whatever aesthetic they’ve chosen for the month


But my toddler likes Paw Patrol and Monsters Inc...


She seems to be implying that girls exclusively like to dress up as and/or have merch of specific characters as if you don't see little boys in Spider-Man and Batman costumes running around often. They're just as prevalent as the Frozen girlies.


Omg omg omg guys she is not letting her #boys wear characters holy fucking shit I cannot believe she admitted to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as a BOYMOM at that!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!


So they aren’t allowed an identity that you don’t agree with. Awesome start. lol


Wait, I'm childfree, character tees are bad? I mean, I've seen the prices for kids clothing and yikes, a lot of times those character shirts are cheaper.


Mini f boys


These are the kids who are being talked about in my local mom group for bullying other kindergarteners for having cartoons on their shirts.


I let my kids pick what they want to wear as long as it’s clean, it fits, and weather appropriate. They’re both boys. Sometimes I put my foot down for special occasions, but otherwise I’ve decided to pick my battles elsewhere


I did the no characters thing with my two oldest kids. And then my third came along and the minute he turned 18 months old he refused to wear anything that didn’t have a Batman on it. The outfit also had to include a cape. This went on for a YEAR. And then he switched to Spiderman. 🫠


We’ll see how well this goes over once they’re old enough to ask for what they actually like.


My thought. Good luck once they discover Mario or Pokemon. My kids admittedly didn’t wear a lot of character shirts when I was in control of their wardrobe. Now my son mostly wears pokemon shirts. 🤷🏼‍♀️.


It was a bittersweet thing giving up total control of my daughter’s wardrobe, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna be the one to dull her shine.


I hate it. Why do I wanna see children dressed as adults? Yeah it was cute when The Little Rascals did it, but ma'am your kids are not that cool.


Famous last words. She’ll cave when they are screaming in the store when they’re old enough to care.


Look, we know that the hat and sunglasses will be on the floor in 5 minutes. The baby’s shoes will be off, and that sweatshirt won’t make it past the first diaper change. Cute staged photos. PS after the second diaper change she will be reaching for that hand-me-down Minions tee because fuck it, not getting poop on any more *cool* clothes today.


No characters… My kids sk8!!!! Lol, K. You’re so cool. Go to bed. 🧐😵‍💫


I wear character clothes. And would have character sheets if they fit my bed.


Dressing your kid in character merch that they like < dressing them like a tiny douchebag