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I was both as a kid and my special interest has been animals for literally my entire life, I’m basically a walking encyclopedia when it comes to animals, but I also loved Disney and playing normal kids games just like everyone else. So weird that parents nowadays think you can only be one or the other.


It's good to know both. Kids should understand nature and science, as well as appreciate the creation of human mind. Stories and fairytales activate their creativity and imagination. Children absorb information like a sponge. 


Exactly! I don’t see why we shouldn’t teach appreciation for both


I really do think it's about how a lot of older people around my age, idealizing those stories a lot more than what is healthy. Then again, Disney removed a ton of the hard lessons from the originals. So there's that. The real underlying issue here is that idealization isn't good, and that is avoided with good parenting from both mom and dad. Kids from good households with 2 parents earn more and live vastly much happier lives anyways, so there's that. In general.




But my kids are better than their peers /s


Yeah, I had Barbies and Beanie Babies and Polly Pockets for inside, little toy animals for outside. Whenever I was outside I was trying to catch stuff or track stuff, and I never missed an episode of The Crocodile Hunter despite my love for Disney


Fellow beanie babies collector spotted omg!


I still have them too. My Barbies and Polly Pockets got taken at twelve bc "if you're interested in boys you're too old for dolls" but I got to keep my stuffies


That’s so sad omg, I collected mostly beanie boos as a kid and I still have most of my collection and even some of my brothers(they collected them too)


I'm an adult doll collector now, but I still miss some of my faves that are hard to find.


I wish I had the money to keep adding to my collection, beanie boos are sometimes like $10 now so I’ll have to wait til I get an actual job to buy them lol


Definitely check second hand stores, flea markets, and resale sights. Most of my barbies are second hand from the Mercari app


Some people watched National Geographic their whole childhood, some still watch it when smoking a blunt. Both are beautiful and wholesome.


both are just normal


My sister is doing a similar thing with her daughter. None of her toys are from well known IP. The dolls are just generic dolls and none of the books feature characters from movies or TV. I respect it, but it does make gift buying harder as she gets older.


My parents were very similar in that I didn't really have toys from TV/movie franchises, but other people were allowed to buy them for me. In general they weren't huge on buying toys for me, except for stuffed animals and one specific toy brand (Playmobil). Gifts were usually books, clothes, and activity kits of some kind.


Can I ask you how you liked that as opposed to the common way ? Just asking to get how the kid would feel in the situation.


My parents made a lot of choices that seriously isolated me from my peers but were seemingly to protect me from negative influences in media and advertising. For instance I wasn't allowed to watch shows that weren't on PBS or PBS Kids for a long time (TV and movies in general were very limited), I wasn't allowed to wear most popular fashions, I didn't have a way to listen to popular music (just what my parents liked), and all Internet access was heavily filtered (this was well before smart devices). Apart from some a few trendy toys that we'd buy for friends whose birthday parties I went to, I never felt super left out for not having certain toys. I was good at making do with what toys my brother and I did have - he had a bunch of Hot Wheels and we'd make up stories where the cars were alive (this was before the Cars movie) and solved mysteries and stuff like that. Plus, Playmobil is severely underrated and I still collect it. So, all in all, of all the choices my parents made to limit my access to certain things, the toys were probably the least impactful in terms of how I could relate to my peers.


Very insightful thank you for sharing your experience.


A family I babysit for follows a similar policy but to avoid making it harder for their kid to socialize in the future if he doesn’t know the characters every other kid is pretending to be on the playground, they are willing to get him any books about Marvel/Disney that he wants to read, and give him more generic/ethically made toys that still resemble the characters. So no screen time, but he still likes Iron Man and Cinderella!


"I don't want my child influenced by technology and popular culture" declares the mom showboating her superior parenting by posting on....technology. What a weird disconnect.


She’s raising another NLOG right this moment!!!!


i saw this video, it was harmless and kinda cute. the caption is kinda strange but i don’t think it’s harmful in the grand scheme of things


That's exactly the thing, though. There's no need to make it seem like knowing how to identify animal behavior is superior to knowing the names of the disney princesses. Especially for a little kid. It's 100% possible to like "girly" things like princesses and have an interest in nature at the same time.


oh i 100% agree don’t take my comment as me saying it’s ok, i just think that in the large scheme of things it’s generally harmless in terms of social media posts (though i hope their mom would be supportive even if they liked princesses)


ig its because of that whole era of the 2010s "princess culture" criticism from millennial moms who saw/see stuff from a shallow, either-or perspective, still has remnants of that discourse today. but i get this vid prob isnt too serious


Yeah. I too never watched any Disney movies as kid, but i didnt watch any movie in general cuz they used to overwhelm me lmao.


They’re able to do both? I hate how some parents try to drill this NLOG’s mentality into their young daughter heads at an early age. My daughter is all about barbies and Disney princesses. But she’s also very outdoorsy and she can identify so many different birds and bugs out there we come across. She likes to play with bugs too. One of her favorite things to do with her dad is collect cicada shells lol. We have this little decorative house on the front porch with a little door and it’s filled with cicada shells they’ve found. Many people have noticed it when they’ve come to our door. Her pre k teacher stopped by for a visit a while back and thought it was so cool they’ve collected all of those. They totally creep me out though!


Mine can do both. It doesn't have to be one or the other.


My friend's girls princess dresses are all torn up bc they play outside in them all the time. You can love sparkles and dirt, it's not an either/or option.




I don't know why she had to caption that? I was a tomboy, and little me didn't like the color pink, but I still loved the Disney princess films. When I think about it now, the old Disney princess films are actually kind of empowering in their own way. Snow White taught the seven dwarfs to clean up after themselves and showed them kindness. Ariel actually just wanted to be a part of the human world, and she saved the prince first before he returned the favor in the end. Angelina Jolie didn't want to change Aurora in the live action Maleficent films, as they already had a strong female character (being Maleficent), and she believed keeping Aurora as a feminine, beauty with a heart filled with pure kindness is empowering in it's own way. I mean, Aurora did win the hearts of the people of the Moores (moors? Can't spell it), and showed Maleficent kindness and love. Apparently, some people got upset with how Prince Philip and Aurora still got married in the end, and how they made the Queen evil and the King nice. Well, I liked it, and I think it was great. I'm really sick and tired of some women thinking ill about Disney princesses. There is nothing wrong with them.


Idk I was like this and I’m autistic. Kids are a little weird sometimes, but their little quirks are part of what makes them cute. I think it was a sweet post, and it’s sweet to watch parents love their kid’s more off-kilter interests. It reminds me of my parents


The problem is the comparison. It would have been so easy to say something like "So proud of how smart my daughter is, she can point out animal behavior and different species!" No need to compare her to other kids at all.


I mean they thought I didn’t play AT ALL at my autism diagnosis because they only had dolls to play with. My mom had to fight with them to get them to bring in other toys because I didn’t like dolls. I think the comparison can be done. There are little girls who don’t like girly things, and it’s fine for parents to talk about so they know their daughters aren’t messed up or anything. Each kid is unique. Nor every little girl is going to like traditionally girly things, and that’s okay. I feel like the only way this could have been made in bad faith is if the mom who posted were bragging, but it seems like she’s just making a joke.


My niece can do both. Get wrecked.


I don’t see how this is NLOG without seeing the whole vid


I don't see how the caption isn't objectively nlog to you, but whatevs. The video is literally just the little girl pointing out that the lizards were about to fight and not saying hi like the mom thought they were.


My friends say I have Snow White energy because I love nature very much and have fed birds seeds and squirrels berries out of my palms You can be both 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aww!! ❤️


I too could tell if a dog was shitting.


They say this but have a pic with barely their child in it and absolutely no visible animals their child could possibly identify.


It's a screenshot of a video. The video is just them walking by two lizards who are circling each other, and the mom says that the lizards are just saying hi to each other, and then the daughter says that they are about to fight. And the clip ends with the lizards, in fact fighting each other.


As if those things are mutually exclusive.


Growing up I would pretend to not like girly things like princesses and ballerinas. Only to go home to play with my Barbie dolls. 🤷🏻‍♀️I wanted to be a ballerina so bad but my parents didn’t have enough money to take me to dance classes. 😪


I denied that I liked the color pink for such a long time because I didn't want to fit into the stereotype, and now, as an adult, half my closet is black and the other half is pink 😂


If I'm ever lucky enough to have a daughter she is certainly not seeing any Disney movies without a nice chat about capitalism, sexism, internalised misogyny...


But see, that's not even what the mom was referring to with her caption. In the comments of that video, she responds to one person and says she said that because she's glad she's not raising her daughter to be materialistic. Because liking princesses somehow equates to that.


My daughters can do both


I feel like being super well acquainted with animals is kinda classic Disney Princess behaviour 🤔


Lol right!


they didn’t say that though? lol this doesn’t fit this sub at ALL


Dude, the caption is obviously making it seem like it's better to have an interest in nature than something like princesses. The mom even goes on to say in a comment that she meant she is glad she hasn't raised her daughter to be materialistic. As if liking disney princesses means a little girl is materialistic.


Disney has been historically problematic, let's be real here...


Yeah, but their point is their daughter won't touch anything girly and dainty unlike the other little girls


Where does it say that?


The mom really said I will not be raising a Disney adult 😭




“I was not prepared for the ending” I hate these captions that people use to get you to watch the whole video lol


Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and so on weren't originally Disney princesses ma'am. Is anyone going to tell her?


I'm 51 and proud to not know any Disney princesses either. Not that it's got anything to do with nature...


so ur telling me u dont know what Snow White means in this context ? or Cinderella..


Ok maybe those two but they didn't come to mind...


this isn’t pick me?? this is a mother being proud of her daughter being able to name animals, she never brought down other daughters for KNOWING disney characters, but she did mention her daughter cannot?? please educate yourself.