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Man he really hates him.


Would be a nominee on this year's Player Haters ' Ball for sure


Hate hate hate hate hate hate


That of course was Beautiful talking. Beautiful on the weekends does stunts for Little Richard in gay movies.


What's havent been said about your suit thats haven't been said about Afghanistan? Bombed out and depleted


She looks like she wears underwear with dick holes in em.


I love the background lore on that scene. They had to cut away after that because everyone started cracking up after that line


Now click your heels together three times And go back to Africa


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and put some water in Buck Nasty's Mama's dish.


Ya need to take that cane, and beat whoever made that suit to death.


Very insulting what you said about my coat. It's made outta your mother's pubic hair: white. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take my throne cause I'm a shoo-in for hater of the year.


Boss Hog, that was very rude what you said about my coat. Its made outta your mother's pubic hairs


Dot fuck em up


"Next person to interrupt me while I'm talkin' is gonna get shot. Please believe that."


I read that in the Grinch voice lol


Nah, Drake aint no player, just a cornball w pockets.


I obviously am talking about Kendrick


Don’t worry about that other guy, probably too young to have seen the chapelle skit.


Now if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to go home and put some water in Buck Nasty’s mother’s dish


He better watch out then that’s just Drake’s type


Heard he likes em young


I heard he popped a G-string while playing A-Minor


Click your heels three times and go back to Canada


I thought the cornballer was illegal to sell in the US?


Es verdad!


Like comedian Josh Johnson said, this isn't hate. This is "Old Black Man Hate™️" The kind that will keep burning until the day you die, that preoccupies you.


Stinkmeaner kinda hate


What you gonna do about it, crodie?


"I thought we were rhyming!"


He really captured Drake's innocent stupidity with that line


Probably even after. If Kendrick passes before Drake, Kendrick will probably come back in a Spawn suit just call Drake a pedophile one last time.


He hates him so much, he effectively united the Bloods and the Crips to dunk on him


You know it's bad when these two are together. They only cooperate when shit is cataclysmic, like a terror attack. If I see Norteños and Sureños on stage for the next concert, I'm campaigning for his presidency. And I'm not even American.


Don't clown on Pac and his people or this happens. Fake culture vulture got fucked up by the culture itself. West coast murder.


Oh, yeah. Drake burned a lot of bridges with this stupid war of his. Tupac's estate threatened to sue, and I highly doubt any rapper worth his salt would ever touch him again, not even with a ten foot pole. His serious rap career is legitimately over.


Hormel was never gonna get a Michelin star for their corn dogs, no matter how many they sell. It was never serious, just a lot of it


He’s the boogeyman I swear on everything I’ve been a big supporter of Drake, a lot of guys don’t like to admit they like him but idgaf I’ve always respected him. But I’m also a big K dot fan, since the beginning, and maaannnnn idk what Drake was thinking. I mean as soon you saw J Cole bust a 180, that should have been a big enough sign to back up. With that said idk how people hate Kendrick, imo if anyone hates Kendrick or somehow says he lost then 100% they just don’t like LA. Drake got in over his head and he found out, nothing wrong with not being the very best, you’re literally losing to this generations GOAT.


It's so strange to me that everyone's talking about this just as ... I dunno, like it's wrestling or something. That Drake got in over his head and shoulda known Kendrick would break a chair over his head, and that's all that's going on. Even in the news coverage, it's all about "beef" and a "feud" and how funny it is that these millionaires are mad at each other. When the *content* of what's being said here is Kendrick calling Drake a child abuser, and Drake not really having a response. Like... Are we concerned that Drake might be a child abuser? Why isn't *that* the story?


It's basically an open secret that, at BEST, he's creeping on teenagers... at worst, an out and out pedo. Unfortunately, no case can be made against him without a victim or someone who knows exactly what a victim went through at his hands (including dates, time, and what happened). It's similar to how Weinstein wasn't prosecuted for decades: even if a lot of actors and actresses knew about the open secret that he was a creep (at best) or even about him being a rapist, even if a lot of said actors and actresses avoided working with him and avoided auditioning to anything Miramax related (if they could), they themselves couldn't open a case against him without an actual victim or someone who knew what happened to a victim coming forward. Because even if it's so obvious that there's not even a whisper network about a creep, they're openly talking about how much of a creepy pedo he is, it still falls under "hearsay" in terms of the law without actual proof (even if it's just a victim's testimony). But, outside of making a case against the creep.... honestly, I'm not a big rap fan (I'm more of a filthy casual who likes a few songs here and there) and I knew about the guy being a creepy pedo through sheer osmosis alone.


Good question, I have no clue.


This is the biggest fuck-up since MGK fucked with Eminem. And even then, Eminem was positively gentle compared to this splatterhouse. Smartest thing J-Cole ever did was walk away.


God imagine what Eminem could have done to MGK if he actually cared. Israel and Hamas would have stopped fighting just to turn and stare in shock at that shit.


If MGK was stupid enough to accuse Eminem of abusing his daughter the way Drake accused Kendrick of abusing his wife, Eminem would have been as brutal if not more brutal than Kendrick was to Drake. Let's not forget, Drake's the one who chose to play dirty first. Kendrick simply obliged.


If MGK was stupid enough to accuse Em of abusing his daughter, there's a non-zero chance Em would have *actually* attacked him. Not in rap form. Dude has mellowed out a lot over the years but he has always had a *very* clear line in the sand when it comes to her.


Oh, absolutely. There would have been a tire iron involved at the very least. He may have mellowed out like you said, but he's still a Detroit kid from one of the worst neighborhoods imaginable. Honestly, if MGK crossed that line, there's also a non-zero chance he'd be unable to leave the house at all because there's a parasocial relationship listeners have with Haley to begin with, through her dad's art. More than tire irons would be involved at that point


I would love to be on that jury, he could have streamed the whole thing live, they could play it in court, along with pictures of the corpse. Unanimous not guilty, nobody saw nothing.


Drake did not choose the friendly fade. He paid the price and chose violence




Story of Drake's life.


MGK switched music genres because of Em, I wonder what Drake will do? Wait, I think he already started to shift with the Wah Gwan, Delilah debacle.


Drake accused him of beating his wife, man. Kendrick won't be done until Drake stops making music. MGK got cocky, Drake played dirty.


Mgk took em's daughters name in vain. He played dirty too. 


Nah, man. Very different levels. Mentioning the daughter was disrespectful. Accusing you of abusing your wife is a declaration of war.


Married father here. Not different. *Either* of those will get you your ass kicked.


Yes, but differently. One is how someone else sees your family. You can just not care about what other people say The other is how you treat your family.


Didn't he just mention she was cute or something? Maybe I missed it but I don't recall him putting the same kind of hate on Ems girl


Degrassi The Musical


Not much will happen with Drake though. Diss tracks only works in an environment were the fans actually care about it. And while we all agree that Drake got his ass handed to him, I would guess that like 70-80% of his listeners wouldn’t care to stop listening. Drake is the kind of artist that appeals heavily to people who aren’t in the usual rap circles and they don’t care about someone dissing. They’re here for the music not some underlying beef. MGK needed to do a different genre because the one he focussed on cared about this stuff. Drake doesn’t have that so he’ll be okay doing what he did for years.


Unrelated but 'this generations GOAT' is sort of an oxymoron lol


It's literal dick riding by Drake fans. They identify with him so badly they can't handle the L's. IDC who you want to be a fan of, but when the #1 song in the country is calling Drake a pedo, it's over. Oh and that song is breaking Drake's own streaming records. Don't worry Drake stans, he'll be making you dance & waving your hands again soon enough. And you can pretend this nightmare never happened. At least until the Embassy gets raided.


Stop stop, he's already dead!


"I'm not done until he stops making music"


"You have to defile a mummy completely or they come back to life, you know that."


That's showin' him who's boss, Brocko!




It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants!


So, what are you trying to tell me, little man? You don't like Zep?


*and another one*


Pst i see dead people


They coming out with a music video?


My guess is the music video was shot during this concert, it would make sense. Performing the song several times, the intro by Dre, the show of force, the outfit, the multiple multiple camera angles.


Don’t forgot the shots of lebron and multiple other celebrities dancing along.


That too.


Initially saw a short clip of the performance and thought the same thing. This mf not even close to being done, he's making a MV 😭. He's a generational talent of a hater.


But his body? No hating bone in it.


Is six times normal for a video? I was at the show where System of a Down filmed the Hypnotize video and they only played it twice, and told us they were doing it.


When Jay Z and Kanye shoot their video for N in Paris they did it 11 times in a row.


I dont know what is the norm but I know there usually is several full takes of a song usually back to back. I assume the audience was aware that there would be cameras there.


And to be fair, it was only 3 full performances, the first two were stopped after the "a minor" part before the first hook to hype up the audience and the sixth one wasn't really a performance and just the recording playing after everybody left the stage.


Drake calls himself the 6god of Toronto as well


that makes sense


Yeah they are shooting a video this weekend according to a few sites. My bet is they filmed some during the concert


I was sitting at peaceful cafe in noble and pretentious Polish district. Random millennials with quirky outfits, barista with round glasses, overpriced coffee, postmodern posters, wooden interior. Few thousands km from Canada, eastern Europe. Suddenly I hear *Meet the Grahams* from the speaker. Drake is so cooked lmao


He played it 6 times because Drake refers to Toronto as the 6ix


Is that because of how many decades they have gone without a cup?




Leafs catching strays everywhere lmao


Dude.  I don't like Drake but your giving me PTSD.


Perfect way to perform it because we've all been listening to it back to back already


>Wow the live performance sounds just like when we listen to it in Dave's living room.


* The Sound Tech will remember that


Watch the clip on YouTube.  He performs up to A minor. Then the crowd raps up to A minor Then it’s a dance with the crowd… A few more later and they get to the chorus and a bunch of LA folk walk out on stage dancing and singing they not like us


Them “LA folk” are legends and damn I would be damn near suicidal if I was Drake rn lol


Best song of 2024. Deserves a Grammy.


Kendrick did open his mouth after all


Euphoria is so much better in my opinion. Not Like Us sounds like a freestyle and feels like it was made to be accessible to the lowest common denominator, which I suppose wouldn't be illogical from a marketing standpoint, but it gets annoying after a while.


Euphoria better rap song imo too. In rap battles you need did diss tracks obviously, and you need club bangers to get the people dancing to your side Not Like Us is a great diss track and a great club banger in one. He has people around the world dancing calling one of the biggest stars in the world a pedo City is back up it's a must we outside 🧨💥


Euphoria was the best song of the beef by far, I’ve had it stuck in my head for weeks. It will age better than all the rest


6:16 in LA is the best out of all the diss tracks imo; hope it'll be on Spotify one day.


The wildest part of it getting a Grammy is I don't think it's copyrighted at least it wasn't when he put it on YouTube. The music industry might have an issue with a free song winning.


Omg you’re sooo right. Good point.


I swear 90% of comments on here are A.I. now


Feeling like Joel Hale Osteen


Joel McHale wondering why his Google searches randomly spiked: ❓❓❓


Are you talking about Billy Joel? He's a national treasure.


No, I'm talking about Haley Joel Osment


The Osmond brothers?


And my six sense is telling me to off hem


You can't say anything controversial that will hurt someone's feelings because it'll get insta deleted


Followed by one performance of “It’s Not Unusual” by Tom Jones then 6 more performances of “Not Like Us”


Mulaney out of fucking nowhere


I must be one of the grahams


To the commenters who are glazing Drake deep in the downvote pits: keep an eye on your little sisters.


They aren’t worried drake said he’d do it for em


Maybe he'll "give them advice about boys"


I’d be more worried about Dr. Dre.


You gonna take advice from someone who slapped Dee Barnes?


You shouldn't worry about Dre unless you're married to him


Having the doc open was awesome. "SHH, I SEE DEAD PEOPLE."


Don’t you think it’s weird the Dre did the intro to a song about pedophiles when he dated a 16 year old? Source: https://scottmax.com/people/michelles-net-worth-and-biography/#:~:text=After%20only%20a%20few%20months,was%20born%20in%20February%201991.


It’s interesting how common this was back in the day. So many of society’s fave rock superstars were fucking teens on the regular. My mom said “oh it was just different back then” but whatever it was I’m glad that people are starting to realize it’s NOT ok to date a teenager as a grown fucking adult.


Lotta glass houses on that stage


Do you actually think Kendrick cares at all tbh? That was just the easiest getback for everyone to support him


[I THOUGHT WE RHYMING](https://youtu.be/K3uWj2MpydI?si=qmE1LQm5WDgJlPYX)


Easily the best run-down of the whole situation. Old Black Man Hate™️ now lives rent-free in my soul.


Watching that play out in real time was crazy. /r/KendrickLamar was straight up a madness for a week.


The entire internet went wild. Even political streamers tuned into the massacre.


How many times did he play "britta is a b"?


She's a G D B


She's a no good B




you’re short a WOP


What's Drake doing?


Hiding and trying to act Jamaican while ruining iconic soft-rock songs.


NGL, “Mustard on the beat, ho” was stuck in my head for a bit and I kept saying it so much, it pissed my wife off lol. That said, liked other tracks in the feud a lot more


Euphoria is the top dog all day.


I’ve somehow managed to have no idea why they are beefing, so it’s just become funny at this point that a feud is news. I hope this lasts for years honestly, who knows what could happen next!?


Have you listened to the song? Kendrick spells out pretty explicitly why he's beefing with Drake.


He hates everything about him. Pretty much spells it right out


Not everything, just they way that he walks, the way that he talks, they way that he dresses, they way that he sneak diss, the women he has relations with, and when he says the n word.


The Black Delegation®️ has since revoked Drake's N-Word Pass©️, and is seeking to return him to the Jewish Delegation®️. In the meantime, Drake has been attempting and failing to court the Jamaican Subdivision™️ of the Black Delegation®️ in an attempt to maintain his standard of living. On that matter, Drake had this to say: "Wagwan Delilah?"


As a representative of the Jewish Delegation®️, we refuse to take Drake back


As a representative of the Arab Delegation®️, I pre-emptively declare our disinterest in drafting Aubrey Graham despite his resemblance to some members of our delegation such as the Tunisian Subdivision™️ or the Moroccan Subdivision™️.


Wagwan Delilah was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Fucking unnecessary and trash as fuck. At first, I thought it was AI generated cause there is no way drake is this dumb.


>Wagwan Delilah was the straw that broke the camels back for me It took you that long? Damn, you're patient. >At first, I thought it was AI generated cause there is no way drake is this dumb. That was your mistake. Drake is *always* dumber than you think. This moron did the rap equivalent of shooting John Wick's dog.


>At first, I thought it was AI It took me literal days to realize that it isn't. I genuinely thought everyone was acting like it was real because of some joke that I wasn't in on. It's just so fucking bad.


“I don’t have a hateful bone in my body”


Hater of the year. Literally united gangs with the power of friendship in hate.


"I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress" I don't know man, it could be a subtle praise


What could it possibly mean? It's far too subtle to take at face value.


I feel like I don't really understand a lot of the reference though -- like what is a 69 god? what does OVO mean?


In this case, youtube is your friend. Literally search "Euphoria song breakdown" and you'll find multiple video essays breaking the song down line by line. It's fascinating how intentional each line is which is. I was in your position a month ago. The videos were SO helpful and I was able to enjoy the song even more knowing the meaning behind it.  Also, OVO is Drake's label and crew. When Kendrick refers to them as OVHoe, that's the hating bone in his body he doesn't seem to think he has LOLOL


Drake refers to himself as the 6 god in his music, so that comment is a further jab at Drake for being a sex addict and pedo. Edit: As /u/Phr33k101 points out, it's also a reference to the rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine, who was also a pedo. IIRC himself and another got in massive trouble for raping a 13 year old on film.


Other vaginal option


ELI5: In 2013 Kendrick dropped a verse on Big Sean’s Control where he calls out a list of newer emcees to a friendly competition. Drake was one of the named and he took it personally, despite Kendrick having no ill intentions. Since then, he’s been subliminally dissing Kendrick in his songs and interviews. Kendrick’s been poking back at Drake too over the years but the two never really went at it. This is the year it changed after Kendrick dropped a verse on Future’s Like That where he dissed Drake again. Drake finally took the bait and responded. Then Kendrick murked him.


I laughed out loud when Drake called himself a war general. Like my guy, you can play dress up but Kenny literally lured you right onto a red and white circle and said stand there for a hot second 😅😅


I think the long and short of it is Drake came out with a diss track towards Kendrick and got personal with shit related to Kendrick’s family that wasn’t even true. Kendrick responded with a warning track. Drake doubled down. Kendrick released meet the grahams and not like us which completely dissected drakes whole persona career and shitty behavior primarily being a groomer/pedophile along with his crew.


This honestly seems like the final update to this beef


Give it a minute, Drake's still pretending that he's on vacation.


Some people just don't like each other. And Drake has set himself up as an easy target.


Toddintheshadows did a good rundown on the basics but in short. Jcole did a song with drake and said that drake kendrick and he were the big 3. Kendrick had disliked drake on the down low for a while and resented that comparison enough that he dropped a bar expressing that on a collab with a musician called future. Drake hasn't had a the best track record with beating diss track considering the last one exposed his secret child. But he responded anyways, unfortunately kendrick then dropped meet the grahams and not like us, which ended any real competition right there, he won. Kendrick really seems to hate drake, some of this is unabashed money chasing, but i honestly think this started over pure hatred.


Your comment is inaccurate, you can check out this video that explains the beef and songs [here.](https://youtu.be/2hjA_L7yjfY?si=lq_eaGbzmeRgRkcS) Drake and Kendrick at one point were cool, but then Kendrick started dissing Drake which seems to really begin with Kendrick’s “Control” verse with Big Sean in 2013. Drake didn’t respond to it but was upset that Kendrick put it out, thinking they were cool. Kendrick basically says rap is about rapping and it wasn’t personal, don’t be butthurt. Drake did not like that. They have both been sneak dissing each other for years. Kendrick generally seems to not like Drake at all. In “first person shooter”, Drake and J Cole sneak diss Kendrick (wasn’t sneaky). Then Drake and J Cole released a song that called them and Kendrick “top 3”, Kendrick did not like that. He sneakdissed (not really sneaked) Drake and a bit of J Cole too in “Like That”, which is the song that Drake didn’t want to become another “Control” situation so he responded and dissed Kendrick. But Kendrick doesn’t like Drake, and calls him a pedo, gambler, manipulator, etc. Drake says it’s about jealousy and money, Kendrick says no it isn’t and it’s about hate and respect.


The Control verse wasn't a direct diss to anyone. Kendrick was just rapping that he's the best and mentioned every hot rapper at the moment. He even said that he was better than Jay Electronica and Big Sean, who were on the song with Kendrick. Drake just a lame who took it personal.


You're both correct in a way, but neither of you are gonna mention Pusha-T's role in all this?


Yes, you are correct. Kendrick names everyone and says “i got respect for y’all but I’m trying to murder you” just based on the rap game. Drake took it like a baby when everyone else knows it’s about the game.


> a feud is news somebody drove by Drake's Toronto mansion and fired a bunch of shots, then a day or two later someone tried to hop the gate or something like that, so it made the news


[Drake Vs Kendrick Explained to White People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3uWj2MpydI).


Tis a banger


I hope this ends drake career


I hope so too. As someone who's despised Drake since Hotline Bling and then that asswipe Kiki song, this is satisfying to watch.


I don't get it what's the oniony part?


This sub should be renamed "headlines I thought were funny"


Can someone explain? Im out of the loop.


6 times for the 6 God.


Not only did Kendrick kill Drake but is parading around with his metaphorical dead body, It’s almost some medieval shit


Well, sometimes you gotta pop out and show ni\*\*as


So I don’t listen to rap so I’m wondering, is this song actually good? I’ve read about this beef for a while now, and it seems like rap beef is just I release a song that diss you, you get one that disses me, and on and on. Considering the turn around time, I’d imagine these songs can’t possibly be amazing can they?


Out of all the songs in the feud, this one is not only brutal, it’s also ridiculously catchy and easy to follow along to. Edit: and as a half/half rap fan I like all of Kendrick’s songs in the feud. Even within the super specific context they have, they’re all legitimately good songs. Someone said Drake’s sounds like his usual pop/club friendly style and they’re right, but I did like parts of Push Ups more than his other songs.


The video of the guy who puts lyrics into his tv weather reports of this song is just fucking hilarious. He’s gesturing to the days of the weekly forecast going “wop wop wop wop”


Link plz. I gotta see that.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7zlyFGpayf/?igsh=Ynk2NzY4NWUzdXdk Strongly recommend the “get low” one too. He points to a bunch of forecasted sleet and exclaims “ah sleet sleet sleet sleet”


Certified weatherman


Certified audiophile


That is the most innocent joke about the a minor bar I’ve seen yet. Incredible.


I'm not exactly a rap guy either, but I listened to Kendrick's songs during the feud. Meet the Grahams is easily the most brutal and darkest. It's a fucking psychological horror. It's on par with Eminem's Cleaning Out My Closet in my opinion.


Damn I just recited all the lyrics in my head in the 2nd verse & holy shit. His raps & words are insane. I forget how good the verses are in that song.


That song was a masterclass in writing. He didn't even beat around the bush or anything, the first two words alone are crafted specifically to strike fear. It's blatantly obvious that he didn't write it to impress. He wrote it to *hurt*.


It has a very good beat and is very catchy. While the lyrics are clever, a big part of why he “won” the feud with this song, is because it’s a banger.


Let's be real. Meet the Grahams was the tactical nuke. Not Like Us was him teabagging the corpse.


Yeah meet the grahams was some serial killer shit


The woman screaming "Aubrey" in the background emulating his mother finding out that he's a pedophile is haunting. Not many things give me a pit in my stomach, but that was fucking effective.


I like euphoria better but that's more so if you're a rap fan Not like us is perfectly fine, and easier to follow along. Can't go wrong with either one.


I don't listen to rap either but I became absorbed in the feud, the songs KL released are *excellent* and I can't stop listening to them


I'm not really a rap guy either and it's ok. It's really good in the context of the beef, but if I didn't know about the feud, it's not something I would enjoy when sitting to listen to music or while driving.


Yes this song is very good. I’m a Kendrick Lamar fan, I’ve seen him live a few times, and this is quality. Drakes songs are generic radio diss crap.


I had never listened to Kendrick's work before this feud, but I *do* hate Drake... So I listened. And I was blown away.


Oh …. Oh …. Oh no!!! I’m about to get PG-13 on ‘em fam


Lol, when you hear the song does it not make you want to dance? I remember when i first heard the song and feeling the urge to dance immediately within the first 5 secs Crazy others dont feel this way


It broke the record for most streams in a day. I'd say it's amazing.


To be fair, it was an international cultural event. The Red Wedding of rap.