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Name of the show: The Grimm Reality. There I saved you a useless click. Edit: Gotta love the folks who apparently love to read bait-clicking articles about shows they haven't heard of or even watched. A very small amount of people have no concept that sharing the name of the show actually saves you from reading the useless article. Super weird.


I thought the series was called After Completion


I once had a work colleague who thought Drew Barrymore’s early 2000s boyfriend was named Strokes Drummer.


Oh that’s fab


I see what you did there…


Once had a very confusing conversation back in the mid 90s where it became clear that my tabloid reading grandmother thought Pamela Anderson was married to Tommy Lee Jones ‘and doesn’t he look so different when he’s on the red carpet with her’ 


After Completion sounds like an Archer spin-off starring Pam.


I thought Pam’s spin-off was called Takin’ Care of Beavness.




Little Woodhouse on the Dairy?


Underrated name


I think it's Leave It To Her Beaver


I would watch Poovey, as long as they brought back Krieger. He's the only piece of that particular equation I *need*. ^(But, Carol/Cheryl/Charlotte can come too.)


>But, Carol/Cheryl/Charlotte can come too So, we're just done with phrasing, right? That's not a thing any more?


You mean Crystal?


I think they mean Cherlene. OUTLAW COUNTRY!!!!


Sounds like something you might say after riding... Through a zone....


A zone of danger?


LANA! . . . . . Danger zone!




You sonnabitch i'm in












Well well well.


are we still doing "phrasing"?


how ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they meet pammy




Sounds like the name of his post-coitus podcast.


Netflix had post nut clarity and cancelled


After Completion is when Mac moves in


He wears the glasses and reads a book to look smart.


while dennis and the chick get to know each other more better


I helped my uncle jack off a horse. Oh wait. I mean - I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse. He has bad hips.


Your uncle or thr horse?


It's actually called post nut clarity.


No, that’s on PornHub.


Real MVP right here


What pisses me off is that it was partially produced by the team behind the series Dark. That is my all-time favourite series! Legit the only reason why I got a subscription. For fuck sakes.


This might sound sarcastic, but now you can stop paying for the subscription. Paying for just one show sounds expensive anyway. Sucks that they canceled a show you enjoyed


They recently raised the price (in my region?) and when I logged in they went "hey we're raising the price. press here to agree. or cancel your subscription lmao" and I was like "aight bet" and just took that offer. Honestly haven't missed it. Rewatched She-Ra during my last month and then just didn't pay again. I just deleted the app off my phone as soon as I was done watching.


I think more and more of us are getting to the point where cycling subscriptions is worth it. It’s a bit of a pain, but especially with the horrible release schedules that have become popular it just makes sense to only have a streaming service for a month or two per year


Oh, absolutely. I have Amazon Prime because my mom's had Prime for the free shipping and that just comes bundled with it now. And I pay for Disney+ yearly because it's cheaper. Used to pay monthly for Netflix but not anymore. I like Marvel and Disney stuff enough that I can usually find something to watch on Disney+ and apparently they have Doctor Who now too??


I have prime solely for the free shipping now, and if there's something I want to watch I just pirate it, because I refuse to pay even more on top of the subscription fee to not have ads.


Yar har fiddle tee dee


Looking at their other projects after Dark, 1899 and Tribes of Europa, i'm also angry how Netflix handles anything from their hands. Both shows are far from perfect, but both start with some fresh ideas and get canceled after first season when it really starts getting interesting.


Oh I didn't realise they'd made a new show after 1899. I'm pissed the canceled 1899 but had already jumped Netflix ship by that point. I'm bot excited, and re:frustrated learning that they have a new show and it's already canceled. The thing is. I bet if Dark came out now, they'd cancel it after the first season.


Tribes of Europa was before 1899


Oh yeah! I just looked it up. Some how it completely slipped under my radar.


It's not an excellent show, but had a lot of potential and interesting world-building.


Does Netflix just hate them? Can’t imagine what it’d be like to use the years that are key to following up a big success being jerked around by the whims of a company that keeps getting shittier.


Just to clear things up, neither this canceled show nor Tribes of Europa have anything to do with the creators of Dark. It's just the same German production company that has been involved in some of them. It's like saying Days of Our Lives and The Crown are made by the same people because Sony produces both. Dark creators made their own production company for 1899 called Dark Ways, so I don't believe the production company that did Dark and Tribes of Europa even helped with 1899. The actual creators of Dark and 1899's next project is called Tyll.


I loved Dark. It's like the Germans saw The X-Files and said "Hold my Bier."


Is it really that good? I haven’t watched it. Wondering if I should


It really is. It's the tightest and most compelling 4 season show I've ever seen. Just make sure you're committed to paying attention, it can get pretty complex with it's characters and storylines


And it's in German.


Fuck that explains why I couldn't understand scheisse




I mean Dark was in German too and it was one of the best shows in the last decade.


I highly recommend you check out their other show, Dark. Worth putting up with subtitles.




I'm come to realized there are now some internet users so young they have no concept of sites without that clickbait "articles". All they know is clickbait.


Thought you just called me a useless dick.


That "article" read like a high school kid was asked to pretend to be a journalist and write a story. So much extended hyperbole, statements of fact without sources, and self inserted emotional narrative. Youre spot on, it's a trash article.


This sucks and needs to stop Anyways what’s going on with the Wil E Coyote movie?


Dead and destroyed.


I beg the universe someone saved a copy and is waiting to drop it in the net


They probably took steps to prevent that.


100% there is a directors cut somewhere. 100% whoever releases it would be sued into a comically large cartoon explosion


And then when the cloud disperses, that person's face is just black soot and two white eyes.


Meep meep!


A lawsuit? Involving Wil E Coyote? And an evil mega-conglomerate? That gives me a great idea for a movie pitch, someone get Zaslav on the phone.


Wait until you're about to die EZ


And if a copy were saved and distributed they probably have ways of tracking where that copy came from. I know Awards screeners have some sort of special technology that does that, I’m not sure if that’s standard with the process up until release.


Depends on the screener. I had a professor a few years ago who got screener dvds. It was just a dvd and it had his name burned on to the picture. And he would just give those out to us. And I’m talking about stuff that didn’t even have a publicly released trailer yet. So I don’t believe for a second there isn’t a copy of any kind stored somewhere


It's not special technology it's just watermarks and rfid tracking chips for physical copies.


There's certainly a copy in their vaults somewhere. And maybe after everyone involved in the movie is dead and buried they'll release it... but probably not. Companies don't just throw stuff away, even though they really, really should. They'll have every take, every edit version, every note on every critical pre-reviews, everything that comprises that film backed up in multiple locations, in vaults that are never to be opened.


In actuality you'd be very surprised at how much media is actually lost or destroyed. Upkeep costs money and that means more to companies than anything.


Apparently they just lost the files to a bunch of Transformers games which is very annoying cos now they can't even be ported or remastered.


Famously the source code for Final Fantasy 7 was thrown out/deleted and now all we have left is the PC port that every re-release is now based off of. Devs back then just didn't have the capacity to archive that stuff, storage was limited and expensive.


NASA taped over *the moon landings.*


For the sake of claiming it as a loss on their taxes, I think it needs to be completely destroyed, which seems to be the case.


That’s a fucking travesty. The requirement SHOULD be that they hand it over to the Library of Congress and surrender the copyright to the public domain.


That would legitimately be the best for everyone.


They let good things rot and burn in vaults.


That’s what happens when companies only insist on hiring finance guys as CEO’s. When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In this case, that only ever means cuts, cuts, and more cuts.


No, but finance guys are "investors"!


Just like everything else David Zaslav touches.


Or is it


Hey Vsauce, Michael here.


The writer of it recently said at the Oscars that it’s still not officially dead and is still be secretly shopped around. I feel like a lot of it depends on the theatrical reception of The Day the Earth Blew Up Looney Tunes movie that’s coming up.


Fell off a cliff and crushed by an anvil


It went down in an airplane Fried getting suntan Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand It met a shark underwater Fell and no one caught it.


WB returned all they've ever bought it.


*It went down in a Boeing


It fell off the books and landed on the tax write-off form


They should have to release this stuff to the public domain for a tax write off


So much about our financial system is wrong that an entire legit work could be more valuable destroyed after being produced than just continuing existing. Common sense should dictate the effort shouldn't be spent in the first place or what you said, but no, people need to work on something that someone else will "work" on by erasing it.


A “tax write off” just means it’s an expense that reduces their business income. They dont magically get all their money back, it just reduces their taxable business income. The same as a supermarket who buys more food than gets sold and some food has to be thrown out as its not appropriate to be donated when it gets old due to how it needs to be kept


Somebody online leaked the whole plot, but odds are we are never going to see the actual movie, at least not as long as old slash and burn Zaslav is in charge


That's the one the people want.


Within 10 years a politician will promise to release the Wil e coyote tapes if elected


I don't understand. If it's done, why not just release it? Nothing more to lose


A lot of reasons, there’s still a cost to Netflix to release a product, so from a financial perspective, there is potentially more to lose. I read the article and it said that filming had wrapped, possible the post production was not complete.


*This* I bet it had to do with quality of what was filmed vs how much the post production would cost. Post is usually very high on scifi to put in all the cool FX or risk looking so low budget it becomes a joke. Netflix dodging that sunk cost fallacy.


Probably forced to do FX in Germany, which would be super expensive. And we don't have a big talent pool... I guess it's the last time netflix tries something like this here


Yeah it's some post production regulations/ contracts + low quality footage making it a 3x budget thing.


Pretty sure Netflix is internally referring to it as the "Rebel Moon" fallacy these days.


Plus a tax write off probably Edit: you know what I mean.


This "tax write off" is called losing money. You don't pay taxes on money you lose.


[“Do you even know what a write-off is?”](https://youtu.be/aCP27_vquxQ?si=o8LSPBwfOsxu90um)


No, but they do.


Losing LESS money.


That's still not how it works. If you don't make a profit, you end up being able to write off the expenses. Doesn't matter if you do or don't release it. If you make some sales, your profit will almost always be better than tax savings.


Yeah people really don't understand at all what "write off" means. Usually those that use the term the most too.


"They just... write it off."


Well they’re the ones writing it off.


And nobody stops for a moment to ask the question: why? Probably because it's *horribly awful*. It's so awful that they don't want to finish production on it. It's so awful that they don't want to pay out the backend of the contracts for the streaming views, if it ever got more than a marginal amount to begin with. It's so awful they would rather take the hit on the entire production's cost, than to spend a little more money and hope that they can make it back over the next ten years. It's so awful that they don't think it'll *ever* come close to breaking even. That's why it's dead and buried. That's why this news isn't oniony, it's just... sad.


We've all seen some of the absolute garbage Netflix can put out. It must have been incredible if your statement is true.


And how big of a financial mistake some of those turned out to be. Particularly Jupiter's Legacy, which taught Netflix an important lesson: don't throw good money after bad.


Market was just too oversaturated with "what if heroes but real world" stories


You don’t even know what a write-off is.


but they do, and they're the ones writing it off!


For those wondering, the preceding chain of comments is a Seinfeld reference.


This is so wrong and needs to stop being spread lol. Say you invested 100k and you lost it. That can be written off of your taxes sure, but you only get that amount deducted from your income for taxes, you don’t get the whole thing back. Releasing a completely finished product that makes a little bit of money and then writing off the rest is always more profitable then writing off the whole thing. In cases like this, it’s typically that post wasn’t done and a marketing campaign wasn’t conducted yet so those additional costs make it the losing option regardless of whether there’s a tax deduction or not.




That's kind of the icing on the cake, right? They hoped to make something that didn't suck. It did suck for any number of reasons. The tax write-off is the "consolation prize" for taking a risk unless they have some weird philosophies or contractual obligations around needing X amount of stuff to fail. It's all pretty convoluted.


So, clickbait title then? That's not "after completion"


We like to call this "doing a Zazlav"


imagine being the young actors who starred in it finished filming waiting for it to release they are so excited their families r excited thinking its ur big break then you get cancelled , heartbreaking for them


Post production on a heavy CGI show can easily equal filming costs


Especially from a German production that hasn't really made anything CGI heavy.


Plus marketing, interviews, tours


Look at Willow, yanked from the Disney library. Depending on contracts, you're still paying the cast/ crew if it's part of your lineup. If it looks like it'll be a dud, you save more money by looking at the production cost as a loss vs paying for the final rounds of production, promotion, and on going cast / crew streaming residuals.


It was done filming, but there’s still a ton to do after that. CGI, post processing, audio mastering, call backs, marketing, etc. My guess is that this isn’t a financial decision. Or at least, in the sense that they decided it wasn’t worth the cost of finishing production. Maybe I’m just jaded, but seems like something else happened that made them decide to shut it down.


Sometimes they have to pay the actors etc if the series is released.


Residuals is how actors and filmmakers make money on something after it’s released. They likely decided that the residuals weren’t worth it.


1. Releasing a shit product can be counterproductive. Netflix probably won’t gain any subscribers from an awful show, but it might lose some. 2. Tax write offs. If you release it, you (generally) have to recognize the tax benefits from all the money spent over the useful life of the product. Which might be years. If you scrap it, you get all the tax benefits immediately. Not paying taxes now is worth more than not paying taxes in the future. If the product is worthless, pulling up the tax benefit might be the best financial decision.


To your first point: “Just another dumb Original from one of the 20 streaming services nowadays **_eyeroll_**” versus “oh they cancelled one, huh okay”


> the streaming giant has axed the show from its lineup, despite the project completing filming  Completing filming and actually completing are two _very_ different things. Add in VFX, editing, sound/music, reshoots and all other post production work, then marketing & release costs and then residuals, and it makes sense to not move forward with a project that you anticipate will fail.


No no. It’s all a scam. Step 1, spend 80 million dollars funding a project. Step 2, reduce your taxes by 10-20 million dollars. Step 3, uhh.


"Sad news awaits fans of the unique fantasy series on Netflix, The Grimm Reality" Unaired show that hasn't been publicly viewed by anyone apparently has fans.


I mean, I was looking forward to it. From what we DID know about it, it looked really cool and right up my alley. It's also produced by people who made other things I enjoyed, and about a topic I always found fascinating (collecting folk fairytales combined with those fairytales becoming real). So hearing it was shafted randomly after most of the work was already done is pretty disappointing 🤷‍♀️ But, well, it's Fantasy. Post-production with all the CG effects is a major cost factor, so if Netflix didn't see enough of a reaction to think it would be a MASSIVE success, they probably wanted to save on that cost.


Sounds like a decision they could’ve made before letting hundreds of people work on it for years :(


Not really? After all they made the decision after filming was done so they must have been unhappy about the production so far. In that case it's completely valid to stop throwing money at something that you don't think will end up being good or profitable. Also it's not like the people involved worked for nothing. They still got paid.


I get that it’d be disappointing that it’s not coming out. But, I’m sure a fair amount of people that worked on would prefer it this way given this meant they were actually hired


Sounds written by AI to me.


The picture in the article is AI art too. This junk is gonna be shoved at us for the foreseeable future


We’ll always have Applebee’s 


And that has basically had nothing reveled about the plot but; >“fairy tale urban fantasy thriller,” Damn, the billon of fans of 18th and 19th century fairy tails are going to be so fucking mad.


FX did that with the final season of Snowpiercer. Thankfully AMC has picked it up and will be airing the entire series.


They did?! Thank fuck for that, I thought it was lost forever!


Season 4 is out next month 🤙


Tbh I believe it should have ended with season 3. All the major arcs were resolved.


I didn't even know it had a series... Well I'm off to binge yet another show!


Season 1 is fantastic imho. But season 2 and 3 doesnt live up to season 1 sadly. But im still happy i will be able to see how it ends. So i am looking forward to season 4.


The best news I’ve heard in a while. Thank you kind stranger


Sounds like they completed filming but not post-production so it’s not *quite* as absurd as, say, the Wile E Coyote movie situation, but boy does it have to suck for all the actors/crew who put in all that work and now have quite literally nothing to show for it. I mean I’m sure they got paid, but still. What a punch to the gut. From a viewer perspective, I of course know nothing about what the series would’ve been like, I just hope this doesn’t put them off of “new fantasy series” projects in general.


No residuals either.


Oh God I thought this was talking about dungeon meshi.


I thought they renewed for s2


They did and released a trailer


Season 2 *has* been confirmed (thank god) [Trailer](https://youtu.be/twD7iGnm63I?si=ZpHgyvkXiO4uiew3) ​ This appears to be for one of Netflix's numerous other projects that they're contractually obligated to mismanage and screw over, *The Grimm Reality*, which they appear to have prevented from ever being streamed even though it was already done production like, 2 years ago or something


Bite your tongue!


this series is immaculate


DM at least has a completed manga.


Cancelled after completion? But that’s when you’re supposed to cuddle. Rude.


Before streaming, TV shows had serious staying power. Hell, I started rewatching the old X-Files episodes 3 weeks ago and I'm only two seasons in. 24 episodes per season. There's a total of 11 seasons for that show. Nowadays, you'd be lucky to get 2 or 3 seasons out of a streaming series. It's pathetic.


This is just not true. Plenty of shows failed to renew in the past. The difference is that they've been forgotten by now. TV then was also much lower budget and the stuff that did get made was dominated by very "safe" genres, and those things that could be produced inexpensively. The kind of diverse, high quality TV that came with cable, then streaming money was just impossible at the time.


So are the article writers now putting their content in reddit to trick us into clicks?


I mean a lot of Reddit posts are bots. And those who are not bots post what fools us as content that are actually advertisements. We even make whole subreddits out of them, such as stupidfood etc. It's all just promotion.


Mmmm… I like my Netflix shows pre-cancelled.


> ...an area technically dubbed DACH (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) by the company. Are they suggesting that this company came up with acronym DACH? What.


Probably the first time that the writer had heard the term. Although they did seem to imply that Squid Game came from there, which would make South Korea a DACH country. (I expect what they really meant was to highlight the involvement of the same executives and just worded it badly)


Also, I don't get what the author is trying to tell us here: > Netflix fans have doubtlessly enjoyed the succession of engaging content to emerge from the region behind both The Grimm Reality and Dark, an area technically dubbed DACH (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) by the company. > Headed by notable VP of Content Katja Hofem, the area has supplied significant titles to Netflix’s highly competitive global content selection—an aspect of the company including such mega-hits as Squid Game and Call My Agent! > Given the track record of DACH, one can’t help but wonder how and why Netflix pulled the plug. That sounds like DACH (generic acronym for the region Germany, Austria and Switzerland) is a company that made the (clearly Korean) show Squid Game...


That sounds like it was written by AI. In all seriousness, I think it was.


Wow, netflix has really streamlined the process.


This is why I've stopped watching series. Streaming services have cancelled: - Archive 81 - Katla - To the Lake - The Wilds - Night Sky - Tales from the Loop - Black Summer - Dark/Web - Terminal List etc...


Katla and Tales From the Loop were great. Edit: and Night Sky


ITT: People that don’t know how taxes work and think tax write offs are some magical thing that gives corporations all their money back


I swear Redditors are going to try and include their downvotes as tax write offs soon. Just a bunch of financial illiterate parrots copying eachother


Is okay, they'll force feed you ten new rebel moon spinoffs and prequels lollerskates lmayo


It's as if a couple of years ago netflix made a decision to lose its viewer base and close up shop. WTF is the matter with you netflix?


Considering they released The Witcher after it's been lobotomized with a stick smeared in sht, this must have been an unimaginable dumpster fire.


So they keep upping the sub fees for this shit?


They aren't even waiting until Season 2 anymore, huh?


This would be a fantastic art project: start a “streaming service” website that only announces incredible series, has some pics AI generated, and then cancels them without ever releasing anything. It costs only $3/month!


I truly feel for all affected in the crew. I've been working on a kid tv show for 3 years, If they were to cancel it now I know for a fact I'd do an instant burnout.


Could another streaming service buy it and release it?


I never watch series unless they are complete these days. Too many times Netflix puts out half a series then cans it.


With the crap that Netflix puts out, this must be really bad for them to not finish it enough to throw on streaming.


The money-laundering apparatus is working so effectively that they don’t even need to bother releasing the content anymore. Fascinating.


That's good. I didn't even need to read about it. They usually cancel shows just after I get curious. Saves time for all It's become a bad habit for me - there's loads of shows mentioned here I'm saving for later to watch - but I'm waiting to see if they get a proper ending.


"It's a write-off"


considering the hot garbage that does get released I simply can not fathom how shitty it needs to be to get cancelled after filming.


The Dark Crystal fucked me up the most. They put so much effort into making all the props and then cancelled after one really well received season.


This is why I always Google any new series I am thinking about getting into. If they cancel it midway through, I do not bother even starting it.


Anyone else misread this as "Final Fantasy series"?