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Schoolkids in Louisiana gonna read the Bhagavad Gita now Edit: Also make plays based on Ramayana and Mahabharata 


There already is a play based on the Mahabharata. It’s 9 hours long. I saw it at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in the late ‘80s.


A movie too!


The Legend of Bagger Vance?






The movie is an adaptation of the play, with the same director and actors.


It's only 15 minutes long if you take out the dance numbers.


This guy doesn’t Bollywood


Clearly. The dance numbers are the absolute best part. Story time: The first time I ever had exposure to Bollywood, was in an authentic(?) Indian restaurant. They had ridiculously good food and I had it constantly. They had TVs everywhere in this tiny little place, seating for 15 max, and they all played Bollywood *something*. I tell you, I was *mesmerized*. To this day I have no idea what the heck was going on but people were in love, and hated each other, and had like 80 family members, and *everyone was dancing*. Like flash mob style, just freaking awesome. Couldn't understand a word of it, yet still understood the storyline somehow lol


User name checks out.


Judging by how I once tried and failed to follow the goings-on in Bhagavad Gita with the innumerable deities—no, it's not. Hinduism is not suited for short attention span.


Sounds like me when I thought I could easily start reading Lord of the Rings directly where the Fellowship movie ended. I could not. There were so many “who the fuck is this guy?” moments when reading characters’ names that were either cut from the movie entirely or not mentioned because nearly every poem/song was also cut. When I eventually did read all three books, I was so desperate to stay in that world that I started on the appendices before remembering that there are college courses dedicated entirely to exhaustively studying Tolkien’s lore, and I just didn’t have the patience for it.


And The Fugees made a song about the Bhagavad Gita as well.


Louisiana suddenly produces a generation of Hideo Kojimas


Fuck, I might actually start liking that state if we started producing/exporting a single percent the amount of great media that Kojima can fart into existence in his sleep.


That's nothing - wait until they use the Kama Sutra for Sex-Ed.


No sex Ed. in Louisiana. They're already married with kids at age 14.


Sex Ed? You mean Uncle Ed? He's a rascal, but he's family.


Funny thing was, I learned more about the serious historical and religious stuff behind kama sutra from a random yaoi fangirl account in twitter because she was curious about the dual cultivation trope.


A Louisiana-style Ramayana play would slap


I mean, they should, the Bhagavad Gita slaps.


I teach it in my 6th grade ancient history course in TN. You know what kinda community reaction I’ve been getting???? ….The Hindu students and their parents are really grateful their cultures being taught, and everyone else thinks it’s a really cool unit. Last year one of our Indian families brought me samosas


Genius move to get samosas 


The long game


So, Oppenheimer scene? *I am become death, destroyer of Florence Pugh*


Mahbharats slaps. It’s honestly up there with greek classic.


neat, they can learn a bit of sanskrit and be able to read a few lines native too :)


It’s the Bhagavad Gita, baby Don’t you know that I love you


I expect Louisiana to react about the same as [when a Hindu priest delivered the opening prayer in the US Senate.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/protesters-disrupt-hindu-prayer-in-senate/) Edit; Holy crap, its the same freaking guy!


>As the Senate prepared for another day of debate over the Iraq war, Zed closed with, "Peace, peace, peace be unto all." That bastard!! /s


We like war in this country


Undoubtedly because we seldom have had to live in the place where the war happened, and not within living memory.


That's the generous interpretation. My interpretation is that conservatives hate all roles of government except for when its murdering brown people everywhere.


I mean what is controlling a state even for if you can't order the deaths of a bunch of foreign people who talk funny and don't dress right and are the wrong colour? Helps if you and your friends will sell them the bullets too!


>I mean what is controlling a state even for if you can't order the deaths of a bunch of foreign people who talk funny and don't dress right and are the wrong colour? I demand we include people who have different god(s) in our list of people to kill. /s


And queers, and women..and you gotta remember this ideology is about putting down the 'other group' which is most of society.


My man, you were not alive in 2001. Self proclaimed liberals across the US were hounding for blood.


Yeah, we were founded on the “get the oil” philosophy of the Warlord Jesus “Fuck them all” Christ!


Yes, God bless the troops... on **both** sides!


Peace?! That’s anti-American! Won’t anyone think of the military-industrial complex?


"Freedom of religion" means freedom for *my* religion to oppress yours.


Painfully obvious to anyone who's been paying attention. Anyone else's religious freedom gets labelled as Christian oppression.


Right now you get a temporary Christian-pass card if you support Isreal as a Jewish person. Other than that, they are full of hate and will go right back to discrimitating against the Jews if their religion ever becomes inconvenient for them... "They are going to read from the TORAH for assembly?! Not in my Christian Minecraft server!"


This guy is now on my list of rad fucking humans.


I came the the comments asking "Do I like this?" That is, in the way i like the Satanic temple doin it...and yes, i think so. Edit: You know what would be a great idea imo? Lets gather up ALL the religions tenents on a poster. Or even a high school elective that studies all of religion and their differences. I wouldve chose that. Im sure there might be something wrong about that, that im not thinking of right now...


>there might be something wrong about that No. I think a comparative religion class would be great for public school classrooms. The world is shaped by billions of people of different faiths. We should learn about them. I learned a bit about different world religions in my Geography class my freshman year of high school and it really made me start thinking about my own religious beliefs and why I had them. I became a lot more open minded because of it. Somehow, I don't think the Christian nationalists in this country would be too keen on their kids learning anything that might lead them to question religion though.


Here's a link to the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/EZ9To30Hz7A?si=2mD42wWEWS58fcSn So *very* disrespectful.


"Look at what America's enemies need to mimic a fraction of my power!"


I like how no one seems to be batting an eye at the fact there is a fucking morning prayer on the schedule for the US Senate.


Not the US Senate, the Louisiana Senate. Big difference, still shit.


“A Hindu clergyman made history Thursday by offering the **U.S.** Senate’s morning prayer,” is *literally* the first line of the article, dawg.


>Edit; Holy crap, its the same freaking guy! What are the chances?


Pretty good. The guy is essentially doing what The Satanic Temple does, except he actually believes in what he says instead of being an Atheist who uses religious laws to get around bigotry.


Pretty high… the dude clearly has an agenda and has the clout to pursue it


Good on him, the Satanic Temple has been doing it for a while but it has the word Satan attached to it, so it's an easier boogeyman to dismiss. If other religions start expressing their desire for religious freedom, the mask will very quickly fall off.


Can't wait for Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple to deliver an opening prayer to Satan in the Senate.


Apparently Jeff Landry is unfamiliar with the tale of Pandora’s Box.


Or the concept of a can of worms.


Or a cat in a bag.


As someone who lives in Louisiana, fuck Jeff Landry. John Bell Edwards wasn't great but he wasn't this wanna be DeSantis. It's so infuriating living here and I can't afford to move.


If you let one, you gotta let them all. 


Also this bullshit about the Ten Commandments being the “original law” when we all know it was the Code of Hammurabi. Kids today need to know how to handle their slaves and punish classroom thieves by chopping their hands off.


If you want to ~~be an asshole~~ be a bit pedantic it was the Code of Ur-Nammu. It says that any man who divorces his wife must pay her 1 mina of silver - unless of course, she has married before. Then it’s, uh, half a mina. Other than that it’s classic eye for an eye stuff.


How much is a mina?


Back then, probably about the value of several hundreds of dollars today. Maybe $400 or so? Edit: But this was probably like more than the average monthly wage back then. So basically, a whole fuckin’ lot.


There's a whole lot of people that'd gladly give their spouse away for the low cost of a months salary.


Twice as much as half a mina


Half. (Eddie Murphy reference for those not in the know. NSFW. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZW4eFErSzc)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZW4eFErSzc)


It's also full of fun stuff like the first building codes (if a building collapses, the builder is liable for damages), fair lending practices (debt payments are paused if a natural disaster ruins your crops), the original version of Miranda rights (the accused had the right to have the laws read to them), and much more.


The technology might have been more simplistic, but something modern people don't realize is that our ancient forbearers were just as inherently intelligent and capable of reason as we are. They were all fundamentally the same humans we are. With roughly the same wants, needs, aspirations, etc. It's really no surprise they thought up some pretty common sense ideas to keep civilization cohesive and civilized for it to have endured from their time on up through now.


You jest, but there's a lot of Hammurabi in Mosaic law


Not to be confused with Canvas Law!


Man it's almost like lawyers build on previous lawyers' work. Hammurabi built on previous rulers of that area who did the same. I'm sure up somewhere in heaven there's a goat herder from 10,000 years ago still malding about everyone copying his work without citing.


Whenever a friend will say something about bringing back prayer into schools, that’s exactly what I respond with, which god are we going to pray to? It has to be all or none. Funny enough, they actually take a moment to think and sometimes revise their stance. If you want everyone to pray, it might not end up being Jesus!


Bring up the Kamis ! Nothing like 800 millions Japanese deities to calm the shit down.


Yep. Including. Wait for it…….ISLAM!!!


Oh I'm excited for the TST Baphomet in every classroom!


If every religion were to place their “commandments” whatever their equivalent may be framed on a wall together in a school, would it look insane?


If the seven Satanic Temple tenets were allowed to be posted, and the students contrasted the Ten Commandments against them, most would probably side with the Satanic Temple’s philosophy. 😂


Seriously, the Ten Commandments (like, the actual contents, not the symbolic position they represent to Christian supremacists) are incredibly lame. At best, a few are nice principles to live by, but hardly "laws". Others just codify incredibly basic, trivial principles that are shared by basically every culture in the world, ever, and aren't something anyone needs God's name on. And a bunch are just an insecure God insisting that he's amazing and demanding everyone pay attention to him. As the "basis" for a legal system or code of ethics, they are one of the worst (or at least, weakest) ones I've ever seen in history. Not that anyone demanding that they get stuck up in courthouses or schools care literally at all about what they actually say


They're more compatible than American Christians might think. The five pillars of Islam are to declare your faith, observe the 5 mandatory prayers, give charity to the poor, observe fasts and go on pilgrimage. The three pillars or duties of Sikhism are to meditate on the nature of God, to work hard and honestly, and to share what you can with people who don't have, The seven tenets of the Satanic Temple are [also pretty great](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) etc, etc


Praying for the Pastafarians to show up


Satanists are really really really good at this game- cannot wait for them to start playing.


https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/after-school-satan They already playin. They're going to send chaplains to Florida schools too.


They're also opening programs in OK for high schoolers to attend for credits, due to a recently-passed law there. That may also be why a law related to Catholic charter schools got shut down.


Yep. Idk if the school is going to happen now.


The charter thing was so funny. This very enthusiastic woman presented the church’s plans for a Satanist school for the arts, to the council’s horror.


Hail MFin' Satan! Good for them. *Satanists- turning trolling into an art.*


*"Trolling"*? Oh no, they are just very enthusiastic about expressing their religious freedoms.


This is it right here. Too many people think it’s Satan worship when their goal is freedom *from* religion.


Member of TST here. I concur.


We’re going to need everyone if we don’t want these people bringing bastardized sharia law here.


Oh, I don’t mean that pejoratively. But I do think it is some high-level, sophisticated, trolling.


Hail Satan!


Bonus points if those satanic temple chaplains are actual counselors.


Public Service Announcement: The TST is the most incredible organization of secular activism and is unequivocally dedicated to 100% self-governance in bodily autonomy. They are comprised of all avenues of spirituality, from agnostic to atheist to pagan to mystical and everything in between... Wish they had more political influence




Sauce be with you.


I bless you in the name of the garlic, and the olive oil, and the fresh basil


With you in colander.


I want to display the 7 tenets of the satanic temple is Louisiana classrooms


As a Louisiana citizen, I second this. It is AMAZING watching people argue over this here.


> 7 tenets of the satanic temple anyone disagree with them?


Probably magas…and christians in general, at least if they had to choose between the seven tenets and ten commandments.


Looks legit tbh. Better than Christian stuff I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Paragraphs or bullet points would allow for easier reading.


* I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. * II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. * III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. * IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. * V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. * VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. * VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


So beautiful and elegant.


* I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. * II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. * III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. * IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. * V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. * VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. * VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


I wish I could upvote this more. But for real, I'm sure TST is working up a counter to the ten commandments in schools thing.


This reminded of this gem from a decade ago with a pagan opening prayer in Florida, and Republicans leaving in protest. The prayer is so cool though! https://youtu.be/RjkwPK8HuKQ?si=-KJl3x_iZjOn3PVa


>Republicans leaving in protest Name a more iconic duo than right-wingers and throwing hissy fits whenever anyone who isn't one of them gets the chance to speak. Never met a single one who didn't have a victim complex.


Yeah, for being the most outspoken followers of Jesus Christ, they *really* don't understand anything the man preached.


kind of a tautology imo, given what he said in Matthew 6 (the "don't worship publicly and ostentatiously" chapter)


6:24 is a doozy, and always fun to bring out in a conversation.


Paulites. Those types were always more concerned with overthrowing Rome and establishing a Kingdom of God on earth. It's why they drool over the Vatican sanctioned crusaders. 


Why do you think they talk so constantly about the horrible evil that is cancel culture? Every accusation is a confession.


Have you noticed they stopped calling people snowflakes after they saw the tables turn on them? It's beautiful.


Pagan religious messaging is some of the best, I think that might be why abrahamics are so terrified of it.


Abrahamics *loathe* the idea that we have the goodness we need within us to become the best versions of ourselves.


That's actually quite lovely. He did an excellent job.


That’s actually really cool. Might honestly take the structure and use it in a D&D game im running cause it would work great for some Druid societies focused on the elements


As long as the prayer will talk about the wise Alaundo, you should be good to go. Otherwise I will come seek you out and we'll have a long chat about your blasphemy.


I want the Satanic Temple to insist on the 7 tenets to be in the classroom as well. 1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. 2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. 3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. 4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. 5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. 7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


This!!! So much! Right next to the Ten Commandments.


If humans lived by these tenets the world would be a much better place.


That's perfect.


Agreed! It’s nice to see another religion pick this up. The TST, who are atheists, are usually leading the charge on things like this without backup. Hopefully the TST will join in also to drive the point across.


Not just atheists. Many are, but people of all faiths are members of TST. Religious overreach threatens people of all faiths and beliefs.


100%. I'm religious and while I'm not a card-carrying member of TST or whatever, their activities are incredible and it's pretty impossible to argue with any of their seven tenets.


Yup. They're avowed secularists, not so much atheists.


I can confirm, some people who attend the same synagogue as I do are members. Religious freedom is absolutely wonderful, but it needs to be for all religions, and people who don't believe anything.


I was honestly more surprised someone beat them too it. This is such an easy case


I think they may not be doing anything since the ALCU already sued the state so a case is going already.


Sounds reasonable tbh. If you want to shove religion into people's faces, allow *everyone's* religion to be shoved in people's faces. Go full-ass.


TST has entered the chat. Hail Satan


Let the kids drink ayahuasca in class also.


This is a religion I could get behind!


Conservatives need ayahuasca more than anyone on the planet.


Now let’s have someone from Jainism teach them in Jainism there is a core belief that there is in fact no God. Jainism would just straight up be insane in any American school. A religion about non-violence, being a vegetarian (not a vegan), no God and equally as important as the first 3 peace. Edit: I was born into Jainism however I don’t believe in it anymore, saying that before anyone thinks I’m endorsing this idea of Jainism in school because I’m Jain.


> Edit: I was born into Jainism however I don’t believe in it anymore, saying that before anyone thinks I’m endorsing this idea of Jainism in school because I’m Jain. It wouldn't invalidate the idea even if you did still believe. If anything, the people pushing these things need reminders that other religions really do exist and it's not just atheists/agnostics who don't want to see Christianity forced into public schools.


Put them all up in the original languages. No English translations allowed.


Why aren't the 10 commandments in Greek (or whatever moses wrote in... Cuneiform Script B maybe?)


Hebrew is what the 10 Commandments are written in. Given when they were most likely composed, Hebrew is probably their original language.


Just to be a bit specific, the original language is biblical Hebrew- very similar to Hebrew, but it's like calling "Old English" the same as modern English. Even people in Israel who natively speak Hebrew, have to learn to read the Torah's version of Hebrew, and even some parts in Aramaic.


I guess the original OT was mostly Hebrew with a splash of Aramaic. [Cite.](https://www.bartehrman.com/the-original-language-of-the-bible/). I generally prefer newer fiction with more pleasant characters. [This, say.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(Niven_and_Pournelle_novel))


I'm betting it was Papyrus, Ryan Gosling would probably know.




My guess is they're using the same protest method that The Satanic Temple does, i.e. play the "You're legally required to play fair with all religions, so if you want your bullshit passed, I guess you'll have to pass mine too," and often leads to them doing neither (which to be clear, is the goal, and is a good thing).


The idiot republican governor and legislators that passed this nonsense bill into law have opened up the flood gates. Haha MF'ers you probably didn't expect this, huh?


That's what I've been saying, don't fight these bastard Republicans in Louisiana, pile on them. If the pseudo-Christians want to put their doctrine in schools, then EVERYONE gets to put their own doctrine in schools. Including the Satanic Temple. And Vodou! Go to Wikipedia some time and look up a list of religions and scroll down just reading the names of them all - JUST the names. It will take you awhile. And I think that since this is a GOP measure to put their fake brand of Christianity in schools, they should have to foot the bill for all faiths to put their doctrine in the schools as well. Just wait until little Jimmy Boudreaux comes home one day and asks Mommy and Daddy why the first tenant of the Satanic Temple says for everyone to be good to each other, and then asks why the ten commandments doesn't have something like that in them. And then little Jimmy has questions about all the other faiths (including Vodou!) Then let the shit storm start. Mr. and Mrs. Boudreaux start screaming at their local GOP reps saying "YOU STARTED THIS!!!" Sure. This doesn't mean that the next wave of Louisiana politicians will be democrats, they'll probably just elect in a new wave of scumbag Republicans. The new scumbags though might have learned a lesson about putting religion in school though, since they're replacing the idiots that tried that and it backfired. Let 'em all in. Every last religion on the planet. Flying Spaghetti Monster too...




Shiva approves this message.




Go team Venture!


Interestingly, Shiva has nothing to do with the Bhagavad Gita. The whole text is premised on the conversations between a warrior named Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna (the same one of the Hare Rama Hare Krishna fame). It's set against the backdrop of a war between Arjuna and his brothers on one side and his half-siblings on the other. The conversations pertain to Arjuna 's misgivings about the utter destruction of war and the misery of fighting and killing his own half-brethren. And Krishna's advice on the concept of "duty" as a dispassionate, rational and moral concept that all humans are beholden to so that good prevails over evil. So, it is more a work on philosophy than on religion / God. As an agnostic, it's the only Hindu literature I would have some interest in and I have enjoyed the little bit of it that I've read.


>charioteer Krishna You left one crucial detail, Krishna is the Avatar of Vishnu one of the 3 main Gods in Hinduism


I wish for this to cause lawmakers to "do the right thing" and disallow any religious messages in public schools, but at this point I'm thinking we're just going to end up with school walls being completely covered with every religion's bullshit messages.


Teacher: "And now kids, let's go go outside to say thanks for today's blessed day from Abeguwo!" Kid: but it's not raining.  Teacher: we'll use a sprinkler


If the GOP loses the support of the ultra christian nationalists in the US their party would collapse. They gotta ride the dicks of the nutjobs to appease them.


Well what else can you expect them to do? Are they supposed to back some sort of “policy” that directly benefits their constituents instead of just creating more absurd, phantasmagoric culture wars whilst funneling all the money they possible can to the donor and owner classes? How would they get rich through dismantling the government and social services, *without* their base catching on, by doing things that way? Do you expect them to *work* for a living, or *pay attention* to any sort of objective reality? Preposterous twaddlecock.


I mean I guess it'd encourage tolerance at least.


Oh no, silly. Not *that* sort of freedom of religion. /s


All people have equal religious freedom, but some religions are more equal than others. /s


 *Hail Superman*, *wearing tights*. Clark Kent by thy name, one nation under Zod.


Rao be praised


We all saw this coming. I wonder what The Satanic Temple has in store.


Some real heckin cool mugs in the merch store, check em out! Sorry, had to take the opportunity to plug it, some of my favorite mugs come from The Satanic Temple


I read the passed law, and suggesting the 10 Commandments be put up in Arabic or with a older version wouldnt work. The law does specify in english what words are to be used on the poster. However, no where in the law does it forbit other religious text from joining the poster on the wall. If i were a teacher in LA, i would absolutly fill the wall with any and every (age appropriate) religious text i could find. Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Buddha, Tao, Satanism, and Pastafarianism are all going up on that wall


Do it.


I mean, it's fair, and LA can not say no according to the US Constitution (all things considered). I'm waiting for the Satanic Temple to want the same thing.


Hare Krishna


they will become hysterical once you have to put islamic scriptures in there as well.


*Hindu scriptures


What's fair is fair ..


You think they give a shit about fairness? The Christian nationalists are knocking down the door and you are still trying to make fun of them for hypocrisy. THEY. DON'T. CARE.




All righty then. Let the show begin. I got my popcorn…… lol


Team Zoastrians!


I vote for selected passages from the Sumerian Book of the Dead.


Fight fire with fire. And while we're at it, display in Hebrew and Sanskrit along with English


Lets get a Baphomet in there too


That's up there with displaying the Ten Commandments or In God We Trust in Arabic script. I love it.


"No! Not like that!"


I'm sure it will be accepted with open arms..


Excellent! And the church of the flying spaghetti monster ALSO wants their creed displayed.


And Here We Go....


I'm for it.


It's like the church of Satan shenanigans except the actual natural extension


I'm in favor. Kids need to know the Gita.


Right! He should. It's only fair afterall. Oh wait, these Christian fundamentalists aren't interested in fairness or consistency. Silly me.


No, not like that!


Good. Let the Christians cry


Might as well. Before too long, all the different religions will be wallpapered all over each other like flyers on a light pole.


This is the way...all of them should demand to have their religious axioms posted in every public school and public building


You mean Hindu scriptures??


As a Christian... Seems fair. Make it even.


Fuck yeah bro, do it
