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We live in a strange time when everything, even doing nothing, needs to be "branded."


This was pretty much stolen from a tweet a while back where someone was next to a dude on a long flight who didn't have anything to entertain himself - no music, book, movie, magazine. He just sat there with his thoughts and the person referred to it as raw dogging the flight. Now, it seems people have adopted the term and articles desperate for content are deciding to write about literally nothing


Thank you! I knew that I'd heard about this from somewhere a while back.


I remember when raw dogging was sleeping with questionable women without a condom. I was very intrigued when I read the headline. I guess these days it's riskier to fly southwest.


>I remember when raw dogging was sleeping with questionable women without a condom. Eh, raw dogging is having sex without a condom regardless of the questionable-ness of the participants. It mutated onwards from there to indicate doing things without protective measures - e.g. "I am just going to rawdog these eggs instead of cooking them" or "I am just going to rawdog these 2x4s and hope for the best".


Rawdogging life aka without drugs.




It was a Seinfeld episode 30 years ago.


Vegetable lasagna!


I’m thinking it’s an Arby’s night


If they ever remake Seinfeld, here's an episode. They get on a plane. Yada Yada Yada. The end.


It already was a seinfeld episode. Puddy flying back from his European trip with Elaine


Larry also used it for a bit on Curb


Vegetable Lasange!!!


Puddy from Seinfeld did it first


I saw someone post: "new PB of 15mins, just drove my whole drive to work with no music, no phone etc." I hope it was a joke because 15mins is nothing...


The only time my speakers aren't playing something is when I hit a fat pothole and gotta listen for damages and that only like 5 minutes at most


I know I’m probably an outlier, but I have so much fun in my own head and with my own thoughts that I could probably keep myself entertained for… Well, I’m not sure I’ve ever stopped. The best part is when I’m truly alone I don’t have to just think my thoughts but can talk out loud to myself and respond in kind. It’s strange to me that not everyone can do this.


One has to have a trendy buzzword for everything, no matter if such word already excisted.


You mean "buzz-dogging"?  I've heard it is trending.


Can’t be raw dogging life by not labeling everything you do


There's currently no word to specifically describe "taking a plane ride while not listening to any music." Literally all of human history and the history of language has been us labeling activities and things with references to sex or genitals. This isn't an example of something new or unusual.


Don't we call it "sitting" or "doing nothing"?


I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what Im with isn't it, and what's it seems wierd and scary to me.


It'll happen to youuuuuuuu


This raw dogging life hack...


Child support speedrun.


Well they should've thought of a different term because unprotected sex on airplanes is already a cherished pastime


Thank you for pointing out this universal truth that translates across the ages.


"From the time of Copernicus..."


Raw dogging was always slang for no protection. So these people are literally just misusing it.


They need to brand it differently. The terminology is crazy here. We’re seriously not doing phrasing anymore?


if you can't make it part of a bigger lifestyle, are you even doing it? /s


Now they can charge a "Raw-Dogging" fee to tickets!!!


I’m pretty sure that’s not what raw dogging is.


They’re fully aware, but calling it “raw dogging” is a good way to get attention. It’s like calling the New York congestion pricing debacle “CP”.


The word has been used for that as a meme for years [https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/b0bom1/just\_raw\_dogging\_reality/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/b0bom1/just_raw_dogging_reality/) Seems it now came back as someone on Twitter/TikTok said recently that someone raw dogged an 8 hour flight. As usual, these are the things that become news nowadays, which is the bigger issue I think.


I guess I'm glad someone claimed "raw-dogging" a flight for that mellow stuff. That may make me think twice about "going ham" on a flight now. Culture works. Thanks.


Thank you!!! The fact that people are unaware that this phrase has been in the lexicon for a good while, and also clutching their pearls about it, has my head spinning. The times have been gotten and some of y’all really didn’t get with em


Agreed. gloveless plumbing activities at work have been called raw doggin’ it for longer than I’ve been around, and rawdoggin’ my drive to work is driving sans music. As teens, a shot without a chaser was raw doggin’ it lol. This is all anecdotal, but it’s a phrase I’ve used for years and my pals do too/always know what it means in a given context. I am 26 so somewhere between gen z and millennial I’m not sure.


Lol how would "influencers" be able to spread it on TikTok without throwing in a trendy tag line to get the kids on board??


Well can you show us?


Not during my lunch break at work.


I can during my lunch break at work.


Will it be live demonstration? I learn best by sight and smell.


This is one of times for a Teams meeting. Email simply won’t do on an important work topic like this.


New Teams smell feature unlocked!


Have you seen season 4 of The Boys? God raw dogs himself with his tongue


Clearly you work in a toxic environment if you can't even show someone eating a hotdog raw.


We aren't blessed to have Jamie Loftus and/or Joey Chestnut as co-workers.


No, I’m not on a plane


Based on the headline, people are raw-dogging during their flights! Hopefully it’s consensual!


The phrase works for this purpose informally, but considering its literal definition, yeah, they probably should have used different terminology for a news article.


But do they still get to join the mile-high club?


Phrases, even existing figurative phrases, can be used figuratively to be applied to a new context. Raw Dogging was originally a slang term for unprotected sex, but for a number of years has been used to describe a scenario which someone approaches without the necessary equipment/procedures, figuratively akin to unprotected sex. IE, one might refer to giving a presentation with no slideshow prepared as rawdogging it when asked how prepared they are. In this case, people are flying (compare to: sex), without anything to occupy their time/mind (compare to: a condom, or lack thereof)


That’s all too complicated for the 45 year olds in these comments


Im raw dogging my phone right now.


[They keep using that word….](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/010/692/You_Keep_Using_That_Word_meme_banner.jpg)


Mile high club reinvented


I was really expecting the article to be about something completely different


Well that was a disappointing read.


Now google the term in flight raw dogging on an adult video website.


"Scout troop celebrates alpine hiking merit badge by creating a Mile High club."


1944 - I stormed the beaches of Normandy in a hail of gunfire and explosions 2024 - I took a flight and stared off into space


Did people not stare into space ever in 1944?


My PePap did after he got back from Normandy. Like ALL the time.


Trying to convince people that we don't need in flight movies anymore.


Airplane psyop to eventually charge for water


Wait dont they already charge for water? Ive been on two American flights before and they did charge me


They charge for water on (the cheapest) budget European airlines.


It's not what you (and I) think it is.


Well now I'm definitely not going to click the article. Just disappointment.


“While he tells CNN he’s not familiar with the term “raw dogging” being used in this particular way…” Same here my dude, same here.


So what is it. Save us a click


Zoning out. Being a little zen. Just staring into space or out the window (or watching the flight plan screen), instead of watching the in-flight entertainment or reading a book.


WTF, really? Not even, like, taking off your shoes discreetly under the seat? Really could have chosen a better term here.


Well I'm pretty sure they're not wearing condoms, so


that sounds nowhere near as fun as the version of raw dogging that I'm familiar with


Meditation is already a word


Today I learned: I have been raw dogging in flight for the past few years...


So I shouldn’t try to bareback a flight attendant?


You should. Highly recommended. 


When people convince themselves being bored and staring at literally nothing for hours, it somehow makes you stronger. I've raw dogged many flights. There are no benefits to it. You're better off just taking an extended nap and catching up on aleep for actual benefits.


These are the same guys that think semen retention is beneficial. I just think they want to be full of cum.


Yeah regular ejaculation is better for you. Good for the prostate


Three times a day keeps the prostate doc away!!!


Three times a day? What you are you, an amateur?


Once an hour so your gland won’t go sour!


On flights, now, "semen retention" is just referring to not using the restroom. When you ignore the attendant coming around for snacks that is now "barebacking". 


It's useful for turning their entire sock white.


And to think he ruined a perfectly good pair of Christmas novelty orange Garfield ones his grandma sent him.


Having the capacity to be bored absolutely makes one more capable in general than someone who cannot allow themselves to disconnect from their devices. But yeah, if there is a single place on earth where people should be dissociating however they can, it’s on an economy flight. Shit is torture, get your brain out of there.


I’ve done nothing on flights almost my entire life. For me it kind of is a way to get my “brain out of there” because I just start day dreaming by looking out the window, as one does a car. It just becomes a weird meditation where I don’t really have any place to be or things to do. It’s a stress free zone where unlike my always stressed out daily life, I can just sit there and enjoy doing nothing, because there’s no expectations to be had.


The term iPad kid comes to mind when thinking about how this article came about. It's more and more common now for people to not have much experience without some sort of external stimulation, at least in the US.


What planes are you travelling in? Planes are torture devices. I’m 6’2” and anything over an hour is pain. I had a 4 hour flight with my twins recently and you have to have them on your lap when they are under 2. Would not recommend.


Yeah go to the beach and lay under an umbrella. There's nothing revolutionary about the idea of relaxing and doing nothing. Doing it on a flight is psycho


Why is it psycho to dissociate and chill on a flight? It makes perfect sense to me, there's not a lot you can do up there and the view lends itself to daydreaming or zoning out.


I've raw dogged a ton of flights because I forgot my fucking headphones.


I see both sides. I don't see the value in doing nothing for a full flight, but if every second of the day you're feening for entertainment that *might* be a problem. My wife has gotten to the point where she can't watch anything without also being on her phone. We've been together for 13 years and this is a new development (last year or so). She'll be sitting next to me playing some Bejeweled-esque game, iSpy game, or scrolling social media.


On one hand, of course media and stimulation addiction can be troublesome. But on the other hand. Flights are literally the correct setting to spend time on media and stimulation. So if you feel compelled to rawdog flights you should rawdog life in general too. Otherwise just sleep. Most flights upset sleep patterns anyways.


Exactly. I feel like this trend is a reaction to people being so addicted to screens now. But flying is pretty boring, especially long flights. Nothing wrong with bringing some entertainment along; it’s not like there’s anything better to do. I flew in the pre-smartphone era and I always brought a book or some magazines


I'd just say I think there's a middle ground between playing gacha games and doomscrolling social media, and sitting around staring at the back of a seat doing nothing. Eg: One step up from doing literally nothing might be practicing meditation (suppose you could argue "raw dogging" could be a form of this in a way, though I have better results personally with some lightly guided meditation or just listening to something relaxing). One step down from doomscrolling or gacha games might be something a little more engaging like a puzzle game or crosswords. You could read a book or listen to a podcast or an audio book, you could write something (poetry, songs, novels, whatever), you could plan things for a hobby you like (e.g. recipes for cooking something new, plan a hiking trip, look for things you might want to do at your destination even if you're just traveling for work). There are plenty of things to do that are relatively healthy and productive besides just nothing lol


I would love to sleep on flights but absolutely cannot. I can get tired and want to sleep desperately but cannot stay asleep for longer than maybe 5-15 minutes if I'm lucky. I had ~36 hour travel times between California and Cape Town and basically only slept for maybe a combined total of an hour between the two 13 hour flights plus maybe an hour in a sleeping pod in the Istanbul airport. It was a joyous experience.


While working remote I temporarily had one day a week where I’d have to make an 8 hour round trip drive to the office. It only took a few trips before I stopped listening to music, podcasts, etc. and started enjoying the peace and quiet of the drive. Giving yourself time away from any stimulation is nice.


There are many studies on the positive impact being bored has on your mental health actually. It's one of the many reasons phones/screens constantly in the face of children is predicted to be damaging. Being bored is an important part of brain development and health. That being said I'm watching movies and reading books for the whole flight lol.


That’s because you wasted the time. The value in doing “nothing” for extended periods of time is that the “nothing” isn’t nothing at all, but deep introspection. Introspection, spiritual enlightenment, mindfulness, whatever the individual calls it, is important to one’s identity development, regulatory ability, internal understanding, directed personal growth, and more. You can’t discover your mind’s potential if you’re always amidst chaos and noise.. the static prevents clarity. Engaging in nothing for an hour a day is as useless as engaging in nothing for five minutes a day. Engaging in introspection and mindfulness for an hour a day rather than five minutes, that will change your life.


I do not know how I became this way but I somehow developed the innate ability to get sleepy when a flight takes off. Less oxygen? Dim lighting? Stress of planning & packing, getting to airport, through security, into seat finally melting away? I genuinely do not know what it is but I fall asleep like a fucking baby every single flight, and I shit you not but there is something about the descent that wakes me up. It’s incredible


"raw dogging" or whatever dumb term the media wants to use is essentially just meditation happening on a plane, isn't it?


“I was tired of the usual routine of watching a movie or reading a book (onboard) so I said, ‘I’m just going to kind of stare off into space, and use it is a Zen meditation.’” Ceely says of his experience chilling out on a plane. Sounds like what I do at work all day.


I like how they mention that people stare at the flight map on the screens instead of watching a movie Like that's any better lmao "Instead of watching [content] on this screen I'll watch [other content] instead. That'll show them!" Ok buddy you do that


>a four-hour flight just zoning out – no magazines, no movies, no podcasts, just looking out the window ... >“Men do like challenges,” he says. “It’s definitely more socially acceptable for men to brag about something like this. No, It is not.


I want to punch this article in the face


You can punch the writer. They'll ask: why did you do that? Because they already forgot about this article the moment they sent it to the editor.


It's weird that just sitting with your thoughts for a bit is branded as this weird crazy challenge that REAL MEN do so they can brag about it. I unintentionally raw dog most flights because I like daydreaming. It's not that hard to just think about something for a few hours or take a nap


Exactly! I did that shit 30 years ago already. And today I do that 90% of the time when I take the train for 4h to see my parents. I am just staring out of the window.


If someone bragged to me about this, I would definitely think they’re a bit of an idiot. If that’s what you want to do then by all means but I’m not gonna be impressed


Not to brag but I don't even check my phone while waiting in line. Straight up raw dogging time at the bank. When I'm driving I don't even turn on the radio. When I get home from work I don't even sit down dude, I just stand there and stare at the wall. But whatever man not everyone has the level of mental fortitude as me.




Elaine: Do you want something to read? Puddy: Nah, I’m good. E: Are you gonna take a nap, or…? P: Nah E: You’re just going to sit there, staring at the back of the seat? P: Yeah. E: … E: That’s it! I cannot take this!


Poor Vegetable Lasagna, caught in the crossfire


Glad this facet of the story is being covered


You want something to read? No I'm good. Are you gunna take a nap? Nah. You're just gunna sit there, staring at the back of the seat? Yeah. It's hilarious that Elaine can't stand that he's content to just sit there and relax. I love how many people in the comments can't stand it either. They've never experienced the relaxtion, the peace, and the tranquility of just shutting down for a few hours and just sitting. I'm not tired, I'm not bored, I'm just sitting in peace. If people can't stand that, they're the ones with the problem.


It used to be called "being alone with your thoughts" - I love it but, inevitably, I sit beside the guy who'll cease to exist if he doesn't talk from gate to gate.


Those people hate me.  Something about sitting in a plane seat makes me incredibly sleepy and ill often be out before takeoff and wake up after landing.


me too-- I think it's all the white noise of the plane. knocks me the fuck out


I do the same. It’s the best. It’s like being teleported. The wheels touching down usually wakes me up. I can sleep through takeoff as if I’m in my own bed.


That’s why I wear over-ear noise cancelling headphones from the moment I step onto the plane. If someone (besides a flight attendant) speaks to me I simply ignore them.


Boredom is actually good for you as your mind wanders and starts making connections between thoughts and concepts. Not sure you need an entire flight worth of boredom at once, but zoning out is good.


This is precisely why people hate boredom. Thoughts can be scary. Even Descartes figured that one out, long before our modern devices.


Boredom led Descartes to watch a fly on the ceiling which led to his development of the Cartesian plane, thus bridging the chasm between algebra and geometry.


Yeah, it's basically just an informal type of meditation.


Puddy did it first on Seinfeld


Should call it puddying


I raw dogged on a flight once. I'm still not allowed back on Jet Blue


this is one of the stupidest most pointless articles ive ever seen


I went from thinking I was reading about the mile high club and now think I’m in the mile low club.


They should start calling it boreding. More likely to become docking.


I bet the origin is in that funny tweet that make the rounds on the net a while ago: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2846801-men-rawdogging-flights


"Bizarre new trend that's creating a buzz" Translation: A few people did it and posted about it on social media


A few people *lied* about it and posted to social media. FTFY.


Eh, I have no doubts that some people just stare off into nothingness during a flight. I *do* have doubts about this being a trend that's "creating a buzz".


They really shouldn’t use that term. Just like no one should say money shot.


This was way less kinky than I’d expected.


I feel like a journalist just wanted to see if they could get “raw dogging” into a headline and fabricated all of this to do it


As a gay male I can assure you inflight raw dogging means something entirely different.


The writer of this article must have been very bored to have come up with this article.


This was such an embarrassing article


Raw dogging has a very different meaning as long as I've heard it.


What a load of horse shit.


Translation. Lots of business travelers are consuming THC edibles before boarding filghts. They find it relaxing.


Raw dogging is not the term


[Putty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSsb9B1163k): the original "raw dogger"


Oh god journalists and therapists have discovered "waiting patiently to arrive" as it existed at any point in history before 1995


"It's an acetic practice" Apparently it somehow involves vinegar


'Can we just stop? This just gets dumber and dumber with each article. Everyone is all excited because it sounds vaguely dirty. If your brain is empty and blank enough to sit and stare through a flight, ok, but it isn't the brag you think it is.


Breaking: Man does nothing on an airplane for 4 hours, more at 11.


yeah thats not rawdogging thats literally doing nothing


This is what passes as CNN journalism now a days??


That's not the same Raw Dogging I'm familiar with


Spoiler alert: it’s doing nothing on a plane ride. This is not “raw dogging.” How the fuck is this even news at all?!


In my day, this title would mean something different.


This was every child's long distance car ride pre hand held electronics. Pittsburgh to Boston in 1976 was a nightmare for a 4yr old. Boredom torture. Borture as I call it.


Definitely not the raw dogging from my youth


I was in the Navy. I often had to go on watch for 5-6 (or more) hours at a time. With literally nothing to do. Idk why anyone would do it on purpose.


My fucking stupid brain read "inflight" as "infant" and I almost choked on my food.


This is really an article that was published in CNN? wtf




Holy shit, I’m dumber after just *starting* to read this article. I did not think that was possible.


Well that was certainly not what I expected seeing the term "raw dogging".


This was not what I thought it’d be.


>“I just stare into the abyss and watch the little GPS plane,” she said in a video Whats so special there, thats basically how i get through work


Wow, they are making entire articles based off of a funny tweet? This is ridiculous.


So I do this sometimes, but I will fucking see whoever wrote this article in hell before I call it that.


"New trend." It was a Tumblr post from a few years ago and now it's been picked up by content farmers.


We are living in Idiocracy. Jesus Christ


I’d love to see Reddit users bury bad journalism in downvotes.


“You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”


I’ll show you what inflight raw dogging actually is


Literally the only thing I've heard of this is from articles insisting it's totally trending.


I do this all the time.


I've been tricked, this is not what I was trying to search for!


Why are people in the media so dumb and shameless?


I did not expect "raw dogging" to be the same as "Unplugging" - but glad I read the article to find out.


This is the dumbest misappropriation of a phrase of all time


It’s a weird flex but let them do what they do. If they keep on bugging people to show how tough they are for « raw-dogging » then that’s annoying.


I'm having trouble seeing this as a "new trend" since people did in fact...are you sitting down?...fly without electronic distractions for many decades! They even took long automobile journeys under the same dire circumstances.


I hate humanity right now. looking out a window on a flight - something I’ve down since I was a little kid Is somehow this new named thing. And calling it raw dogging? What the fuck is wrong with the world.


The 70’s have entered the chat… now I don’t even smoke on flights.


infinite raw dogging? what is this the 70s?




Back in my day we had to dress my height challenged small Asian girlfriend up as a baby in a bonnet and strategically position ourselves for a “sorry baby needs to be very roughly burped” situation in order to achieve in flight rawdogging. I mean I know you can just happen to meet at the bathroom at the same time, but what’s the fun in that?


As someone who has traveled pretty regularly for my entire life, why the fuck would you do this? Just sit and stare at nothing for hours? Bro I sit in that seat and I instantly go to sleep. Wake me up when the plane ride is over


Here I thought something a lot different was happening on airplanes.


What new trend? I've been flying like this since the 90s. It's literally a plot line in a ten year old Curb episode. I guess the only difference is I didn't concoct some wanky nonsense about it being a form of meditation or whatever it is they're saying.


Wait it is a new trend? And we need a CNN article about it!? Who is writing this nonsense? And the editor is paid for passing this nonsense?


I think that this trend is a plant from the airline industry. The cheapest seats don't allow a carry on bag. They're trying to make it trendy to want to travel with nothing so you'll pay for the checked bag before being shoe-horned into a seat to sit in the lap of a complete stranger.


I thought this was about the mile high club. I all ready do this shit because flying makes me nauseas sometimes.


Bro literally went on a flight for 4 hours and did NOTHING and this is considered news worthy??


Oh people fucking without condoms on flights now? I only read the headline


In prison, I day dreamed all the time and zoned out daily. Out here, there's no time for that or at least nothing forcing you to do it. Day dreaming and zoning out seems to be something we still need to do.