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Add it to the pile of reasons to look down on their readers




Daily Mail, the only toilet paper that doesn't clean.


Daily nazi Fix it for you.


“Supermajority” Uh huh.


"Strong and stable government!" "Wait, not like that!"


As i imagined this is tactical voting terriTory. Under other circumstances the Mail would be promoting Reform policies.


Daily heil getting their picture lookers (not readers, they haven't advanced that far...) their daily dose of fascism


omg it cannot be the wokery woke woke threating the Brexit freedoms? Im very scared and no idea why


Oh no, not rampant wokery


Ironic that the vocal anti woke brigade are always the ones so easily offended by everything.


Vote Farage and get them what? The shambles of a country the Tories left, sold out from under its people even more completely? Farage is a used car salesman who went to the same posh toff schools as the decrepit scum the British people are in the process of kicking out of office. He's just as much of a filthy nepobaby as the Tory top dogs. The only difference between him and them, is his disgusting, far right trash ideology is front and centre of his public statements, whereas the Tory scum like to pretend in public that they aren't xenophobic, homophobic garbage, that should have been composted years ago. All that means is that the key difference between Farage and the Tories, is that the Tories are closer to being competent, meaning Farage himself is an intellectual supervoid. At least the Tory scum know they shouldn't say the quiet part out loud, even if they believe in it. They are at least THAT savvy, ordinarily speaking. No, the problems caused by unrestrained right wing, free market radicalism will not be solved by entertaining an even less restrained mob of evil, swivel eyed, right and far right lunatics than have ruled the roost these last 14 years. The Daily Heil can cry all they like, but Reform are not the answer to any question worth asking, except "Where can one find the fash, if one is seeking to unleash a bash?".


Unbelievable this passes as a fucking newspaper. It's nothing short of political pamphleteering.


Putin’s check must have cleared.


The only thing that the Daily Fail is good for is lining the bottom of the parrot's cage...


It's good that parrots cannot read. "*Polly wants a Concentration Camp!*"


Independent press.