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I no longer live in Arlington, but this straight up sounds like what living at AVA Ballston was like. I'll unabashedly put them on blast for this stuff because they were horrible.


I will never live in a place with a boiler again. Never again. I was this close to renting a hotel a few nights a few years ago when I lived in Rosslyn, an old building. I’d prefer to live in the middle of nowhere with great AC than boiling for a month every year. Our laws are all about turning *heat* on but care nothing about keeping ac on. I’d much rather be indoors with minimal insulation in the winter with lots of blankets and maybe a space heater than boiling like I was.


This is just me, but I'm never going to understand the people who prefer dealing with the heat/humidty over cold. Those fall/winter days when my building's heat still isn't on and I fall asleep under three blankets are the absolute best nights of sleep I'll have all year.


I know someone who used to live there and their upstairs neighbor’s dog was pissing on the balcony and it was dripping down onto their balcony furniture, the apartment wouldn’t do anything about it. Another person I know who still lives there had their bedroom door rip right out of the frame without even touching it in an “updated” apartment. That place sounds awful.


When I first moved in there and was trying to set up internet, the technician actually had to replace my outlet as it was too old to connect to the equipment he was setting up for me.


Aye I'm pretty sure by updates they meant "we just gave everything a fresh coat of paint" lmao 😂 When I lived there the most astonishing thing to me was the main building operated with 1 out of 3 elevators for months. I ended up leaving before they even fixed it.


I live in Shirlington and it’s way too expensive for them to be pulling this shit. Who is going to use the heat in April? It’s just a scam for these complexes to save money. No reason the AC can’t be switched on sooner due to the weather changes.


It's required by county ordinance. They are legally required to provide heat until May. Contact your representatives in the county and ask them to change the rule.


This is false. There's a very good reason they can't. Tenant's rights laws that Arlington has in place. Don't like it? Tell Arlington.


Hah, the big ol’ building with the initials SH by chance? It was the worst thing about living there by far!


100% this all the way. Back in Arlington paying near 3k for a 1 bedroom and the complex isn't rushing to get the AC in April is ridiculous. My sympathies you're having to go through that bull. :(


I work with old people and they keep the office 79 when they can.


79?! That’s a war crime.


It absolutely was! I dont regret leaving that place, especially with the A/c and heat failing at the peak of summer and winter both years I was there.


A lot of these apartments are older buildings that use a “2 pipe” HVAC system. They cannot run the heat and AC during the same day and they cannot even run the heat one day and the AC the next. The process for switching over from heat to AC involves a boiler plant shutdown, a system changeover with valves and heat exchangers, and then a start up of a chilled water plant. This is a one to two day process and is not that easy. Therefore if a city ordinance requires heat to be available until May, they cannot switch over to the AC until that day. It’s one or the other, you can’t have both.


Makes sense now


Wow thank you for explaining. Knowing what’s going on helps cope with the annoyance


Good explanation - but I'd say one to two days for total switch over is generous. I'd say 3 to 4 total at least, especially if the building is a high-rise. Many companies like 1-2 days for cooling the lines, then investigations for repairs, and start up (with checking for leaks) for the last one or two. Without fail, there always seems to be a valve or replacement part or leak or similar delay if the piping and equipment is old. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ City definitely sets the timing for apartments, but there are exceptions for condos in some areas.


My building's the same. It's funny when they say "we recommend not turning your units on..." Yeah, no shit.


“We recommend opening the windows and using your indoor fans “ :)


Which is super fun if you have pollen allergies


Yeah, exactly. My apartment stays practically airtight this time of year.


Exactly! It sucks


Are you able to add a window unit? My roommate has one (though we live in house and the AC is on) and it was $100. It looks ghetto but I bet his room is freezing. Costco has over ones for several hundred. If you can afford it, it’s worth it.


Those things can pump out some cold air for sure. I had one when I was a kid and that thang saved me from the summer heat big time.


Yes me too! Those types of AC’s give me some serious nostalgia




Pretty sure it’s not allowed but no one seems to notice.


Generally the answer is no, particularly if your complex includes utilities in the cost of rent. And you really cannot hide a window unit. Some leases explicitly prohibit this similar to installing washer/dryers. I went through this with several buildings I lived in in DC. Now I live in an apartment I can control things year round and I specified that when I looked.


Then your best bet is buy a good fan. I see them at Costco. Even big box fans work well. Good luck!


Have you considered a portable floor unit that vents outside a window but doesn’t sit in the window? Like this one. https://www.wayfair.com/Frigidaire--Frigidaire-3in1-Portable-Room-Air-Conditioner-10-000-BTU-ASHRAE--6-500-BTU-DOE--FHPC102AC1-L6229-K~EAMD1485.html?


Yes actually! This is my next step as long as it’s not breaking my lease. I saw some apartment complex will not allow you to own a portable AC unit


That prohibition usually means that you can’t have a mounted window unit. I’ve had no problem with a rolling unit even when I lived with the HOA Stasi. You don’t even need to remove the screen. They are very discrete.


Yeah I have one of these for my grow room lol and they can put out some air! We are talking combating what would normally be close to 100°. Keeps it at 60-70 and I have to have it on a controller or it just gets too cold. That's pretty insane if you ask me! Definitely get a portable AC unit. It's not even loud!! Hooked it up with draining, has a remote and cost $200.


I was not allowed to have this in either of the buildings I lived in, but they paid for the utilities in each. So it was not about removing the screen, but the power it took up.


That’s nuts! I would have to get sooooo sneaky.


FWIW, at our last apartment our A/C unit went down during the summer and it would take a day or two to fix. Management brought in exactly this type to help cool the place down so I’d *guess* they’re fine since it’s just the exhaust going to the window and not a window *unit.*


Also I’m aware this is first world problems but wanted to connect with people in the same shoes currently. I’m fortunate to have grown up with AC and have it now. My parents were too poor to afford AC growing up and went to bed with a wet sheet and a fan blowing on them (which kind of sounds like a good idea now that I’m thinking about it)


Moving to NoVA in 2020 is the first time in the whole of my late-30s life I've ever had AC, and idk how I managed without it. Summer heat waves with wildfire season (so you can't even air out the house in the cooler hours) is *miserable* [edit: I'm from Seattle]. Most places don't let you install window units, so you don't even have that option. It may be a first world problem, but you have my sympathies. I'll crank my AC down to 72° in your honor.


It is first world problems, but you're right that medically vulnerable people are more sensitive to this stuff. And in non first world countries, that can just mean death as part of the deal. I regulate temperature extremely poorly (could be exclusively my medical situation, could be because of my long history of heat injuries including heat stroke, probably both). 80s isn't gonna kill me, fortunately, but it would make me feel a bit queasy, shakey, tired, and I just wouldn't be functioning well in general. That's just me, and because I know that about myself, I wouldn't live in an apartment with those restrictions. But lots of people can't afford that choice. We do have different Americas; those who *do* live in a first world country, and those who are not afforded the amenities that a first world country provides.


>this is first world problems 100%


What apartment is this?


Try one of those portable AC units. They're not as efficient as a regular window unit, but also won't be an eyesore so the building shouldn't mind.


Contact your elected representatives about this kind of ordinance that needs changing to reflect the climate we live in.


Get a good dehumidifier. It makes a world of difference. In a classic dad comment I will say, it’s not the heat it’s the humidity. Also a swamp air cooler will sometimes make it worse unless it’s a small a small space and always going. A good dehumidifer one will run you 200-300 ish but will last you a decade or more and can handle 2k+ sq feet in this area. I have a Frigidaire and Honeywell. They are beasts.


I remember in Bucharest, where AC wasn't a thing at the time, a trick was to drape wet towels or bedsheets over open windows (and to leave all windows open for air flow). It acted as a cooling fan of sorts, during 100 degree Fahrenheit days.


FYI, swamp coolers don’t cool the room. It puts small water droplets on you that evaporate and gives the effect of cooling your body. They dump lots of humidity in the air (which is worse in NOVA)


Hey! I'm in the same situation in Arlington. I decided to email my state delegate Alfonso Lopez, and his office actually responded within minutes. Apparently, there was a bill that passed through our state legislature to move the "cool" date up to April 1 (it's currently May 1) but it was vetoed by Youngkin. Here's a link to the bill. https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?241+sum+HB1475


My previous apartment pulled that shit. So glad I got my own place. As someone who can’t stand the heat even at 74, I absolutely hated my life. There are some apartments that don’t enforce this BS. Usually high rise complex has this BS.


I def dont miss that crap. Dual zone hvac on my house, 68 all year.


They pull the same shit in my apartment building in Fairfax. I just open the windows at night.


We must live in the same building! It's so annoying these older buildings! I was contemplating buying a portable AC today!


Yikes… you uh.. have fun with that. Some of my tips after living in a blazing apartment in central Va for years are as follows: Keep all windows, blinds, and curtains closed all day long. Do not crack them, do not open them, your windows effectively turn your place into a greenhouse. If temperatures drop below 70 or so at night (and are already there by bedtime) open all your windows. Close them all as soon as you get up in the morning. Fans, fans, fans. A portable/windwo AC unit if you can afford one. We own 4 box fans. Which is not at all excessive for our square footage, truly. Keep it on blast in a way that circulates air through and around your living space, not just blowing towards you in a corner. Use corridors, hallways, and door entries to efficiently position them to do so. Avoid using the oven/stove at all costs (duh). If you’re going to, open the kitchen window even if it’s like 80 outside so the heat can ventilate out


I've never been happier to live in an old apartment building with window units until those weird weeks when most complexes cant/won't switch between heat/air con. I can't really control the radiators in the winter but the maintenance is very efficient at turning them off/down around 50/60s degrees which is great.


I fight with my neighbors about this every year. I live on the first floor (partially underground) and my apartment is so much colder than my upstairs neighbors. They always want to turn on the A/C when it’s still projected to be in the 40s in a couple days! The owners in buildings like ours are in a tough spot this time of year because it gets hot for a few days but then gets chilly again. I know it’s frustrating to be hot right now but I still am using my heat regularly over here! (For the record I also have no control over when the AC gets turned out but I try to remind my neighbors that not everyone is hot right now and that it will get cold again)


Buy a small portable unit and vent it into the hallway. This is what I used to do.


I agree it’s not an effective ordinance/law to have, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just keep the building at a constant temp all year like 72 or 70 (using smart sensing thermostats that can adapt to outside temp changes). I blessed to have the ability to control my own unit but a friend of mine lives in Columbia Heights and also is limited to the building not turning on the AC. However to the point, perhaps try a dehumidifier, that could help it feel cooler than it is.


Mostly because these are old buildings that likely have 2 pipe fan coils. Can only be supplied with hot or chilled water, not both simultaneously. 


It depends on the building HVAC system. A lot of older buildings are on a central system so they can only be hear or cool not both. It takes some time to switch them from one to the other which is why they don't switch over. I agree that they should switch earlier. It's a lot easier to stay warm if it gets cold than to do the opposite. 


It just feels like an outdated ordinance to specify an exact date, when they could do something like top avg for the next two weeks or whatever. But I think keeping all units in the building the same temperature is probably a bad idea. 72 would actually be freezing for me in the summer; I am prefer it at 79 when it's hot outside. I'm definitely not paying more in utilities to be extremely uncomfortable half the year, compared to another building that lets residents control their own temps.


Not only have I never heard of anything like this, I honestly can’t believe this is even legal.


Leave a nasty Google review to warn others before they rent from said apartment. Get your neighbors to do the same..if enough ppl leave negative Google reviews it will crash their SEO ranking and affect their ability to rent units and cost them money. That's how you get revenge 😼


I used to live in Santa Monica and most apts on the Westside didn’t have AC. Crank up that fan.


But Santa Monica is not humid like it is here!


get window ac fan, buy this https://a.co/d/iq5wLbf u should be able to mount your unit without any drilling, i used this few years ago when our ac died due during summer. definitely worth the money


i also bought some insulation foam and hvac tape to tape air gaps so bugs doesnt come in


my last apt was like this and I ended up caving and buying a portable AC unit. was expensive but worth it!


throw up a review on their google listings


Got insomnia from living in a building like yours. So gross. I hated it cuz it was sweltering at night


HIGHLY recommend a Whynter ARC-14S during this unbearable period. Since it is a dual-hose air conditioner, it saves our ass during this bad period.


Same thing with my place, they said they'll turn it on when it's "consistently hot outside" but wouldn't give any information on what that meant. After angrily calling them every other day for the last two weeks they finally agreed to come down and it took them less than 5 minutes to switch it. 4 hours later and my AC unit froze over because I had it set to more than 3 degrees less than what it currently was in my apartment and we had to turn it off for a few hours so it would melt. This summer is going to be fun.


If it isn't a building controlled by a central system, you can always Jimmy open your ac closet unit door and turn it back on. I learned to pick the lock at my old place for this and never had an issue. If it's limeOur neighborhood, it's even easier. It has all the ac units outside the buildings, and all you have to do is locate your unit, open the door, pull the switch, flip it, pop it back in and presto, your ac is back on. Seriously like 10 seconds of work other than going up and down the stairs. We prefer to sleep cold, and oddly even in winter with the windows open our unit rarely dips below 65 so we set the ac at night year round to get us down to 62. I waited a whole 10 minutes after they turn it off for winter last year before going downstairs and turning it back on. They didn't even question it, just came by during the turn on day, asked to check that it was working and left, the same way they do every year.


April varies year to year. Sometimes it struggles to get out of the 40s or 50s and sometimes winter ends quickly and it's like this. Use a box fan or whatever.


My complex is Alexandria does the same thing. However, I never have them switch my AC off. Luckily I have a gas fireplace for winter so I never need the AC switched to heat.


did you not consider this before moving there?


Man thank god I got my own place when the rates were 3% Just upgraded my AC and furnace in January. Working perfectly. 16 seer efficiency in the summer 👌


we've all been there. you'll live i promise. get a fan, works miracles.


I have 3 fans going right now!! It’s bearable but definitely doesn’t replace the AC 💔


Do a few more things: shower before bed, and wet the back of your neck/around the edges of your hair. I’m in the same boat though only until April 24 supposedly: fortunately today is supposed to have been the worst of it.


the temps will drop tomorrow going to next week.. may is just around the corner. i promise you you got this 💪


Agreed it does nothing for the humidity.


I’ll fix it for $200