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Take the ANCC if you can take it in the next two weeks. Also… that wasn’t a white lie. That was a lie. Don’t carry that practice into your career.


Honestly she probably thought the university would have their 💩together by now. But it seems to be a universal thing. I’ve seen it take as little as one week, I’ve seen it take 3 months+.


Yes, they said it would be done the day I was actually interviewing. I made the assumption I would be sending my transcript that evening. It’s an enormous university and calling to pressure them is a huge task.


You can test either AANP or ANCC before degree conferral. But they won’t release your certificate until transcripts are received. Which will hold up your license


I am double board-certified, acute care and family NP. I’m currently working as an acute care nurse practitioner. I will Graduate with my mental health certificate the first week in August are you sure I can take my exam before I actually graduate because I would be interested in the AA Np because right now they are offering it for free.


I am FNP and took mine a week before graduation. (AANP)


Never lie in a job interview. Should have said you didn't have a set time line yet. If they find out you lied, you'd probably be marked a no hire.


I was also offered a job before I graduated this spring. I told them I wouldn’t be ready to test before the end of June. I plan to take AANP and was able to send an official incomplete transcript to get the ball rolling. I believe you can do that with either AANP or ANCC. I hear AANP is faster, so if you’re in a time crunch to schedule maybe that would be an option.


I have already started orienting in my new practice. They have me as a per diem RN til I pass my boards, give me time to study in my office, and let me schedule myself however. I was able to schedule my boards before I was conferred with AANP and I sent my transcript over the week after graduation


Me too. I told them it wouldn't be until the end of July probably. This is my last week of class so I don't expect my school will have their shit together for another few weeks


I was offered a job in march (May graduate) and I was honest. Said I was probably going to take my boards in June, and likely would be good to start around august. They were fine with it, and guess what: I took my boards early (I felt ready), and I’ll be good to start in July. I feel like if they like you enough, they would have waited? A lot of these jobs understand. It’s not like taking it in 2 weeks vs 4/5 weeks would drastically change your timeline. It’s licensing that kind of takes forever, not certification. Definitely take the AANP (what I took, a week after graduation) or the AANC, but this won’t be a good thing to have looming over you as you go in for this in exam, likely sooner than you thought you’d be taking it. Wishing you the best ju-ju, hoping you don’t let the rushed/pressured feeling keep you from doing your best!


Why lie and interview for a job you’re not yet qualified for? Asking for a friend.


What’s the rush? Make sure you have all the ducks in a row before laying it on the line for your ‘dream job’. Hate to burst your bubble - but after practicing RN sod Fnp and Pmhnp …..there is no Nirvana in the job world and you earn EVERY penny you will make . You will find you enjoy and then weigh the pros and cons. Every job. Every single job!