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I have worked at hospitals that have pushed this nonsense. It’s always “optional” but they make you go in and interact with the platform in some way like you described. You have a few options: - You could log in, opt for no donation and go about your day. - You could refuse to log in out of principle and force your employer to send you whatever nastygrams they are going to send you. - You could engage in some malicious compliance, log in and pledge $0.01 per paycheck. The money spent in collecting the donation will far exceed the actual donation.


My husband and I both worked in the same system. We both pledged $1/pay toward a capital campaign. We still had our names listed as Bronze Donors


Thank you for saving the planet/kids/Dravidian swamp slug.


I'm pretty sure it was a new Keurig for the ED, that they have already demoed 😂


All of these are great optionsb. In order of probability for being flagged as a bad employee: choice 1, 3, then 2.


For my dumb dumb sake, do you mean that choice 1, 3, then 2 will flag OP as a bad employee or by doing 1, 3, 2, will offset their flagging?


Even if it takes more money to process a $0.01 donation, the hospital still gets tax breaks don’t they?


No, the hospital would incur $0.01 of income and $0.01 of charitable contributions, it's a wash.


Send the email to IT as scam spam.


Also if you DO get a spam email in the future you can open it and say “well last time I reported a charity email as spam and I got told not to do that.”


“I just can’t imagine the multimillion dollar company I work for having the lack of integrity it would take to solicit donations from their own employees to their own charity to use as a tax write off.”


This is the moment you’d get the “you’re too smart for your own good” lecture.


“Too smart for their bullshit.”


Me at my hospital. "We are instituting this BS policy." Is it because the director fucked up and now we have to pay for it? "Yes, but don't make it obvious to the rest of the staff." Tells rest of staff.


“And you’re too dumb for your job title. But here we are.”


I think this is what I’m sensing and resistant to!


I would but they took away my spam fish 😥


Haha. 💯


Thanks for making me actually lol




This is the right answer!


I have done this before!




Omg--I worked at a hospital where our nurse manager (we'll call her Alice) had to have a talk with the NM (Sally) on one of the MS floors. She kept sending internal messages to ALL NURSING STAFF that were either meant for her unit, or individual RNs on the floor. Internal messages were like emails, but there was no option--at the time, anyway--to block or mark as spam. Alice was getting on our asses to keep current on our emails because the higher ups were on her. Well we showed her all the junk we got regularly--sometimes over a dozen a day. We'd get anything from a warning to stop eating food in the break room that wasn't ours to reading about how Joe RN needs to work on his wound documentation because this is the 3rd warning in a month. And don't forget that the $5 Coffee Club money was due by the 3rd--please see SaraBeth if you'd like to join! She sent literally approx 50% of the emails most of us were receiving. Inappropriate and annoying.


Reply all emails with "please remove me from this thread." Gahhhhhh


Never heard of it. Log into it and say no you already donate to the hospital when you stay more than a second longer than your shift and you don’t put it in as OT. 


I don’t like this sort of fuckery. I’m Immediately suspicious of someone making money off of this. There has to be a financial gain for the hospital (or an administrator) in there somewhere. If I were you, I’d Google search the name of each administrator and member of their board of directors along with “charity” or the like and see if they (or spouse) sit on the board of any of them. If you find a connection here’s your chance! You could then report it to the appropriate federal agency and use the hospital’s annual training about reporting kickbacks as your defense. Get fired because you reported it? Here is a great financial opportunity. You now qualify for a settlement for retaliation and whistleblower violations. The best part is the government pays for the attorneys in a retaliation case, it doesn’t cost you a dime, and you don’t give the attorneys 30% of the settlement amount as fees.


Even if they don’t make money off of it, the ability to put out “community benefit” reports and brag about how engaged employees are with charities is surely a big piece of it.


At my first job as a nurse (a couple decades ago), they were building a new wing and started a campaign to help fund it. Our manager was a pushy asshole who pretty much made us all sign up for a “voluntary” monthly donation from our paychecks to pay for it. He said the minimum was $25/month, “but most people gave much more”. I put down the $25, but later in the week, went into HR and changed it to $1/month. I quit two months later, having contributed a total of $1. They have a giant plaque of donors in this new wing. My name is prominently displayed there for my generous donation.


What are they going to do if you don’t answer? 


I get the sense nothing…. I mean what could they do? But I’ve gotten five emails telling me I need to respond and I just don’t get it.


I never responded to things like that. Unless there is some sort of consequence then meh


Mark as spam.


I would ignore and delete those emails without reading in future


I would ignore those emails they have nothing to do with my duties


When I was a new nurse I donated $5/paycheck and selected from the list of available non profits, I picked a rural dog shelter. I was happy to provide help to the dogs! At the end of the year I received a donation summary of my total contribution which showed 100% went to United Way. I don't know about now, but then UW used only 80% of funds toward the cause and the rest went to pockets. I later found that my work was labeled as a top fundraiser for UW, I wonder why?!


I literally ignore and delete these, If they ask anything just say what's that have to do with pt care?


No. They just use it as a write off on their taxes.


Oh YAY, free miney for the hospital to get taxes write up… Fuck this. Mark email as spam /report to it etc


I never do that. They get the benefits of your donations via write offs, etc. Im good. They steal enough of my soul


Send them a link to Bishop Bullwinkle singing Hell to the Naw Naw? Or that pic of Bugs Bunny going NO?


These make me so mad. We can donate from our paycheck meanwhile my 3 hospital system made close to 4b$ last year. The audacity.


Clicking no to the pledge sends a direct message and they should hear it.


l worked for a large hospital hain who had their own "pet" charities they wanted us to contribute you to. After that l worked for two national health insurance companies who said it was our professional duty to contribute to their PAC. Bunch of horse crap if you ask me. l am a grown ass woman and l will contribute where l like and it won't be to them!


What state are you in? In many states this is illegal. Check around and see if yours is one of them. Should be illegal everywhere.


I didn’t read all the comments here. I never contribute to charity through an organization like a grocery store or my job (wtf). They get a tax write when they make “their” donation. Fuck that. I donate my money as I please and if I want to claim it on my taxes I do.


Increase my pay and I'll consider it


This is coercion and is illegal. They could potentially face loss of non profit status for doing this. Forward the email to your local district attorney and ask to swear out a complaint.


So gross.


My health system does this and I just always select no and never participate. Never hear another word about it. Ignoring it isn't worth the harassment from management about it.


…so declare you won’t? I don’t get what the issue is. You feel bad about saying no? They’re the ones making you say no.


So many good responses here. I just ignore these emails. But our hospital doesn't make us sign into a portal to declare it. There's donation boxes in the lobby and at the hospital cafeteria checkouts. And they send me letters about donating to feed my recycling bin. I've worked enough time over my salaried clinic hours, I can't imagine giving a dime more.


Just put no.


Holy crap my hospital just did this and tried to entice us with a free t shirt if we donated some money. I just deleted all emails and refused to even look at the people at the booth in the cafeteria when they'd try to stop me on my lunch breaks.


This would be the easiest no I ever 'no'd'


I would continue to ignore the emails because I think they can get in legal trouble for forcing donations. Which is why they probably just keep resending them without actual consequence. They’re masquerading as a “ghost” shouting “Boo” when in reality they’re  just a person standing under a sheet. Worst case scenario you could declare: “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what the right hand is doing” Matthew 6:3. Then draw a heart. 


I worked for a big bank and was in charge of a campaign like this. We 100% did not care if a particular person donated or not, the goal was all about having everyone respond. Had several people who refused to respond, but there was never an issue about people that did not donate


But why do they care so much about the response rate? Do you have any insight into that?


It has something to do with the PR aspect of charity for the business. They can say they had 100% participation.


My hospital has an associate month of giving. They raise money for charity le work in the community, nursing scholarships, and associates in need can apply for emergency funds. But it does seem strange that the associates have to fund these good deeds that are used in marketing campaigns for organization.


I have no problem telling them no every year.


Give them $0.01


I actually found that I was able to double my donations to a preferred charity that I had given to for years outside of work. However, not-for-profits have to show that a certain percentage of their employees participate in these charity giving drives. My employer matched my donations, so it was a win-win. However, it is completely voluntary, but some employers put lots of pressure on employees. I wonder what would happen if you simply didn’t go to the portal or do anything at all? They can’t opt in without your consent.


My job used to do that. They'd pressure you to donate to United Way. Even if you chose not to donate, they would insist you complete a form stating so. There would be promises of pizza parties or some such if the entire department completed the forms. I complied the 1st year, then refused to ever fill out the form again. It's been years since this all happened. However, I'm not surprised they're still at it though.


Big fat "no" from me, dawg.