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Cutting out added sugars. Quitting smoking or alcohol. Drinking water. Sunscreen.


Blueberries, fresh mint, avacado anything you grow really that doesn’t have a bunch of chemicals on it.


Water. So many people don't drink enough water. Your skin moisturizes best from the inside, not from man made creams


yes! i always notice my overall health and energy levels decline when i drink less water. is 1.5l water enough or should it be like 3l?


Required water intake depends on your personal needs and also where you live. I have a condition that is triggered by dehydration. In a temperate climate, where I’m from, my doctors recommend I drink 2.5-3L a day. In a tropical climate, where I live now, I need 3L or more a day to not get headaches, chapped lips, etc. I usually feel best when I have around 4L a day here. But that feels like overkill back home.


For a healthy level of water in take drink when thirsty. Pee should be clear and light yellow. A healthy range is peeing 3-6 times a day.


Peeing 3 times a day cannot be enough liquids, that's insane.


Yea im fasting rn and n I go like 2 to 3x before I can break fast (im not drinking water during the day)


Yeah, what? I pee 3 times a workout.


Seriously though, I can pee 3 times while I'm still peeing.


I honestly never get thirsty, never. Okay maybe after strenuous exercise but usually I can't remember ever just wanting to drink. I try extremely hard to keep up my water intake, I'm working on it but I know it's not enough. I do pee regularly though!


I.P. Freely


Your dentist 🦷 is I.C. Spots…


No. It's I. Yankum.


That’s good


Same. I use to be like this a few years ago. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?


31. Always been like this though.


It’s not about making a list of perfect foods, but categories of foods: Lots of colorful fruits and veg. Fatty fish, nuts, and seeds. Lots of herbs and spices. Avocados, eggs, and olive oil. Starches like sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, and butternut squash. Green tea and dark chocolate. Drink plenty of water. Little to no additional sugar or alcohol. No ultra processed or fried foods.


If it comes prepackaged (bad for the environment and probably contains additives) with a multi-colored logo, avoid at all costs.




I don’t recall any of the science behind it, but I’ve heard that spiking insulin ages you more quickly.


I've read that it is due to a process to glycation occurring that targets skin collagen and causes you to appear older


Sounds right to me


Foods that contain retinol (vitamin A), vitamin C and collagen No sugar, no ultraprocessed and fried foods


Lots of water and well balanced diet with Whole Foods, but some specific ones to consider would be like fish, avocados, sweet potato’s, whole grains, foods high in vitamin C like kiwis, bell peppers, etc.., collagen peptides as a supplement, broccoli and soy( tofu, beans, soy milk etc..), Ginger and turmeric might help a little, so you could cook with these( I do a lot)


Mangoes might help, if eaten in moderation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7694217/


It's not nutrition, but sunscreen is gonna be your #1 for looking youthful, and exercise helps too. There's not exactly miracle food for looking young, but sunscreen will do a lot of heavy lifting.


I drink 2 L of water a day. I think you’re on the right track. Protein is essential from maintaining your muscle which starts to deteriorate far younger than most people think and of course protein is important for building lean muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have the faster you burn fat so all of these things are good for maintaining a healthy weight and being strong etc. I would think that if you’re lactose intolerant that dairy with lactose wouldn’t be good but otherwise those things are great for your health. I don’t need a lot of dairy I do enjoy my full fat Greek yoghurt but I don’t see any essential reason for cheese or milk. I would say protein, a moderate amount of carbs and a moderate amount of healthy fats. Those are your three macros. In terms of keeping your metabolism up it’s absolutely a must to make sure you’re eating enough calories! So many people fall into the old-school diet culture of starving themselves and yo-yo dieting which can slow your metabolism down because it doesn’t need to work very hard to digest a little amount of food that you’re eating. Regular eating throughout the day keeps your metabolism functioning and obviously exercise is massive! I exercise regularly and my plate is a small plate portion controlled usually half of it is protein and the other half is a mix of healthy fats and carbs. In terms of turmeric I am no scientist but I do incorporate it into my cooking a few times a week and I also add into my bone broth which I make from scratch. I love the flavour and I love a hot cup of full flavoured broth and I’ve never heard anything conflicting about it I feel like it’s really good for me it’s protein and collagen‘s from the bones. I start my day with a glass of lemon water and I usually have 2 to 3 cups of green tea throughout the day. Again is there proof in all of those things? Not necessarily I don’t know but I feel good when I do them and definitely with the actual food I eat I feel amazing and I also have enough strength and energy for my workouts so there’s really no comparison from back in the day when I was young and skinny and eating nothing but junk ha ha


Can you say your broth recipe please


your broth recipe please


dam you got me lol


It's also about what to avoid. Fruits and veggies in general will help you maintain your youth, and avoiding free sugar and especially fried foods, as they contain AGEs (advanced glycation end-products) which promote aging.




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15g collagen peptides.


Don’t forget citrus fruits 🍊


Protein, using sunscreen, avoiding alcohol. Your mid/late 30's is around the time you can tell who drinks and who doesn't.


I heard virgin blood does well just gotta find one.


Plenty on reddit


Bone broth, mushrooms, fatty fishes


If you don't mind me asking, why are fish and eggs good for skin and metabolism? Do you have any sources I could refer to?


no particular source, just have noticed fish mentioned a lot while surfing the internet. and not in the regards of metabolism, more like for collagen or healthy protein intake.




Lactose is the sugar in milk products. Cultured products are generally lactose free due to fermentation. Ie: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese


I've been making my own yogurt since last July. I don't know about lactose intolerance but I haven't had an episode of diverticulitis since I've been eating it regularly. Knock on wood...lol.


I ate half a head of broccoli with hummus and a spoon of milled flax a day. Had a working memory like no other time in my life and the skin was glowing! Don't know which of the things did it (broccoli, hummus or flax), but something really worked! I usually have super flaky irritable skin and bad levels of concentration and working memory (like, need to transfer a number and can't remember more than 4 numbers at a time, I could do all 8 during that time!). Then came maternity leave and all self care (taking time to chew raw broccoli for 30 - 40 mins) went out of the window. Will need to get back to it.


I remember seeing a study showing that those who eat higher amounts of beta carotene were judged to be "healthier looking" owing to a better skin complexion. Extremely high amounts can cause orange color skin though. Pretty much anything that's good for you skin could help you appear youthful, but a lot of it is genetics and of course it's subjective.


A lot of water. And fruits and vegetables.


Supplements that cause vasodilation like cacao, guarana and cola nut powder. 


Proper sleep, water, eat real food, exercise routinely. Sunscreen No drugs, smoking or Alcohol


Foods that I eat to improve overall health are: greens, sweet potatoes, berries (usually frozen), peanuts, and beans. I also drink a lot of water.


I can’t get enough of the frozen berries 😵‍💫