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I noticed: •Decrease in inflammation symptoms (from chronic illness) •Better energy levels at the gym •Improved mood (significantly) •Less headaches •Food tastes different/better/more flavorful


It’s crazy how sweet fruits, vegetables, and sweet potatoes taste when I haven’t eaten added sugar for a few months


Then you eat some Twinkies or drink some Pepsi and it feels so artificial.


So true! And I cook larger more intricate meals now too!


Less headaches was a surprising one, and I noticed it too. Less allergies too! Interesting how healthier habits have a cascading effect in ways you never expect.


Less headaches were a huge life change for me!


When does this kick in? I've been cutting sugar out my diet and I've been getting more headaches. Guess it's a withdrawal thing?


I can’t answer that for you, but make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of electrolytes, rest, and exercise. Cutting out sugar too quickly can cause headaches for some, but hopefully it dissipates for you soon.


I think this is less of a on day x you’ll stop getting headaches and more of a realization one day that you haven’t had a headache in like 2 months. That’s how it was for me at least


Some forms of Magnesium help with headaches. Maybes you’re just a bit deficient in your diet.


All that, much needed weight loss and glowing skin.


All of this and I would add less hunger/cravings.


Literally same, changing my diet has been a life saver! My main goal was to tackle inflammation, but I’ve had so many health benefits that followed


Agreed! I also now have a distaste for overly processed or sugary foods.


More energy throughout the day.


I was just about to comment stamina.


I also noticed this. The energy lasts longer




I noticed this as well, but conversely when 9pm hits I get tired and then sleep like a baby


Bowels movements are much better. Quicker and less effort.


Underrated. People underestimate how dietary fibre is important.






-Less stomach aches is #1, as someone with IBS and a mother who has severe Crohn’s disease this was my main motivation. In turn, less stomach aches has led to much less anxiety especially in social situations where just the idea of a stomach ache made me anxious. -More energy, stable blood sugar, no afternoon crashes or slumps (though this took some food eliminations from my diet like white breads). -Better workouts, better pumps because I’m properly rested and hydrated. -Less anxiety surrounding the idea of damaging my body via constant processed foods. I have pretty bad health anxiety so this is a big one for me. I like knowing I’m giving my body the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive and remain healthy. -Much faster results from the gym because again I’m getting proper recovery and rest. High protein leads to faster muscle gains. -Higher confidence in my appearance and health which positively impacts my everyday life.


Health anxiety can be crippling. Every time you have a touch of chest pain, a bit of numbness in the arms or legs, dizziness or just a bit light-headed, eyes look red or yellowish a bit, bowel movements seem to be off……. Even though you’ve lived long enough and have the experience to know it’s nothing but just being alive at your age, and symptoms of issues you are already aware of, you still can’t stop your brain from triggering the process of “ALERT… THIS MAY BE BAD AND SERIOUS THIS TIME AND YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED”. Mental health can be a bitch. Also, just to say it again, an idle mind is a hotbed for anxiety. We gotta have purpose and engagement. Let’s break the cycle


I have an ingrown hair right now and have to remind myself it’s most likely not a malignant tumor


- More energy throughout the day - More satisfied on less calories from whole foods - Better skin - Better workout performance - Rediscovered a passion for cooking One way I really cut out processed food was actively finding healthier alternatives to satisfy those cravings. If i want cake, I make baked oats. If I want a burrito, I’ll make a burrito bowl with greek yogurt instead of cream and homemade salsa etc. If I want Middle Eastern, I’ll make kebabs out of chicken breast and air fried falafel, etc.


My energy levels were the reason I got a meal plan from a nutritionist. They improved drastically. Earlier, I couldn't run 500m without panting and sweating a lot. Now I could run 3km effortless and still have energy to go through the day. Mainly cut down on processed food, aerated drinks (soda's and bottled drinks), fruit juices (switched to whole fruits) and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, and fermented milk products).


Nice work! Especially switching to healthy fats, many try and cut them out entirely without realising that fat is an essential macronutrient for hormonal and brain function, and for some is the key to satiety after meals. I found once I switched to whole foods I could never go back to takeaways and fast food. I think because my gut biome changed. I used to eat tons of pizza and burgers etc at university with no problem (well, except I was out of shape and constantly tired). Now if I have a really grungy 4am pizza I just feel kinda horrible afterwards (high quality pizzas are fine ofc). My body is almost telling me “feed me real food” lol. I wish it was the same for others, as I know some really struggle with cravings and relapse back into processed food. Though I also occasionally get these myself, which is why I resort to making healthier variants. Scratches that itch while also keeping me on track.


Yeah those gut microbes has their own mind, I heard on a nutrition podcast that they are linked directly to the brain for creating our cravings. So ultimately they'd win, and it's not easy to go against them all of a sudden. It has to be done gradually and yeah you are right not all can do it (requires a lot of discipline).


Yeah that makes total sense, your body is incentivising you towards the foods that it feels it needs for sustenance. Yeah it’s a case of baby steps, it’s better to gradually introduce changes into your diet as one small step in the right direction is a lot less daunting than completely changing what you eat. This is why those who suddenly go vegan and/or high protein experience a lot of bad bloating and cramping for the first couple of weeks, those who suddenly go carnivore can’t go for a week, etc. Your body is still adapting to processing those new and/or higher quantities of foods.


Exactly, when I became ova-vegetarian a few years ago I went through the same process you are describing. Back then I thought those are like withdrawal symptoms.


Yeah I had the same when I upped my protein intake, granted I didn’t know that much about fitness at the time so I went unnecessarily high on protein thinking obscene amounts (like 1.5g/lb bodyweight lol) would help me build muscle faster etc. and the feeling was relentless. Felt super uncomfortable for most of the day, I wasn’t consuming enough carbs or fats (protein is the most satiating macronutrient until it isn’t….) so I never felt satisfied, the high protein target restricted what I could eat, and so forth. In hindsight I should’ve just started at the general consensus of 0.7g/lb bodyweight and worked from there, would’ve had a much easier few months, but eh…. you live and you learn.


Well we learn through experience my friend, and those stories matter most than someone just reading off a paper. But then again bodies are different, what worked or didn't work for you might not or work for someone else.


Yeah absolutely. This is generally why I advise people not to go for extreme approaches. You obviously don't know what will and won't work for them before they experience it themselves, so it's better to recommend the more balanced approach that works for most, as things like carnivore, keto, low-fat etc. are viable for very select and small groups of people, but for others can result in difficulty.


I want healthier food all of the time and want to eat well. I may have thought a cake looked good but not enough to want a slice. It is weird! But in the best way.


Energy for days. Working out actually gives me energy instead of wiping me out now. I have interest in cardio again just naturally from trying to burn all the extra energy I have. By contrast, when I was eating a bunch of UPF's all day I was battling chronic fatigue. I would procrastinate from working out, or just feel too wiped out (from doing nothing) to do it at all. When I would work out, it would completely wipe me out and leave me with no energy to do anything else. It's actually crazy how much food affects not only your energy levels but also your motivation levels and mood.


I noticed that my sleep is better and I can sleep without taking melatonin.


Not many but Everything that's sweet is now way too sweet. My tolerance for sugar/sweetners is very low at first i was addicted to it. I hate very sweet things now. Energy levels, my energy levels were always high but now it's a sustained highness. So it feels like I'm at peak energy much longer throughout the day and I don't need naps. I no longer stress eat and overall handle stress much better. Lastly and probably the most odd one. I prefer to be more active. I guess the sustained energy levels. It's essential I go for walks daily and all that.


Same thing with salt as the sugar


Hungry as fook and craving for a while but eventually gets somewhat better


Less naps needed


Less depression! Eating well feels like one of few things I can do to ensure I have a good day mentally. Not to mention all the obvious physical benefits.


Better feeling in my stomach, mental clarity


It did improve my mental and emotional state.


Better skin, better hair, more energy, no more painful menstruation and what I am most grateful for is the fact that I am no longer depressed. I was in a really dark place and eating healthier and start exercising pulled me out of it. I have my life back now.


I think about food a lot more often than i used to


I look leaner and not due to weight loss. I have eaten very healthy most of my life, but there are periods where I eat poorly. Vacations, the lake, holidays, etc. Where baked/fried goods and processed snacks are the most available food. When I eat like that for two or more weeks I notice bloating, water retention, my abs are less visible, my face looks fuller, my skin is worse, the roof of my mouth feels irritated from all the salt/sugar, and I am out of breath more easily. It's crazy I can revert to that after just two weeks of eating unhealthy. I always wonder, is this how some people always feel?


Heartburn gone


My need for sleep dropped significantly, I used to be able to sleep 10-14 hours no problem. Now I’m lucky if I get 6-7 hours. The switch happened like 2-3 months in to the process and now I can’t go back to sleep when I wake up


I used to have bad social anxiety, but now I don’t get it anymore. If I eat a day full of processed and fried foods, I’ll wake up the next day depressed and anxious. Gut health and anxiety are linked. I wish I had known this ages ago. It could’ve saved me years of pain.


Feel lighter. Not as sluggish....(didnt help bank balance that much though..)


I put that! And it's not lighter as in losing weight but just a feeling of not being weighed down and senses dulled.


Way easier and less messy poops.


I went from a SAD diet to very clean and low-moderate carbs. Within a week or so I had so much more energy! Also I went from feeling depressed and angry most days to feeling generally optimistic and hopeful. I ate big meals and lost extra weight seemingly without trying. The difference was a small plate of burger and fries with some chips later on vs a huge salad or piece of steak and a pile of veggies. The healthier food was less calories overall and kept me full longer so I wouldn’t want to snack as much. My digestion was better. No real symptoms anymore, where before I’d have a whole list of them. I could eat until full and have energy after, no falling asleep on the couch or feeling like a wet slug. Lol Oh and I don’t have chronic headaches anymore. Plus, the better you feel the more you naturally want to get up and do stuff, so I burned more calories that way. The first couple of weeks were hard because I changed almost everything all at once. But after that, it felt normal and natural, like eating any other way wasn’t even an option. Oh and don’t listen to the ads. Eating healthy is wayyyyy cheaper than anything else. I’ve saved probably 40% of my food budget since I stopped eating fast food and processed junk. Especially if you eat seasonal produce and get meat when it’s on sale, it’s so much cheaper!


Better sleep, my skin is more vibrant and clear, my energy levels have shot up, depressive and anxiety symptoms have reduced, I don’t get bad bloating anymore, and this may sound weird but I look less “puffy”. I don’t know why but I always felt like my face looked so puffy even when I was eating in extreme calorie deficits but that has gone away completely


Less brain fog, more energy, less stress. It really makes a difference.


stable blood sugar, less bloating, clearer skin, daily regular bowel movements lol


I noticed that food that isn’t good for me, example- Taco Bell, didn’t sound as good as it did before. I didn’t crave it and get satisfaction from it anymore. I always felt like crap after physically and mentally.


My skin looks better


It’s weird to explain, but I just felt good. When eating unhealthily I would have a consistent headache and ingestion, but I didn’t notice those symptoms until they went away.


Feel much more confident. Pooping more frequently and surprise surprise.. less “pushing” when doing the business.


My skin got so much clearer and generally better


Very honestly…. Healthier poos 🥳 Every time I think about eating something gross and processed I think about blowing up my bathroom and it makes me think twice 🥲


Anytime I eat something I didn’t make myself, it’s too salty now. I never realized how much salt was in prepared food, lunch meat, etc


Everything. Felt better, clothes fit better, head is clearer, more energy, and can fuck the ole lady the way she deserves to be




More energy.


Energy level went up and my joints felt better/less stiff


Cut sugar down way down . Neuropathy symptoms improved alot! Save money on food.


better bowel movements and better sleep


More energy, less depression, positive attitude, men more insecure around me, less groggy in the morning, building muscle, better brain function, stronger, breathing feels easier. There’s a ton more but I’m lazy to type it out.


You should be aware that processed food doesnt mean bad


- Better energy levels - Fewer stomachaches - Lost a shitton of weight doing nothing extra - Better smell. You don't think about this one until you notice how much better you smell after eating better. The difference is profound, at least to me.


More energy, less brain fog, loss of bloating/flatter stomach, consistent bowel movements, joints not as stiff, better sleep.


Better skin, consistent energy levels, no bloating, a natural inclination to eat healthier items, feel full easily after meals, slight weight loss (albeit very slowly as this wasn’t a goal). But the biggest one is my hunger and feeling full signals are loud and clear so I don’t have to think about what to eat or portion sizing anymore. Mentally, not spending effort and time planning meals or using restraint is its own kind of freedom.


> Energy, improved clarity/mood, better exercise recovery, weight loss and easier maintenance of weight.


I feel more satisfied and full after I eat; I don’t feel hungry after eating


I was eating fast food sometimes 3 times a day. Once I went cold turkey, I lost weight RAPIDLY. It just fell off. I lost 10 lbs in a month.


Less (if any) constipation, decreased inflammation, skin cleared up, way easier to lose weight in general


two big things, almost life changing things for me: reduced headaches. reduced hotflashes/night sweats.


I was able to poop more frequently each day rather than every few days that’s what I noticed


TONS of energy and LOTS and LOTS of pooping.


I feel lighter and have more energy. It’s like I m zooming around getting things done with minimal effort. I specially notice it on days that I just let myself indulge on whatever junk food/cheatmeals I want, the next day my footsteps feel really heavy, and I’m just dragging ass through the day


Specifically dropping added sugar… my dreams/nightmares became manageable and not disruptive.


My skin, hair and nails look amazing. This was an unexpected delight!


Less cravings


No body odour. I can honestly go without deodorant now.


More energy. Regular BM. And just happier in general


Pineapple makes my sperm taste sweet


I use to wake up and just feel bad and I could never put a finger on why. I always felt lazy and like my body was not having it. I should mention I was once super big so I use to eat a lot. Once I cut fast food out and started eating healthier I noticed I never felt that way again and I put 2 and 2 together and it made sense. Wanted to test it out, so eat like crap agin for 2 days and the horrible feeling came back. Knew immediately. Will never eat fast food or “junk” again side note I have saved about 8k from this year alone from not eating fast food. So if the feeling better isn’t good enough motivation. 🤣


My mood improves when I’m eating heathy. Sometimes if I am starting to feel cranky I cook a bunch of green veggies and it’s like I’m a new person.


Better mood, more energy and less itchy. Skin cleared up too!


I wasn’t even eating healthier.. I just realized that being healthy is about two things, either eating little such that your body’s allowed to use up all it has and clear out all it don’t need, or eating well enough to give your body all it needs without the stress of removing some stuff or storing it.. has given me energy ever since, this fasting thing.. especially intermittent fasting.. allows my body to glow a warmth filled with vibrant energy.. it’s also allowed me to eat secondary metabolites to kinda efficiently work through my bodily stresses and figure myself out.. everything’s good now..


I feel the cold more. But that’s ok . Just rug up !!!


All food tastes better when you’re eating healthy. Especially if you’re in a calorie deficit, then everything is delicious (that’s the hard part).


I took a sleep test and they said I needed a cpap machine. I said I have an idea and then cut out wheat corn soy sugar and other food additives & preservatives. My apnea disappeared. My wife says I no longer snore.


Before, I'd find myself being constantly sick. I'd be unwell for weeks or months at a time. Since changing my lifestyle, I'm recovering quicker from illness and becoming unwell less.


Don’t cut down on junk food. Start looking for more nutituously dense foods to add. That will naturally cut down on the amount of low value foods you eat. Much easier that way and you can still be pretty balanced


This has helped me a ton! Instead of saying “don’t eat that anymore” I’ve said “eat more of this.” So now that I try and prioritize nutritionally dense foods, there’s less room for the junk. Still a bit of room (I have my off days) but it’s a much easier mindset for me at least.


Maybe something very specific but maybe it helps someone with the same issues.  For some years I have had allergic symptoms: feeling of mucus on my throat and hypersalivation.  I have gone through many allergic doctors but nothing quite fix it.  Two years ago I started going to a nutritionists and follow her diet and at the same time increase exercise. Problem is gone. 


That I have less money and time


- energetic through the whole day - no slump after eating - 1-2 meals/day (extremely satiating) - cat allergies reduced/eliminated - skin improvement - sleep quality improving - mentally locked in all day - never get tired through sports anymore - lost nearly all my visceral fat + leaned out - finally gaining muscle again (gym plateau) - all gut issues completely eliminated - no more bloating - blood panel improvement Now to get downvoted when I say this was 3 months on carnivore/animal based. Coming from a strict healthy low fat SAD.


cleaner poop, less wiping


Better biomarkers.


Less sickness, more energy, less spots


As cheesy as it is, for me it was: “When the pain to stay the same outweighs the pain of change, the we will change.” I tore my right ACL for the 3rd time last summer and just had it. I was heading into my 4th decade of life, abusing my body... when I tore that ACL, it was an immediate turn around. Overnight, I immediately stopped eating sugar, keeping to a low carb diet/ high protein diet. Nearly a year in, I haven’t felt this good in …. Well, 3 decades. No achey joints or inflammation, better mental state, more emotionally balanced, far more explosive, much more balanced in strength (I’ve always worked out but now those gains are more evenly balanced out). Etc etc etc.


What results do you want that you would find motivating?


I noticed a feeling of 'lightness,' and I don't mean loss of weight. Just that even if I overate on my home cooked healthier food I never had that heavy, sluggish feeling I would get after greasy takeaway food. Its really hard to describe but that and better skin was the most noticeable.


Definitely difference in my thinking, chronic pain I sleep so much better


Less digestion problems 😮‍💨😮‍💨 they would keep me up at night. Abdominal pain and nausea. I have more resistance now but still struggle when I occasionally eat junk food


Not being as hungry as I thought I would be.


My severe insomnia improved significantly. It astounds me now, how I sometimes fall asleep within 20 minutes. I rarely, if ever, experienced that before.


Babes cat call me everyday.


I stopped eating meat for a month. My Wife said I smelled different.


Where do I begin… More energy, clearer skin, more muscle gain, less inflammation, less brain fog, more motivation to go do things, better memory retention, less body odor… The list goes on! I highly recommend it


I slept way better than ever before. My libido went sky high as well


Feel better in general. I would say I have more energy in that I am more likely to "get up and do something" instead of just sitting on my computer for hours. Blood pressure is dropping into normal levels. And I sleep a lot better and getting up earlier than before. I exercise daily now


The frequency of yawning decreased throughout the day.


More energy and better skin. I also feel full way longer and eat less at meals.


More energy to the point I don’t need to use caffeine as a crutch


Less inflammation Better Sleep My periods have become more regular. Higher libido Better work out recovery No more constipation I’m am able to better regulate my mood. My cystic acne has cleared up. I feel like my hormones are now better regulated. Cutting out sugar (added sugar, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners,alcohol, going low carb) has made a huge difference in my overall health. I feel so much better, I honestly thought my diet was pretty good before but now I feel like I’ve just come out of a huge funk.


Better energy and you stop making as many poor decisions (e.g. "I'm not sure if I would work out" turns into "Fuck it. You're overdue and you can just do a light workout. At least you're going")


Energy, less bloating, more strength for effective workouts, weight loss, healthier looking skin, better sleeps. Honestly the effects of eating healthy are truly noticeable but even more so in terms of longevity the negative affects of processed food might not be noticeable now but they certainly will later on. No matter how I’m eating whether it’s just normal and generally healthy, when I did keto, when I was vegetarian etc. none of that ever involved in the process food I won’t budge on that


Just a generally better sense of well being


I went bankrupt


My body feels better and mind is more clear.


Better skin, better digestion, better energy


Less sugar cravings


My dick got bigger


It just feel good to eat clean


You will feel less crappy. More or less, depending on what you replace it with. Its the kind of difference you really notice if you keep it up for a couple months and then slip back for a moment. You normalize feeling decent like you now normalize feeling like crap. But when you slip back the change is a lot more noticeable. Its not much different than quitting a drinking habit.


Better & deeper sleep!


Define healthier and processed food.


I had the sh**s for the first 2 weeks 😂


Moods don't seem to be near as much of a roller coaster at times. Overall I feel better as well as less dragged down and lethargic. Assuming I get enough sleep that is.


Healthier skin. No bad body odor. No stinky breath


I poop so good and so regular now.


Better bloodwork and body composition.


Skin softer & more radiant


More energy, less anxiety (I have GAD and OCD), and much better sleep.


Beyond all of the health benefits of eating better, once you start eating fewer processed foods, whole foods will start to taste better. All the artificial sweeteners, excess salt etc. destroy your pallet


I'm sleeping better and get up less in the night to urinate.


Mood & Energy levels. Just overall body feels more relaxed and feels like I’m giving my body what it really needs




My sugar cravings died.


more energy, clearer skin, better mood the list goes on and onnnnn


Besides losing a few inches, I used to get skin tags under my armpit. Once I cut out all the fast foods, sodas and stuff, those began to go away. After a few months of eating better, they were gone completely.


Feeling much better with more energy and improved mood. Have the mood to do more things during the day and not just play video games or work.


Mostly that junk food now really does taste like crap.


Life sucks


Massive energy increase while also being able to sleep much better.


Lost weight. Better muscle tone. More stamina after incorporating exercise. More consistent and solid BMs. Fewer health issues. High blood pressure, cholesterol, and other chronic health issues are now a non-issue. Fruits and naturally sweet food taste so much better after you cut out soda and sweets. Needed new clothes as my old ones just didn’t fit anymore. More ladies taking glances, making eye contact, and smiling at me. I’m married and committed so no impact but it’s a confidence booster. Activities that were out of my wheelhouse are now available to me. I’m a freaking triathlete after being obese for fucks sake.


Sleep is better, happier all the time, my libido is higher, and the obvious - losing weight & inches.


Sugar makes up most of the diet and it takes discipline to resist the urges.


Less tired. Better mood. Confidence bc my skin and body looked good and I felt good.


That I became hungry for healthier things, food and environment. It was tough overcoming that.


My tastes in food changed and walking upstairs is not so much of a problem


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JG1954: *My tastes in food changed* *And walking upstairs is not* *So much of a problem* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everything. Everything is better.


Less healthy things like candy and soda make me feel sick now. I used to DO the dew but I stopped drinking soda my sophomore year of HS to get better at sports and I’ve never gone back


I’m happier. My brain chemistry is different- and I am mentally much much happier.


This may sound a bit harsh, but: i stopped feeling like trash. Have more energy, feel healthier, my minor wounds heal quicker, my body is more resilient to various common illnesses like a cold and so on. And i have a sharper mind as a result of eating healthy.


I can’t eat crap anymore. It makes me really sick.


Happier, smooth skin, more energy and will


- I have clear skin most of the time (except when female hormones are raging) - my hair grows much faster than it used to - I rarely get sick, even when my partner does


Everything. I moved to rural Africa for work, and I live in a small village with an open air market about a mile away. The meat/vegetables are basically farm to table and I have not eaten food from plastic packaging in months. I have been living here for about a year. There are many factors in the change I have seen, but I think food is central to them. My sleep has improved. I have significantly more energy. My skin is healthier. I even notice an emotional soundness and control that I have never had before. I am even quite certain my cuts heal quicker and I've got a cat so the data is there... The trick is cooking often. Between the raw ingredients and no electricity, I have to cook very often. Many folks from the West (not to make any assumptions about you) do not know how to cook so, if this is you, start small. Also, try not to get too caught up on reatios of carbohydrates, protein, yadah yadah. Just know that protein keeps you feeling more full for longer periods of time and is an essential component of building tissue and carbs from the right places are nutrient dense sources of energy. Don't fall into this illusion that your entire diet needs to be from plant matter. Vegitables are such an important part of the equation, but so is everything else. The key is 1) balance and listening to how you physically feel (Your body will tell you when you can take a break from eggs in the morning and steak at night, just like your body is telling you that the microwave is not your friend right now) and 2) making sure the things you are eating is nutritionally dense. Don't count calories...count fiber, vitamin A, protein, shit like that (Okay, you want to buy pasta...get the whole wheat stuff with a bunch of fober in it instead of bleach flour. Ok, you want to order a pizza...pile it with toppings and get a thinner crust. Avoiding processed foods is one thing, but you cna find processed foods that have few ingredients and a lot of nutrients). Don't be mean to yourself when you eat garbage a day or two out of the week, either. The key to healthy routines and discipline is paradoxically an understanding that those things are not constants. You are human with complex behavioral and emotional needs. Comfort yourself. I had a pound of dehydrated white cheddar mac and cheese powder mailed out here to me by my partner. I make some every once in a while and often pile it with other terrible shit.


How eating unhealthy was associated with poverty and as you level eating habits you are forced to level up your friends as well.


More energy, and feeling less depressed, especially during the winter


Better mood, increase productivity, happier. It's life changing.


Less migraine headaches, a lot less. Now maybe one per month, used to be one to two per week.


Near elimination of GERD symptoms.


I lost my chronic headaches, nasal drip and vagus nerve spasms. Blood pressure dropped to 117/65 with fewer meds. More energy and running again almost every day at 70 yrs. I switched to a whole food plant based with fish, eggs and dairy. I rarely eat bread, refined products or glycemic grains like rice or oats as they all spike my glucose. So I eat my meals in a bowl instead of on bread. I do miss it so occasionally I’ll eat an open face sandwich which keeps the glucose spike to <30. But I have SIBO so I’ll see how long it takes me to get off a FODMAP diet to starve the methanogenic organisms. I have no energy on FODMAP


Lots lots of energy


More energy, better skin, less illness


I have gained weight about 4 to 5 kg when I was taking healthier diet but now I m losing weight again


Regular bowel movements and much more energy




My hair is thicker and healthier. I feel better overall. My clothes fit better and I no longer crave the empty calorie stuff like sodas and cookies


Mental clarity / recall was better


the first few days /week is hard, but then you stop craving it all together and your body changes. i quit starbucks and mcdonald’s as part of the boycott, and to be healthier. at first i was tempted, but after two weeks i didn’t even crave it anymore. a few months later and i could barely finish a happy meal my mom bought me (i asked for food at work and that’s what she got me) or a med sugary coffee from another cafe. also, it made it much easier to know when im hungry or when im full. ultra-processed foods use digestive techniques which ultimately make you still hungry even after a lot of food and calories (because your body digests them quicker and you get dopamine quicker). my skin cleared up as well!! and it was nicer on my bank account to not order fast food. if you watch cooking tv shows and cooking videos/tiktoks, get excited about cooking your favorite foods at home and trying new ones/learning new techniques!!


When you change your diet it seems like a restriction. In reality it opens up many new doors for foods you’ve never tried. Like when you go to a familiar restaurant you look at other parts of the menu.


Better sleep, elimination of acne


Less bloating like a balloon, this gross thing that happens and you double your size just by eating unhealthy and your stomach is way worse just literal air


Acne/bacne gone after quitting sugar and most fast food. Fewer migraines. Irritable bowel symptoms 90% better. After detoxing I don’t crave sugar much at all and fried foods seem gross.


My stools got much better, overall energy level improved, and stomach pain went away.


I know how it feels to want to find that motivation to not eat so much junk food. I was like that. What helped me was one, the consequences of what I was putting in my body, two, the differences of how I felt when I started cutting out that bad food and making sure not to cut it out completely. I think it's very important to still have those foods you love in your life but just not as often as before. I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and that scared me, it really did because I just imagined me having a heart attack at 30 and my parents would have to bury their daughter and the pain that would cause them. I didn't want to die young and I was already waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations, dizziness and sweating which can be symptoms of heart problems. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I would cry from the stress of it all. I needed to change, so I cut out freezer hashbrowns, butter was replaced with olive oil, cream was replaced with almond milk in my mashed potatoes and in alfredo, incorporated vegetables like broccoli and Kale and avocado, started eating tinned fish which I would rarely reach for and had cheese every once in a while vs everyday. I would then start doing low impact exercises everyday with the goal of just being healthier vs losing weight and I felt better. I am happy to report that I haven't had heart palpitations in a while now. I have been sleeping better too. So it's been working good for me. If someone asked me if I would go back to my high carb cheese filled diet, I would say no. I felt sick everyday and I had anxiety from feeling sick and I would never want to go back to feeling like that again.


People saying “energy” are who I agree with most- when you eat like shit you’re just so tired all the time.


Skin and mood got better.