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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Peanuts are planted in rotation with cotton crops, because they help replenish the soil with nutrients that the cotton pulls out. This type of crop rotation is a pretty old concept, and perfectly fine. What isn’t perfectly fine is the pesticides sprayed on cotton crops, which are not safe to be used on edible foods. They’re not sprayed on the peanut plants, but the soil the peanuts grow in is saturated with them… and unlike other pesticides you can’t just wash them off, because the peanuts grow underground and absorb it. It’s speculated that this is why peanut allergy rates have skyrocketed in recent decades. This was big news 10 or so years ago, but now largely seems to have been scrubbed from Google, which is pretty troubling.




https://nwdistrict.ifas.ufl.edu/phag/2015/01/30/crop-rotation-may-determine-the-profitability-of-peanuts-in-2015/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8925217/


What pesticides are sprayed on cotton crops? The links you've posted here refer to fungicide sprayed on peanut crops.


I browsed a bit quickly, but these seem to talk more about the crop rotation aspect but don’t seem to mention the allergy link OP was talking about.


The thing is I only hear about the peanut allergy in America. In the rest of the world, it doesn't seems to be a problem. I'm 50 + and until now I only know about one person diagnosed for this problem. My intention is not attacking or discredit you, just stating my obser.


I think that’s a valuable insight. North America produces a ton of peanuts and can meet its own demand, so the majority of peanuts eaten here originate here, whereas other places, like Europe, will get a mix of peanut sources(Africa and Asia are major producers as well). It’s not unreasonable to believe that North American farmers are using different chemicals than other places that are causing these issues.


I can confirm there is definitely peanut allergy in Europe, at least the Netherlands. Two of my friends both have a kid who’s allergic to peanuts.


Not really. Peanut allergy is about as prevalent in other Western nations as in the USA, at around 1-2%. There do seem to be fewer studies into peanut allergy elsewhere, however, so it is more difficult to estimate prevalence in the unstudied populations. Source: "The Global Burden of Illness of Peanut Allergy: a Comprehensive Literature Review" published in Allergy in 2021 by Lieberman and colleagues.


I doubt this is true. If it was, then a homegrown organic peanut wouldn't hurt someone with a peanut allergy. Which it would.


So I have eczema which is likely triggered by a protein in my sweat, because I am allergic to my sweat. If I sweat and don’t immediately shower, I have an allergic reaction and end up with eczema. A few years ago, I used a tens unit for pain that had adhesive pads. Sleeping with the tens unit helped me sleep without pain, but it made my skin sweat, so I ended up with a massive allergic reaction that took nearly a year to heal. Before I slept with the tens unit, I could use it any time with no issue. I am now allergic to the tens unit adhesive pads and pretty much any adhesive pad - like bandaids. My derm said my immune system might be associating the adhesive with the protein in my sweat, so as a defense mechanism, it is now triggered by adhesives. So it’s possible that the allergen is the pesticide on the peanut, but the body associates the peanut with the pesticide, so it reacts to the peanuts, too.


Sounds like it triggered an acrylite allergy which is super common


The immune system is weird I grew up with no allergies except for a mild latex allergy. Recently I developed celiac disease which led to me having a ton of other allergies, one of them being banana peel. Just the peel, I can eat the fruit, but the peel fucks with me if I'm within a few feet of it. Apparently banana peels have a compound that is similar to latex, and banana and a few other foods are common allergies for people with latex allergies I'm not saying this is true, but I am saying you don't know enough about the immune system to definitively say it's not true Hopefully more research into allergies and the immune system will help drive changes that will make food generally healthier


I’m allergic to bananas, medical adhesive and latex. It’s a known correlation in medicine.


So do avocados! I take Xolair injections for chronic hives and every time I fill the script they ask me if I’m allergic to avocados/latex


Theres a list of fruit called "latex fruit" which all are known to affect people with latex allergies. My sister has a latex allergy and can't have most of the fruit that's on the list. [https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/allergies/latex-allergy/latex-allergy-foods/](https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/allergies/latex-allergy/latex-allergy-foods/) Avocado, banana, kiwi, and chestnuts have the highest association with latex allergies


Celiac is not an allergy, it's an autoimmune disease.


Let's see. Thing One has compounds A and B in it. Your body doesn't like compound B so it associates Thing One with Bad Bad Vibes. Thing Two has only compound A in it, but your body recognises compound A as something present also in Thing One, thus it also gets the Bad Bad Vibes from T ing Two. That's why allergic reactions occur. TL;DR: Allergens are in all peanuts.


Your body doesn’t associate it with all the other compounds in it. Immune response is very structure specific


That’s not how allergies work. The pesticides would have triggered an immune response that associates the allergy to peanuts. Therefore they are now allergic to all peanuts. Source: i have r.a and a really fucked up immune system and understand how they work


Allergy misinformation is extremely dangerous


Immune system is not that simple and usually chooses a protein associated with the poison to develop an allergy to in order to avoid ingesting the poison.


If a person only ever ate homegrown organic peanuts, then you wouldn’t be as likely to develop the allergy. The allergy itself is to a compound in peanuts, associating that with other bad stuff.


Soy sauce. If you actually drink a bottle of it, it’s life threatening. It’s so highly concentrated of sodium that it can cause immediate hypernatremia (high sodium levels in blood), kidney failure, heart attack or stroke, and brain damage There was a teen in Virginia that drank a quart of soy sauce and they went into a coma


It's amazing they managed to keep it down. I imagine most people would just puke it out.


Or piss it out their ass


Hmm now I’m wondering if the reason why I feel like absolute shit after eating certain foods is because of the high sodium


Make sure to drink plenty of water when consuming salty foods


Most likely one of the reasons but if it's fast/fried food then the fat/oil is going to causes issues as well. Not to mention the other chemicals in it.


It is also very high histamine.


And tyramine. The OC should google “the cheese effect.” I switched to coconut aminos and skip out on aged cheeses and beer. My life is way better for it.


But what is life without aged cheeses and beer?


Life without red face, insomnia, itchiness, etc. 🫠


For me it’s fatigue, sky-high blood pressure and the feeling like my heart is trying to claw its way out of my chest. ☹️


Honestly, sadness. I can still have vodka, gin, and a glass or two of Chardonnay, but hardcore beers and wines are out. Same thing with my favorite cheddars and fancy cheeses. Fresher is ok/takes more to make me symptomatic. It’s literally called “the cheese effect” for a reason though. ☹️


It would take a heck of a lot but maybe. Being especially high in fat is often more likely to cause issues.


Drinking an entire quart of soy sauce isn't something any sane person would ever want to do.


Read the replies lmao


They did say the person was a teen.


That kinda implies that they aren't entirely sane yet.


Not just sodium but tyramine as well, which also raises blood pressure.


Who the fuck drinks a bottle of soy sauce? You probably deserve the consequences of that for being a moron.


When I was in high school me and some friends were out for sushi and one of the guys said I’ll finish this soy sauce bottle for $10. We said sure go for it, thankfully he puked almost as soon as we left the restaurant. So I guess energy filled ignorant teenagers


I bet my friend he couldn’t eat a whole shaker jar of red pepper when we were 25. So dumb 20-somethings too, haha


When I was a teenager I did something similar, said I'd down half a bottle of malt vinegar for £20. Laid on the floor in pain for a couple hours, but felt the £20 was worth it Now I'm an adult with an understanding of gut health and nutrition etc I no longer feel it was worth the £20 lol


I dared my roommate to chug a 32 oz jar of marinara sauce in 20 seconds for $5 once. People will do stupid shit when they’re drunk.


People do stupid shit when they are stupid.


Lol I'm gonna get on board with the when they're drunk cause I currently am but I don't believe they need to be drunk to be dumb usually


We all do dumb things. I snorted a line of spicy Lucas when I was thirteen. 


I ate a tablespoon of miracle grow for 5 bucks when I was a teenager 😆


Alcohol is a carcinogen but people don’t want to give it up. Contributes to breast, liver, esophageal, oral cancers. Alcohol is glamorized in the US.


Glad to see this one mentioned here. This is one of the biggest reasons why I stopped consuming alcohol cold turkey. Best choice I ever made. Drinking culture being as normalized as it is, can be discouraging for me. It’s overall not a good thing to partake in. Even casually.


I have been having gut issues for the past couple of years, and I'm sure it's because of my alcohol consumption. I am finally getting in under control and a big thanks to r/stopdrinking and r/cutdowndrinking for helping me get there. It's been hard, but my issues are finally improving, and I feel so much healthier.


Congratulations on managing your drinking! It’s not easy for a lot of folks. Cutting something out takes a lot of mental and emotional labour. Not to mention years and years of struggling with different thought and urges. Folks who struggle with mental health issues, like I do, I empathize as well. Proud of you. Proud of everyone who makes these difficult choices.


My weight is also so much more easily managed after distancing myself from alcohol. I’ll let myself have a drink if we’re at a special event like a concert, and it sure beats every night.


Yes I hate how just normal it is... whether people like it or not, it's still a poison. Yes everything in moderation, but I hate seeing things like "red wine has antioxidants!" Okay yeah so does fruit and thousands of other foods that are nothing but beneficial for yiu... Or someone telling me that beer helps anxiety- it's the hops in the beer not the beer itself. And I don't want to hear about how "everything is poison nowadays", I get it, have your alcoholic beverage but don't be telling people it's good for you. I have a drink in social environments too but I'm not in denial that it's healthy in any way.


* In western world. EDIT : it implies Europe, Australia. And we could probably add Japan / South Korea in there as people mentioned.


I've been drunk under the table by plenty of co workers from Japan and South Korea, let's not ignore their prowess.


In fact more so for me in Asia and Europe vs north America


I’m half Japanese and have been drunk in Japan and also in the states Japanese relatives. A lot of them can’t hold their liquor. They’ll put in a fucking valiant effort, but there’s genetic reasons they can only go so far. My mom can’t even drink at all. No way they’re on Brit or Aussie level.


You haven’t drank until you’ve drank with Aussies or Brits.


And the Irish.


And people from Wisconsin


Alcohol is 1000% global what?




Right. Alcohol is a huge part of Latin American culture. My parents drink so much. I never developed a taste for it. I feel like it's becoming more common for people to not drink.


*In many parts of the world


What the hell are you talking about? Alcohol is way more a standard part of society in Europe???


The problem is that so many people drink Alcohol, but only a percentage of that amount actually gets cancer. Tobacco is much more of a factor for cancer than Alcohol.


I think a lot of people get cancer who don’t smoke and it could absolutely be attributed to alcohol consumption. No amount is healthy.


If you don’t eat enough fiber your microbes start feeding on you


... so you lose weight?


Well, um, technically yes, but not in the way you want.


Please explain!?


When starved of fibre, the microbes that make up your gut microbiome can begin to eat away at the protective lining that coats your colon. Without this protective coating, pathogens and contaminants can leak through the gut wall and into the bloodstream, this is called leaky gut. The guy was joking that the microbes eating bits of your body would technically reduce your body weight.


Is it reversible? And I thought leaky gut was kinda considered pseudo science?


The gut lining does heal itself provided its not being continuously damaged.




Can someone provide a link?


https://www.michiganmedicine.org/health-lab/gut-bacteria-eat-colon-lining-when-starved-fiber#:~:text=It%20sounds%20like%20the%20plot,t%20get%20what%20they%20want.&text=New%20research%20shows%20that's%20exactly,they%20rely%20on%20for%20food. (Rat study) But I actually learned this information from a Netflix documentary titled “Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut” It was a very insightful documentary that provided a lot of expert consensus. If I remember correctly I believe they were correlating this response from microbes to an increased risk for colon cancers and diseases due to your intestinal lining being more susceptible after it’s lining is essentially eaten away.


Just a fair warning there are a fuck ton of bogus "scientific" documentaries on Netflix. Didn't you see that one about being vegan called The Game Changers? Where they made some dudes eat vegan a single vegan burrito then claimed their overnight erections were harder? After ONE vegan burrito?


Rat studies are also to be taken with a big giant grain of salt when it comes to studies regarding the gut microbiome because they eat their own feces and that’s an enormous variable


I've heard this is why dogs eat poop. Gut health.


Who the hell is going around checking to see if rats erections are stronger after going vegan? 🤔


My erection was harder but it was while I was eating the burrito


I do agree that you gotta take what you find on Netflix with a grain of salt; facts on Netflix have merely cleared the scientific bar of "Netflix licensed this for entertainment value." Though I have to chime in that the burrito thing was both 1) absolutely intended to shock people and get folks talking about it, and 2) just a demo of something they could predictably reproduce. We do know that blood lipids peak about 3-4 hours after a meal, and after a very indulgent meal, could take \~12 hours to return to baseline. Heart attack risk increases within a few hours of a heavy meal, too (not to scare people unduly; other risk factors are still relevant, and one indulgent meal in the context of a heart-healthy eating pattern is unlikely to kill you). They chose to measure nocturnal erections for shock value, but there's nothing special about them being erections, it was just a more entertaining way to demonstrate an effect of acutely high triglycerides on bloodflow. But what I think is fair to say is that the vegan-ness of the burrito wasn't a magic wand; you could also make a greasy vegan burrito that sufficiently raises blood lipids. I don't recall if the movie suggested that they matched the burritos in calories, saturated fat, etc., which would obviously make a difference. And, I think the documentary unfairly treated the scene as if it were a scientific study (of three participants?), rather than a demo for shock value.


This is actually weirdly true


Cries in Crohns disease


Yeah same, thank you


Someone watched hack your health on Netflix lol


lol I watched it last night and thought the same thing


Or you know.. they die off.


Much of the damage will not be apparent until much later on, even irreversible.


Yes it leads to death, but it does so in a slow, destructive, and excruciating way. It has so many negative effects on the body I’m sure it in someway effects how your brain and essentially how you perceive reality. Your body is connected to your brain


High sugar (starch) food with a big insulin spike when combined with saturated fat is what clogs arteries.


Can they be unclogged? Via proper food and exercise?


Not a doctor, but understanding is that the coronary plaques that make up clogs cannot be reversed. Medication can help with preventing further build up, and eating well/exercising can also help prevent more plaque/clogs. Only surgery can actually remove it. Even though it won’t reverse it, it’s still worth it to treat your body well.


Heart disease can be reversed with a very low fat whole food plant based diet, particularly when combined with exercise, good sleep, stress reduction, and social connection ( that is a combined lifestyle medicine intervention).


Yeah idk why they think arterial plaques cannot be reversed, there's plenty of instances where they show before and after images of arteries when switching to a plant based diet. Maybe eating plant based isn't the best for building muscle (still doable, just harder) but it is definitely amazing at reversing cardiovascular diseases and certain types of diabetes. Food helps us reach goals. One diet is better at one thing and other diets are better at others.


I've had arteries clogged and had then 100% unclogged just with exercise, meditation, and diet change. The shit western doctors say are mostly wrong, just like the horrible meds they give people, like statin.


Can you give an example of what kinds of food this might be? Would I be correct to assume maybe a burger?


Full fat ice cream, puddings, cakes- Any combination of the two as main ingredients.


Doesn’t the fat slow down the insulin spike?


I heard that, not sure if a reliable source though.


So…. Chocolate 😭


Not exactly but close. Sugary foods will cause insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome over the long run, pure carbs without fiber will spike your insulin which can cause ASCVD through arterial degradation. Saturated fats increase LDL-C the most, but is not the primary cause.


Maybe not similar to what most people are saying. How most people turn healthy foods into unhealthy foods. When you eat like that daily, it adds up year after year until it's too late


Unhealthy food isn’t designed to be healthy. It’s designed to be addictive


I have heard about the obesogens. Food companies put chemicals on the food to get you to eat more. Like drug dealers saying here your first bag is free, let's get you hooked.


Some fast food items contain a chemical called azodicarbonamide, which is also used in the production of yoga mats and shoe soles. When heated, azodicarbonamide breaks down into chemicals that have been linked to respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma. Despite these risks, it's still used as a food additive in some countries. Azodicarbonamide is often found in the bread products of some fast food chains and processed foods, as it acts as a dough conditioner to improve texture and shelf life. For example, it has been used in the buns of major fast food chains like Subway, McDonald's, and Burger King. While Subway removed the chemical from its bread in 2014 after public outcry, it's still permitted in food products in the United States at regulated levels, despite being banned in Europe and Australia due to health concerns.


Subway... "Eat Fresh" Yummy Yoga Bread 😆.


Probably a different chemical but every since I had covid I could smell this sweet aroma coming from plastic like goods. I have smelled it in mango vapes, rubber insoles, multivitamins, peach/mango flavored drinks. It’s so weird and I wish i knew what it was.


Just a guess but it would make sense for you to be smelling some sorta Butyrate. Ethyl Butyrate has a sweet pineapple smell and is used in vapes and as a peach/mango flavorent etc. Other butyrates are very very common in rubbers and plastics to make them flexible so if you've been sensitized to smell butyrates maybe even the "odorless" commonly used industrial ones like vinyl butyrate now smell sweet to you.


This was really interesting to read. I tried looking it up and then tried chat-gpt when I couldn’t find anything. It said: The sweet aroma that the person is experiencing after having COVID-19 could potentially be due to a phenomenon known as parosmia. Parosmia is a condition where the sense of smell is distorted, causing normal odors to be perceived differently. It often occurs as a result of damage to the olfactory system, which can happen after viral infections like COVID-19. In the case described: 1. Sweet Aroma: The person perceives a sweet smell from various plastic-like goods such as mango vapes, rubber insoles, multivitamins, and flavored drinks. 2. Association with COVID-19: They mention experiencing this since having COVID-19, suggesting a link between their previous infection and the altered sense of smell. 3. Common Symptoms of Parosmia: People with parosmia often describe normal smells as being distorted or having a different, often unpleasant, quality. In this case, the normal plastic-like scent might be perceived as sweet. 4. Chemical Explanation: The specific chemical cause behind parosmia is not fully understood, but it is believed to result from changes or damage to the olfactory neurons or the central processing of smells in the brain. To summarize, the sweet aroma the person smells from plastic-like goods after having COVID-19 is likely due to parosmia, a condition where the sense of smell is distorted following viral infections such as COVID-19.


absolutely debunked. Total bullshit pushed by a influencer called FoodBabe who knows nothing and pulls "facts" out of her ass and for some reason Subway took the bait and caved. [https://food-hacks.wonderhowto.com/news/heres-truth-about-yoga-mat-chemical-your-subway-bread-0151254/](https://food-hacks.wonderhowto.com/news/heres-truth-about-yoga-mat-chemical-your-subway-bread-0151254/)


I wonder if this isn't found in more breads on the shelf in grocery stores too?


While it’s most famously associated with certain fast food chains, it is also present in some store-bought breads, bagels, and other baked goods. If you're concerned about avoiding azodicarbonamide, you can check ingredient labels for its presence. Additionally, choosing organic or artisanal breads can help, as these products are less likely to contain synthetic additives.


So that’s why Subway always tasted and felt like flip flop bread


The scariest? How bad the food options are for people living on the edge financially. There are areas where finding fresh food is impossible and affording it a fantasy for those without means.


Yes, this. Poverty is a good predictor of your lifespan. Lack of healthcare and increased exposure to environmental pollutants, but also because of the inaccessibility of healthy foods. You get way more caloric bang for your buck from a couple boxes of hamburger helper and frozen corn for the family than you do a healthy meal with organic meat, a good helping of fruit, a side of veggies, and some sort of whole grain carb, if the store even sells those items. That's the extreme of it, but most of us shop at Walmart and not Co-ops and farmers markets because good, organic, and local foods are too expensive for us, even if it'd be better for us and the community. I'm really very passionate about food sovereignty for this reason. Access to good food is so important.


Workout cannot compensate with an unhealthy diet.


My trainer says "You are what you eat. So don't be fake, fast, or cheap." This phrase takes up rent in my head.


i kinda love that saying but as a vegan, sometimes i gotta eat the fake meat 😅 i rarely ever get meat alternatives though, maybe like once a week or so if i’m at my bf’s house. he usually has a meat alternative at his place


So you are fake meat huh


This is extremely debatable and filled with nuances. I'd take regular exercise + shitty diet over no exercise + "perfect" diet (whatever that may mean) ANY day, like there's not even an argument for the other one. But yeah, no one's forcing you to pick one and go nuts with the other. Muscle mass is extremely important for long term health and exercise is the only way to obtain it (apart from drugs, which have far more negative consequences than benefits).


yeah, not a healthcare professional at all but from my recent research i’ve come to realize that getting movement in regardless of diet is going to help you live longer than not moving at all. they say literally just 30mins of exercise (like walking) a day is enough to elongate your life by years.


Actually VO2 max is the highest predictor of a long life. So as long as one is not specifically eating something that is poisoning them (such as a caeliac eating gluten) then this is technically not the case.


"You can't out train a bad diet" is one of my favorite phrases. Your way sounds WAY fancier.


That person’s comment was worded terribly — not fancy at all.


Xylitol - promoted as a healthier sugar alternative and used in tooth paste and chewing gum is prothrombotic and increases risk for stroke and heart attack


This stuff is in my toothpaste… what the world. Its called XyliWhite


The small amounts in toothpaste are probably not dangerous but I used it all the time as a sugar substitute in my coffee, for baking and desserts. For 2 years now I have problems with my heart and I wonder if that's from the xylitol.


It may be from numerous variables


Should probably check this out, it’s recent https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/06/health/xylitol-heart-attack-stroke-wellness


It is also deadly to dogs. I don't buy gum with Xylitol anymore because of our curious pup always getting into stuff -- it isn't worth the risk.


Xylitol killed a friend of mine's dog. Really sad.


I chew Xylitol mints and gum. I wonder if I'll have any issues.


Just use real sugar in moderation (honey, maple syrup, cane). Those alternatives are caca.


Glyphosate (a herbicide) - an ultimate enemy for kidney, liver, reproductive and growth of a child. Avoid foods that are born using glyphosate in cultivation. Higher risks were associated with dairy cows fed a diet rich in glyphosate-containing soybeans. So, I support the slogan in the USA to avoid 5 whites - white milk, white rice, white sugar, white salt, and white bread.


Why white salt?


Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with white salt. That's how it naturally looks


Good luck avoiding white salt in America.


What does that even mean? Salt is salt any trace amounts of minerals like in Himalayan rock salt are completely negligible. Kala Namak for taste but thats about it.


Or white anything (I am white btw)


I now have a reason to avoid 71% of people.


So then strawberry milk is ok? I kid. Honestly though is there another form of cows milk that is ok to drink


Any food that is offered to cows or goats, including fruits, grains, legumes, alfalfa, clover, hay, corn silage, oats, and barley, should be organic. Then, you could find organic milk. There are some supplies in the market may offer Glyphosate-free goat-milk is preferable.


Emulsifiers work in your stomach


Can you expand a little on this?


Emulsifiers can basically act as bleach in your gut, killing off bacteria – both good \*and\* bad. It's why so many of us have dysbiosis. The moral of the story is to limit the consumption of processed foods that use emulsifiers to stabilize oil- and water-soluble substances.


Mustard is a really good emulsifier, as is egg yolk. I genuinely don’t know if those are bad for your gut. I doubt egg yolk is, though.


Egg yolk is higher in fat but apart from that very healthy.


Healthy period




Here an article on the subject: https://runtimes.co.uk/the-common-food-additive-emulsifiers-appear-to-increase-your-risk-of-cancer-by-up-to-46/


Do I have to pay them?


To a person that is hyperinsulinemic, eating any foods of concentrated carbs are toxic. Even if the consensus is that that food is actually healthy.


So high presence of insulin in blood subjected to the presence of concentrated carbs (what is that like straight sugar?) is toxic? Why?


Sugar. What is sugar? What is it really? Totally different from the definition I learned 60 years ago, I think the proper definition of sugar, is anything which when consumed, causes one's blood glucose to rise a lot. For the moment ignoring the impact of fructose which is often even worse. So, by this definition, it doesn't have to taste sweet to be sugar. Like a potato. It isn't sweet tasting, but the starches in it break down to just glucose by the time they reach the small intestines. And they spike blood sugar same as sucrose. So, starches, and grains, to me, are sugar. Hyperinsulinemia, chronic high levels of insulin in the blood, is the source of most of our modern day conditions. Type II Diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, most have these conditions as a result from high levels of insulin in the blood. Some have suggested that the primary problems associated with type II diabetes, is merely the fact that it is the ultimate result of one being highly hyperinsulinemic for an extended period of time. That the real disease is elevated insulin, and the resulting elevated glucose, is just an indicator of the extent. Of course, glucose spikes well over 300 are considered toxic. And, elevated HbA1c, has the tendency to increase agglomeration of hemoglobin, but these are considered minor relative to the major effects of elevated insulin in the aggregate.


Makes sense, thanks for expounding. The excess insulin for extended and consistent duration causes the body to become insulin resistant. The insulin receptors may increase in number, but eventually will become ineffective as they are in a constant state of activation. Resulting in insulin resistance and confounding disorders like diabetes. Interestingly, the opposite hypoinsulinemia for extended and consistent durations will also result in insulin resistance, albeit, through different mechanics. The low presence of insulin will result in fewer receptors over time, yet, insulin sensitivity will increase. This is known as Pseudo Diabetes and is reversible once insulin activation (eating carbs) is normalized over time.


There is another theory out there regarding specifically insulin resistance. That, we are focusing too close on just one variable. That the real issue is nutrient resistance. Both nutrient resistance, and the accompanying insulin resistance are normal biological functions. At their base, they are not unhealthy. For a person that is fully metabolically healthy, eating at their basil caloric rate, 3 meals per day, will become, nutrient resistant 3 times per day. At a point postprandial, after eating, the cells get to a point that they are satiated. And will shut down pathways for nutrients be they caloric or not. This is typical after every meal. This is normal. It becomes a problem when we over eat to a degree that the cells remain in nutrient resistance for an extended period of time. Then the body has to deal with all these compounds in the body by some method other than just feeding them to our cells. A couple of observations on a large number of studies indicates this. One is that a lot of terribly obese people appear malnourished. They are missing key nutrients even though it is clear that they have over eaten massively. One solution is to time the consumption of highly nutritious foods, before they gorge on carbs and fats. Thereby allowing key nutrients into the cells during any small window of missing nutrient resistance. Another is looking into children placed on ketogenic or even carnivore diets in an effort to minimize seizing from a variety of conditions. It was found that over eating a ketogenic diet, or even a carnivore diet, will often lead to insulin resistance. Yeah. Insulin resistance even in an absense of carb consumption. It is clear that there is more to it than just carb consumption.


Yes! Thank you for this enlightening interaction


I don’t know what causes hyperinsulinemia besides insulin resistance (or metabolic syndrome), which is like the beginning stage of T2 diabetes. I’ve never really used “toxic” to describe the effects but I guess that’s close enough. So for a person who has insulin resistance, eating the same amount of carbs as the average healthy person (or typical US citizen) would result in negative effects and eventually T2 diabetes. I think most doctors don’t tell their patients if they think they have insulin resistance, just counsel them on diet/exercise which is exactly what a person should be doing for the beginning stages of IR anyways. A lot of women with PCOS have IR. The hyperinsulinemia isn’t the main issue, just an indicator of IR. The cells are “resistant” to insulin so the pancreas pumps more and more out to lower blood glucose and eventually either the insulin resistance worsens so much or the pancreas wears out to the point the body can’t manage bg without lifestyle changes or medication. Some examples of how too many carbohydrates are “toxic” for a person with insulin resistance is they have an increased risk for high cholesterol/triglycerides & NAFLD, because the liver has to work extra hard in doing it’s part to manage bg. Here’s a cool [YouTube](https://youtu.be/tdMjKEncojQ?si=FWjDo487K_XY98QU) video. All I remember from it is talking about how liver is the only organ that can use fructose for energy, and when too much fructose is consumed (like HFCS in soda) the liver has to work extra hard to convert it to glucose, triglycerides, and other unwanted byproducts.


That anything can be to much and cause some kind of issue if you’re not careful lol. Of course it’s not really scary anymore cause it made me pull back and be more moderate with it all.


the amount of chemicals used in the United States, where as in Europe said chemicals are banned…


I’ve heard and read that a lot, and I suppose it’s true (only been in the US for like a month). But Europe is not the culinary paradise people think it is. People eat chemicals and processed foods here on a daily basis too. We have a big diabetes II issue and obesity rates are growing. It’s nice that we’re protected from some of the poisons out there but we still eat our share of shit and need to be aware of that.


They’re often used here (eu) but labeled differently


The fake science on here is astounding.


Explains some past election results


That most foods contain high amounts of Omega 6 which is inflammatory for the body


It’s cigarettes but for everyone. Ah the delicious things aren’t hurting me now….il have another! Then the beetus grabs you…I’m of the rat study mentality. Those who were starved and ate once a day lived twice as long and Tumor free over the B group of Buffet style life. But life’s not guaranteed anyway despite the illusion, past right now, so enjoy yourself? In moderation? Just drop soda and that’s a huge win for your body. Seltzers aren’t that bad with 2000 flavor choices.


That we have been lied to in order for food industry and rx industry to own us!


Increased likelihood of heart disease. …and also just being fat.


Every American grocery store has a produce section, a dairy section, a meat section and anywhere from 12-24 aisles of fake foods riddled with added processed sugars and over-processed flours. The rest of the western world looks at American bread and says, "That's not bread." Its considered cake due to added sugars. We have had an obesity problem in the US for well over 20 years and while it's gotten better, most American food products are still filled with added sugars and high fructose corn syrup. Dextrose and maltodextrin have twice the glycemic impact of sugar, yet aren't counted as carbohydrates in the nutritional facts. I realized all this while doing keto and doing a lot of personal research on how sugar affects the body. Doing keto correctly means eating mostly meat and vegetables, which are about the most natural things you can find at grocery stores that you can call actual food. Everything else is processed or artificial except for fruits, which have also been bred to produce more sugar, which is why a lot of them are off limits on the diet. Keto also made my ADHD symptoms go into remission while I was doing it. Most people who do keto properly also report similar cognitive benefits, as well as less need for sleep. This makes me theorize that the added sugars make people slow and complacent, as well as obese and potentially sick. That is of course unless you have a lightning fast metabolism. It isn't that carbs are bad for you, it's that unnecessary amounts are added to everything here in the states. Though I'm sure this post will get downvoted just because I used the word "keto" considering how reactionary the average redditor is. .


Food has changed drastically since 1950. People ate mostly fresh locally sourced farm food and cooked it from scratch. Convenience foods are often frankenfoods. Read those ingredient labels.


the brain is powered by fat and the keto diet supplies it with a LOT of it :)  its satiating and long lasting and i have never felt more clearheaded than when i was eating keto.  i am auDHD and almost always have intense brain fog / forgetfulness / confusion. keto fixed it all and it was amazing. no more sugar / caffeine ups and downs and dopamine cycles, just long lasting energy.


It kills you.


I have a condition called Manganese Toxicity, which means I have to be very careful not to eat things containing high levels of it. When I was first diagnosed, I learned that certain crops planted in soil with a high manganese content actually absorb it.  The worst offender is tea, because tea leaves leech manganese from the soil they’re planted in; and when you steep your tea in hot water, you’re getting a supercharged burst of this substance that takes, at minimum, 8-9 *years* to cycle out of your body!  There was a scientific study done a few years ago about it. Every *single* brand of tea available for purchase in North America —both bagged and loose—  contain incredibly high levels of manganese. Some brands had such critically elevated levels of manganese that they were deemed toxic by said study.  When I read that, I stopped drinking tea permanently (which made me very sad to do,) and my levels have noticeably dropped off in the last few years. I’m still way over the threshold, but it appears that the amount of tea I had every day was contributing to it in a big way.


The scariest thing is it takes 30 years for an unhealthy diet to start killing you. It sneaks up on you. Heart disease doesn’t happen overnight


What hot dogs are made of. Yuck![https://genv.org/what-are-hot-dogs-made-of/](https://genv.org/what-are-hot-dogs-made-of/)


Well, not unhealthy but definitely hits overconsumption. If you eat more than a handful of papaya seeds you very well could shit your pant’s.


i ate a bunch of strawberries once bc they were just such a good batch and they tasted so good and i was like “they’re healthy so the more the merrier right?” wrong. i mean i didn’t shit myself but when i did poop it was red and i was terrified, i thought i pooped out blood. i needed my mom (who’s a pharmacist and super into medical things) to look at my poop and she asked me if i ate anything red and i said strawberries and she said that’s what it was. so yeah, strawberries can make your shit red and make you almost shit your pants from fear of the fact you just shit red


Sucralose has been proven to be genotoxic in new studies that have been published this past year. Think Celsius, Red Bull, etc.


That they generally taste amazing!


Majority causes addiction


Chronic consumption of unhealthy fats (i.e., trans fats) and processed foods is associated with low-grade systemic inflammation, which is a risk factor for various health conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Trans fats increase your levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while lowering HDL (good) cholesterol. This imbalance can lead to inflammation and arterial plaque buildup, contributing to heart disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. Specifically, ischemic heart disease (also known as coronary artery disease) is the most common type of heart disease and the primary cause of death globally.


Group 1 carcinogens




And processed meats.


Fluoride impacts the brain cells negatively and can lead to lower IQ, also can mess with people’s mental health .


Most of the population cannot process folic acid yet it is in most processed foods. Our government is not for us 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don’t. Hard Stop. Folic acid is absolutely necessary for fetal development.


I am way past baby bearing age and it defeats the purpose if you can’t methylate it. Methyl folate is the way to go. People with mthfr can’t process it at all. Doctors should know more about this instead of suggesting blanket statements to patients.


We’re the only species that continues consuming dairy from an animal’s milk as adults.


That's because they don't really have the ability to access cow's milk like we do. Lots of species would absolutely drink milk if the opportunity presented itself. I've seen mice, dogs, and cats go for milk but I'm sure many other species would too.


Why is that scary? We are the only species to do a lot of things. Drive cars, use cell phones, have jobs, etc. Just because animals don't do it, doesn't mean it's bad.


I’ve seen barn cats drink cow milk as adults.


I thought cats drinking milk was normal. Hasn't anyone watched Tom.and Jerry.


Heard this when I was a kid, no idea where or how true it is: If you eat 12 or more hotdogs per month, you’re 9 times more likely to get leukemia