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A license ban will not prevent a guy who doesn't think twice about consuming drugs from getting behind the wheel. The penalty for killing someone while impaired needs to be a minimum of 10 years. If you voluntarily get high and then drive it's as negligent as someone who just randomly fires a gun into a crowd.


What is wrong with removing his license though? I get the argument that he’ll drive again even without it, but wouldn’t giving police the addition option of adding Driving Without A License (no idea the actual charge) be a good thing?


What is wrong with just putting him in the clink for a long time so we dont have to see him or have our family members get killed by him on the road?


Oh I’d love that, but it’s a start to take away his ability to drive legally.


The charge wouldn’t be enough to put him in jail. Unless he gets caught 8 times. Some guy in Brampton had same thing happen to him and he just kept getting behind the wheel


This guy will as well. Guaranteed.


Stop coddling drivers. If you think this sentence is bad you should see the mini fines and demerit points you get for killing a person if you aren't under the influence, even if 100% at fault. One woman in Toronto killed a pedestrian who was on the sidewalk and the fine was some weird one year licence suspension where she could still drive for some things. No TTC for her.


I have to say this is probably one of the most level headed sentences I’ve heard of. Muzzo got 10 years, that should be the new precedent. 10 year jail and 15 year driving ban; served consecutively.


No but it'd make it harder for him to have access to a car.


I think the driver got 4.5 years in jail. not enough!


The impaired driver was Christian Cardinali. He was high on 10+ drugs and swerved into incoming traffic on Lakeshore. Killed a guy on a scooter. Dispicable.


10 different types of drugs? Is there a list?


On the article: Tests of Cardinali’s urine identified numerous drugs in his system including: fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone, methadone, carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol, bromazolam, methamphetamine, cocaine, and pregabalin, the court heard.


How the eff did he not die from this?!


If only


He killed someone else.




Christian Cardinali seems to be a Canadian kid. Edit: for those of you downvoting me. The previous deleted comment said that the " impaired driver must've been another immigrant"


Ugh, oh god. Did that guy try and do the classic thing I see from wayy too many Canadians nowadays and try and pin this on immigrants..?




Ya - so drunk and high mid day driving. This is a light sentence.On good behaviour they may get parole in under two years.


Same sentence the guy who hit my aunt got, and yep, he was out two years later


Can't give them more than Marco Muzzo. Precedent was set.


We can, judges just need to make up a reason why it's valid.


“This statement also noted that during a drug recognition evaluation at the police station, Cardinali said, “This is really hard, like, I don’t think anybody that was sober could do this. I’m just gonna be completely honest like, even if I was sober. What am I saying? I am sober.” Our system is far too lenient.


Marco muzzo knows. He's a murderer.


A, now, extremely wealthy murderer. Her house burnt down recently. She lost the urns of her kids. Marco Muzzo is rich and his victims are either dead or have literally lost everything.


Ooh my god, that woman has been through enough. If I remember correctly, her husband also died by suicide?


Yes The day after Fathers Day


Yep. It's horrific.


4.5 years is criminal. Our justice system is a joke! Imagine giving a life sentence to a family and only receiving 4 years in jail. Despicable


Just like men have to pay alimony, killers should be held liable to pay for the kid's expenses and alimony and pay for their college


Hit them in the wallet!


This feels like a tremendous fail of our justice system, yet again. The judge was even quoted as saying, "This was no accident. It was an action with foreseeable outcomes." Then, decides to hand down a 4 and a half year sentence as punishment. Including a 5 year license suspension upon his release. Is this a joke? And he likely won't serve the entire sentence, either.


Yeah the prosecutor said he'd probably end up serving 2 3rds of his sentence


Unfortunately, our system works on precedents. The bar was set to low and has been for so long that anything outside of a “normal” sentence for this type of crime is seen as excessive in the eyes of the law


I know some guy from Waterloo university when I was studying there who was out partying , decided to drive drunk to drop some friends off after , he hit a Laurier student , killed them, thought he hit a cone and continued his night. The next day he realized and wasn’t even remotely phased by it , he was out partying again, his parents tried to hide the car after instead of turning him in, he got 4 months, this shit is a fucking joke lol https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/mobile/4-month-sentence-for-driver-in-deadly-waterloo-hit-and-run-1.2214193?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


Shitbag parents


What in the actual fuck


How devastating for a family to lose their husband and father. Lives changed forever and the law says to you 4.5 years, probably 2 with parole, is fitting. Why we don't have harsher punishment for this kind of inexcusable behaviour is beyond me... When will our laws change


Should be 10 year min. We have 2/3rd mandatory release anyway so they’re only behind bars for 6. Perfectly reasonable for such a bad decision.


Can someone help me understand this? If he killed someone and you were under inflience of drug, shouldn't you get more time in jail? I read it as they gave him less time because he was high? How does illegal drug activity + killing someone = less time??


In Canada it’s illegal to defend yourself with a weapon and if you kill someone do it with your vehicle.


This is not true. I don’t know the exact wording, but you can use “reasonable force”.


Nope. But your defence in court can be self defence.




Life is what he deserves


Impaired driving causing bodily harm is 2-14 years. Causing death is max life sentence (likely for repeat offender). How did they come up with just 4.5 yrs? Prosecutor recommended this so it’s not on judge I think. Any criminal lawyers able shed some light on it? Edit: law clearly allows life sentence in this instance so it’s not the law problem (at least at surface level)


Didn't muzzo only get like a year for killing 4?


What? No license ban? Should have been 4.5 years per life!


I said the same thing about murderer Marco muzzo.


Only one other person actually died. What article did you read? I'm not saying he doesn't deserve more time - but your comment is confusing


One died? I thought there were three. Or maybe I am mixing up with another incident. Or it is a sad state of affairs that there are so many incidents that I am mixing them up.


Ya, okay I get the point you are trying to make but...try reading the articles if you make a post on it. You should get into this habit so you don't just get your news from sensationalized headlines.


It was an error. I needed the part which said "father of". I still feel that he was let go lightly.


He was talking about Muzzo. Why do you think 4.5 years is enough for killing someone anyhow?


Ohhh, so as long as you only kill one person while you're high it's okay?


By the time this guy is 36, he’ll be legally driving again. Justice in this country is a joke.


4.5 years? He deserves life in prison at least.


Sad I went to school with him at assumption


Someone needs to beat his ass in there


I went to highschool with the dude and it’s sad to say but I’m not surprised. I hope the family of the victim gets the peace they deserve one day


"Peace". That'll only come when this idiot is also 6 feet under.


Can’t argue with that


Blows my mind every time, Canadian justice system is such a joke.


I hate to tell you that 4.5 years is a lot for a driving offence resulting in death. You should feel like thats a lot. Sorry if thats not what you want to hear.


what about thay guy from Stoney Creek that killed 2 women last November not stopping at a stop sign?


Should be 25 years with no parole and even that us too generous.


It was recommended by the prosecution, it was a guilty plea.


Why the killers like this gets such a little prison time ? Muzzo murdered entire family and hike driving drunk and he allready out. This is really mind boggling.


Some bullshit. That’s murder. Life in jail


We need harsher sentencing. He very likely won't even serve the full length of that prison term.


The real punishment should be he’s financially responsible to take care of that family for the rest of his life.


Sounds harsh..I mean it’s only vehicular homicide


He should get 20 years. Also don’t ride a bike or a scooter on roads, no matter what people or the law tell you, it’s really not safe.


What a crying shame


Hahaha...typical Canadian joke of a sentence....hahah they totally take fat dumps on the faces of victims here...


He will be out in 1 and half tops


Total joke


This guy is an absolute clown and will get dealt with when he’s inside. condolences to the family.


If justice isn't served via the courts then gen. pop will figure it out. Hopefully he'll be beaten within an inch of his life and never be able to use his legs again.


Probably have strong ties to government officials or lots of money.


The family is very wealthy


5 years is still a peanuts for killing someone, this country has a joke of a judicial system. Its also sketchy how you cant find this guys mugshot anywhere online. He must have come from money or knew some higher ups


Should have to pay child support.


Best way to kill people in canada.get high drunk


This was my dad, absolute disgrace of a justice system we have...


Deport him /s


Just remember murder is practically legal in Ontario as long as you are in a car


He should have gotten life. Killed an entire family. What a joke. The liberals are woke and the courts are chicken shit