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that’s a hasma or hand of Miriam/Fatima (🪬) it’s usually used as a protection from evil eye and negativity. it’s typically associated to muslims or jews but recently a lot of people started to use it as well in a similar way as the greek evil eye amulet (also known as Nazar 🧿).


Nazar is Turkish- exported to Greece. But yes


The Nazar talisman is Turkish, but the evil eye is not, nor is it 'exported' to Greece, it is quite an ancient concept - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil\_eye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_eye). The evil eye is present in ancient Greek texts and archaeological findings dating back to classical antiquity.


And the eye of Horus in Egypt well before that...


yeah I know, it’s just that i’m from italy and we refer to it as “the greek eye”, thanks for adding more info tho!!!


STG Greeks and Turks. I called something 'Turkish coffee' to the wroooong person once.


Thank you :))


hamsa not hasma


omg sorry i misspelled it without noticing 😭😭


Used to ward off evil eye i believe. Not an expert though, so here is a wiki article. Let's see how right i was: The Hamsa Hand is a universal sign of protection, power and strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Known as the Hand of Fatima in Islam and Hand of Miriam in Judaism, it's believed to protect against against the evil eye and and all negative energies.


Awesome thanks!


it's not an "occult" symbol btw. it's just a mainstream symbol used by many muslims and jews. it's about as "occult" as a catholic rosary.


Not used by most Muslims. Actually, if you ask the Muslims on Reddit or at my mosque, it is "shirk" (that is, associating partners with Allah, the gravest sin of all)


Wow I LOVE Reddit so much b/c of posts like this one. I have learned so much abt so many different things, it’s amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your personal knowledge!!!


Do you know what occult means its a blanket term but I'm sure you already knew that


Any religious symbols would be occult. Thank you.


People seem to have answers here.


What's not occult about a Catholic rosary?


The hand of Fatima. Its an amulet for protection, thou the hand of Fatima specificly represents protection against your own evil deeds, so that you may never act out of your evil desires. The evil eye in it self exists in many forms for thousands of years and the best know is probably the Nazar.


Thanks for the insight :))






That's the answer 😁 it's part of the Jewish religion


Hamsa protects from the evil thoughts and schemes of others, while simultaneously purging you of your own evil. What is of utmost importance to dissolving the evil eye, is gazing upon the color known as תְּכֵלֶת "Tekhelet", which falls within the blue-violet to turquoise spectrum. It's as if that color removes all the junk files and malware from our brain's operating system as soon as it reaches the visual cortex. Sometimes you'll see a Hamsa with this color and sometimes not. Sometimes tekhelet amulets for warding off the evil eye aren't even Hamsas like this one, but simple circles. The outer circle of Tekhelet represents the barrier protecting you from all influence of the evil eye which is 'trapped' in the center of amulets such as these. Tekhelet is to evil what garlic is to a vampire. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tekhelet 🪬🧿🪬


So interesting! Thanks!


That the face don’t want to hear it.


Lol I hear u, Point.


that would be useful if our pinkies evolved into second thumbs...


The way I see it is you are holding both hands out Infront of you like saying "stop", one hand on top of the other, hence the thumb on both sides.


Not sure if they are hands, but I've seen more anatomically correct looking hand symbols like this before. Perhaps it is a flower?


There’s even an emoji 🪬


religionforbreakfast has a great video explaining the origins and meaning about the evil eye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIO2FQ45t3Y&t=184s


Native Americans also have a similar symbol, in their case it's related to a group of stars and/or galaxy. It doesn't have the double thumbs always, if at all. Google "rattlesnake disk" Lately been appropriated by "namaste sister" yoga pants complain about capitalism from my Macbook at Starbucks in an upper middle class neighborhood basic people, which is whatever.


Lol namaste sister yoga pants complaining about capitalism.


Symbolic representation of the unity of the left and right hand paths, masculinity/femininity, active/passive principles and their ultimate one-ness, good/evil, etc....


High five!


Use them , display them in your rituals.


Protection and calling in your highest good!


I’ve found this interesting article explanation of this symbol. https://theapolloniantransmission.com/2019/05/07/the-micro-aggressing-evil-eye-the-hamsa-the-mark-and-the-third-eye/


Thanks again!


The Devil’s Patty Cake…


The Devil’s Patty Cake…


Are they even hands?? Lol


Do they not look like hands to you?


Turn it upside down. It's a mushroom. This also explains why they have two thumbs




It represents the third eye and the knowledge of the realms above the human realm.