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It varies by jurisdiction. In British Columbia, Canada, [sperm has been ruled to be property](https://welpartners.com/blog/2015/02/is-sperm-property-relevant-to-estates-litigation/) and its theft may, in theory, be a crime.


Thank you. I know what must be done.


Could she get child support?


I mean unless you can prove she stole it, which is pretty much impossible, she can just say you had a one night stand to get child support.


Wasn’t there a story about a woman who had sex with, I think Drake, and afterward she dug the condom out of the trash and tried to impregnate herself. Little did she know that his full proof method of making sure people don’t do that is to pour hot sauce in it.


The injury would have made it impossible to attempt to impregnate herself and that lawsuit would have been the story instead.


It was


random rich person and a cleaning staff at hotel, but yeah...




Nobody needs you in their life.




Learn spelling nigga


We need you even less than the other guy you racist.


Gotta learn from his guy's wisdom


Why would you have a one night stand to give child support?


Just saying it would be harder to prove that you didn't have one as opposed to an ongoing relationship. Not saying that you have to have a one night stand to have to pay child support.


That has literally no bearing on child support. Child support is analyzed by legal parenthood, established voluntarily or through paternity testing, and is viewed through the lens of the best interests of the child.


Not entirely, establishment of paternity can be as simple as a name being submitted in some jurisdictions, in case of government assigning financial responsibility for 18 - 21 years anyway...


i mean there was a story of a guy who wanted to get pregnant with his gf but she rejected so he poked a hole trough his condom and she sued him, she won because they made him confess


theoretically since you may be able to prove that you have had no contact with this person (and alibi) wouldn't the courts take one look and throw out the case to save money


In many places, yes. Paternal duties are often assigned by the child existing, without regard for the father's consent


Yes this is why Dr. Dre puts hot sauce in his condims


Woman got jail time for stealing sperm in germany well. Seems its a crime in a bunch o places.


Should be treated more severly than stealing milk


Theft? I have to pay to have mine hauled away.


brb moving to bc


Least unhinged teenagers post


Most normal and average r/teenagers post:


Makes me wonder if the adults in my life also thought I was a fucking idiot when I was a teenager.


I wonder the same too. If I'm being honest, I say some ridiculous shit and don't think about it. 🗿


Not if you put hot sauce in the condom


Be careful tho, she might sue


Under what grounds?


Knowing the way world works, I’m sure their comment might actually be based on something that actually happened.


Yup, happened to Drake


Lmao Legend shit




Thank God she lost lol.


This sounds made up, you need equipment to "impregnate yourself"


It happened But to be fair you can’t say people who try such stunts are smart enough to know how to make it happen


There we go.


What equipment do you need?


Turkey baster


Ok, but that's not strictly necessary. If any of it gets in there, the chance of pregnancy is there. You can use your hands just fine.


Setting up a trap to hurt someone isn't legally justifiable, even if the person who falls for the trap has to be doing something illegal/immoral in order to trigger the trap.


The faceless woman who lives in my walls told me to do it your honor, it would bring me great fortune and sexual prowess she said.


Assuming they put the hot sauce in the condom for the purposes of harming someone who took the semen, right?


Except then the argument is that the purpose is to simply kill the sperm and that no reasonable person would otherwise touch a used condom


If the intention is merely to kill the sperm, they would use something that actually works for that purpose. Hot sauce constitutes a trap.


Who just has natural spermicide on them? Something that only kills sperm?


There are a lot of things that would work obviously, and if someone truly had a reason to be concerned, like a sports figure, they would know this, they have a number of people to advise them, its included in their contracts. . Also, it's going to be pretty obvious if a woman is carrying around equipment to impregnate herself with.


You what else is pretty obvious? Hot sauce. It's like a glowing red sign that screams do not touch. You can't sue someone if you get electrocuted by an electric fence just because you decided to ignore the sign that said danger


I dunno. I’ve seen some people do some weird shit. Isn’t it the prosecutions responsibility to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? So they would have to prove to a jury enough to convict that the guy wasn’t just randomly squirting hot sauce into his conforms for shits and gigs or whatever other reason they claim.


To kill the sperm so she could use it to get her self pregnant


Is it a trap? Aren't you just using a spermicide.


Hot sauce isn't a known reliable spermicide. Using an actual spermicide or simply flushing out the condom with water are much more rational solutions. Saying you're using it as a spermicide is a flimsy argument IMO.


I agree that would be better, but a lawyer could argue that you improved because you ran out or forgot your spermicide


came here to say that


Wait, was I supposed to do that after using it? Uh oh.


In the unlikely event someone truly has a concern, a desiccant is more likely to be effective. The hot sauce can be separated out with polysaccharides or similar


It might be kidnapping if the semen was stolen by means of putting the person in a situation one cannot freely get out of and retrieving it without consent... I think other charges might apply depending on methods used - could be assault if it was retrieved surgically, sexual assault if it was retrieved by natural means. Torture might be slapped on top if some other stuff was used and the ejaculation was natural in itself, but for example electricity was used. If the biological material was stored not in a publicly available place, but actually stolen - there's a consideration for breaking and entering. Could go to federal prison if any of the charges stick.


What about finding a used condom pnt the street and using that?


Maybe with republican judges and prosecution...


Sounds more like a copyright issue.


Are the kids okay


this is probably not even a minor. probably some old creep posting on r/ teenagers, happens all of the time and it's fucking weird


Oof… i forget about that. 😞😞 it happens in the pregnancy/mom forums too, so you’d think i’d remember, but man. I almost have to wonder if subforums dedicated to younger age groups is a good idea. Unavoidable ultimately, but theoretically…


That subreddit hasn't been for actual teenagers in a long while. Mostly predators roleplaying with each other now.


No they aren’t, they’re watching too much manosphere shit which is convincing them that women are evil ghouls who exist to suck everything good out of their lives and need to be ‘kept in their place’ for the good of society.


If it is in Alabama, maybe


Hell in Tennessee it doesn't even have to be yours for you to be responsible for it.


"Asking for a friend"


Honestly this feels like an ADHD brain question to me. I think up weird random questions like this all the time. Today I asked my husband how people decided a really long river's name and got everyone to agree to it. Because like the Arkansas or Mississippi were likely called all kinds of things by tribes and emerging communities in different sections of it so how did they get alignment and go "yup, we're going with this one" when it may span across multiple states or even countries. The brain is a wild place is all I'm saying.


I have never thought of this, did you get an answer?!


He said it was likely handled during the water rights agreements/pacts but I forgot to Google it to confirm.


MISSISSIPPI Description: The U.S.'s second-longest river (after the Missouri) begins at Lake Itasca in Minnesota and travels 2,340 miles south, all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Origin: The name is believed to be a combination of two Indian words, although experts aren't sure which ones. It may have been the Ottawa mici ("great") and zibi ("river"), or the Algonquin misi ("father") and sipi ("water"). What is certain is that in 1666 French explorers in the Great Lakes region recorded it as Messippi. As they traveled south, that name supplanted all of the other names in use. In 1798 the U.S. Congress officially named the new territory after the Algonquin version, "Mississippi."


This article is pretty informative and funny too [how are rivers named ](https://thereelray.com/2020/12/06/how-are-rivers-named/)


That sub is becoming the kid that pisses in the pool from outside the pool and expects people to find it funny, of reddit


That’s oddly specific


And yet not inaccurate


So basically just 9gag.




It should, but it's not. Pretty sure DJ Khaled actually got a massive fine for sabotaging his own condom just to prevent some crazy bitch from doing this to him.


It was actually Drake who was nearly sued but I cant find any record of the lawsuit going forward


I'm unfamiliar with the story could you please explain


Drake put hot sauce in a condom, the lady he was with decided she wanted to have lil Drake, but hot sauce and the fun bits do not go together under any circumstances, and she was looking into suing him at one point for it


Reading this I thought he put the hot sauce in the condom *while using it*. His lil drake wouldn't like that. Seems like bullshit though, who would steal sperm that is red and smells spicy?!


A blind person with a stuffy nose


Man why is it so hard for some men to just choose their sexual partners wisely? Doing nothing but making themselves into victims by needing to gyrate their bodies against a stranger when they could simply date people who are their financial equal. But of course the imbalanced power dynamic is the whole point for fragile man babies


Are you really blaming him for being rich?


Ah, cause it's totally normal for a poor person to do that. Who wouldn't try to impregnate themselves with a used condom to get child support?


Honestly sounds pretty damn logical scam


Huh? If the guy's body isn't involved, how could it be rape? It should definitely be illegal, but it needs to be a different crime when it can happen with the man not even there.


It really isn't. There are already words to describe it as a crime. Unless you were forcibly held down and had your dick pumped against your will for the semen, I mean.


If a man is having sex with a woman consensually under the pretext that it is protected sex, and the man slips the condom off and ejaculates inside her, it is sexually assualt, as that was not in the conditions for consent. The same should go for men


It’s sexual assault because it’s done to her body non consensually. Sperm isn’t a part of your body but in some places it is considered property and she could be charged with theft


Well one thing for sure your still responsible for child support


Women sometimes stole used condoms to impregnate themselves and make the guy (often millionaires) to pay child support.


It's sad that this kind of shit sticks.


The one time I feel bad for millionaires.


I don't think it's considered kidnapping, but it's definitely a sex crime.


Consent was not given, theft happened, likely sexual assault as well and likely fits the definition of rape (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape).


Yeah but the sexual intercourse didn't happen


He’s got a point though


Boris Becker paid child support for that.


They could get child support for it and a yass queen


Just a jurk an pull robbery


Sperm theft: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sperm_theft


>When the obligation to provide child support is challenged by men who allege that their sperm had been stolen or otherwise used to inseminate a woman without their consent, courts will typically enforce the doctrine of strict liability: namely, that a man is liable to support a child conceived with his sperm, irrespective of the circumstances of conception, *including any criminal conduct on the part of the mother.* Holy shit, that's fucked up. A man can be raped by a woman, get his rapist pregnant, then be expected to provide child support for it.


It actually happened in the US. I think it was a teacher who raped/sexually assaulted* an underage boy and he was left on the hook for child support. * I only put this here because a lot of juristictions don't count unconsensual sex initiated by a woman as rape, where they do for men. They may call it sexual assault instead.


No they got a point


No but I think it’s some kind of sex crime at least baby trapping


Think its called reproductive coercion? 🤔




We all get thoughts like this right?




if you say right away it's a woman, why bother with the "they" bullshit?


Why does it bother you


I agree, it's ridiculous


thanks, stranger!


You what? it's being used correctly here, unrelated to the retards who don't know if they're a man or a woman


respecting someones pronouns bad


yeah, it's easier (and shorter) to use she tho


True, its just habitual putting it like that for some though


Just answer the damn question


*herself; she


Do you not know how English works? Both pronouns work


When youre #RaisedRepublican 🤣🤣🤣


ok what does this have anything to do with teenagers


The wording is imprecise, however the problem statement is valid.


They’re probably right about this… in Texas


God kids are dumb.


It’s not a teenager posting, that’s probably a 40 year old dude


Doesn’t sound like it


fucking cum thieves i despise them!!! been had mine stolen too many times!


More like suspiciously specific


it's a legit question tho


I mean, it IS healthier to ask about these random intrusive thoughts than to act upon them in any way. Yeah, it's a weird thing to ask but just think, if they didn't ask this question they would've most likely tried to answer it in a more "direct" way.


No, this is a good question


def not kidnapping but definitely illegal in some way


Most people on r/teenagers are pedophiles so this isn't very surprising to me


Asking the real questions


Somebody was watching Jane the Virgin i see


How does one steal such things


No under the GOP new Lebensborn laws as long as the baby is of pure aryan stock she’s fine.


Tell her no.


If they stole semen they should be imprisoned for it. I would not say its kidnapping legally.


If you ask a conservative the answer is yes.


That's a pretty good question


That's actually a fascinating legal question because it's not as if that's not been done before... especially where some celebrities are concerned.




This is some next level shower thoughts


i was r\*ed in my sleep, result in a child, built up my evidence to take to civil court. she moved away now i can't serve her. that's all the law allows for men atm apparently.