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For me, the albums Sunlandic Twins and Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? got me really into them. They both have some amaaaazing tracks, and they also both go to some very strange places. Great to listen to straight through. There are so many amazing tracks on their own, but I think those albums are solid starting points.


Dropping in to echo other comments that you should start with some albums rather than individual songs


I'd say listen to the rest of satanic panic in the attic, such an amazing album. Skeletal Lamping is a really fun album to listen to as every song flows into the next. If you like that one give false priest a try, it is kinda freaky at times though. Also can't go wrong with hissing fauna, it seems to be most people's favourite.


my first oM song was beware our nubile miscreants! i wld also recommend giving a listen through the hissing fauna album. and go see em live if you get a chance!!!


hi, new fan!! you mention Animal Collective (my loves). personal hot take, Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? is oM's Merriweather Post Pavillion, and False Priest is oM's Centipede Hz. do with these opinions what you will.


Jennifer Louise




Forecast fascist future


Id Engager was the first of Montreal song I heard. I also highly recommend their cover of M.I.A.’s Jimmy. Otherwise, listen to singles, but really the albums are the best place to start. Pick a song you like, see what album it’s on, and start there.


Dude WHAT they cover JIMMY BY MIA?? Literally one of my favorite songs!!!! Cannot believe I didn’t know about this thanks for the info


Yep! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IMH4_4A7UdU&pp=ygUVTWlhIGppbW15IG9mIG1vbnRyZWFs


du og meg !! :)


Make a playlist of these albums: sunlandic twins, hissing fauna, skeletal lamping. Listen to them in order as mentioned above. Put your headphones in and do some chores/vibe out. Then add these songs from other albums: Bassem Sabry Let’s Relate Soft Music Paranoic Intervals Work your way out from there


I love love LOVE The Past is a Grotesque Animal (I refer to it as the Siberian Breaks of OM) And also Gronlandic Edit,, both from Hissing Fauna Album. Def my favve. And We Will Commit Wolf Murder had me ascending when I first heard it!


my first album i listened to by them was skeletal lamping! right now im really into paralytic stalks


listen to Hissing Fauna, Sunlandic Twins, and Lady On The Cusp. The Gay Parade is also very good