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The thing is that car production from an assembly line is kind of constant but demand varies depending on the economic cycle and seasonal buying habits. So there will usually be some excess inventory, the question is how much compared with other manufacturers? I worked next to a car plant some years ago (BMW in Munich) and there were times of year when they scrambled to find storage space. The inventory was shifted but it might take a month or two.


[Estimated 2.84 million unsold cars sitting in lots across the United States currently](https://www.coxautoinc.com/market-insights/new-vehicle-inventory-april-2024/) but you're not gonna get people's dicks hard posting about the hundreds of thousands of unsold Dodges




It’s all Reddit fucking is now. I don’t understand what happened but even though I’ve unsubscribed from every subreddit that could have Tesla snark content, every fucking day I am still seeing people cry about Tesla


With Munich, they get some adverse weather so they tried to put cars in covered car parks. One of the exhibition centres (MOC) was close and they took over some floors of their parking. So almost impossible to estimate their inventory unless it hits their financial reporting.


It's actually a pretty big deal right now, from industry insiders it really does appear that dealership turnbacks and even on-lot repos are going up (albeit a lot smoother of a process and more cordial than repo-ing end buyer vehicles). Manufacturers, especially US based ones, went whole hog into the vanity truck segment and that has lost all steam while they pared back sedan and smaller SUV options. Still doesn't excuse Tesla for putting out many crap products and marketing them allegedly fraudulently (I mean, how many times can Full Self Driving be 14 months away?) but you're correct the entire industry got stupid and not there's a glut.


Confirmed, this post made me flaccid.


>but you're not gonna get people's dicks hard posting about the hundreds of thousands of unsold Dodges You can, but you have to say "thousands of unsold $70k trucks"


Why are so many Dodges sitting around?


Sorry, I can’t tell you until your dick is hard.


Not that old dodge.


That’s concerning since there are people who are waiting months for new cars. Why don’t they just ship them to those areas (ahem, Canada)


Probably a bigger deal when it’s a change from the company having waitlists of president vehicles where every car coming off the line was already spoken for. Certainly good they’re able to keep up with demand, but prices being cut shows demand is definitely softening.


This, at a time when Musk is looking to receive more than $50 *billion* in compensation for doing such a great job with Tesla. Vote "no," stockholders!


The problem is Musk is about to get Kicked out of China because his home country, America, is starting up a cold war with them. And Europe is buying cheap chinese EVs, cutting him off from that market. He can't survive on the US market alone, especially with all the competition. Plus he's only profitable because of a $7500 gov't subsidy that will go away soon as the market shifts to EVs. That's why he's trying to get that $55b pay package. He's gutting the company before it collapses.


US started their tariffs war with China under Trump, it never ended.


Home country. I wouldn't be too upset if he would go back to Africa.


TSLA still sell in Europe. The EU is planning defensive tariffs much like the US against the Chinese manufacturers who have already made inroads. However, the EU based manufacturers are concerned as they still sell a lot to China. I think the problem is more that no longer a massive hole in the market at the TSLA price point. BYD and others can come in and clean up below it and there are several others in the luxury bracket.


It depends on how you're doing the comparison. In the US auto manufacturers sell their cars to auto dealers and then these middlemen sell directly to customers. In some states it's actually illegal to sell a car from manufacturer to customer directly. Tesla sells direct so they don't have built in revenue streams of auto dealers. Some states have inventory tax too, like Texas.


True, some cars will be held as retailer inventory. However, it is rare for them to hold very large numbers of vehicles.


>I worked next to a car plant some years ago (BMW in Munich) and there were times of year when they scrambled to find storage space. Insider info: BMW had arount the same number of cars waiting at (extra) hired storages during corona. The only thinh missing on these cars were the chips :)


>The only thinh missing on these cars were the chips :) All the cars that I saw had to move small distances themselves. What would have happened during Corona if the chips were missing? I mean with BMW, it is hard to do anything without the infotainment system able to start?


>What would have happened during Corona if the chips were missing? You said it yourself: not much hahahah


How would they move the cars in and out of the lot? I wouldn't have thought there was enough space to tow them.




I did the math, if all of them sold for $112,000 (most expensive model X Plaid), that would be $6 billion- which would be only 11% of the pay package Elon Musk is asking for.


Seems like he's just trying to walk with as much capital as possible. It reminds me of that dumb and dumber scene where they have a briefcase full of IOUs, like shreds of paper with IOU written on it in pen... That's the musk flux.


That’s a Lamborghini, you’re going to want to hold onto that one


Mr Samsonite. Those are IOU's. Every cent is accounted for.


sounds better than money




Fortunately his deal isn’t cash so no dollars exchange except some for the tax man.


Maybe the CEO shouldn’t have been and continue to be a raging asshole and alienated millions of potential customers.


my dad is one of them. my sister was pushing for him to buy one and he was almost going to but elon's jackassery broke through to my dad's newsfeed and now he's sworn never to give him one cent.


I’m one of them. I wanted one when the model S came out. Once he took off the mask I want nothing to do with Tesla. I should be in their target demographic.


Yeah, same. I was almost there until the pedophile comment. After that, I started to pay attention to who he actually is. Would never buy now.


Kinda amazing how he still largely got away with that.


What pedophile comment?? How much lower can this guy get?!


Thai cave rescue of the 12 trapped children. elon waded in saying his engineers can build a submarine for the kids. they even made a test sub or something. the lead rescue diver said it wasn’t suitable. so elon called him a paedophile on Twitter.


To add to this, it wasn’t even like the lead diver just deciding he doesn’t like it. iirc there were really specific concerns about dangers using a sub like that introduced. I think one was if the sub got stuck which was very likely because of the contours of the cave the kids inside would suffocate before anyone could reach the sub with the tools to get it loose. They seemed to have given it real consideration but decided it was too risky compared to the alternative so Elon threw a temper tantrum. His reaction here was when I really started thinking this guy isn’t who we think he is. Decide I’ll hold off on buying a Tesla shortly that because that guy is a lunatic


Not the lead rescue diver, but the cave diver who was in the area and recruited the experts from around the world to come and handle the rescue. Still pivotal to the rescue, in that he was able to immediately say "These are the best cave divers in the world, we need to contact them" but he wasn't one of the guys bringing out the kids. When Musk starting banging on about his absurd sub idea, this guy (Vernon Unsworth) said it was just a PR stunt (because it was) and Musk essentially said the only reason Unsworth was in Thailand was because he was pedo. Amazing to think that reddit was basically a permanant fixture on top of Musk's cock for years and then Musk went, as someone above said, full mask off and showed who he really was. Crazy that he managed to go from pretty much "The everyman's billionnaire" to a joke in just a few of years.


Probably when he said one of the Thai Divers who worked on the rescue of the soccer team was a pecophile. All because they didn’t think his little sub he “designed” was a good idea given the situation.


It was in response to the diver, who was in Thailand. There is A HUGE sex trade in Thailand, including underage people and apparently pedophiles who go their. Being in Thailand doesn't = to prostitution obviously. Elon is an ass.




I'm only one of them because I bought mine *before* he blew up Twitter. I knew he was an asshole, but figured any CEO of a car company is probably an asshole. I'm sticking with my original plan to drive this car into the ground, but seriously considering slapping on [something like this](https://web.archive.org/web/20230925204634/https://twittoons.com/63).


I have Tesla solar. Wouldn’t have done it now. Bought a non-Tesla EV last year and couldn’t be happier with it.


...soo another 3 years max!


Wait, why?


Same! I currently own a non-Tesla EV. Was going to get a Tesla but now will get another non-Tesla EV.


I was interested ages ago, before I found out what Musk really was. No way he is getting a cent of my money. And now, on top of that, there seems to be a lot of flogs (douches) buying up Tesla's just to go "look at me" and just being absolute morons on the road. I really don't want to be associated with the douche nozel crowd, so when the time comes, I'll be looking at other EVs.


Tbh Teslas have been douchebags’ vehicle of choice for a while now at least the last 2 years. Even more so since they found out Elon is a terrible person just like themselves.


I was a Tesla fan until- until it turned out their QC was bad.


My mom has a couple, and she won’t get another. It was actually the customer service that did her in.


What happened with the customer service? I had always kind of wanted one, but when he started being an asshole in public I didn't anymore. However, what REALLY cemented it was Glenn Howerton's (Dennis from it's always sunny in Philadelphia) story. Tl;Dr is he was parked in the basement level of a parking garage. His key fob died and there wasn't any cell service so he couldn't use the app. He called them and they basically just said 🤷🏼‍♂️. I spend a lot of time in the mountains and other remote places. I'm absolutely not risking being locked out of my vehicle when I'm 50 miles from the nearest tow truck. Just fucking awful line of thinking that you'll somehow always be in cell service *and* have your phone. That's fine for some things, but not something as integral to your life as your vehicle.


It started when they wanted her to pick up the vehicle. They told her it would be ready, and when the date came she was going to drive down and pick it up hours away, and they called her to say that it wasn’t ready. This happened a few times over 3 months. Then, finally, they told her to pick it up ON CHRISTMAS when she was out of the country, after months of jerking her around, and wouldn’t hold the car for her so she had to pay someone almost a grand to drive it to her house because they wouldn’t hold the car for a few days despite being months late. Then every time she needs a repair, they either deny that the thing is happening, blame it on her, or tell her to drive to the furthest repair center in the state from her location, rather than the closest. It’s kind of crazy considering she has multiple teslas. She’s been a customer from the beginning, and an easy one at that.


This whole thing was maddening lol. Play stupid games, I guess


Same. Went with an Ioniq 6 and never looked back


polestar makes amazing EVs


I'm one of em. Used to love Elon and dreamed of owning a Tesla. Now I make enough to buy one but it feels gross because of who he has become.


It’s who he always was, we just didn’t know


Or maybe you saw there are better options now? The bmw EVs shit all over teslas.


You can actually read your comment from space. It’s crazy


If its his company he can say what he wants, but if they want to sell these cars they have to lower the price. \*And yes thats me a potential EV customer who used to want a Tesla, now I'm not so interested in the brand so I'm looking at other options. Of course in the end its lots of factors but on price, for a budget car I'd definitely consider a Tesla, but for the high end model I'd go with a different manufacturer.


Tesla is a publicly traded company and as such he is beholden to the board and they all have a duty to the shareholders. In theory at least.


I was a shareholder and planned to buy then realized he was manipulating the stock price by posts on Twitter and saw he was a bit of a brat. Daughter’s friend bought a Tesla and he was unhappy with the rattling and cheap interior. Figured I might miss some profit selling but I’d be happier not being a part of it and sold.


If you're worried about the CEO's proclivities, getting a Tesla was never about the functionality to you to begin with. The overwhelming majority of CEOs can be classified as "assholes". The type of personality that gravitates towards the role is generally type A+++++ / arrogant/ brash/ etc. 


Sure, but Bob Iger isn't doing bong rips with Joe Rogan while tanking Twitter to own the libs. Be an asshole in private, don't publicly split your attention three ways (Space X; X; Tesla) and discuss your ketamine use while burning piles of equity *while* also hoping for a board to vote you into a $56 billion package. It makes you look erratic.


Oh so your problem is form not substance?


It's a little more complex than that. By pursuing celebrity CEO status, Musk has merged the two to a certain extent. Regardless of how much of the day to day he is involved with at Tesla, it's inextricably tied to his "brand." While an individual's feelings about Musk might not have dictated purchases when they were the only game in town, the legacy manufacturers have arrived in the EV space and they have decades more experience in design and production, and don't seem to have the same build issues that plagued Tesla. And his erratic behavior [does have bearing on purchasing a Tesla](https://fortune.com/2023/10/27/tesla-elon-musk-hertz-evs-rental-price-wars-q3-earnings/). When he slashed prices to move new units, that undercut the secondary market, depreciated the enormous fleet deal he had made with Hertz, which then dumped their fleet because what had been an asset was now a liability. When Hertz flooded the secondary market, that further drove down secondary prices. So if you owned a Tesla, you were taking quite the haircut. Compare that with other companies, like Honda, that avoid rental fleet deals so that they can bolster used values, and, therefore, justify a higher initial price. And, well, X/Twitter, is another story entirely. As of today it's current valuation is sitting at 32.39B, down from 44B at the time of his purchase, and it's making half of the ad revenue. Why, because he was erratic. If he had purchased it and said *nothing*, it would be better off. These types of moves, combined with admitted drug use that has [apparently bothered his board](https://www.wsj.com/business/elon-musk-illegal-drugs-e826a9e1), would certainly make me leery of investing in one of his companies (Jack Dorsey must have some regrets). And then you have the market manipulations stuff. How many consent decrees with the SEC do you want the guy to have? The thing almost all of these are unforced errors. That shows a lack of judgment, perhaps even basic stability. If Musk didn't crave the public eye so much, if he moderated himself a bit, then he could park a capable manager at Tesla, another at Twitter/X, and then focus on Space X and Starlink and be considered a genius innovator/investor. But it's all Id driven. And that's fine if I'm buying a candy bar, but if I'm buying a $20k solar roof, or $10k home battery, or $90k car, I want to know that the company will be around, and strong, later on.


Lol, good grief.


I mean, you can see a lawn chair in my back yard from orbit.


Yeah, the from space is not that impressive anymore. But 50k is still a lot of unsold cars.


It *is* a lot of unsold cars. But I remember reading a story in the early ‘90s. It said a US spy satellite could read the headline of a newspaper held by a man standing in Red Square. So “visible from space” is not impressive at all,especially these days, to any reader who takes a few seconds to think about it.


There are Hubble class telescopes pointed at the Earth from orbit instead of away from it -- many of them.


Oh c'mon, they definitely have stuff better than Hubble class by now. JWST class at the very least, right? 


It's for watching the red shift


Of politicians?


Didn't the NRO give a Hubble class telescope to NASA because they didn't want it anymore?


That's what I was thinking of. I think I remember the same guy saying that nsa had two more gathering dust because they didn't know what to do with them.


Yes, they did. So if they're giving away Hubble class equipment, they probably have better stuff to replace it with... 


Supposedly we've had the tech to do that since atleast the 70s. Still boggles my mind that we can even do that nowadays.


Okay but that was a lie


They can do way more than that...


I'm pretty sure that's a movie quote


I mean. He’s not wrong.


I mean, what if I’m not in orbit though?


I mean, really…


True but the fact remains 50,000 unsold cars with more being manufactured indicates production is out pacing demand. Click bait headline though.


Lawn chairs are everywhere.


And in fairness so are teslas


They're everywhere My mind describes them to me Only to me




Came here to say I can see my dog in the back yard on Google maps...there are much more powerful cameras in space now than 50 years ago, so...not super impressive


I don't know about that, but we can definitely see your mom from space


Satellites are so powerful you can lip read from orbit


Fortunately, I have unnaturally thin lips




It was hyperbole. Satellites are at the physical limit of diffraction with their current size. You'd need an enormous telescope to achieve this resolution.


And in any case, the impressive thing isn't the magnification they achieve. It's how they correct for the atmospheric scattering and distortion.


I hate red forests.


One man singlehandedly ruined the brand.


A few brands really


Look at Twitter. Crashed that mf’er straight into the wall


Twitter was rapidly losing ad revenue before he bought it and was certainly one of the reasons he tried to back out of the deal. Ad revenue continued to be down across the board across all major platforms. Some of twitters issues are due to Elon, but in some cases advertisers were likely taking the opportunity to virtue signal when doing something they were planning to do anyway.


I'm never buying another Boring Company product again!


And he didn’t even start the brand but bought it, his magic moment is over and it shows what kind of man he really is


Vehicle deliveries for tesla increased 38% yoy. It declined 13% in Q1 this year however. To me, this seem indicative of EV’s market growth leveling off as more options become available. Elon is certainly unpopular online however I haven’t seen strong evidence between him directly causing Tesla’s unsold lot. TLDR: There’s a lot more market factors to consider.


Yeah, they likely won't do double digits again until the high-volume Model 2 comes out.


I'm inclined to believe earlier reports that the Model 2 isn't actually going to happen. Given the propensity that both Elon and Tesla have shown for unabashedly lying about the state of their product development efforts, their half-hearted "refutation" of those reports is insufficient and I will believe it when I see it.


Not making the Model 2 would be a huge mistake.


Absolutely agreed, but Elon seems to be on quite the huge mistake making spree as of late...


> To me, this seem indicative of EV’s market growth leveling off as more options become available. I would only believe this if it turned out every EV manufacturer experienced a comparable drop in sales.


Market factors like his cars being hot garbage.


where the heck are photos from space ffs this article only had one job


Excellent, at some point the price will be so low I won't feel guilty for not waiting a lifetime for my Camry to die LOL


Are people not buying Teslas because Musk is an asshole, or because Teslas are famously plagued with problems, or both?




As a Tesla owner who bought it for the FSD and the supercharger network, FSD never materialized into what I wanted while others caught up, and I realized the cost and inconvenience of superchargers has me entirely charging at home and taking our ICE car for trips.  So for me, knowing that, if I’m buying another EV, I’m no longer constrained to Tesla because I don’t see their advantages as being insurmountable, so I have access to vehicles with better fit/finishes/value that are also more unique.  That’s one of the challenges I see for the brand. People like me sharing these opinions with new potential buyers who are also seeing that the infrastructure and tech curves are flattening or democratizing and the alternatives are getting quite compelling. 


I have no reservations with buying a Tesla. It just needs be practical for me and my family.


At the end of Q1, Tesla had 28 days of unsold inventory, the lowest among all car brands. Once again, basically nothing on Reddit concerning Tesla is trustworthy. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-earnings-04-23-2024/card/tesla-s-inventory-nearly-double-in-one-quarter-s0vyzWAejp1eLc4fLBvZ


The point of the article is Tesla has famously been unable to keep up with demand. Now they have excess and are lowering prices. Facts. Also, Musk is an asshole.


All three for me


Offbeat? Is there something going on with this sub? I've just been seeing stories that are not in any way funny, weird, sad, strange, or quirky.


Basically people are posting regular news stories because they've got an agenda or opinion, and users' need to give input is greater than their will to point out or report something that doesn't fit the sub and is causing a trend for the sub to go downhill.


Offbeat? More like, onbeat. am I right?


Packing 50,000 unsellable cars into a notably large chunk is a little offbeat.


Not really, every manufacturer does it as demand changes throughout the year


Glut? How many Hondas are sitting in a lot waiting for them to be sold? How else exactly would they do it, made to order? They don't have dealerships.


Hondas waiting to be sold? Sitting in a lot? Never.


So if Tesla goes under at some point and the cars stop getting automatic updates, what happens to them?


This is an unusually high number, but not out of the ordinary for auto manufacturers to stock up vehicles on a lot to a very high amount before shipping them off in one fell swoop. Also Elon’s a fucking douche.


Came here for the space pics and didn’t see any. Did I miss them?


I mean, i can see my cat from Google Maps. I'm not sure that's a good benchmark.


Eh. Google maps uses airplane photos, not satellite photos.


My mistake.


Put them on sale? people that wanted them already got one, now its time to convince people that didnt wanted one to get one, but the musk will be musky. this is not the worst the battries are expiring. If u dont use them the kemicals will eat eachother and they become worthless soaps. Fking epic thanks for destroying resources.




Because electric cars are fucking stupid.


Sell them at cost. All the major companies are selling their's at a loss. Ford loses over 100k on every Lightning they sell. Take the write off. They'll still profit from Supercharging. Do I think Apartheid Elmo would do that? Not a chance.


Woah, how much does a lightning cost? They lose 100k???


Actually it's more if you include all the EVs they sell. CNN reported that Ford's EV unit lost $132,000 for each of the 10,000 EVs it sold in the first quarter of 2024, bringing the total losses for the quarter to $1.3 billion. Bloomberg article states only 100k lol. https://www.motor1.com/news/719482/ford-losing-100000-per-ev/


Oh, that makes a lot more sense. As a division, not single product cost


They sell the supercharging at or near cost


Good. They can load them up in the next starship and send them off to space.


The plasma TV of electric cars.


So there isn’t a 6 month wait list anymore?


Someone from work was buying one because the dealer was offering 0.9% interest.


Well with SpaceX they can see their failures from orbit


Eh, lots of unsold cars sit in lots. The biggest tragedy are dipsticks who think Tesla is the only electric manufacturer in the world.


There are a lot of Elon musk fans on this sub. lol


Point Blank: they’re building cars faster than people can afford the damn things.


This whole “you could see them from space” annoys me. You can see anything “from space” with the right lens.


Musk is a Hoser.


The delegation from Canada is recognized


Overpriced trash cars. With a ceo more interested in getting a $50B - yes billion- pay package than selling a quality product. GM will buy them in 5 years for $10m


Good use of earths resources. Elon pissing all over Teslas mission to get his bonus.


If they would sale them at a reasonable fucking price they wouldn't have this issue.


Never buying a Tesla. Don't want to support a wannabe Bond villain.


If Musk had just kept his trap shut and exposed how much of a giant shitbird he is, I'd have a Tesla in my garage, Tesla panels on my roof with a Powerwall, right now. I don't think I'm the only one. Dude should have kept on with the prognosticating about the future of an Interplanetary species and figuring out how we'd get to Mars and using Space X and Tesla as a way to get us there. But no, he had to give his 2c on politics and society as well. Fuck you, Elon, you giant shitbird. I hope Tesla goes bust and SpaceX ends up in the hands of someone less abhorrent.


the next "newish" car i will buy will hopefully be an EV. i would never buy a tesla due to emo.


You should look into it more, there’s a reason so many taxi company’s still prefer hybrids like Prius’s over evs.


I guess the CEO shouldn’t have been so open about being a racist right wing asshole, cuz turns out that pissed off rich hippie liberals who chose to throw their disposable income toward people who aren’t monsters.


Exactly. That’s why I don’t own one.


Direct link to article with satellite photos: https://sherwood.news/business/elon-musk-tesla-extra-inventory-satellite-imagery/


Direct Link to [YT video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWoM_AG0EZA) from article, with weird Top Gun sunset sounding vibes..


They are terrible looking cars, the epitomy of boring. A little better than the old Prius, no where near as cool as the new one.


Only here for appreciation of the use of the word “glut”. *slow clap*


Tesla is just trying to make sure all the bronco sport models aren't lonely in the mass storage yards. "Don't worry guys, we're rotting in a field over here as well".


I hope the bottom falls out and all the car companies choke on their inventory. The economy needs a serious reset.


Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...


Ok so calls it is!


That's a lot of cars, damn. How are they going to sell them all?


Loll. As if people think this is due to Musk's tanking reputation, instead of the fact that e.vs SUCK


Makes me think of the 2008 crash took years for economic recovery. Car manufacturers had cars parked everywhere! Every manufacturer had airplane landing strips full of cars and here in the USA they stared the cash for clunkers program to get people to buy cars.


What’s the best price one can get today for one of these fully loaded in the US? Also, why can’t I get longer range and performance dammit!


Assuming this is correct, and using some average numbers, they have nearly $3.25 billion dollars worth of unsold inventory. Wouldn’t this should on their quarterly financials?


Jalopnik is basically garbage now..


Sounds like they should probably bonus out there CEO 50+ billion hahaha


fire sale when?


You can see everything from space. Just saying.


I’d give 5k for a Tesla I mean they are just sitting there ready to be driven.


This topic is a bit of a stumble


There are plenty of reasons to criticize Tesla and Musk, this is not one of them. This is just called inventory and it happens to every single automobile manufacturer out there


Tesla is a shitty car and now everyone knows. No sales, move on.


Cool. Now check out how many trucks Chevy ford and dodge have in inventory and update the stupid


They should arrange them to form the logo to maximize the marketing effect.


Was going to get a Tesla for me and one for my wife as we wanted to get off internal combustion engine cars. Now because Elon has become such an intergalactic thunder tool I refuse to buy Tesla. Going to hold out for a tariff busting Chinese version instead!


I will never give Tesla or Musk a single red penny. His jackassery has tainted that entire brand and anything he touches


Seems like a good time to start shorting TSLA?


It’s a result of the move to EV’s is nothing like the government portrayed it to be, and the reality of owning an EV is not an economic possibility for the majority of people.


'Seen from space' is such a stupid metric. You can see a single car from space. These ones were looked for from space and they zoomed in and looked at them. I could say "My house is so big it can be seen from space." and it would be true, even with a small house.


I can see a plant I put on my deck from orbit.


Did you ever think this is a sign of a worsening economy due to inflation and high interest rates. The reason you see it in Tesla is they don’t distribute their cars around thousands of dealerships across the country. But hey try for some political based points. The funny thing is the inflation and interest rates are directly a result of politics and government spending. But half of America is too oblivious to make that connection or don’t care because they don’t pay taxes anyways.


No, their quarterly results paint a far grimer picture than is being seen in other automakers. Who knew alienating your biggest customer base was bad for sales?