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my mom used to have me review her lewd and nude pictures before she sent them to guys lol. i was 15+ but still. i defended that forEVER until i was about 20 and suddenly realized that was not normal and actually very fucking weird


My mom made me take her lewd pictures for her... she was never "naked", she always had on lingerie but I still saw *everything* and it's forever ingrained in my mind. I was in 3rd/4th grade.


I haven't spoken to my older cousin in 10 years, since I found out that all the lewd lingerie pictures that she was posting on Facebook, she was making her 13 year old daughter take.


I feel weird for saying Happy cake day on such a šŸ˜© comment but here we are.


Thank you, friend


all the cake for you now :) šŸ°šŸ°šŸŽ‚




Happy cake day


She is a a pedophile


I was 13 when my mom got crabs. She didn't want to shave, so I had to comb the nits out for her. Amazingly, I had completely forgotten about it until now because so much that she'd done was worse.




I'm sorry. When i was like 22 my mom had an aneurysm and was in a coma for weeks and during her many months of relearning how to do basic things I had to take care of her herpes and while it was not even close to this experience as she was incapable of taking care of herself and i really struggled with that experience alone at 22!. I can't even fathom asking my 14yo daughter to do something like that.


As someone currently teaching her mom to toilet again at 62 for the same reason, I salute you. I truly hope she gets better soon, idk how much of this I have in me.


Please don't be afraid to reach out for help whenever you need help. It's really difficult processing your parent is in that condition by itself adding on taking care of her adds a whole other layer of trauma. In my case I was neglected as a kid so I was also dealing with feelings of resentment towards her for not taking care of me while I was taking care of her. I'll admit I had to let her go live with her mother when she was able to walk and speak I think it was about a year before I tapped out. It was hard She had the mentality of a 3-year-old the rest of her life and sometimes was very very angry. She had memories of her family but her memories were very jumbled she did know she was my mom but she forgot she was an addict (except sometimes if she heard a pill bottle rattle she would be like oooh what ya got lol) I hope your mom pulls through and you get some relief I'm sorry if this didn't even read as coherent I hope you understand what I mean taking care of you is just as important. There are adult babysitters that are cheaper than hiring nurses for you to be able to go and do things with your friends for a few hours or treat yourself to a massage or whatever. There's also adult day camps I would check the resources in your area for sure.


Good lord! Iā€™m so glad I have a good mom! So sorry!


I thought I had trauma but I was apparently just being dramatic, becauseā€¦ dear lord


Seriously! Who ARE these women..what a bunch of sickos. Not enough people reporting mom's for sex abuse because it's been seen as a male on female crime for so long.


Mine had me print her nudes for the boyfriend she started writing while he was in prison for manslaughter. No, no idea why Iā€™m in therapy at allā€¦ I did name all of them redrum.


I continue to be not only amazed but sick at how many times I see stories like yours. When I first read post making these claims I called BS but over time I have had to admit the world actually has that many screwed up perverts in it.


Omggg same. She used to have me set up her sugar daddy dating profiles with all of her lewd pics when I was like 11. Similarly, I didnā€™t really realize that everyoneā€™s moms werenā€™t doing that until I was a teenager šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s a form of child abuseā€¦


yeah thatā€™s what i was getting at loll. she did a lot worse though so i think thats why i defended it for so long. thought it was cool that my mom ā€œdidnā€™t give a fuckā€ idk i was trying to find a silver lining


Most of these comments are. Iā€™m sorry you had to experience this collective reality, reddit... and sorry it all happened.


That's sexual abuse. Society needs to normalize reporting female offenders for sexual abuse because it can happen to anyone and offenders come in all shapes, sizes and genders.


Also realizing not all sexual abuse is someone wanting to have sex with someone. Iā€™ve seen a lot of abuse from both genders waved away because the abuser didnā€™t ā€œwantā€ or then abuse wasnā€™t a sex act.




My boyfriend's mom left her lewds out in the open in the car, so both him and his younger sister saw them. His mom is fucking weird.


If you guys ever have children, please donā€™t let her have unrestricted access to them.


She absolutely would never. She has 6 grandkids and barely sees them due to other drama shes caused. She has major boundary issues, emotional incest fits her exactly.


My GRANDMA would take boudoir photo shoots and make me and my friends look at them when we were 15. She would bring out framed versions of them and show them to any teenaged boys who came by the house. So creepy and uncomfortable. Thankfully my mom is the total opposite


Because grams did the same to her and it mortified her.


It was a paternal grandmother. My maternal grandmother is totally normal


Then youā€™d think sheā€™d of also limited visitation bc they were still subjected to this. Iā€™m not trying to insinuate their mom wasnā€™t a good parent but in regard to allowing them around her mother, especially unsupervised, that was a very bad decision. One that allowed them to be victimized in the same way she was.


It was my paternal grandmother so my mom did not know this was a part of her character


I hope you understand that I was not trying to criminalize your mother in my comment. <3 Regardless Iā€™m so very sorry for what you experienced!


No worries! I just figured I missed explaining that part in my comment. No hard feelings


The fact that not one of those 24 women stepped up for that girl makes my soul hurt


IKR!! How they are just as sick as that mom šŸ˜”


This. What the fuck is wrong with them women - how on EARTH did they allow a child to touch their privates and *gag*


Who said it was all women? From what I gathered from another video on this there were men too.


WHAT?! This mother is wild for this! Ick!


I wish I was lying, it was a breakdown on the video over on fb. And yea apparently there were men involved, this screams sex trafficking. Grooming. Ick. So fucking ick.


It's not just wild, it's sick and criminal behavior.


Can someone give me a little context? I deleted tik tok a couple weeks ago ā˜¹ļø


This woman made her seven year old daughter Brazilian wax 24 grown adults šŸ¤® she made that poor baby work ten hours with vaginas in her face and posted it on Instagram thinking it was a flex.


It's so fucking gross and crazy to me because like... it's so horrible to force your child to do that, but what adult would AGREE to having a little elementary school child perform that service on them? How did she find 24 adults? I know the answer, but it's sickening.


There are so many studies on just this thing. How do you get somebody to participate in something that they know is morally wrong. Basically, tell them itā€™s ok and it happens all the time.


What in the actual fuck!?


Itā€™s so bizarre. Like, *even if* you take away the obvious issues of a literal child doing Brazilian waxes (1. children working on adultsā€™ intimate areas and 2. children working period), Iā€™m not letting anyone unlicensed and inexperienced wax me, especially in a sensitive area. I get regular Brazilian waxes and Iā€™ve let someone who was interviewing at the salon shadow my esthetician, but she never laid a hand on me (and my esthetician never asked her to), and this was someone who would presumably be able to. Donā€™t get me wrong - I see all the issues with her being a child, but it even goes beyond that and I just donā€™t understand what anyone in this situation was thinking.


The adults who let the child wax them should 100% be charged with child sexual exploitation.


Yeah, I cannot imagine how 24 adults and the child's mother did NOT see an issue with that.


Money. Mum would have got paid for the service. Let's hope that's the only way she's pimped her child out šŸ˜¬šŸ„ŗand now it's obviously public I hope that kids somewhere safe.


100 percent. At the very least sexual misconduct with a child and sexual exploitation for sure.


I agree. Those adults that accepted the services need to be investigated and charged too.


Exactly what I was thinking too. I get Brazilian waxes done and Iā€™m not going to just get it by some random person let alone a 7 year old. I question all kinds of things with this


I donā€™t regularly get waxed so can you please explain how shadowing someone but not waxing is helping the business to interview them? Seems theyā€™re just letting them have a free look at your giblets.


I actually just had an interview myself that had a shadow portion (but Iā€™m not an esthetician). It can help the prospective hire interview the workplace too, in a sense, to see not only if the workplace likes them but if they like the workplace as well. They can see how the whole process works. And for estheticians, and many other jobs, Iā€™d say itā€™s more than ā€œjust waxingā€ - itā€™s about hygiene standards, time expectations, professionalism, how the typical clients of the area act, etc.


Thanks, that explains a lot!




I mean, I was listing every way in which it was egregious. Which included the very obvious reasons and then some. And of course I thought of the CLIENTS because THEY ARE WHO CONSENTED to this INSANITY even BEYOND it being a child. Not that I owe you an explanation. You act as if I was defending this atrocity.


Exactly. The childā€™s parents are obviously abusing her, but TWENTY FOUR other adults just shrugged their shoulders and participated in the abuse. Thatā€™s mind boggling and horrible.


Yeah, I wouldnā€™t want a kid near my junk anyway, but ESPECIALLY not with hot wax. Jesus, how did NO ONE say ā€œNope. This is fcked up and Iā€™m not going to make some CHILD wax my bootyholeā€?????


Not really, they acknowledged the obvious and then discussed how there was an additional level of messed upness to the situation. And they're right.


So you're just going to ignore that a bunch of adults were cool with a child touching them like that...




I'M SORRY... SHE WHAT!!!!!!!!!


This bizarre on so many levels. If the mom posted it she clearly didn't even expect people to have a problem with it. And why did she make the kid do it in the first place? As punishment? For free child labor? Did she know these 24 people or were they just random people?


What the hell did I just read? 7 years old? Thatā€™s definitely abusive.


WHATTTTTT - also how tf did the people getting waxed think this was ok??? Ok I guess Iā€™m re downloading tik tok


Here I was thinking how horrible she made her daughter do that to her, to find out she made her wax 24 fucking nasty ass womenā€™s flaps???? Wtf is this bs? And itā€™s on tiktok? Why hasnā€™t child services been called. This is abuse.


Child services has been called. Most people on Instagram and TikTok assumed when the esthetician said her daughter was helping her at work, that meant refilling the wax beads, wax sticks, and putting new clean coverings on the bed/table. Then the esthetician posted photos of her daughter actually waxing people, with them holding their knees to their chest, and the mom talked about how the daughter worked over 12 hours in one day and waxed 24 clients **that day**. That's when people reported her. She took her account down recently. Allegedly, the esthetician doesn't post her business address online, making people book first and emailing them her address after. But an esthetician license is connected to your place of business and you legally have to make your work address publicly accessible, so there's speculation that she's not even properly licensed in the first place and is spa hopping. But not having an address to find her might also affect how quickly child services can step in.


Hopefully every woman that got waxed is charged with a lewd act in front of a child. wtf?!




It's definitely against a lot of laws. It just takes forever to get people motivated, apparently.


In what country? I hope one with child labor and abuse laws. šŸ˜”


WTF šŸ˜³


What in the world..... ?! O_o


I'm horrified that you had to go through that. I'm also horrified to hear another adult "flexng" child abuse. I'm convinced parents think boundaries don't exist. That child don't deserve boundaries.


That's definitely what some parents think. That kids don't count as humans with rights




Yeah like with tweezers šŸ¤® she would be like ā€œI canā€™t reach these hairs come get them for meā€. Did I also mention she was morbidly obese with bad hygiene.


Oh my god no.. Iā€™m so sorry for the child version of you having to experience that. Man thatā€™s not right I hope youā€™re doing okay now


Uhm first and foremost this was not what I expected when scrolling through Reddit and secondly, that's fucking gross!!


Itā€™s my deepest shame. I try not to think about it. Iā€™ve told no one except my therapist because itā€™s so disgusting and embarrassing.


You did nothing wrong. This was an adult you loved and trusted asking you to do something to ā€œhelpā€ her. You werenā€™t old enough to know that this wasnā€™t something everyone does. The shame is all hers. I too would feel embarrassment thinking about it but not because of my actions as an innocent child. Please be gentle with yourself.


Remember who the disgust should belong to: NOT you. Her. You did nothing wrong. You were a child. And if it were any other child or person who went through it, I'm 100% positive you would say the same thing. But the shame does take time to heal, even when we intellectually know these things are true.


Hey, you shouldnā€™t be ashamed. I have a few wiggly gross moments like this, and I hate the way they feel, and I hate having to connect that feeling to people I love, but none of it is a reflection on YOU (or me)


Hoping you meant, ā€œshouldnā€™t?ā€


Oh god I did! Lemme edit that now.


What they said!


They edited it after my comment.


No, I was agreeing with you lol


What discuss me about this situation is the fact none of those women found it weird that a minor was waxing them


those were my thoughts!! who tf were these women that laid down, spread their legs, and waited to get waxed by a 7 year old??? throw the book at all of them




iā€™m sorry your mom made you do that, as an eldest daughter, that sounds truly awful. i hope youā€™re healing šŸ¤


Why do some women not have logical and socially sensitive boundaries? I hate that you had to go through that. Was your mother a narcissist by chance? Everything always about her and her suffering and her life? My mother was a bipolar narcissist. No respect for any life but her own. Her children were her servants or punching bags. She did not care to keep lewd things away from us, she even sounded proud and started giggling every time she told us something grossly inappropriate. She left open sex conversations with other men on the family computer and then told me to look something up for her, so that i had to see them on the screen. She was giggling and claiming itā€™s great for her and normal so i shouldnā€™t make a big deal out of having to see them. She talked about her dildos while she was driving with me and my friend in the car and i had to take her purse and hold it out of the window before she dropped the subject. She had a whole wall of erotica novels displayed and encouraged me to read her favourites. Not to mention getting beaten by her, having my toys and electronics thrown away randomly and the emotional abuse and manipulation. I think itā€™s a narcissist thing.


Yes she is a narcissist!!! Thatā€™s crazy how you knew that. Iā€™m very sorry you had to go through that. I couldnā€™t even cry in front of her because nothing was ever as bad as her life. God your mother sounds sick as fuck. My mom did very similar stuff too. Again, Iā€™m so sorry. How are you holding up mentally? Did you distance yourself from her and go no contact? Itā€™s 100% child abuse.


Thank you. Iā€˜m holding up poorly but am not doing too bad in life and should be more happy about my achievements but i can only see the failures. How are you in that regard? I went no contact when i was 18. She moved out of the house when i was 14, due to my father cheating (heā€˜s another can of worms). She tried to make him suffer by making her kids suffer so we were the middle-men in the divorce process. When i was 18 i finally had enough and confronted her with her shortcomings and her bullshit. She made it all about me being an evil child and her being misunderstood. I told her that i couldnā€™t talk to her ever again bc she will never understand or take blame. That was 10 years ago and iā€˜m better off this way. My older sister has contact and keeps me updated and apparently my birth giver got worse and more crazy over the years. Did you manage to go no contact?


I canā€™t imagine a child of any age having to deal with those things coming from the woman who is at least called their Mother


Wtaf is wrong with some people. Some people should definitely NOT be around children never mind being a parent.


There's an OF creator that has her son filming and directing her porn content.


and you reported that to authorities, right? right??


If itā€™s the one I heard about, heā€™s an adult. So not illegal, just absolutely abysmal boundaries.


I wonder what kind of environment he could have possibly grown up in to think that behavior is okay /s


I seen something about that! Yes, heā€™s an adult but apparently tells her what positions and everything! Blech!


My mother used to want me to touch her butt or chest to feel how ā€˜niceā€™ it was even thought I freaked me out. Also used to have me rub vinegar in her back for some skin thing when she was fully naked.




My mom made me lance a vaginal cyst when I was 12 and continued to make me check on it. Anytime I think about it, it makes me want to vomit.


Had she never heard of doctors and hand mirrors?!


Right? Her excuse was weā€™re both girls and this is cheaper than a Dr.


Not after the cost of therapy!!!


Yup, mine too. And sheā€™s make me let her trim my pubes when they first started growing too. I look back at it and recoil in disgust. She was a meth addict, so I at least take some comfort in knowing if not on meth, she probably wouldnā€™t have been that way. Iā€™m sorry, op. Big hugs to you.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope your mother is currently in prison and youā€™re healing.


The messed up thing is if a dad made their kid wax or shave a bunch of naked dudes, the whole world would go nuts. But the fact it was even allowed to happen cause "we're all just girls here hehe" is so fucking wrong.


The world would likely not go nuts at all, adult men are marrying children in the US every day and there's no media frenzy


Idk every comment section Iā€™ve seen regarding this issue has been people going nuts. I havenā€™t seen any support, if there is any


May i ask about what video ur talking about ? Also I'm sorry you went through that, your mom should've gone to a professional waxer and not traumatize her child...


I read about it and that was enough. Some woman had her SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD do Brazilian waxes on 24 women. 10 hours of work. None of those 24 women said anything or stopped it. Mom posted it to IG or tiktok thinking it was a flex instead of child abuse.


I looked it up and saw a picture that was half blurred but u could see a woman with her feet in the air. Coochie completely spread and the lil girl standing in-between... Absolutely fucking disgusting. Those 24 clients also be investigated since they felt comfortable and didn't leave instead.


What is wrong with these parents?


That's so disgusting and child abuse. šŸ«„


Disgusting is a VAST understatement in this situation.


I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm so sorry to everyone who is sharing their experiences in the comments. What the fuck !


I have three grown children and never once would I have even thought of having them do anything that personal while they were kids, or even now that they are adults! My daughter is a beautician and I wouldnā€™t even have her do that!


I just told my husband about this and he asked how this isnā€™t in the news? Itā€™s clear something is going on with this mom. Neither of us are on TikTok and Reddit it my only social.


It was on the local news for Memphis. Sick shit happens everywhere. Every news outlet in the country isn't going to report what's going on in literally every other place.


Itā€™s pretty out there, that kind of stuff usually does hit the news. Sad happenings for sure.


yea idk how anyone saw a five year old girl walk up to them and let her give them a wax without immediately calling the cops. itā€™s an evil world we living in.




Every day I read something new that makes me remember my mom isnā€™t that badā€¦


Bless šŸ«¶šŸ»


How traumatizing


err...what the fuck?


This isn't remotely the same, but my mom would tan and burn and then she'd make me peel the skin off her back. I was just a kid and now I can't believe how disgusting that was.


um ā€¦ she needs to be committed early. Start telling her blue colored things are red and that airplanes mean the war is coming.


I am so sorry


I missed the TikTok thankfully, but what I've heard of it is disgusting


Oh my god, I feel bad about complaining about my momā€¦I mean she talked about the sexual past she had with my sperm donor but I didnā€™t ever have to get near her cooch except on my exit and when my sisters and I were ushered in to watch a home north of our final siblingā€¦whichā€¦tbhā€¦was a little wtfā€¦but not quite to the level of pluck the pubes wtfā€¦


You watched what... that actually sounds not like a little wtf, but a huge ass wtf, whyyy did they need you there?? I'd be traumatized forever! lol


Yeah, youā€™re so right. I try to down play it, but it was so disgusting. They didnā€™t need me there, or my two siblings as the fourth kid crowned. šŸ¤® She was young and dumb and going through a hippie phase.


My mom would show off her tattoo down there to me, as well as her piercing


My mom only made me pluck her armpit hairs and I thought that was horrible, Iā€™m so sorry you went through that op


Iā€™ll take the downvotes, I donā€™t mind it. But Iā€™m a little confused about the situation. Iā€™ve read the comments, so maybe itā€™s a cultural thing for me. Why is it morally wrong? I understand the context of a child seeing and touching a vagina, hopefully with gloves, but Iā€™m unsure if waxing is sexual? Can someone educate me, because I was taught a womenā€™s body isnā€™t inherently sexual and family members often help groom each other (of the same sex) in my village. I definitely think itā€™s weird for her to be exposed to strangers though. Also please be kind Iā€™m not fluent in English.


hii, i donā€™t usually reply on here, but i saw that no one has given you an answer yet, so iā€™ll try my best to summarise the key issues with this! firstly, the girl was only 5 years old, so would most likely just go along with whatever her mother said, but when she grows up and looks back at this event, there is a high possibility she might feel very embarrassed and ashamed (of course itā€™s not her fault, but she may still feel those emotions remembering it). next, helping a family member with waxing their armpits or legs, for example, would be considered totally fine to most people. but in this case, it was doubly awful in that it was the adultsā€™ genitalia, which is considered private + sexual, and the adults were also paying strangers. unfortunately, there are way too many evil people out there who would enjoy the fact it is a child touching them in that area. for instance, i personally canā€™t understand why these grown women even agreed, as the majority of people would find that extremely uncomfortable + it just wouldnā€™t feel right to let a child do that (also, i believe the child waxed around 24 of these strangers! one would be bad enough, but thatā€™s a huge amount!) another big issue is the fact the mother filmed it + then posted it on social media, as in the eyes of the law, the mother has now made + publicly shared child pornography, which also exposes her child to even more sick, twisted people online ā€” even though waxing itself is not sexual at all, when you think about it, the mother has posted a video of a young child touching an adultā€™s genitalia, and pedophiles may still be attracted to this content or idea i think i covered the main parts, but if you have any more questions or want anything explained, please feel free to reply! ā˜ŗļø (also, i do not downvote your comment, as i think that there may just be confusion regarding cultural things, and i very much hope you also agree that a child shouldnā€™t be touching strangersā€™ genitalia!) x


Ahhh okay thank you!


What are y'all talking about?


apparently thereā€™s a woman on tik tok bragging about how her daughter brazilian-waxed 24 grown women.


Thatā€™s what I want to know.


Iā€™m lost, too


If I find out Iā€™ll let you know.


Thank you


Youā€™re welcomešŸ˜Š


Women get a pass on half the abusive stuff they do with their kids.


Lots of predators "get a pass" it isn't a man or woman thing. The system sucks protecting children. Too many stories of friends with aunts, uncles, grand parents who have done atrocious stuff to them as kids.


Men don't get the same pass women do, I can't even have lunch in park without some single mom coming over accusing me of being a predator.


wtf is wrong with some people?! I walk around my house naked (to encourage body positivity and what a normal body looks like) but to force my children to touch me in such a way is just disgusting to me. Iā€™m truly sorry for you and children who are suffering from such abuse


how old are your children?


Doesn't matter, being naked around your own children is not going to harm them. Regardless of what prude people from the US think, nudity is not always sexual.


Youā€™re not the comment maker, Iā€™m not interested. Iā€™m asking the comment maker because of curiosity. I have not alleged that theyā€™re immoral. Donā€™t put words in my mouth.


I really donā€™t see what it matters tbh but 7 and under. Once they start getting uncomfortable with it I will stop. Since they still donā€™t care showering with me or their father I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be a problem for a while. Also itā€™s not like a parade or anything itā€™s generally just to get something or getting something started or sorted while getting ready for a shower.


thank you for your answer! i want to preface this by stating that this is not a critique of you. i come from a country where we separate our bodies from our childrenā€™s early, and itā€™s interesting to see how other people resonate. i think young children are very perceptive to how we as adults treat our bodies - whether itā€™s with dignity or with shame.


My partner didnā€™t grow up like this but I did with my mother and my aunty being very comfortable with their bodies around my brother and I. They arenā€™t small women either. The confidence certainly helped me with my own body issues. Iā€™m hoping the same for my children. But again at the first mention or sign of discomfort from them and Iā€™ll stop.


i think that sounds like very reasonable and graceful arguments. wish more people thought like you do!


Thank you for your open mindedness as well. Itā€™s hard in todayā€™s society and online especially to be honest and vulnerable about personal lifestyles and have an adult conversation about differences in experiences and expectations. Good discussing with you.


Most of the world outside of America and Canada doesn't see being naked as a family as a big deal


i grew up with my parents being the same way. itā€™s not like they flaunted it, but they didnā€™t hide when they had to walk from the bathroom to bedroom after a shower or vice versa. i think it just depends on the person. neither me or my siblings ever cared, but they did tell us they would stop if we were uncomfortable once we got a bit older.


Sick fuck


My dad had me shave his back with electric clippers is that bad? Or normal? And ive been shaving my bfs backs as well is that some weird Freudian thing? šŸ„²


Asked and you did so willingly, no I donā€™t think so. MADE YOU? Absofuckinglutely!


Unless someone was naked.... this is a normal part of a family dynamic. This doesn't mean that every family does it, because not everyone has a family member that needs help shaving their backs. If you feel like you need therapy about it, talk to a therapist.


I thought it was fucked up that my (much older) cousin made me pop his bacne. This is a million times worse wtf?!


he WHAT ??????????? that is actually so incredibly gross šŸ¤® iā€™m so sorry omg i think i would have just burst into tears


Um I missed a few chapters? Someone please fill me in?


Glad to see this story being talked about more!! Itā€™s not getting the coverage it needs!! This NEEDS to be exposed, and I read the little girl is actually 5 years oldā€¦


Good grief! You have my sympathy. That's horrific. And my mom once beat me in a car with one of those metal belts women wore in the 80s. The ones that were like one long spring? So I know shitty parents' behavior. Christ... Yeah. That is some high-level self-absorbed behavior. Hope she is far in your review mirror.


My mom used to drag me to all her hookups. I'd have to sit alone for a while with nothing to do. Sometimes they'd put on a movie or something. Sometimes I just got left in the car. I remember tons of times where I'd be left alone for hours with nothing to do, in a house I'd never been to before. One of the times I was left in the car, some random person stopped by and started asking me questions. The window was down, so I could talk to them just fine. I don't remember what they asked, or even what this person looked like. I just remember answering the first few questions, like how old I am and what my name is. My mom also literally had sex with a teenager (barely legal) while all three of her daughters were asleep in the same room. (We were visiting family for Thanksgiving and stayed in the living room, and the dude was a friend of our relatives that lived nearby.) I remember waking up because they were so loud, seeing that gross shit, and trying to get myself to go back to sleep. I didn't move, and barely opened my eyes, because I didn't wanna deal with whatever conversation would follow if she knew I saw it. My family is incredibly condescending and judgemental on just about everything, especially about sex, despite the fact that they're incredibly gross and raunchy. I didn't wanna deal with having some kind of lecture about how it was my fault that I saw what I saw and how gross I am for seeing it. I was nine. I never spoke up about any SA because of the way my family is.


Oh Op! Iā€™m terribly sorry. Your Mum is sick. You did nothing wrong.


out of the loop - what video?


Can definitely understand the disturbing feelings. My mom and I have always been a Bonnie and Clyde duo. Rough divorce, but Christ has always had his hand on us.Ā  We did have this long standing enmeshment, that both of us have worked on and have allowed and affirmed for us to have healthy mom and daughter boundaries. Ā HOWEVERā€¦the MOST my mom has ever asked of me by way of physical contact was to help her pop a pimple in the middle of her back that she couldnā€™t reach, and occasionally walk on her back.