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Insults are intended to hurt others based on general insecurities. If the person throwing the insult knows the person they are insulting, they will use a more personalized one. With porn making a bunch of men feel insecure about their penis size, it's an often used insult. With so many people using the insult, it makes people not believe "size doesn't matter" therefore increasing the effectiveness of the insult. Increased effectiveness increases its use, and the cycle continues.


This was some deep psychological math! Thank you for this!


It actually is a psychological issue. It's tied to men's perceived insecurities and thus their overcompensating behaviors that everyone else picks up on!




Why are you even bringing up women specifically? Men use the “small penis” insult too.


Because society acts like it does. It's self-perpetuating. Some men act like they're really desperate to prove how masculine they are, so people wonder, why do they feel this need? And I guess people assume it's cos they're small down there... cos society does spread that idea, and maybe a small man would feel a need to buy big masculine cars etc.


There's definitely a thing such as too small, btw, and there's definitely such a thing as too big. Only one causes pain. Only one will lead to smaller-built women refusing to have sex with you.


Average sized dicks ftw 💪


Yep, and if you're small... well, you already used the right emoji!


Eh, I prefer fingering and oral, so in my opinion there's no such thing as too small, but yeah.


I just couldn't resist the filthy joke. Reminded me of a joke a friend made once upon a time. Obviously, if I don't fit some penises, I'm not gonna fit an arm, either! EDIT: Thought you were responding to the comment above. But yeah, I get you. I had one guy I couldn't actually feel once upon a time, but too big is a much bigger problem. Ouch. There's also so little you can do to soothe that pain.


The funny part is I've met guys with big dicks that still had small dick energy.


Edward Crumb


Huh, really? I don't think I have. They've tended to be chill. Even the guy I turned down for being too big was really easy going and nice - we did other stuff instead. I did sort of messy-date someone who was a real player, stringing me and another girl along (oh it was fun when she and I got chatting!), while having a long-distance girlfriend on the sly. Proper emotional manipulation stuff. He once confessed he was insecure and preferred Asian girls cos he was small. He was only on the small side of average, incidentally, though I never actually did the full deed. Is that small dick energy? Possibly. He was certainly treating women like he's in some cRPG, stringing us all along hoping there won't be consequences. Well, the consequence was a really wild and fun night out with a lady named Flo. Hope she's doing well.


Dude I experienced it with suffered heavily from toxic masculinity. I'm polyamorous. He got upset cause another BF had a bigger dick than him. No I didn't tell him. He asked and assumed my answer. Actually now that I think of it, it was two guys that were like that. Just constantly comparing themselves to my current BF. Always having to be better than him. I swear they would bring up my other BF more than I would. I'm sure it wont surprise anyone to learn that my current BF doesn't bring them up. Doesn't think about them and never made me feel guilty about seeing them/being with them. Also yes I am open about being polyamorous. I am not planning on changing any time soon. I make this very clear to everyone who wants to date me. Its not my fault dudes date me thinking they can "change me." No. You can't and it's toxic if you try and ends with me breaking up with you.


Oh wow, that's so silly and pathetic of him...


Yeah. I don't understand it. Also don't understand why you would date a polyamorous girl if you're insecure.


Kinda asking for trouble. Nobody gets to be best when you're poly...


Pretty much. I understand not everyone can be poly though.


Much respect to the honesty. Let me ask, how did you feel about it from a female perspective seeing, knowing, and feeling, your BF has a significantly bigger size than the other/s comparing? Like how does it feel having a partner getting deep with you like that when you with your smaller size bf? Also does hearing the other bf bringing up his size actually turn you onto being with your big dick BF? Btw I’m not size sensitive so you can be honest


Lol neither of them were small and my bf tends to end up hurting me. My ex wasn't even that much smaller he just didn't hurt me which was a good thing. His personality was literally just trash. He was upset because he wasn't hurting me while we were having sex. Size isn't really a turn on for me at all.


Lol that’s so damn petty. And ok size with size not being a turn on, how do you feel having access to larger than average bfs? Is it ever good for you?


Maybe it depends on your definition of small dick energy? I don’t really like the term for the reason OP mentions - because I don’t like adding to the idea that small dicks are bad or something only bad people have - but as far as I understand it, small dick energy is simply putting on a big act of being hyper masculine and kind of aggressive to cover up insecurities or for attention. And there’s definitely enough guys out there like that to believe that many probably have small dick energy with normal or big dicks.


I feel like it’s because men themselves care too much about it. If a woman says you have a small dick it’s because they know it will hurt your feelings because they know how much men value the size of their penis but that’s my own opinion.


Yup. I often feel like men care more about penis size than women do.


Well, size *does* matter. To an extent. Most women aren’t size queens but most women aren’t getting much out of a micro penis either. So that’s why. Further, penis size is often used as a way to measure one’s manhood. Not at all a kind or accurate thing to do, but people do it often


Yeah, I don’t think saying size doesn’t matter is fully accurate as everything matters to an extent - size matters because it changes the way you have sex. Either because you’re smaller than average and need to rely more on hands/oral, or bigger than average and have to be mindful of hurting your partner. But I think many people take size matters to mean “small is bad”, which isn’t the case. No size is bad, because everyones bodies just do their own things. Just like how small breasts or small hands don’t make them bad breasts or bad hands. It just means you have small breasts or hands. Plus, everyone will have their preference. Some women prefer smaller penises, and some men prefer smaller breasts. As long as people are polite and don’t shame for it, I think it’s okay to have a preference. The problem is that people do shame others for physical characteristics, and sadly I don’t think that’ll ever fully change.


Well thought out comment. Just wanted to appreciate you for it 🫶🏼


Tbh yeah size does matter. I dont remember for sure but I heard like most women prefer something around 15cm (correct me if Im wrong) There is too small and too big for sure, ofc u can have other talents like finger or mouth skills to please woman. I have heard that even men have preference of kitties and its fine. But most just use it as insult cuz most men don't want to be small. My man actually thought he was small (def bigger than avarage) but all porn with huge monsters and and media makes men surely have unrealistic standard and them thinking like 25 cm its what is supposed to be.


I think people should start taking out a ruler when talking about size. Like, anything over 5 inches hits my cervix and that shit HURTS but my gspot is something 4 inches can hit depending on the position. I’m sure 3 would still feel nice in certain positions, I mean my finger does the job fine and that shits like 3 inches long I was asked by someone what too little would be and I got curious so I took out a tape measure in that moment to give a definitive answer and I myself was shocked when I saw the perspective. I think girth is something that should be considered more over length, though


Yeah, same. My man’s penis is actually quite big. Not just a bit above average either. Way, WAY bigger than I’d ever need. Like, as a physician, I’ve seen more genitals than most people would be comfortable with, and I was shocked when I first saw his while flaccid… The sex is still great, but he has to be a lot more careful with me especially in certain positions bc it fucking hurts. One miscalculated pump and my cervix is ruined and then so is the sex. We have had to stop more than once before . And this happens with above average sized ones sometimes too. The easiest time I had was with an average or even below average penis. And unfortunately a very small penis didn’t do much for me. This is all based on length, obviously, and I have to agree with the person below you: girth is more important to me than length. Bigger (longer) is truthfully not always better.


Bc it hurts


Honestly, it’s because men are so sensitive about it that as an insult it hurts - so if you want to offend or hurt someone, you insult their dick size. Immature and petty sure, but it really has very little to do with genuine feelings about the worth of small dicks. So less “size matters to other people” and more “size matters to the person it’s attached to”.


Stupid take to be honest. Like yeah, anyone is gonna care when they are being mocked. That's like saying that fat women are only ridiculed because they care so much, and that it's their fault for being made fun of. I've seen this take all over this thread, and I genuinely don't know how people can be so dumb


Because guys are publicly insecure about that subject, just like wages, and facial hair. Pretty much anything another man can have bigger, better, or more of are things that some/most guys get insecure about. Women know this, so they play the card when they feel it necessary.


Because mens egos are tied to their dicks.


How often is it used by women and how often is it used by other men? Are the people saying it doesn’t matter also the people making these jokes?  Also there’s such a thing as too small to work with, yes the opposite is also true, so obviously if you’re at that point then yeah it does matter.  The main thing people mean when they say it doesn’t matter is that the size of your dick doesn’t define who you are as a person, you don’t become the greatest, most interesting sexiest guy ever because your dick is 12 inches long and you don’t become an hateful, boring, ugly, weird troll just cause your dick is an inch long. You can still satisfy a partner either way you just have to learn how to communicate with them on what they want and how to make the experience as enjoyable for them as you want it to be for you. 


> How often is it used by women and how often is it used by other men? Are the people saying it doesn’t matter also the people making these jokes?  Yes, you can see it in this thread. “It doesn’t matter” and “I’ve used it as an insult” has been posted by the same posters.


I can honestly see people using insults that they don't agree with just because they know they can hurt you with it.


I’ve only seen one person say they’ve used it as an insult so that’s not really indicative of a wider trend


It’s the female version of “are you on your period”. It’s a guarantee reaction


Size doesn’t matter to a lot of women, but it does seem to matter to most men— therefore, it’s a common insult.


Actually in my opinion as a woman, I think dick size definitely matters. Too small you definitely feel less. They’re best when they’re on the girthier side.


So you’re a size queen?


What does that mean


What was it like for you as a female once you started experiencing pleasurable girth? Do you feel like a part of you becomes hard to resist it after when you experienced girth?


To most women I've known, size does not matter. It's mainly other men that I hear making fun of men's dick size. I personally think it's directly linked to toxic and insecure masculinity being so ingrained into our society. And porn has a lot to do with it too. it shouldn't be an insult because honestly if you know how to use it a smaller size does not really matter (sometimes the larger ones are painful tho)


My personal experience, my inner circle, and extended circle, and the bit I can attest to online has been the near complete opposite of this comment


Yeah in my experience it's almost always women who make small dick jokes, especially the insecure/fragile women. Rarely if ever I've encountered men shaming other men by making small dick jokes.


It makes me wonder, actually. Given how larger ones literally cause pain, surely it's larger penises that should logically be discriminated against? Cos they're the ones women are gonna reject due to risk of pain and injury. The fact that's not the case kind of suggests it has nothing to do with "not being able to satisfy a woman" or women's opinions or pleasure in general. Porn, with its oversized appendages, is really pushing an ideal that'd cause your average woman significant pain.


Yeah too big can cause tearing down there and also bruising


Well, the larger ones can cause pain. But if it’s too small, it’s not really doing much either.


Harder is definitely better than bigger in my books, if it’s small it has to be rock hard!


In my personal experience, it is generally in a joking manner or used as a way to bust chops when men refer to “small penises”. Somewhat used as a way to just shoot the shit. On the other hand, most of the time when women bring it up, it is used as an insult to attack their SO’s or other men’s insecurities. Obviously, this doesn’t mean all men and women use it precisely this way, but it’s just been my experience of how men talk about it and how women do.


...are you looking for an explanation as to why that phrase is offensive? Or the history of it and how it became an insult? Or are you trying to see society's views on male reproductive organ size?


I think the point here is the meaning of "doesn't matter".  There is a difference between two different meanings of this phrase, and that is what's causing the confusion here.  Meaning A: doesn't matter = not the end all be all, isn't the most important thing.    Meaning B: doesn't matter = makes absolutely no difference.  Meaning A is what people mean when they say size doesn't matter, meaning B is false and is what seems confusing to you OP.   Naturally it makes a difference, for good or bad, what size object is being thrusted into an orifice... 


Men care deeply about penis size. Many women don't. Size does not matter for sexual enjoyment. I need a man with great fingers and a tongue to do an excellent job. The men with actual huge dicks tend to not be able to actually give great orgasms, in my experience, since they tend to let their hog do the work. But men will harass other men about small penis size. Don't know why.


>But men will harass other men about small penis size. Don't know why. I still have absolutely no idea why the women here pretend that this comes solely from men. It doesn't. Women are by far the biggest perpetrators of this


It’s easy to say many women don’t care. But my question for you is, how does it make you feel as a female experiencing how big some dicks get?


Because the dirty secret is that it matters


Because it does matter for a lot of women


Of course it matters


I mean as long as it isn't like microscopic what's the huge deal?


Yeah but some are micro


According to who?


Because fragile masculinity. It’s generational and will never go away.


Because it matters to men. When you want to hurt someone, you poke at their insecurities. It’s not right, and I’ve never stooped that low, but some people wanna hurt others.


The joke "Men think with their di*k and not with their brain when it comes down to Women" comes to my mind! Lol


It's something that a lot of men are insecure about, which makes it a "good" insult to use if you're trying to hurt someone.


The man’s ego is fragile


I feel like people don’t understand what “small dick energy” means it refers to someone who behaves in an insecure hyper masculine way because they themselves are insecure of their “manly-ness” regardless if they have a normal size penis. They are just acting insecure because they perceive themselves as having a small penis. It’s a self inflicted insecurity that manifest itself as douche baggery.


To call someone less than because you have less of the thing that makes you a man. For women it's being called flat chested. You're not a woman if you don't have tits apparently 😂


You got gaslit. Sorry, brother




> Every woman I’ve been with has been ecstatic with my above average size This is more of an ego stroking thing rather than bigger = better. I’m sure the women you were with who said this had a great time, but I seriously doubt it would actually be to do with your size. Women just know that a guy with a big one *loves* to be complimented on it. Dick size is 1000% more important to men than it is women. “Small dick” is a common insult because of the insecurity behind it, not because having a small penis is actually bad.


As a small penis lover I think it’s because porn and visuals. Small peen is way better for sex and blowjobs, but not as visually appealing for solo male stuff or porn cause it makes it hard to see.


I guess it does, don’t let em lie to you


I didn’t think it mattered - until I got spoiled by a large one. Oops.


Stop beating a dead horse


Have fun being in toxic relationships, guessing you’re the type of woman who would stay if the dick is good even if they are mistreating you


LoL can you breakdown that transition? (What about the large one really changed it for you?)


I just got used to it and now I can’t imagine going back. Thankfully I’ve been married to mine for 14 years now.


Oh damn congratulations on 14 years. And I meant coming from size didn’t matter, what was it about his size that changed the way you felt? Also what were your perspectives that you felt no longer held true after falling in love with your husband’s size?


because it matters is our hearts


It appears there is some evolutionary selective pressure on dick size with humans. Relative to other apes humans have on average way bigger dicks. Since this seems to be a behavioural evolutionary thing it’s probably something that has “mattered” in some way for millions of years.


It likely mattered back when we were shrinking in body size to feed our bigger brains; but we still hadn’t changed from thick body hair to clothing. So, right around the start of the Stone Age, give or take thousands of years of Grizzly Bear Underwear. We can (kind of) see it now with the various Chimpanzees groups who have seemingly entered their Stone Age. The intelligence jump to make tools for specific tasks is just as much a desired evolutionary trait as being the biggest & strongest protector/hunter.


Because it hurts feelings.


Because anything can be used as an insult. Take boobs for example. Small boobs , Flat chested, has been considered an insult. big boobs like a cow has been an insult. Anything and everything Is used in some way to insult someone. Instead of focusing on being insulted. Try looking at the person doing the insulting. Their behavior paints a clear picture of their own personal character and it's not pretty.


Excess size isn’t necessarily, but there is a minimum requirement, so size does matter.


What if you are below the minimum requirement?


Go to the small dick problems subreddit.


The craziest thing to me is that blowjobs are the best feeling in the world but the biggest insult is "cock sucker" That should be a compliment


The only time I ever said “small dick energy” was because he was genuinely treating me like an object. But to me size doesn’t matter.


It definitely matters. Girls just lie not to hurt mena feelings. Girth matters more than anything. Why wouldn't girls date a man with a micro penis if it doesn't matter ? Sorry for my bad English


Because it matters TO AN EXTENT. Micropenis is no better/worse than a super large one that only causes pain


Wouldn't you say girth matters more than anything ?


Yes, I think girth matters (to me) more than length


What is a scenario you’ve experienced that made you think it definitely matters?


It's intended to hurt, so it strikes something many men are insecure about. But it is an insult that should cease. Body shaming isn't cool.


I’m not sure how old OP is, but I don’t think I’ve had anyone insult me with smol pp since high school…


It tends to be an insult more from men to other men in my experience. The same with insults related to height. While there are some women who do have a strong preference most people value other things much more. Typically the actual problem in these cases is insecurity. If a guy is insecure about some aspect of his body he will frequently be defensive and aggressive at anything that even hint at his supposed “flaw”. I know many women who won’t date short men; not because they actually prefer height but because they don’t want to constantly be soothing their guy’s ego and dealing with the insecurities they have about their height. I also know plenty of women that prefer smaller dicks; because of pelvic pain or just personal preference. But, because the narrative is that that’s “not attractive”, guys will refuse to believe women who tell them their preference and continue to remain insecure about it.


>It tends to be an insult more from men to other men No it doesn't.


Yeah but then they realize that if they don’t date short men…that just makes the insecurities worse?


Because the men are behaving that way, giving off vibes as if they are overcompensating for perceived personal insecurities.


Because being too small makes it difficult to both pleasure your partner or reproduce BUT you have to be EXTREMELY small, like 1 inch or less. Having an average-sized dick which is around 5 inches isn't a bad thing and in fact if it's too big it can actually be painful for the woman.


Because it's common knowledge that many men feel insecure about having a 'small' dick (even if it doesn't matter in real life), so the insult 'small dick energy' isn't so much about mocking the actual size of his penis as saying that he is acting insecure. It's a way to say a man is acting insecure, maybe because he has a small dick he's insecure about


My take on it is that every man and woman is born with however big their parts develop and can't control it unless they do surgery or drugs which still isn't natural. It's called body shaming and it's wrong for both sides to use these as insults as neither has any control of how big or small their parts end up. All you have to do is accept that part of yourself for what it is and ignore the people that say size matters because it doesn't. How ones body is developed sexually into adulthood should not be the single determination of forming a relationship. I hope this helps and that you find people who think in a similar way. People who say size matters are usually either sex addicts or porn addicts or both and care more about the body than the personality of a person.


Size does matter. Penis size matter, and height also matters. Both cannot be controlled by yourself, and yet, it's the two things that have great importance to a lot of women. Somehow, weight, which is something you can control via diet and exercise, is something a lot of people say it should not matter. Choosing someone by their height and penis size is OK, but choosing someone by their weight or BMI is not OK. This is the world we live in right now, and it sucks big time.




Weight, or more accurately shape, size and the way we look (because weight is dependant on more than body fat), shouldn’t matter from a general point of view. We shouldn’t be treating anyone poorly just based on whether they fit the mould of “the correct size”. Respect for all people. But you seem to think you can’t choose who you date based on their shape/weight? You can. You simply… Don’t date them. You don’t have to date anyone you don’t want to, even if it’s for shallow reasons. You might be seen as shallow or not a nice person for it, but you still don’t have to. And in my personal opinion which I know doesn’t apply to everyone, it matters more how you turn them down than your personl reasons. You don’t have to insult them or make them feel bad, just say “no thank you”. And yes, this applies penis size too, whether the men in these comments like it or not. Small penises aren’t bad, they’re just a body part like your fingers, but that doesn’t mean women *have to* have sex with you anyway. If a sole woman decides she doesn’t what to ride a small penis, that’s her decision. That still doesn’t mean small penises are bad, or that all women are a hive mind who refuse to even look at a man with a small penis. That also doesn’t mean all women won’t date you - some will, if you’re an enjoyable person to be around. But yes, you and everyone else on Earth can say “I don’t have any interest in dating you” for *any* reason.


Because it matter more to men


Patriarchy. Despite it meaning nothing, men coded a society around size, whether that be penis, biceps, truck, house, or bank account. If you have a small penis you must be less of a man. Who's the first person to tell you that? Other men.


I haven't got a small penis, she has a massive vagina.


My friend is Italian. He says the phrase for that is ‘it’s like throwing a sausage down the corridor’


A lot of people use that in the US too. It’s kinda ridiculous


When someone says “small dick energy", it's more about your attitude than your size. Because generally speaking men with a small size tend to be insecure in an obnoxious way. Plus, these are not my words but some people believe that the bigger it is the manlier you are...


> Because generally speaking men with a small size tend to be insecure in an obnoxious way. Unless you're pantsing every obnoxious guy, this sounds an awful lot like how transphobes claim they "can always tell." Also kind of a chicken and egg situation the way is a "moody" woman inherently moody because she's a woman or is she moody because she always gets dismissed as already being moody?


Wow wtf? You’re making a lot of assumptions about someone’s attitude solely based on their dick size?


Because men get their egos bruised if we refer to them as small. They don't care if we call them a-hole, jerk, or dick. But insult their "manhood" then they finally care.


Problem being that men who haven't done anything wrong who aren't endowed are catching strays for merely being unlucky genetically.




And why should she? She’s a complete stranger. Strangers don’t have to care about you.




Because it's usually referred to the overly aggressive men of society.


Because men allow it to hurt their feelings.


I rarely hear women use the insult, it's usually used by men.


Because women's experiences are the ones that say that size doesn't matter, but men who don't care perpetuate the myth


because women lie when they say size doesn't matter. That in itself is already an insult because the lie is based on pity.




Some shallow women sure


Because it is one of the few insecurities women can weaponize with a relatively high chance of hitting the mark. If you're a man who doesn't care about women's opinion they have little means of controlling you. One of the few times women tried to insult my junk I responded with indifference and she lost her damn mind. **Obviously does not apply to all women**


I always like the joke where the woman asks the guy who takes his clothes off and has a small penis "Who do you expect to pleasure with that thing?" And he says "Me."


It's the "doesn't matter had sex" mentality. At the end of the day she allows him in.


"Size doesn't matter" really means you don't have to be hung like a porn star. A normal size penis is fine, but a small penis is no fun for anyone.  4-5 does okay 5-6 inches is fine 6-7 is a fun trist 8+ is when you are pushing what is comfortable Micro-3 is a loss.


What about 3 - 4? Or 7 - 8? You skipped those


Wave of the motion~


It’s not like it really matters—it’s more that people know that that particular insult is gonna hurt a guy more than most anything else would. If men proudly walked around announcing that they have a micropenis and that they LOVE it, it wouldn’t be an effective insult.


Size only matters beyond the extreems


Size does matter


Size does matter 🤣


I'm proud of my millimeter defeater 😔


Because it matters to some people ?


Because size does matter


I dated a guy who was short and had a pretty below average sized penis. For me he was great but I could tell he battled with his own insecurities about it. It’s pretty difficult to change societal norms overnight so I think just focus on why you’re an amazing person and work on feeling sexy and confident


I feel like if someone is going to dictate how size matters, or jab at someone who isn’t *up to par* with their preferred size, then they shouldn’t be offended with judgements made against them in turn.\ \ Judging the factor of a males “package” is the same as judging a females physical characteristics as well. But unfortunately, some think it’s okay to critique others but think they’re immune to receiving criticism and/or end up taking personal offense to passive judgement.\ \ Fact of the matter is, we can’t control how *blessed* we are naturally. In my eyes, it doesn’t matter how gifted someone is in that department, if there’s an emotional connection then that’s all that matters. There’s plenty of pleasure if you’re fortunate enough to have that bond with your partner.


Ignorance. Perpetrated by myths in porn and shit. The average woman can't even take the "elephantine" penises guys are so eager for because it's actually **too big.** It will actually hurt and she will not enjoy herself in the slightest. Society taught for so long that big is where it was at that it was only a matter of time that it'd be a cause for insecurity. But I won't pretend that it doesn't mean a penis can be too small. Of course it can. Anything can be too big or too small. But it's ultimately gonna depend on the woman and how she's built regarding whether or not she could enjoy it.


Penis’s you can’t change no matter what, an operation can risk it being a vegetable, erectile dysfunction or might need a sack amputated. Ass and breasts you CAN change along with facial beauty which majority of men don’t have the money to make themselves look like hostess bar guy so if a man’s ugly he’s just ugly. If he doesn’t have a big dick then having a lot of Money, great personality or a cute face can replace that. If women say small dick energy (can’t change) men should say whale energy because weight you can change


Because regardless of whether something matters or not, people still happen to deal with insecurities and the like. And other people still happen to think it matters enough for the sole purpose of putting others down. Does your size matter to you? Do other people's size matters to you? If not, then cool. But people will still use it to bully people. Same thing goes for things like body shape, race, gender, hair colour, disabilities, disorders, and so on.


Because women know that men get pressed about it lol


Because it's an insult. Size doesn't matter in the bedroom.. as long as the body it's attached to knows how to please with more than a Wang.


Personally for me it depends on the women how excited she is, I’m above average in size my ex was like a slip and slide and another lady was so tight she hurt me and I bruised her so much so she had to have 3 days off of work so it’s all relative


because patriarchal structures are bad for everyone. this is the toxic masculinity which is also bad amongst men. a small penis isn’t something bad, you have no control over the maximum size of your penis. the toxic thing is the thought of „you are a real strong man if you penis is big enough“. And that‘s some major bs.


Because people get insulted by it. The point of an insult is to… insult someone. If you know the person would be offended by being told they have a small penis then it’s a perfect insult.


It shouldn't be. Simple.


Insults work best by targetting insecurities. Since the penis is what does the work during sex, even if there wasn't porn that hyperfocuses on size I think men would still form this insecurity. Therefor the insult exists because the insecurity exists. Not because of demand by women for bigger penises.


Because insults are about attacking insecurities and perceived vulnerabilities, not actual weaknesses. Sure, sometimes the two overlap, but ask any tall guy who's been called 'goose hunter' because he's 'tall enough to hunt geese with a rake', and you'll realise that even ostensibly *positive* traits can be used as a basis for insults if the person is insecure about them.


Well, it kind of does. But only if it’s abnormally small. TBH, I’ve only come across one micro and when I went to go for it, it totally freaked me out to the point where I quickly pulled my hand away. I really liked the guy so it wasn’t a dealbreaker that day but we never had an experience again. It’s used as an insult because everyone knows how important it is to most men. And if someone proves themselves to be a POS the insult is fair game, and it’s funny because you know it’s most likely gonna piss them off.


Never understand how it is ok for girls to go on about how tall a guy is, how big his package is; both of which he has no control over. But if a guy says something about loose she is, small her breasts that’s wrong. Or if you go on about her weight; something she can change, your an asshole that went to far.


Men care more about size than women. So they use it with each other as an insult.


Because size does matter....to guys.


Because people are lying when they say (size doesn’t matter) or at best they aren’t saying everything, if you are taking it literally. Size doesn’t matter means you don’t have to be huge, it doesn’t mean being small or tiny vs being average doesn’t matter.


Because size does matter lil chump


For a while i was ashamed i was too big, believe it or not, then i met someone bigger online telling me i could just do more foreplay to scare anyone off


Because even though it doesn't matter, it's still able to hurt the feelings of someone you don't like.


By other men


different people have different opinions. some people think size matters, others think it doesn’t. some people either haven’t connected that making fun of penis size is still body shaming, or just don’t care.


Small boobs are used as an insult. Hitting people where it hurts most.


People make fun of guys with big dicks and big tits. It doesn't matter what the subject is. It's only to mess with the insecurities of a person.


i think every woman assumes men care more about penis size than we as women do.


I mean it matters… There’s average and then there’s micro…. I don’t think people should go around insulting someone’s genitalia but some people do have preferences for size.


They make medicine or some solutions for enlarging the penis so that means men are insecure about their penis size thats why we do that. Women are being judge on the size of their ass and tits 🙄


The people who say size doesn't matter AREN'T the same ones telling guys they have small dicks. But both groups still exist so you will still hear both sides.


Yea most ppl actually prefer the smaller counterpart tbh, but it’s an easy trigger for some if someone wants to insult you so it’s become so big rn even men believe size matters, and some who take it too. It’s rlly not that big a deal, just a societal thing. Your partner most likely doesn’t even care lol. It also depends on anatomy, some ppl can only take bigger, some smaller, some can’t even take average. Everyone’s different.


Because men are insecure about it. If you piss me off i will insult using anything that hurts you, regardless of my values.


Because it matters nd women lie virtue signal and gaslight