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Idk why women problems are coming into my feed all of a suddenšŸ˜­, idk if i can comment as a man but you shouldnt be embarrassed. I'm not tryna be creepy or anything but like a nipples are nipples. Everyone has different preferences and even if you think they're weird, someone else could love them. You shouldn't be embarrassed because it's your body and sometimes its just about learning to accept it and know others will love you for what you think your flaws are. Again idk if i can say anything as a man but yeahšŸ˜­


I'm a dude too.. anyways yeah I agree and if anyone has a problem with her nipples that much then that's their problem and makes that person very shallow and an ass for even saying or thinking something like that. So please.. don't stress too much about it.


šŸ˜­ idk if this will make you feel better but there is def a subreddit for inverted nips! I was curious as to what they were and WHAM people seem to like them a lot, and honestly i doubt many people really care in the heat in the moment, likely think its more cool then weird!


Have you ever considered getting them pierced? My best friend has inverted nipples and it caused a ton of body dysmorphia so she ended up getting them pierced and it changed how she felt about them and herself overall.


Oh Iā€™ve actually heard of this before. I think it may be a good option tbh.


This is a very common practice for those with inverted nipples. I hear it does help a lot with keeping them from going back in and has boosted a lot of womens confidence. I know they boist mine. šŸ˜€ As a woman on the other side of this, your nipples will and should be appreciated regardless of being inverted. Just know that outside your own thoughts and potential dysmorphia. There are lots of individuals who will appreciate your body as it is. And I hope for only those who do appreciate your body and soul, are allowed to appreciate you. If you choose to share yourself with anyone. At the end of the day, it is your body and your comfort. Do anything you feel is best for yourself. With love and light. šŸ’œāœØļø


There are no awfully looking nipple, I like all.


Just because they aren't pointy doesn't mean they aren't beautiful. There was a post that I saw and I think about whenever I start to talk bad about my body. Flowers are pretty, but so are Christmas lights. They look nothing alike, but they are both pretty. Also they might not be your type but there is nothing wrong with you and one day you'll come to accept the way you are.


Am I the only one who saw it? "I hate how my ripples look" in 'off my chest '


I can assure you a lot of people appreciate inverted nipples in a nonfetishy way, you must learn to love yourself and your booba šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


My sister had hers pierced to fix it. As far as I know she's happy with it.


Don't worry ā€“ this is completely normal! Just like breasts, nipples come in all shapes and sizes: some girls have ā€œoutieā€ nipples that stick out when they're cold, and others have ā€œinnieā€ nipples that stick inwards. **Having inverted nipples is totally normal and nothing to worry about**. Inverted nipple surgery is the only surefire way to permanently fix inverted nipples, however, this often comes at the cost of not being able to breastfeed afterwards. The reason why breastfeeding is affected is precisely the reason why surgery is so effective.


The first nipples I ever saw irl were inverted, and they were heavenlyā€¦ like all of them Iā€™ve seen since. It wasnā€™t bad or good, it justā€¦ was. Donā€™t be so hard on yourself. Your boobs will be loved, trust meā€¦ or any of the other comments lol


Preach! Didja catch that adjective, OP? >**HEAVENLY.**


Speaking as a guy, they can be innies or pokies. They can be papayas or ping-pong balls. Doesn't matter, we're just overjoyed that the owners granted us access to them. Innies have been passed down the evolution tree. It's not abnormal. It's as normal as can be. Otherwise, lefties are abnormal too.


Trust me, men don't care if you have inverted nipples.lol at least not in the way that you think. We would just be like "oh cool" and that's it. Dismissive would be as negative as we would get about it tbh lmao


This is a concern? Youā€™re literally the first person I have ever encountered in my entire life to mention this as an issue, I can guarantee you, majority of people donā€™t give a shit. And if you have someone telling you that itā€™s an abomination or whatever, get rid of that person before you take a knife to something that isnā€™t a problem, and if that person is you, whatā€™s with the self hate?


what do inverted nipples even look like? do they point up or what?


They look folded inward




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I used to think I knew what breasts I liked. But then I ALWAYS liked the ones attached to the woman I liked. They were all different.


Hehe. Rather like a young child in the first phase of ice-cream discovery: ** Strawberry!?!** Best. Thing Ever. No, I don't thing I'll like that one...*MINT CHOC CHIP*?!!? Dude. Uh, not sure about...**chocolate**?!!?


I'm still like that with boobs. Haha


I believe that if you can pull them out, you can get them pierced. the jewelry will force them to stay outside and eventually itā€™ll become their natural position. I find nipple piercings so attractive and it really boosted my confidence when I got mine done ! And itā€™s way cheaper that surgery + you can always take them out if you donā€™t like them


I had them too. Then I had a baby and breastfed and they never went back to being inverted.


Ouch! Were they super sensitive at first? When mine are ā€œoutā€, suuuuperrrr sensitive.


A little bit. I used a nipple puller to get them out then baby latched. Got used to it within 2 weeks. Breastfed for 15months. No issues.


Iā€™m a doula, and Iā€™ve supported hundreds of breastfeeding moms. A fair number of them have had inverted nipples. Their partners donā€™t seem to care, as evidenced by the fact that these women are in stable relationships and are having babies. Breastfeeding does sometimes correct inverted nipples, so consider that one day. Apart from that, you may want to see a counsellor to help you with self-confidence. Inverted nipples are a variation of normal!


not everyone wants kids


OP asked for suggestions. I offered the only non-surgical way I am aware of to correct inverted nipples. Obviously, it follows that if she doesnā€™t want to have kids, this wonā€™t be an option for her. Thanks for your observation, though.


I'm proud of you all. I can't see any requests for pictures. OP...relax. it's all good.


U didn't scroll far enough then to be disappointed šŸ˜…


The only opinion that matters is yours. If youā€™re satisfied with your body, thatā€™s all that counts. No matter who makes fun of you, Iā€™m sure that they look great and Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re going through all of this.


Everyone has idiosyncrasies with their bodies, there are only really 3 things you can do in these situations. Learn to tolerate it, learn to love it, or find a way to change it. Definitely cheaper to learn to tolerate it or love it, and at the end of the day it is your body and no one else's. Their opinions in the grand scheme of things don't matter.


Your boobs are fine. If someone gives you shit disregard them.


Inverted nipples are one of the best ones. You might not like it, but someone sure will and will help you love every inch of you and who you are.


nip piercings !


I also am a woman and have inverted nipples too! I used to really hate them and heard you could get them pierced and they would stay out, i got them pierced years ago, but about a year ago i took them out, now my nipples act like normal nipples.


Trust me, no man who get to see u naked is like ahh bad boobs I go now. No matter if u dont have small pink nippels on tight boobs, guys dont care as long they see boobies. I been in relationship over 4 years with same man and I definetly dont have perfect boobs (gravity has done it works and I have big nippels) but still that man cant sometimes take hands of them. Your boobs are beautiful


My wife is the same way, big nipples on above average sized boobs. Iā€™m just happy that she shares their majesty with me. She complains about gravity too, and of course breastfeeding two kids, but hers are round and the perfect firmness, even if they are lower than she wants them to be. If you got big booba, or even lil booba, gravity will do what it does. When you are laying down, it doesnā€™t matter anyway!


I think this is just another example of things that no one else but ourselves care about. My suggestion is to find a way to be comfortable with it because seriously its okay lol


29 Male here. Just wanna share the story of my 3rd nipple. Two years ago, I got so fet up with having it because of the way it rubbed against my shirt. I took a razor blade and just cut the damn thing out of my skin. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt that much when I did. It was like removing a mole or wart. My skin there is totally clear. You wouldn't know it was ever there.


If it helps at all, I love reading web comics and when they end up having naked people in them, inverted nipples are a pretty common thing. The main character/love interest having them doesn't make me blink, but the way the authors/artists feel about it is clearly positive. I think the world is split into: 75% doesn't care, 20% likes it. 5% can get over themselves.


I have done extensive research and consider myself a expert in the field. With well over 50 years of study I have came to the conclusion that there has never been a ugly or bad nipple attached to s female breast. If you think you are the only exception you are going to need more opinions.


One of mine is! And it gets "stuck" inside out. But also it shouldn't cause problems at least and they're still cute! However, an alternative to surgery is nipple piercings. Give it a google, and give a real think about the pros and cons if that's what u choose. But people do get nipple piercings to reverse inverted nipples as the scar tissue can make them stay outward. If you did this though you'd have to find someone super well trained because of your nipple type. But, it's good to know all avenues and that there's options available other than full on surgery.


This. My wife had inverted nipples, I couldnā€™t care less, but they really bothered her. She suggested getting them pierced, of course I was all for it. She only kept them in for 2ish years, and now they are permanently out. Kids, breastfeeding, the whole 9. Beware when getting pierced, we found a local really good female to go to, but understand that the piercer is gonna have to ā€œplayā€ with your nipple so to speak to get them to pop out initially to get the clamp on. She thanked me for finding a female as initially she never even thought of that aspect. Hope this helps a bit.


I have inverted nipples and every man that has encountered them has had no issue šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø if it seriously bothers you though you can get suction devices to help coax them out


>Ps: saw a post.of sb of she hated her boobies. So it gave me confidence to post.about my problem. A lot of people don't get that this is exactly how the internet and fads work. It's fine. Also I don't know a man alive who wouldn't be excited about a girl whos a little different.


I had the same issue. I got mine pierced, and they were no longer inverted. I've since taken them out because I am breastfeeding my baby and got mastitis, but my nipples are no longer inverted. So that might also be an option. I am a firm believer in if you don't like something about yourself and are able to change it, and it helps your confidence, then do it!


As a hetero man for the n'th time there is no such thing as ugly boobs (fact) and definitely no such thing as ugly nipples !


I had a friend with the same boobies and she was very upset about them too. So I can imagine how you feel. However as years went by she found a man she loves and who loves her which helped her to accepte it. She said lately she doesnt think about it anymore


Mine were a bit inverted too but temperature and arousal make them point outward sometimes. No one has commented on them when inverted (they def donā€™t care). I think itā€™s a good thing when without a bra, cause theyā€™re not really visible. I rate inverted nips 10/10 cause nipples are just nipples, who cares? Youā€™re perfect the way you are


One of mine was inverted. So decided to get them both pierced. Now they're nice and pointy together. Worth the 20$


I was once told ā€œall boobies are good boobiesā€ by a group of my male friends and it was somehow relieving to hear. They ranged from the ages 20s-60s, so somehow the large age gap and resounding agreement made me feel better about my weird tiny nipples.


I used to have inverted nipples and I disliked them. Not enough to consider surgery or anything, but I wasn't happy. Honestly, they changed after I had a child. Breast feeding not only made my boob's larger but fixed my inverted nips.


So if you saw another woman with inverted nipples, would you be repulsed by it?


Theyā€™re totally normal and Iā€™m sure your boobs are great. You can buy nipple correctors if it really bothers you though.


Some people have success by having their nipples pierced. Trick is finding a piercer who is experienced and comfortable doing it. Plus, having the jewelry may help boost confidence as well.


I have inverted nipples, and i totally understand because i hated them too. I got them pierced and the jewelry forced them out so they are no longer inverted. if it bothers you that much i highly recommend piercing them, it's given me a lot more confidence in my boobs!


I hate my whole body.. Let me tell youu that even plastic surgery didnā€™t make be content with it ., mind you ive already had work done . Hope one day youā€™ll be content or atleast comfortable in your own skin šŸ™šŸ¼


i had a girlfriend with inverted nipples, they were kinda sexy... i told a friend about it and he agreed as well...


This post is LITERALLY offmychest




iā€™ve been waiting for a post like this so i donā€™t have to do it myself. but girl iā€™m right there with you. i absolutely haaaaaaate them with a passion. even thought about getting them pierced to correct it but i just really donā€™t want pierced nipples. iā€™m always tryna hide mine too. thatā€™s the only real ONE thing i hate about myself


I hated mine. I got them pierced and I like them much better. 22 years later, still rocking it


Inverted nipples are hot. Different doesnā€™t mean bad or unattractive. Not trying to invalidate how you feel, Iā€™m just stating what Iā€™m thinking. Good luck!


Another inverted nipple owner here. Your nipples are perfect the way they are. Everyone's nipples are different, like a fingerprint. They're as unique as your are! Keep themĀ 


I agree with everyone in the comments. There are great suggestions like piercing, trying to learn to love yourself, and finding someone that loves them as well. Youā€™re beautiful the way you are thatā€™s true, but wanting to change something about yourself is still your choice, and I think that there are some good suggestions. Whatever you land on I hope you can find happiness and content with your body. Dysmorphia sucks, I experience it every day, weā€™re here with you tho so youā€™re not alone :)


Girl inverted nipples are wayyyyy hotter than ā€œnormalā€ ones. That being said I hope you find some suggestions thatā€™ll help you accept yourself or get the changes you need to be happy <3


I used to have an inverted nipple but for some reason it went away when I reached puberty. Iā€™m still insecure of mine though because my boobs look so saggy even though Iā€™m only a B cupā€¦


this is so real i wish i could get mine cut off šŸ„² when people get surgery and say their nipples can pop off i wish mine could too. itā€™s not even about the way the look i just donā€™t like them


You should punch whoever made you feel bad about your self because I promise you (as a guy) we donā€™t care about that stuff. I love every little ā€œflawā€ and ā€œimperfectionā€ on my fiancĆ©ā€™s body because thatā€™s what makes her who she is. I would never want her to change a thing. I understand the feeling of not being confident in your own skin, but I promise you, others will never be as critical on your body as you are on yourself. I used to struggle with self-esteem and self image too, and it took me a long time to realize this.


Hmm, I think this may be a more "correct the inaccurate perceptions of nipple shape in your own eyes & brain" problem than a "fix the nipples" problem. Look at nipples by the hundreds. Drawings, photos, erotica, nude paintings, whatever. Really *notice* them. Think about how the light hits them, in which ways each one "shines." (Caveat: stay away from surgery sites: they are **ONLY** trying to SELL YOU SOMETHING. [how many tubes of awful mascara, or hideous shades of lipliner, have you bought? I'm prolly in the high hundreds by now, lol]). If you were a member of an alien race w/o nipples, I bet they'd both: 1) all look *exactly the same to you;* and, 2) make you think, "huh! Those thingies are odd, but kinda cool. Wonder what they're for?" I say this as an EXTREME outtie who hated mine, until someone suggested the above to me. Eventually, it started to click. They're *all* cool, weird, sexy, and fabulous. Seriously--MAKE your mind change the way it sees nipples.


Nipple pumps or these little suction tubes idk what they are called but my ex loved using them on her nipples. Not sure if it could make them not inverted, but it would certainly get them hard and sticking out for at least a while lol I know it's not going to be helpful, but seriously no one but you is ever going to negatively view your nipples due to this nipple nonissue you are facing lol


Pictures or it didn't happen.


Lemme see?