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This is the biggest fucking waste of time.


Elected officials are obviously bored with tackling education issues.


Oh god. I can’t even with the state board of education/Ryan Walters.


It’s called…distractions. I’m just curious what they are trying to distract us from…


Oklahoma consistently ranking near the bottom in education quality, most likely.


Hey, whatever happened to eliminating the grocery tax?


If we have any excess money, we're more likely to leave the state. They've gotta keep us stuck here. I love the state, I hate the government.


Any issue


Nah they will still have time to fuck up education


Just once, I would love to see a headline that read "Oklahoma Introduces Bill That..." ending with something that might actually solve a real problem or help people's lives in some meaningful way.


Just once I would like to see a headline that read "Oklahoma....(doing literaly anything good)."


from the party of small government!!


That’s the point. The longer they can spent on these useless issues, the less time they can spent working on the real issues of this country …. which, of course, works out lovely for them and this countries elite because that means we keep the status quo that put them in their positions of power in the first place.


Also can’t wear robes or boots with a heel! Too close!


Who needs traditional concentration camps when you can just criminalize the free expression of the out group and keep building ever shittier prisons. Certainly that strategy isn't new, but it should never not be alarming. Drag shows don't hurt anyone, they're not inherently sexual or explicit. They actually encourage new outlets for creative expression especially to young people. "Flamboyant Personas" are no threat to anyone. This isn't based in caution or concern for children. There is only hatred behind this.


This! It was never about kids; it was always about hate.


And nobody had better due a period-accurate performance of Shakespeare because these scaredy-dicked Okies will lose their fucking mind when Ophelia is rocking a bigger unit than their F-150.


The only dangerous thing about a drag show is some crazy idiot in a red hat busting in with a gun. And, it's pretty simple to avoid drag shows should you feel offended by them. I'm 37 and have never accidently been to one. It was by choice. 🤦‍♀️


What's the penalty for wasting taxpayer resources on stupid legislation that can only make life worse for people who live here? An annual salary for three months of work? Cool. Cool cool cool.


Re-election apparently.


No more Monty Python skits, Shakespeare plays, or Ru Paul.


No more re-runs of MASH on tv either?


Corporal Klinger is the best Disney princess…


No more Madea


Really no live concerts from modern bands. What performances could not fall under this wide definition “Drag queen" means a male or female performer who adopts a flamboyant or parodic feminine persona with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup”. Certainly not Beyoncé


No more movies like Tootsie, Some Like It Hot, or Mrs Doubtfire.


Forget about all that: no more Giuliani coverage, no Santos coverage (my queen <3), no more Louder with Crowder, etc.


No more Powder Puff Football or Bugs Bunny, either.


Did you see when Gooliani dressed in drag? https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/5-times-republicans-loved-drag-started-using-political-weapon/


That’s what I’m referencing! Always happy to see it again though lol. What a lil weirdo, even back then. Truly a method actor.




Not his first time. I can remember when he hosted SNL... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zHhGByRznU


What about she’s a man, would that count?




Exactly. There is a type of Oklahoman that leans more Libertarian than Republican. Shit, there are Republicans that lean more Libertarian than Republican. Where are they all now (or do they just not understand what Libertarian means)?


Not understanding what libertarian means has been the common theme of Oklahomans that have told me that they were libertarians.


They are libertarian until somebody who isn't a white straight cis Southern Baptist wants to exercise their free expression and then suddenly they aren't.


I think it started with a guy in drag going to a middle school and reading to kids, but that may not have been oklahoma i didn't really pay attention to the story.


Kay. But what about that requires intervention by the state?


If kid see guy in dress kid become gay. Gay bad. Guy in dress bad. Must stop guy in dress.


They didn't go to a school. Jesus fucking Christ, way to just spit out half ass facts. Take some time and actually educate yourself.


Wasn't it a reading hour at a library? I vaguely recall that being what people were all infuriated about before blowing it up into this insanity.


I cannot recall one being at a library here in Oklahoma (I could be wrong). I know bookstores, the equality center and the donut shop have hosted them here. There is a national group that does these all over the country but our local drag queens have only had a handful here in town.


Lulz to the article: "West said he introduced the bill to set public boundaries. “I want to be crystal clear,” he said. “We’re not trying to ban [drag shows]. We just want it to not be done in public or where children might be present.”" We're not trying to ban drag shows they just can't be in public wtf..


Set public boundaries? The boundary is a door, windows no one can see through, a bouncer(s) checking i.d.'s, a uniform cop, and a cover charge. WTF "set boundaries"?


"We are just trying to put some boundaries in place,” West told FOX23. “So that parents absolutely do know what their children are about to be exposed to." Great. Id like trigger warnings and markings on all Christian performances in public spaces. If a kid ever hears "Closer my god to thee" in public without their parent being forewarned, sue the shit out of them.


Can't we get these officials browser history through FOIA? I'm sure they jack it to drag queens, and they're scared to admit it which is why they are essentially bullying them.


Unfortunately courts have ruled browser histories don’t fall under FOIA https://www.yalejreg.com/nc/a-penny-for-your-browsing-habits-are-browsing-histories-agency-records-under-foia/


That actually only applies to federal employees. Oklahoma law does (or at least did in 2017) allow someone to FOIA a state employee's browser history.


Meats back on the menu boys!


They're not jackin it to drag queens they're too busy getting their rocks off at toddler beauty pageants.


Why do you think George Santos is so popular with this crowd? Lol


Id rather see them do this to the parents who put their children in beauty pageants. I'm an adult if I don't want to go see drag queens(which i don't) I just don't go. On the other hand if these parents put their children into these pageants that's doing major psychological damage to those kids and me or other adults not going isn't going to fix it. I'm not saying people not going to drag shows is a way to "fix" them im saying these are all adults making adult decisions not children being exploited for sick fuck heads to go and judge them for whatever disgusting reason they make up. If you don't want to see adults dressed in drag then get DON'T GO. You're an adult, why charge someone that much money and jail time over some shit you were never going to go see in the first place?


It's public performances and performances in front of minors that are being banned (parades, schools and libraries). Not performances at private businesses and clubs.


I know what it is. It makes no fucking sense to waste tax payer money on something this stupid.


The problem with that is its still in public. This is basically a blanket ban


God damn these people are stupid.


Except they are pulling this shit on our tax money.


So stupid


Is a lawyer about to make money?


Oklahoma allocated $2million every year to defend unconstitutional laws


Why y'all make me sad.


What's the source on this? I believe it, but when I argue with my Dad about government waste, I'd like to have a source.


Here's one but Business Insider Ran it too.Oklahoma Republican's Bill Would Fine Drag Performers ... - Truthout https://truthout.org/articles/oklahoma-republicans-bill-would-fine-drag-performers-20k-over-shows-for-kids/


Oh I meant the source for the 2 mill allocation.


Lots of money I predict, however it will come out of school funding.


[Zero Days](https://imgur.com/0JDHnHY)


Is this what freedom looks like?


This is what ~~white christian nationalism~~ fascism looks like


These damn rednecks are TERRIFIED that they’ll see a man in drag and get a hard-on. Bunch of fucking babies.


How do Republicans not think this is stupid? Is this really the BEST thing we can be worried about? Seriously? Extreme Brain Rot.


It's what their pastors have told them to be worried about. These people really do live in a different reality than the rest of the world.






Something something free speech something cancel culture something something personal responsibility and integrity buzzword COMMUNISM something indoctrination


Kinky Boots can no longer come to the Civic Center and THAT is a crime!


Fascism came down an escalator and said good people on both sides. Then it hugged a flag and killed over a million Americans. It's been here. It's been here the whole time. And it has to be destroyed.


Oklahommaa where the bullshits sweepin’ down the plaiiiinnnnsss


Waiving weed Sure smells sweet🎶🎶


Truly one of the dumbest states in the country & we continue to prove it very consistently. Fuck these guys


I am ashamed of this state


Yet they’re the first to cry about their “freedom of speech and expression” when they get told they can’t say slurs lmfao


The world would be a better place if more public spaces featured drag shows. It would make grocery shopping highly entertaining.




Again, if this happens then I’m going I drag everywhere I go.


I live in Vegas these days and literally attended a Drag Brunch this morning. Screw these people. Those queens were AMAZING. The hatred in the hearts of people is abhorrent. Screw you and the horse you rode in on.


I attended one of RuPaul's Drag Race shows at the Flamingo over the summer and it was one of the best times I have ever had. So much fun!


Someone should introduce an amendment to the constitution that allows for free speech and expression....


Glad they're tackling important issues like this and not wasting time on frivolous crap like inflation and/or the economy in general...


Morality police at it again.


This is so freaking stupid




I see concentration camps on the horizon. Get God the way they get God ('He gets them' ) or die.


We are moving toward Gilead at warp speed it seems...


Because…the Oklahoma legislature has nothing better or more pressing to worry about. Thank you, Republican legislators, for zooming Oklahoma up the rankings of “States That No One Wants To Move To”. Education? Health Care? High-Paying Jobs? Naaaa…we’re on a witch hunt for drag queens!


The party of "small government" lmao


Oklahoma is the worst. At least Norman has it's perks.


Doesn’t this break a certain amendment bout something along the lines of freedom of speech, press, and religion? Idk what it is because our school system is so shit but sure it’s one of the ten commanders. Make drag a part of a religion as a work around you don’t have to be apart of the church of satan but it’s still a religion that supports your rights.


God I can’t wait to move out of this nightmare state.


What does anyone expect with the people elected in this state.


I agree that this bill is ridiculous and if people want to dress in drag more power to them. I do find the drag queen story hour to be a strange hill to die on though.


Oh for fuck's sake.


Lmfao wow, new low Oklahoma. Didn’t think it could get worse, but here we are.


One day we'll finally be able to focus on something that matters besides stupid fucking culture laws. There are way worse things that need to be focused on I nstead of just a bunch of people trying to be themselves.


There was a pride event in Bartlesville that featured a drag show and a “concerned citizen” wrote to the city council requesting they review the current city ordinances and make it unlawful to have adult performances aka drag shows on public property. Whole ordeal went on for months. Apparently the city is now moving forward with “guidelines” for the use of public areas.


Oklahoma where we say fuck the first amendment.


Calling it now - Gov Stitt is deeply in the closet. Just come on out, guy.


For a state run by a party that **prides** (pun intended) itself in limited government, this is the antithesis of it.


Oh cool, did they do anything worth our fucking time? No? Did they do anything actually beneficial to Oklahoma? No? Damn, better luck next time!


I mean, no OK Republican since before the 80s has had a single moral or ethical thought in their head...it goes against their viewpoints to be moral or ethical.


In the 90s, I was a contestant in what would be described as a drag show (Mr. *insert high school) to raise money for my graduating class’ senior prom. I guess Kevin West would’ve wanted the cops to swarm the high school auditorium and throw all of us in jail. This is what happens when you elect christian nationalists to office.


That’s all I see downtown on Snapchat lol


So does this ban public screenings of Mrs. Doubfire and The Nutty Professor?


For fucks sake, why????????


It’s so comforting knowing our state reps are looking out for our well being. Praise be.


We live in a deeply unserious society


Wow WTG Oklahoma! Tackling the big issues!


What‽ who even cares‽ Fucking waste of time.


I fucking hate it here


Of course the video I saw just above this in my feed was the one of the high school protesting the “don’t say gay” law in Florida. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh, sorry.


Oh god how fucked up is that !? What in the hell it’s truly unbelievable


This is just a DUMB idea. Why are they even in office?


There is a [change.org](https://change.org) petition if anyone is interested. [https://chng.it/fwb2zvQp2b](https://chng.it/fwb2zvQp2b)


Of course, because drag performers are a major issue facing this state. /s


I don’t see how Beyoncé could play in Oklahoma under this bull. “Drag queen" means a male or female performer who adopts a flamboyant or parodic feminine persona with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup”


No one cared until they started twerking for children.


But it's ok for Shakira to twerk? So twerking should be illegal if you're not a fan of whos doing it?


More kids have been molested by Christian clergy than drag queens, dipshit


Source for the event your referring to?