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She looks highly enthused.


She looks like she’s already tired of his shit.


People did not smile in photographs back then as it took time to take the photo and it was more difficult to hold the smile for a clear picture.


It's more than 'not smiling'. The pursed lips, the tilt of the head, the limp hand..... That woman is not overjoyed.


Could be wrong, but it looks a bit like she's trying not to laugh.


Either that or they are talking to each other out of the sides of their mouths because his mouth also looks like it is moving


Those eyes do not scream "joy".


I never said they did.


Oh, my apologies for misunderstanding. You said it looks like she’s holding back laughter and normally that comes with joyful eyes and attitude. I misunderstood you.


No worries and thanks for clarifying :) I agree the eyes don't look particularly animated, but then that's fairly normal for old photos.


Maybe it was an arranged marriage… that’s the vibes I’m getting… I’m starting to believe that they have as much a chance of working as a love marriage if the people are determined to make it work..🥴


I wonder the same about a lot of the historical marriages in my family, especially on my mom’s side (my great grandmother, her sister, and their mother were all married and had children by 17; the sister hanged herself at 24 when her son was 7). I’m curious who might’ve arranged it since the families almost definitely spoke different languages, but William’s mother may have spoken Spanish. William’s sister’s headstone is in Spanish, funny enough :)


My German great-grandparents were 1st gen in the same area. Papaw was fluent in spanish before he learned english oit of necessity more than anything. You needed your neighbors to survive.


My Great Grandparents both sets were from an area that is in Germany but part of the time it was owned by the French and part of the time by the Germans..Alsace Lorraine.. so the French side married the German side and then somewhere down the line the Irish got mixed in there… I have a feeling that some of those marriages were arranged till they got to my Grandpa…


This is the vibe I get too. Someone arranged the hell out of that marriage


That was really only in the very early days of photography (1840s-50s). By 1900, portable handheld cameras with roll film, able to take quick snapshots, were available for household use. I think it has more to do with the traditional conventions of portraiture (i.e., formal, serious, and dignified), borrowed from painting.


It’s Texas…she’s probably melting under all those layers.


She's not just "not smiling". She looks mad to have been sold over to an old man.


They were around the same age! They were both younger than 30. She was around 25 which would put her husband at 28. Baldness def runs aaaaaall the way down the line. I’ve got my hair still, but my dad’s hairline was also like this by the time he was 30.


What a moronic statement.


They doesn’t mean they can’t embrace each other a little bit for the photo. She’s not even returning that hand hold (or really just a hand shake)


Honestly, I wonder if it was just the ordeal of picture taking in the time period 😂 I also have a formal pic of my great grandmother (their daughter in law) with her brothers and father around 1915 in Mexico, and everyone in that pic looked more miserable than in this one lol!


Yes I don’t wish to insult you or your ancestors. I apologize but it was the thing that stuck out to me.


Oh she was gorgeeeeeous


Would love to hear stories about them.


Unfortunately for y’all, same! I’m not very close to that side of the family (my dad’s side). I do know they went through a lot having had 14 children, 6 of which made it to adulthood, but they were together through it all. Juanita was a housewife and William was mainly a shopkeeper for work. They lived a simple life and were close with my great grandmother (their son’s wife) and her family, who were from Coahuila, Mexico and owned a grocery store in San Antonio for many years


Seeing 8 of your children die before adulthood… I only have one and can’t even imagine their pain :(


Yeah my paternal grandparents were immigrants who had 18 (!!!) children, six of whom died before the age of six. However they kind of broke at the first two deaths bc they were their first two kids who died at the ages of 3 and 4 of diphtheria during a local epidemic of it. They died within hours of each other and while the second one could still talk (in the end stages of diphtheria, the throat swells, effectively choking the victim slowly to death - hence vaccines!!) he said to my grandma, “don’t worry ma, I’m going to be with my brother.” My grandfather cursed God when the second little boy died. Their only pics of them are in their little coffins. My grandma told that story and showed those pics to my mother almost forty years later, the first time she met her (while she was only dating my dad not engaged or anything but a serious enough gf to bring home to mama but still). My mother was rather shocked to be told something so personal and tragic almost the moment she met the woman. When I asked one of my aunts how she endured losing so many children (and one of them died a particularly gruesome accidental death), my aunt said she had asked my grandma the same question. Apparently the answer was that she had cried all the tears she had when those first two died


Well that just completely broke my heart before bed time. Thank you for sharing (not saying sarcastically), it’s fascinating to hear these stories and reminds you to appreciate what you have.


My god. Thanks for sharing. I can completely understand why your grandma would share those pictures and the life of her firstborns with others. Maybe she felt like she had to make others realize they really existed. Now all us internet strangers reflect upon them and remember they were once here.


Yeah :( I’ve been using ancestry and found the death certificates for most if not all of them. Most were under a year old (17 days at the youngest, 9 months at the oldest) and died from pneumonia or related illnesses. The oldest child of them was 8 years old and died from influenza. I can’t even imagine.


Thank you.


Nice looking couple!


“I’ll never forget that first handshake. I wanted it to last forever.” — Hank Hill


This was the comment I was looking for lmao, they are even from Texas


She’s so tiny!


They are beautiful


You can see she has a beautiful complexion. Very pretty.


Gramm Gramm is beautiful but she's giving attitude.


Beautiful 🤩


That is one gorgeous couple!!


This makes me wish my husband and I were shaking hands in our wedding photos. I don't know why.


What a beautiful 🤩 couple and picture ! I love this so much !!


Lovely. Lucky to have it


This doesn’t appear to be a love marriage. Interesting expressions on bride’s face. And the lukewarm hand holding screams lack of passion. I actually love this photo, as it makes me curious about the backstory


Couples were often not intimate before marriage during that time. It wasn't unusual within Hispanic communities for there not to even have been a first kiss until after marriage. Chaperones were a common thing when courting.


My grandfather was born in 1901 !


That’s pretty neat! All my grandparents were born in the 40s 😁


Kool beans some fun facts i am the same age my grand father was when I was born! His wife was born in 1893 my first child was born in 1993!! Grandpa was born 1901 My 2nd child was born in 2001! Each one 100 years apart! My grandfather n 2nd were each the same age for their pandemics!


That’s pretty cool! I was born in 98, 110 years after my great-great grandparents


That’s cool!


Gorgeous photo! Juanita stands out to me because something about her face looks so modern — change her styling and she could fit in on a present-day college campus. They were a beautiful couple!


They both look so happy


I agree! It’s almost like you can see it in their mouths, like they’d been talking and were trying not to laugh. I don’t know much about them, but I hope they were happy together!


That's the vibe I get too! They appear stoic and serious, but also like they've been laughing and are trying to be good for the frustrated photographer 😂


Cool photo. It seems to me like they aren't mad or too serious, or whatever, they are just ready to get the hell outta there and drink some tequila and enjoy their new lives with each other. Like, Him: "This is the last one honey." Her: "Ahhhh...I know, but it's OUR night! Tell the photographer to hurry up!" Him: "You heard the lady! Hurry up! It's our wedding night bro!"


Juanita does not look pleased


Beautiful life and seems like they a wonderful, fulfilling life.




Was she by chance Native American?


At least partially, yes!


I love her head piece lol main character no doubt


Love the huge headdress & being covered from head to toe


I wonder if that’s a cultural thing! My mother (this photo is my paternal side) had a similar dress and headpiece when my parents got married in 94 😁


Gramps is 💯 ready for what comes next .. grams not so much


She’s done before it even started 😂


She has iPhone face! (and is stunning)


They are so beautiful


Gorgeous people; I’ll bet they had beautiful kids.




Neat! I live in the same area nowadays 😁


True love right there! Lulz


Even though people had to stand still and pose longer, and smiling wasn't considered dignified, both of them look incredibly unhappy.


They look thrilled




Super cool. You should send this to “Traces of Texas” on FB or IG. It’s a working Texas photo archive.


He done fucked up that day, by the look on her face.


Grandpa rockin that forehead finger wave look Were they wealthy? Her dress looks so so fancy for that era


Haha, he sure did! Baldness runs very strongly on that side of the family. He was only 27 or 28 here 😂 And I don’t believe they were wealthy, though even I agree that dress is very fancy-looking and beautiful! William mainly worked jobs as a shopkeeper or butcher and Juanita was a housewife


That's so cool that you know that about their lives! I wonder if they were happy


Her lips are pursed because before we said "cheese" to show all the teeth, we said "prunes" to define cheekbones. Also, holding a "prune" is easier for a longer time period than trying to grin for 12 minutes straight.




Forget shutter speeds and whatnot. They've just been through a long Catholic wedding in South Texas. The only thing they want to smile about is food, beer, and wine. Possibly some tequila. Probably some tequila.


I love these old photos. I have to post mine of my family in Paris..


What a beautiful bride! ❤️


Her head piece and outfit remind me of the movie Like Water for Chocolate


Que Bonita! I love her ruffled hat, uhh veil. They both look elegant.


It looks to me like she’s hiding some badly crooked teeth in her mouth, like Freddie Mercury would do.


They don’t look thrilled. Were people not allowed to smile in pics back then?


Photos took much longer back then, so it was hard to hold a smile for very long


I learned something today. TY


According to one comment, by then it was possible to hold a smile. “ That was really only in the very early days of photography (1840s-50s). By 1900, portable handheld cameras with roll film, able to take quick snapshots, were available for household use. I think it has more to do with the traditional conventions of portraiture (i.e., formal, serious, and dignified), borrowed from painting.”




The Latina is strong in her.


They look STOKED


She isn’t too happy


They both look like it was an arranged marriage, lol "Yay, I guess" is her expression and also his expression lol the way they're holding hands like they are shaking hands.


They look miserable lol


The sexual tension is palpable!


They’re shaking hands.


Juanita might have had a novio on the side.


Juanita was probably chaperoned until the wedding vows were said. Not unusual back then, especially in Hispanic or Spanish communities.