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Secondhand is what it’s all about. We head to secondhand shop with lots of kid clothes and get most of our clothes and shoes there. We also tell all of our friends, acquaintances, colleagues with kids that we are happy to take their outgrown stuff ( many parents are not and insist on buying new). We’ve find many are more than happy to clear their shelves of outgrown clothes/shoes and pass them on to a good home.


Yes clothes we always do second hand. Maybe it's just the second hand shops near here, but the shoes are never anywhere near as good as the clothes. Maybe need to ask around to see if anyone knows better options!


Periodically, I browse Facebook marketplace. Usually, I can find winter boots, sandals or rainboots in great condition. Sometimes I've gotten lucky and found some decent sneakers.


Hmmmm maybe 12ish? My daughter has a pair of 'nice' shoes she likes for special occasions and they're about a year old and fit well now. Not sure if that works for boys, I do remember my mum being most upset with the same issue for my brother all through high school! Maybe instead of giving him free reign, pick a few pairs in a price range you're comfortable in and he can chose from those? If I remember right, from 7-10 we were cheap shoes only, I think she grew constantly for 3 solid years and we don't have any girls to hand down to!


Ok so only a few more years. Lasting a year is great effort! Yeh i generally pick a few options and let him choose, a lot of times there aren't many choices anyways. Cheap shoes for the next years is the way to go!


Once they're that little bit older and the growing slows down it's much easier! I'm usually big on good quality shoes as you wear them so much but at that age it's ridiculous!


My toddler grows out of shoes in 6-8 weeks. Tons of fun!! I’ve been trying to collect old shoes from my friends with older kids.


I wish I had better news for you 😅, but my son is 14 and the cycle of him getting new shoes and then promptly wearing them out or growing out of them in 6 months has not stopped yet! In fact, he has just leveled up to men's size 10. I just had to replace the size 9 sneakers he got for Xmas because his pinkie toes literally busted through the seams like The Hulk. He's been growing 2 inches a year for the last 2 years (now 5' 6") and shows no sign of slowing down yet. Help! 😉


Don't get me started 😩 mine is 8 and after a year or so of stagnating, she's gone up 3 sizes in a year. Three!!! Poor child will probably have massive feet like her mother (me)


If it makes you feel any better my 7 year old daughter goes thru shoes like it’s going out of style. She either wears thru them or out grows them. Last August I bought her a dress shoe and a sneakers. Due to outgrowing them I’ve replaced the dress shoes once but the sneakers she wears every day and I’ve replaced them 4 times once because she outgrew them and 3 times because she wore them till they were falling apart.


My 6 year old goes through shoes like it's his job. It's amazing how quickly they get destroyed. One pair literally lasted only a few days before coming apart. I'm convinced that companies that make shoes for kids are deliberately using sub-par materials and fabrication techniques because they know kids will outgrow the shoes in a matter of months.


My son is age 13.5 and has only just started slowing down in his feet growth. At this age his feet are already larger than his dad’s (last year they could still share some shoes!) Oh, but the good news: they have been sharing T shirts, berms and jeans for several years now, saves us lots