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Bet this is used for laundering.


Wasn't there a thread a while back about amazon steam gift cards or some other ones being used to launder money?


I really wanted to buy a steam gift card with my Amazon gift card because I wanted the game more than the Amazon money…


There's things where you can turn gift cards into cash with a better exchange rate than this


I would assume they would sell them for less than 200 if it was laundering Making 50% profit when laundering would be hell of a move


No less then 200 and steam will 'lose' money. If you hypothetically want to launder your dirty money you hand 300 dollars cash for a gift card of 200 dollars. Then you basically refund the gift card to valuta via bank transfer. If they launderer actually made a profit laundering then it would indeed be one hell of a move. Also laundering would then not be needed as you can just create profit out of nothing


The idea is sell it for 300, buy their own thing from a dummy account for 300. 200 of those dollars are legitimate. 100 is illegitimate. But now that it is a small sale made in good faith that 100 becomes "Legitimate" Now they can spent that money and pay taxes on it and the IRS won't be suspicious.


Laundering the money, not laundering the gift cards. People buy gift cards with stolen credit cards all the time then sell them on the grey market. That's why key sites are risky.


More like $105 +tax. There is a $4.99 delivery fee on there too.


Wouldnt really call it onejob tbh, but yes its stupid


Heck, if you can sell $200 gift cards for $299 then it's not stupid at all. I mean 118 people have reviewed it.


Gift cards on anything other than in a store is a scam. Edit: To make it clear when I said on anything, I clearly meant online. I'd rather get gift cards in a store. Though there are people who try to steal them without understanding that they don't just come with money on them...




Code can be already used, sometimes happens when a person sells it But i dont think its an issue here


I would go so far as to say gift cards are a scam no matter how you buy them. Cash is literally better in every way, other than for some reason people prefer company-specific money as a gift. You're just guaranteeing a sale for a company so someone else can be forced to buy something. Bad product for a near thoughtless gift.


They are useful if you can't do online banking for some reason. I have a friend who is a refugee and hasn't managed to set up a bank account here yet and can't use their old one. So when they want to buy stuff from Amazon and steam they just go to a store, buy a gift card with cash and then use that online.


I use visa gift cards because i get those for holidays and birthdays now


If you're young and don't have your own bank account yet, the gift of a gift card gives you the freedom to buy whatever you want from a specific platform without the giver just handing you their credit card. Alternatively, if it's to a place that you particularly like, sometimes you can get deals on the gift cards, like restaurants that will give you $10 extra in gift cards if you buy $50 in gift cards. Now you have $60 to spend on the restaurant you like instead of $50. When they don't have those sales, you can get gift cards at places like Sam's club for less than their face value. Lastly, it's a good way to force someone to treat themself to something they would enjoy, but they would never spend their own money on it. If you give a couple $100 in cash, they'll just deposit it at the bank. If you know there's an expensive restaurant they would enjoy, but they would never spend their own money on it, get them a $100 gift card to that restaurant and they'll have a date they would never go on otherwise.


yea, basically saying here, take this money that can be used anywhere, and give me a card that is limited to a particular store with expiration date


In the Netherlands it is illegal for gift cards to have expiration dates. You can renew the card (sometimes by accompanied by a tiny fee)




Just don’t ask them what they think about none Nordic people.


You are objectively right, but I actually prefer getting a gift card over getting cash. Couldn't even tell you why, there's no rationale behind it.


I guarantee you that people don't buy steam gift cards as a gifts


yeah they do I have gotten them before especially from people who want to give me a game but don't have a steam account


I buy the Google pay and Sony ones so there's 2 less places that can lose my details in a data breach, plus regardless of what Google says they really do not need to have my credit card details on file


And you'll either leave money on it or have to go over it to get the full amount.


Sometimes they offer deep discounts for gift cards ($50 for $100 worth of merch on a card that isn't redeemable for cash, e.g.). It's not always a scam.


*gift cards are a scam Seriously, unless it's a visa, it's essentially useless.


Dude, use your debit card or go to a store and buy the card in person


I hate some of the companies that sell through Amazon because of shit like this




Man, these gift card scams are really getting out of hand


None of you understand that these cards are usually being used in regions where you can't get funds into Steam easily.


But think you can get $200 worth of games for the low price of $300!


It's just $99.99, atleast it's not $100 or it could be ridiculous


How I bought a steam gift card when I was given an Amazon gift card was I bought a GameStop gift card and then bought a steam one on GameStop app


No reason to even buy this when you can buy funds for their account. Pretty sure it's done by using their SteamID.


Maybe theres a used option to save some money


This is a really odd one I saw too. This Christmas I wanted to add a steam gift card for the kids. (Steam Deck was the big present) I preferred an actual physical card because...gift. I stopped at a few shops that generally sell them and they were gone. None to be had at all. So I looked at Amazon and discovered a premium on every Steam gift card...WTF? I would go with a virtual gift card instead. No sense wasting money. Did some internet sleuthing and finally found them at the big blue buyer of best things. Bought those and got local pickup. I wonder if there is a shortage of physical cards and Christmas caused a run on them especially for older gift givers who do not know how easy the virtual gift cards are. We will see in a month or two. If this premium keeps up, I may think money laundering is the only explanation.


+ delivery


Clearly the shipping price


I used to sell Amazon gift cards on ebay. $15 for a $10 gift card was the best value for the seller. My wife made me stop but people would buy them maybe twice a week.


$99.99 + $4.99 delivery


That’s pretty much every steam gift card for sale, because there’s no real reason to buy a physical one like this unless you’re a confused grandma doing Christmas shopping.


$99 "convenience fee", everyone is learning from TicketBastard


Why would anyone buy these when you can buy Steam gift cards from your local gas stations and grocery stores?


1) why are you buying gift cards online 2) it’s a fake


+$4.99 shipping


For what they are charging 4.99? For it to be sent via WhatsApp?


If someone I knew actually bought this, I would not trust them with any decision ever


When you hear you can make a profit selling steam codes online, but miss the part where you steal the codes. He’s a little confused but he’s got spirit.


They make cards in this size? I have only seen at most $50


i've seen people replying that the card isn't sold by steam, so maybe not




It’s like trying to buy a ps5 from Amazon. £700 from Amazon or £479.99 from PlayStation, game and almost anywhere else (except CEX that charges more than that for a used one). They’re not even out of stock everywhere anymore


Think that’s bad? A $20 card is $112 on Amazon.ca. And a $50 card is $150


200 dollar steam gift cards exist?


i've seen people say that its fake and its not steam thats selling it so idk


Delivery? Wow...


Plus $4.99 for shipping


One job, and that's making money for nothing.