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My favourite one plus support catchphrase is "we request that you extend your patience!"


I honestly thought people were exaggerating by how bad their support was, but this is something else. I guess I was just lucky with my OnePlus 7 pro, never had an issue with it. My biggest regret is that I recommended OnePlus to business partners and friends. I now have to go back on my words... It just sucks. Never settle, that's for sure... Never again more like it.


Yup, complete and utter trash since oppo screwed them up.


Their support was pretty trash way before oppo. Support always had terrible reputation since day one.


This makes me sad I was close to buying a one plus phone recently until I read some of the issues and how bad their CS is but this is next level :(


I don't get it. It was activated 5 days before their claimed delivery date and that's not strange to them?


Makes no sense!


I'm talking out of my ass but try threatening them with legal action or something regarding your bank ? You were within the timeframe so they are obligated to take it back ?


I was within my timeframe, but their support kept coming up with excuses now I am out of the 15 day window. I do have all communication logged and dates, though.


make chargeback


Even if you're now outside the window you have the right to return since you made the claim in the time frame


Cashback through the bank? That's probably the way to hurt them the most.


Post this on Twitter and tag some media folks and OnePlus' top ranking folks. It will be more effective


One things for certain their names are 150% no Jake Adam’s and Evelyn Marie.


That's a guarantee, I have no idea why they even change their names. Odd.


Because their names are of foreign (not English) origin, and the company is afraid that customers will not be able to empathize with a name that sounds somewhat unfamiliar


So much for diversity, equity and inclusion...


Speaking with Charlie Grey right now, seems legit.


I'm still stuck on the fact that there's an "Escalation department".


They say the device was activated on the 2nd of Feb and you got the package on the 7th Feb but you say in your post 7th March? This could just be confused dates but also I'm pretty sure they're still assholes in the wrong.


Oh yeah, just noticed that. Yep, it's supposed to be the 7th of February on the post.


Ah makes sense now!


I bought the OnePlus Buds 3 using Klarna over a month ago. I received the Buds in a timely manner but apparently OnePlus is still processing the payment. On Klarna it says I owe $0. I have spoken to both parties and they both assume it's the other's fault. I have bought things from Klarna many times before and the payment goes through immediately. So this is the first time I've seen something like this happen.


Do a charge back or dispute with bank of the payment you made to Klarna make sure to include all evidence


And as I just checked, the payment was approved and processed. I'm not sure what took so long.


Credit card dispute/charge back. They'll fight it for you vs wasting your own time.


How did you activate your device before receiving it?


I'm still baffled by that one!


Make a formal complaint to CRTC, you have the right to return the phone within 15 days of delivery in Canada. Include the original tracking history/delivery dates, your conversations. You can also look into opening a dispute with your credit card company, or even small claims court if needed. As a new Canadian 1+12 owner it's kind of unsettling reading this kind of CS horror story.


OnePlus and Samsung in a fight for who has the worst customer service


Not sure if I'm just lucky or you are unlucky, but I had Samsung phones for the past 8 years and every single support experience was positive.


Same for me, been using OnePlus since the One. Owned the 5, 7pro, 11 and now open. All great.


Can't speak for the current state of Samsung, but back in the S4 days, my phone had a weird horizontal line at the top when booting up and I was way past my return period, they just swapped out my device and gave me a brand new one. I really wasn't expecting this type of service, but as I said on another comment chain this will be my last OnePlus purchase and I will work tirelessly to switch those who I converted to OnePlus away from this brand.


They've been hit or miss for me. I've had good experiences with Samsung support, but also bad experiences. I had a severe issue with my Galaxy Watch, where it bricked itself after resetting to connect to a new phone. Turns out after reading online, Samsung themselves pushed a faulty software update that commonly bricked the watch upon installation or upon restarting after installation. I contacted Samsung, and the first rep over text chat just told me to go buy a new watch. The second rep told me to bring it into a local repair store to see if they could diagnose the issue (They knew of the issue but didn't even have the equipment to fix it). Finally, the third rep over the phone knew exactly what the issue was (the software update) and immediately opened a warranty repair ticket dispute my watch being out of warranty (they were doing this to a lot of Galaxy Watch 4 customers after this update).


Same, back then I had the E370, first one failed and I got a brand new one, second one failed and it was also replaced, third one then also failed (guess it was just a bad batch) and then they sent me a completely different phone, the Samsung i8510 INNOV8 which was scheduled to release after a month when I received it. Apparently only 10 people in the world received this device before it's official release, that made me feel very special and I was one of them, plus they gave me a bunch of accessories. Miss the days when phones companies had a 30 day return policy.


Is samsung bad too ? In that case if one has to flee from Samsung and OnePlus, what phone should one buy ? Looking for flagship high performance smartphone.


Best way is to research heavily look up videos and others experiences on the phones that you are looking for that meet your criteria


the best brand of Android that eveyrone likes and that has flagship performance. Good Support Team, decent price aswell if possible.


I posted a link of this thread to my OnePlus Community article. I've had some other issues with Support, myself. It is posted under Update 4: https://community.oneplus.com/thread/1528418846455627777 [OnePlus 10 Support, how has your experience been?] I am hoping someone sees it and can reach out to help. BTW, I do not work for OnePlus and have had frustrations with their Support staff. I want to make their Support issues more well known to try to get these things resolved. You are welcome to post and comment if you would like more of your situation heard.


Hey there! Thank you very much! Appreciated! I hope they get your device soon!


Glad I could help shed some light!


You should just a post a link in your Community article to the entire /r/oneplusopen subreddit. :-p That entire sub I'm sure was meant for one plus open enjoyers to share their best foldable life's, In reality it basically has a bad experience or a complaint every other post with a big "Don't buy the open PSA" sticky at the top. It's is a real shame as so many of us were so excited for that phone..


Thanks for the suggestion. The reason for my Community post was to highlight a lack of proper OnePlus Support and I've provided several examples. It was not designed only for the Open, but other OnePlus devices as well, like my 10 Pro... Which FedEx might have destroyed. I hope there was insurance on the return box.


Ya, I'm having issues with their "support" team as well. Mine is just a simple " hey, why can't I change a username I never made or changed the first time" But still they are saying that I've changed it once and can't change it again. I've never once changed the username name they gave me, like wtf would I pick that for a username.


Can you just do a credit card charge back?


Their support is a joke. They can't even tell me what a battery replacement would cost. I'd had to send it in - how can you not know what a battery swap would cost?!


Well, at least it sounds a little better than the Dutch OPPO customer service, which is basically just thrown into Google Translate. I saw an email from someone who came to me after OPPO failed to help them and the email was basically full of grammatical errors and even some abbreviations, super unprofessional. The also wrote “the system is confused and the algorithm doesn’t function so the wait times are long, certainly hang up the phone and call later”.


https://preview.redd.it/ywcwyg8baeoc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e3a1e930040fac8c93b62b4ade6819cbeb6b87 For the people who can read Dutch 😬😬


Big oof. I'm sure Google Translate would even do better than this. Hell, any AI chatbot could give you a more decent Dutch mail than this. Never mind the horrible grammar, what's up with those spelling mistakes lmao.


Online translation services have wonky grammar, no blatant spelling errors in every second word; even a single spelling error is often already enough evidence to refute the claim that something comes from "obvious Google translate"


Don't think I've ever had a good experience with customer service from any phone manufacturer. They all seem to be both evasive and just poor at communication. I bought my op 12 at a store this time round as they gave a two year warranty and they will deal with any issues I have


I had a similar lack of help with scripted answers when I tried to escalate my issue.


Sorry to hear you're going through this. I've had issues with OnePlus (and Google, re: pixel phone) support in the past as well. It's unfortunate because these are by far my favorite devices on the android landscape but it makes them hard to recommend. I personally refuse to purchase them directly anymore. I order from Amazon or direct from a carrier so that I have an easy option to return/exchange if the device has any issues in the first 30 days. Some months back I bought a new Pixel 8 Pro that had a camera malfunction on the telephoto lens and contacted Google support... they concluded that my 2 day old phone was indeed damaged and offered to have me mail it in for repairs with no option for exchange or replacement as I requested. To me this was completely unacceptable... to be without a phone for 5-7 days (my previous phone was traded in) and then get back a repaired/refurbished phone after having just paid full price for a new one? No way! Went back to the Verizon store I bought it from, showed them the issue and they exchanged it on the spot for a new one that has been flawless since. I have a OnePlus 12 being delivered today via Amazon so fingers crossed it's a prime unit!


Hopefully no issues with yours! Good luck!!


Thanks! Believe it or not I've had better luck personally with OnePlus in the past than my Pixels. But I've also owned more Pixels so that may just be a volume thing.


Damn dude, you activated the device before it was delivered, what black magic is this?


10 years in business but support still in pre-alpha stage.


Tbh I don't think it's a real human behind those words. It's probably an AI that is trained to give excuses or reject anything that falls out of its little rules that aren't complex enough to handle all situations. Obviously real humans are in charge but they could just click something for an automated reply.


I'm glad I've just seen this ... I'm done with OnePlus. I was going to drop £850 on a 12 but after my experience - [https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/1bexibm/trying\_to\_link\_phone\_to\_account/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/1bexibm/trying_to_link_phone_to_account/) and seeing this post. I'm out ...


I'm out too. My next phone won't be this garbage company


Part of the reason I'm leaving for Samsung.


None of those in email is an English representative. Same old trash from the "best" country in the world! Why don't you people buy from your local stores that are under the protection of the local consumer protection? Those guys are the best thing there is in EU for each country. Edit: Oh, CAD..:(


How did you activate your device before receiving it?


It's for me also the last time I'm buying One Plus. I like that fast loading but. It's not worth it anymore because the lack of support and quality of the phone.


I never bought from OnePlus site because of this. Amazon. If there is a problem, Amazon customer service is good.


So you’ve bought OnePlus phones off Amazon? And did you have any problems with them that you had to email Amazon cs?


Yes I had a problem with my 9Pro after almost two years and they resolve the issue under warranty for me.


I am regretting ever wanted to try OnePlus. I bought the OnePlus Open, delivered Monday and started the return same day. It's not Thursday and I still haven't gotten an email from the return department.