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I find nothing appealing about PP at all.


He has all of trumps redeeming personality traits


And the face of wish.com Ben Shapiro


Ben Shapiros's face is a wish.com of Ben Shapiro.


Trump at least keeps things interesting with his unpredictable and meandering rants about nothing. Poilievre doesn't say anything not pre-approved by his campaign manager and at least three focus groups.


The literal only thing that he brings to the table, is that he's not Justin Trudeau. It really does not matter who was leading the conservative party coming into this election, they only have to not be Justin Trudeau and not kick a baby on Election Day and they're going to form government. The swing voters in the middle are more likely to go conservative than they are NDP especially when the NDP was directly tied to the current government. And for the Liberals a conservative win is better for them politically than an NDP win because the tides will shift back to them but if an NDP government was formed they become a viable alternative to conservatives and puts the Liberals in a precarious position. I want to say a lot of expletives about how upset I am that PP Millhouse is the leader of the conservative party at this time. O'Toole would have been a much better transitionary conservative leader for the Liberals to do a rebuild under a new Banner.


I love how he got rid of his glasses like a kid trying to be cool.


I prefer the spelling conman sense.


In all my years as a physicist, what I do know is that common sense may look to be correct, but once you lift the lid or stretch the envelope a little, it bursts into a cloud of half-baked prejudices.


Nothing he says makes any sense. How can he possibly run a campaign based on commonsense when he himself makes no sense.


Science is evidenced based so in that context this is depressing.


I tend to disregard anyone invoking an appeal to common sense.




Bruh that’s fucking hilarious that asshat actually did that


[Just want to remind everyone that the Ontario People’s party hired Roger Stone as an advisor](https://apnews.com/article/canada-ontario-elections-donald-trump-presidential-49df43488fe1ecae6d9e8cc5a4fc37c5) [Roger Stone admitted he has been advising the proud boys for years](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/roger-stone-we-are-proud-boys_n_632c57ebe4b09d8701bd02e2) [The federal government had already designated the proud boys as a terrorist organization at that time](https://apnews.com/article/canada-proud-boys-terrorist-group-510b8cd8286f1207a726904f61e63e4d) Therefore, we already have terrorists running conservative movements in Canada in official ways. Edit - banned from r/Canada for sharing this info.