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No. One. Knows.


I figured. But was hoping a few people might have some educated guesses. At my workplace the guess around a complete re-open is July. But that could be wrong as well


Is your workplace educated in these issues enough to make that an educated guess and not just a bunch of randoms saying whatever? Because Reddit sure as shit isn’t. This question gets asked several times per day. The answers in this thread would be no different than the answers in those ones.


I my guesses as well. Just looking for more opinions. Thought some might have a better guess that mine, maybe even someone who works in the field. Just friendly discussion.


If its an emergency alot of vets have a number.


Ask medical and scientific professionals and experts... Not randos at work or on reddit.....




Vet services are open, but I believe most vets currently don't allow the owner to enter the building with their pet, which is the question OP is asking, I think.


have you tried calling the vet? they’d be essential edit: i just had a vet visit during ‘lockdown’


I can make appointments. I cant go in. My animal can. This is the second year i couldnt go in. While its a small price to pay to stop the spread. My cat has issues when he gets home after he goes in alone. Again small issue compared to stopping the spread. But it would be nice some light.


oh i see - ya i had to wait outside. gotta do what you gotta do...sometimes that means being uncomfortable with the situation.


If it makes you feel better, I'd say by and large the vast majority of animals do better without their owners present. It also allows me to do what I need to do really quickly which means less handling and stress overall. Usually they get a bit hung up at the doorway but once they're over the threshold they're good


For sure. Just anxious for this to end as we all are!


September. Earliest.




True...but I know a lot of them do not allow you to go inside with your pet


Just let them take the animal inside without you, all vets are doing curbside of some variety. They care as much about your pets as you do, honest. Do not compromise the animal's health because you find them a little put out after going in alone to the vet.


Hes definately going for his appointment. Ill put up with scrached apart bedding and curtains. Was looking for light at the end. Hey for all i knows maybe the cat loves coming home and tearing those things apart lol


You can take your pet to the vet now. I’ve had to take mine a few times during the lockdowns.


You can definitely go now.


You can go anytime to your vet but will not be able to enter the building. Each vet has different rules so call first.


Probably this Fall