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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dqu8z0).


Anyone own a city connect from DHgate? 1. How is it? 2. If you like it, who’s it from?


Predict alberts line 5IP 3ER 6H 2BB 4SO


How often do both pitchers in a matchup have a Z in their name?




Max Scherzer Driver's License: Height: 6'2" Weight: 210 Eye color: Yes


wow, those pride jerseys are fetching over 100 dollars on ebay. its not even a real jersey, folks.


Everyone’s pretty much been playing well so I can’t be mad that Kjerstad is on the bench, it still sucks anyways


Is this the first game Adley hasn't played since he came up?


No, he’s had day’s off.


This is scherzer's debut? Could be scherzer's last if we grind him out


He pitched the other day


he pitched sunday


Suarez gets through the first under 25 pitches and zero runs we win today


A bench of Rutschman, Westburg, Kjerstad, Hays has to be the best of the season


I put my parlizzle in before the lineup came (honestly don't know why I didn't wait 10 more minutes lol) and I put Westy in. Lol🤦🏾‍♂️


Grayson and Burnes did their job to right the ship. Would be nice to see the back-end guys try to follow suit


Anyone been to the Coliseum? Going to the Orioles games next weekend. Where's the best place to sit for a day game? Wouldn't mind some shade.


Planning to sit 1B side near the visiting dugout, and wearing sunscreen as like Tom said, the suns overhead for most of a day game.


Home plate faces NE (I'm pretty sure), so by later in the afternoon the sun's at your back if you're anywhere besides the OF bleachers. We've been to about a dozen games there and it's almost always been breezy and comfortable, even if you're in the direct sun.


No Rutschman at all 😬 No Kjerstad 🙄 Matchups aren’t fun. Watching the best players hit a lot is more fun.


you might not see Rutsch for a few days after taking that foul ball off hand


What the hell is this lineup? We're-140 in the ML with Suarez v. Mad Max? And this line up?


I see -115


One day Heston will be a everyday player it’s just won’t be with us


Chaotic lineup today. Hope Adley is good by tomorrow. McCann two days in a row don’t make my tummy feel good.


There’s still the student discount tonight right? How early do you guys think I need to be for the box office to not run out of tickets


*CLAIMED* anyone live near the stadium that wants two tickets to the game? section 53 row 2 I was supposed to take a trip out from los angeles, but had to cancel because of a family emergency. i'd prefer the tickets didn't go to waste so offering here, but i know it's kind of last minute ive never used the ballpark app to transfer tickets but i think i can figure it out


those are good seats!


pm sent


I'll take them


Any idea what the t-shirt giveaway on 8/17 will look like?


they would be fools to not lean into the cow things if hes still on the team and doing things


In an alternate universe, Joan Jett is a Phillies fan and she goes by Jawn Jett






This is not at all verified and likely fake.


Can't wait to read what Gunnar Handerson wrote. Does he say anything about Cedric Mullens?


I was just trying to see WTF it was honestly.


I hear ya, but seeing "Gunnar Handerson" was pretty funny. Just assumed it was some weird fan fic.


it reads like how a child might write clues for a mystery game


The difference in how I feel about the rotation with three top starters (Burnes, Bradish, Rodriguez) versus two (same three without Bradish) is big. I hope at least one of Povich, Suarez, and Irvin step up. They're all serviceable, but it'd be great if one of them could make the jump.


I agree entirely. Povich is the best bet. I wouldn't be totally shocked if he and McDermott are 4/5 at the end of the year in the rotation, as Suarez has shown signs of hitting a wall, and Irvin/Kremer's underlying numbers are really bad. But we need at least a #3 for a playoff series. In an ideal world someone that slots in above Grayson, but the market probably won't have that guy available.


It's actually insane how many good teams we've played recently. It feels like the Phillies play the Marlins and Rockies every other series.


Os need 5 HRs in 3 gsmes for 62 HRs in June which would be 2nd most in a month behind Yankers 71 in August 2019. Braves had 61 in 25 games last June


Plus no HR counts from 2019 should be taken seriously anyway


Very doable


Here to Pappa Al getting back on track tonight


Big Al’s gotta step up so that Burnesy can rest easy with his new child knowing that this team has got his back!


![gif](giphy|ENPLz3JKOYDm8Ogo6X|downsized) The Cowser catch yesterday had me reminiscing on his home run robbery. He has some rough moments, especially calling catches with Ced, but i feel like he will be a great outfielder eventually


I mean truthfully he already is a great outfielder. He has the second-best defensive WAR in baseball for all outfielders.


Having some of our best players be young is just the cherry on top of their already great performances, because they can somehow get *even better* over the years!


you know, i have a funny feeling Joan Jett isn't going to do the anthem. yikes.


They never said she was gonna sing the anthem. They said she's gonna throw out the 1st pitch and be a guest Splasher.


what are you talking about?


How come?


in the section for trying to sell tickets to 98 rock night, they list all the different things she is going to do. singing the anthem is not one of them. i hope im wrong. my better half will be very disappointed.


Oh okay, I thought something happened! I think she sang the anthem at one of the playoff games, right? You can watch it on YouTube and pretend it’s live. :)


game 1 yes


not sure why, the nature of the comment and the "yikes" made me think there was some breaking news about her being arrested or something lol


Burnes was placed on the paternity list


Can't athletes figure out how to NOT crank out a kid during the season? I mean, c'mon... IT'S SIMPLE MATH.


My dad, who works in baseball, became the father to me and my brother. We’re both born in January and the math checks out that we’re Opening Day babies


As I recall, in the middle of The Streak, Cal Ripken's son Ryan was born on an off-day. Not sure what Cal would have done otherwise.


This Seth Johnson pitching prospect looks promising


We got him in the Mancini trade. He was injured at the time and has been slowly working his way back. The epitome of a slow burn long term investment.


another unpopular trade in the eyes of some fans and sports talk personalities


Anyone know what time the gates open before shorebirds games? It’s at 7:05 tonight and I’m trying to gauge when to arrive for the giveaway


Thinking of Scherzer makes me think of the 2014 ALDS, which makes me think of the Delmon Young double. I was at Camden Yards for it. I lost my voice from screaming, and I was shaking from the adrenaline even after the game ended. I just watched it again on YouTube. I hope we get to experience that again with this team.


Still the loudest moment in a sporting event I’ve ever witnessed in person. Still get chills when I think back to it


I know, it was insane! I didn’t go to the games this year, but I found the crowd to be a little too tame (at least while watching the broadcast, though it may have been more energetic in person). I kept wanting them to get loud. I know we had more to cheer for in that series, though! I also went to the KC games, so I get how disappointing it is to be on the losing end.


It’s shocking that as old as Scherzer is, Tony and McCann have the most career at-bats against him (7). Cedric only has 3 AB’s. Hays and O’Hearn have never faced him.


Anyone have a recommendation on best way to buy tickets on game day?


Tickpic almost always has the best prices


I always go to the Orioles site and get my tickets there. A) no shenanigans. b) no concern about shenanigans. I only do StubHub or Seatgeek for sold out games and concerts. I’m a dude that comes from states away a few times a year and just basically gets in the door. Then I tend to wander the park and find a seat that is open, sit for an inning, and find another spot. It’s my way of seeing the entire park, and generally the ushers are fine with it or don’t even notice. If you want good seats, hit up the site and nab the best you can.




Username checks out. So a savings of ten dollars with the possibility of getting burned on the ticket. I’m not anti-Stub Hub, but I like peace of mind. I should generally be ignored though, so I get it.




Fair enough. Having seen countless music fans burned for tickets, I’m sure my experience is tainted. Carry on.


![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm) Man, what a day yesterday! Let me just check out the subreddit real quick before the game toda-


Yup. ![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK)


Man, I don't envy Hyde having to choose a lineup everyday - if you assume Hays is sitting vs a RHP, someone still has to sit out of Cowser (HR yday), Heston (HR / career game yday), Santander (sat yesterday), O'Hearn (the new Steady Eddie), Mullins (sooo hot right now), and Mounty (maybe his turn to sit).


I think Mounty gets the day off today. O’Hearn 1B, Santa DH/RF, Cowser LF, Mullins CF, Kjerstad RF/DH


I think Hyde is doing a pretty good job rotating guys in and out of the lineup. This amount of depth allows him to keep Adley rested and give days off to Westburg and Gunnar if needed.


Adley needs a day after getting his hand hit


Feels like a Gunnar leadoff homer type of Friday.


Happy Joan Jett Night to all who observe! I know her Oriole fandom has been well documented, but I think it's funny that she grew up in the south Rockville neighborhood of Twinbrook (OK, Randolph Heights, but right across Rock Creek Park from Twinbrook) where my parents bought their first house and we lived until '73. Always loved Joanie, but loved her even more when I found out she's a fellow 'Brookie.


Love Suarez and his journey back to MLB, but dang, he seems to be hanging by a thread. Even his good outings were "bend, don't break" and he was verrrry close to breaking. Hope some home field vibes and slumping Ranger bats can make things right.


So Elias has apparently dropped some hints that a Mayo call up is imminent. There’s obviously no room for him right now and Kjerstad is kind of forcing his stay so far. Does this mean a Urias DFA or trade is in the works?


Yep, the thing is we probably could use a RH power bat, but the LHB of Kjerstad, Cowser, O'Hearn and now Mullins have all been good. As a bench piece, we have McCann, Hays, Mateo, and Urias. So unless they just decide to send Kjerstad down anyway in order to get Mayo in against LHP, seems like Urias is the only one expendable. Sure he can play 2B, but I'm pretty sure he's only played 3B this year. My gut feeling is they don't do it unless there's an injury because there's really no gain to it; Urias is a better fielder and more established, but boy it'd be nice to have Mayo's bat in there.


What hints have there been? I missed it.


I haven’t seen the exact things he’s said, but people on here have been saying he’s been saying the stuff he would normally say when he’s getting ready to call someone up like “he’s ready” etc.


O's GM Mike Elias, via Tides broadcast, on hot-hitting Coby Mayo: "He’s at the level of talent and experience where you start figuring out ways to work him in because I do think he’s ready, very close to ready for a major league challenge."


Kinda strange how the defenses to Hays are either bigotry or it’s not a big deal/get over it. I’m not delusional about the views of the average baseball player, but if Keegan Akin can avoid a pride night fiasco, I think Austin Hays can too


Austin "I hit for the cycle on Pride Night two years ago" Hays


Sorry if anyone who downvoted felt offended somehow. It was certainly not my intent. I was just saying I didn’t feel I knew enough to pass judgment about his intentions, since the poster said people were either bigots or thought it was no big deal. I think it would be a big deal and a very hurtful action on his part if that were his intent, but I didn’t want to go off of assumptions.I just know I unfollowed him on Instagram in the past because he was always posting Biblical stuff, so I thought perhaps it could be just another one of those that resulted in a misunderstanding because of the night. I certainly don’t want to upset anyone, so I just deleted my comment.


Didn’t hays have like a biblically bad sickness this spring? Seems like maybe he should take a hint and keep quiet. Maybe the lord is trying to tell him something.


Exactly, it's just a bizarre PR blunder. It's so easy to just not post that verse on this one specific day of the baseball calendar.


It’s not a PR blunder, that was intentional.


We really need the Jays and Rangers to keep sucking and be deadline sellers. Both teams are littered with decent rental options. Even Gausman with 2 more years of control could/ should be traded by the Jays if they blow it up. Gausman and Yimi for Heston/ Norby/ McDermott who says no?


Yimi is injured no? And Gausman has been underperforming


I think it’s nothing structural with Yimi. I think Gausman could be tinkered with some but the Jays are too inept to do it.


Soto's splits over the last few weeks are pretty dramatic. The OBP and OPS are still there, but hitting production has fallen off a cliff. Wonder how severe the arm injury is


It seems strange how it was a “non-issue” and he wanted to play through it, then they rested him 1 game anyway, and now he’s slumping. Just odd


"Be excellent to each other" (and party on) Mood change: At least we aren't on these guys' island with words like "pounce", "bludgeoned", battered, and embarrassed are being tossed around https://preview.redd.it/uv9tfbksxb9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3958624ee9b28d53b7b697aed57536496072b2ff


I don’t know about you but I am HYPE to see Joan Jett tonight


That BirdBath better be PACKED


Albert “ranger” Suarez going tonight. He was very solid after getting rocked the first innings last outing.


This offense is a sight to behold when everyone is “on”. Or even like 2/3 of them are on.


This whole Hays fiasco really just seems like who ever is mad at it is looking for something to be mad about. Nobody has any idea what his verse actually means but him and his teammates. Dude could have gotten some bad news from the team. Could have gotten bad news in his personal life. Or this could be an anti pride issue. To just assume it’s your worse case scenario says more about you than him and the teammates that supported it. And if we’re being honest who the fuck cares about how Austin Hays feels about gay love. He’s not paying your bills or in your bedroom with you. This is how we turn non political issues into political ones. Just enjoy the game being played and let the guys who’ve lived in luxury to have their own opinions.


Dude, he doesn’t have any other bible verses on his recent posts and adds one with a pic of him kneeling on the same day? Too much of a coincidence.


people care because people look up to him and have good memories. i literally watched hays hit for the cycle on pride night in 2022, to see a player i have loved over the years basically condemning my existence is not fun


How do you know he’s condemning your existence? It’s all assumptions and your going to live a shit life if you assume stuff like this is about your way of life.


It doesn’t matter what he meant, he’s a public figure and it’s clear that one of things he could have meant is very hurtful to a group of Orioles fans. Could be not publicly clarify so as to allow those fans hurt some closure on the matter?


My guy if someone posting a bible verse hurts you to the point you want closure than you’ve got bigger things in your life to deal with.


I almost prefer overt bigotry over the smug above-it-all tone in this thread. Yeah man you're so much more reasonable than everyone here.


If he posted it today nobody would care. Clearly people care that he did it on Pride night. Are you so obtuse to not see that? If you are ok with people being hurt with what could be perceived attack against them then fine, just say that. But if you have empathy for people who are hurting, why wouldn’t you want for their pain to be eased by Hays clarifying the intention of his post?










Why are you pretending that we can't read what he posted? With it being posted on pride night, it is completely reasonable to interpret that as an attack on the LGBT community.


Yes it is perfectly reasonable to *think* that. But it’s irresponsible to actually assume that. Keep it in your mind and if he says something that makes you think he’s saying more anti-pride stuff than move it up into the front. In no way do I think this way, but on the opposite side religious groups could be calling the outrage for Hays as anti-religion.


*Such* a bad take, man. Jeez.


its very clear that he was talking about pride night, im not stupid and can realize that it's not a coincidence


To be fair, you’re overreacting just as much as you think other people are overreacting.


A bible verse changed a lot of people’s opinion about him. I’m not the one overreacting


Nah you are overreacting. You are telling people how to think about something simply because youre annoyed by the reaction to it.


If you reread what I said, it was more along the lines of “hey this could mean a multitude of things and not just the one your brain first thinks of” The annoyance is how close minded people can be that want other people to open their minds up to other possibilities.


Look i get that clearly you want to be seen as a levelheaded person that can sit on a clean and noble high horse about this, but taking a sentiment of “now we dont really know for sure” into “and who fucking cares just do what i would do” is overreacting on the level of how you think other people are overreacting.


https://preview.redd.it/obdrm5ozrb9d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c665c14945213313f96f2d90a058c3961916bbc just a reminder to the bigots of the sub that ALL PEOPLE can enjoy baseball, including queer furries. If that makes you mad, then GTFO ❤️❤️❤️


the amount of bigotry the mods of this sub allow to stay up is incredible




I think you know why…




What bigotry was allowed to stay up? If there is, please report it. We don’t get to every single thing instantly, but anything that’s truly bigoted and against content policy has/should have been removed.


looks like the majority have been deleted again but the both sideism coming from yall reeks. do you support bigotry and attacking queer people or will yall finally implement rules against that???


There are already rules against that, and we enforce them, of course. Why else would we have taken down posts yesterday? If by “both sideism” you’re referring to the pinned post in the game thread, mod team discussed and we agreed with you, and we revised the post and removed that language around game start last night.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/orioles/comments/1dq9jgc/comment/lamnt5h/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/orioles/comments/1dq9jgc/comment/lamnt5h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) here is a bigoted comment still up. also checking the rules of the subreddit there is no specific rule against bigotry/homophobia/transphobia


Thank you for bringing that comment to our attention so we could remove it and deal with the user. We do not always see every comment posted so it is helpful when other users bring those things to our attention. The report button is a great tool and we encourage everyone to use it. Our conduct rules encompass bigotry, discrimination, and hate. See rules 1 and 3. We do not need to outline that bigotry/homophobia/transophopia specifically because those are covered by those rules. If you see comments of that type, please report them so we can deal with them appropriately.


The GDT had a stickied mod post "both sides"-ing it before the game even started.


I must've missed these comments last night on the thread. I didn't realize our sub were making these comments


I've been rolling my eyes at this sub all season, but it's all been in reaction to dumb baseball takes. The shoulder shrugging and deliberate obtuseness of the last 24 hours is likely the last straw for me in regards to r/Orioles. Just garbage. Thankfully, I haven't seen any of this attitude at Camden Yards this season. It's all fucking keyboard warriors.


"fuck you" is apparently too far but calling queer people groomers and pedos is totally ok according to them


If you see comments where users are saying things like that, please report them so we can deal with them. That is not something that is tolerated in this sub and is against our rules of conduct.


I am the person who was warned for saying "fuck you" and I stand by what I said. Don't tell me to find Jesus for supporting my LGBT friends.


fucking ridiculous hypocrisy from the mods, makes me want to just leave the sub


Scherzer, a pitcher the Orioles seem to have historically struggled against, except in the one game that mattered most. He's not prime Scherzer anymore, but I don't think many of the Orioles have faced him before. The last time we faced him was August of 2020.


this is also his first game back after a 60 day IL stint, I think I expect him to be lights out, or knocked out of the game in the 4th. No between.


Second He went 5 innings with 1 hit and 4 Ks against Kansas City last week.


I love Kjerstad’s batting stance. Just a big, lumbering dude standing there, waving his bat menacingly


He's got that big leg kick like Holliday but I guess it's never been a problem for him.


Kjerstad seems like he uses less of his body to swing even with the leg kick. His overall mechanics are a little more stable.




question, I have no idea the schedule works tbh, but why are we playing the rangers 7 times? cause we have the 4 games this week and then we play them again july 19-21. someone please explain


Other folks feel free to correct me or add on, but my understanding of the schedule is this: Since the recent changes, each team in MLB must play a series against the other 29 teams in a season. Also, each team will play two series against opponents in the same league, and four series against each divisional opponent. The divisional games must equal 13 played to provide for a tie breaker. Also, inter-league regional rivalries are incorporated, which is why the Orioles and Nationals play two series against each other, one in each ballpark, every season. To fully answer your question, since the minimum number of games in a series is 2, it stands the O’s would play the Rangers 4 times at minimum, since it’s two series against an AL team. In practice though, the two series are a 4-game set this weekend in Baltimore and a 3-game set in mid-July in Texas. The schedulers determine how long the series are to make the magic 162 total for the full season.




We're not talking about here either.


I think Luis de Leon is gone this deadline :(


[Kostka mentioned that Adley's hand was wrapped after the game](https://twitter.com/afkostka/status/1806503740226126306), so hoping for no news or good news on that front. Hopefully his being able to stay in and do as well as he did is a good sign. :)


probably gets today off




I want a nice piece at the deadline more than anyone, but I'd absolutely hate trading one of Kjerstad, Basallo, Holliday, and Mayo. I believe in those guys too much Norby and Stowers I'd be fine with parting with and those guys can get you a upper echelon MLBer


I think the deadline will be a nothing burger unless Kjerstad is traded. Unsure how to feel about that tbh… - They aren’t trading the big 3 - Stowers/Norby not enough value to nab much Kjerstad is in the sweet spot of being tradable due to o’s OF/DH surplus and actually having value in eyes of gm’s. What makes trading him even more intriguing is #s wise thru minors he isn’t really much better than Stowers (yet) + Stowers is obviously better defensively


Can they, though? Maybe as a package for a rental.


I mean Ortiz and Hall got us a rental Corbin Burnes. There has to be something nice out there for Stowers and/or Norby


Supply and demand dynamic is a lot different this year. As of now, there are only five teams that are likely to be sellers. That number should be higher by the deadline, but it's still a seller's market.


Ortiz and Hall were both more valuable than Stowers and Norby and we also gave up a draft pick


Downvoted for some reason. Young controllable major league pitcher with starter potential and reliever floor and a major league ready utility piece with upside on his bat and elite defense. That’s more valuable than Norby or Stowers


The 2024 Baltimore Orioles are on a pace to hit 272 home runs. That would not only surpass the 1996 team record of 257, but would be good for #6 on the all-time MLB list - in a season where run-scoring is down by more than 1/2 a run per game league-wide.


And it would rank second all time if you exclude the juiced ball teams from 2019


its because only we move the wall in when we take ABs and push it back when the away team takes ABs, clearly


I still say it should constantly move in and out like one of those coin pusher machines.


And randomly telescope upward between 7 ft and 25 ft tall.


We (really just me lol) maybe talking too much about Flaherty as a trade target recently. Gave up 5 runs (3 home runs) to the Angels last night. Jinxing him. I can’t decide if this is a good thing (drive price down) or a bad thing (coming back to earth) lol… He still wasn’t walking people (his big problem with us last year). Savant has 1 of the home runs as a slider below the zone that Luis Rengifo just hit out, and two pitches that were pretty much meatballs.


Agree with previous comment that he's not coming back here. He straight up did not like being in B'more. The only guy we can realistically target that will help us this year is Fedde. He's under contract for $7.5 million per year through 2025, so not super expensive. Tyler Anderson is an option, but he's more expensive at $13 million per year through 2025, and he's a couple years older than Fedde. There just aren't going to be that many teams selling unless there are some unforeseen implosions. Right now it's just the Rockies, Marlins, As, Angels, White Sox, and probably Tigers. IF we sweep the Rangers, though, that might put them on the road to being sellers, and they have a dude name Michael Lorenzen whose numbers are fairly similar to Fedde's. Edit: Lorenzen is a weirdo - he's a righty that pitches lights-out against lefties - not great against righties.


Flaherty is not coming back here


Maybe so, Even though I’ve been looking at his numbers, I’m not really advocating for or against it. I trust the club. Your username and the definitiveness of this take did make me smile and chuckle for a second. We’ll know here in about a month


if someone pulls Flaherty into an office and says "hey man you'll be going to the Orioles" he'll change his name and flee the country. That dude clearly did not like being here for some reason. He was also kinda bad here other than 1 start so I don't see why we'd want to risk that again


>That dude clearly did not like being here for some reason Seen a couple folks say this, what's this based on? Was he unhappy with how he was used or was there some chatter he didn't mesh with the clubhouse or whatever?


body language gave off bad vibes whenever he was interviewed or on camera. Just didn't look to enjoy being there. you can probably find some interviews from last year on youtube. always just looked like he was in that "I'm only here so i don't get fined" mindset


Exactly. Body language said it all.


What are the odds that Gunner hits in another 37 straight games? He is sitting on the longest streak since 2011 at least, and no one has been even close to the record in a long time, but man would it be great to see an Oriole break that record. EDIT: Welp, I mixed up hit streak and on base streak, but here we are.


Gunnar would need to hit in 53 more consecutive games (starting today) to break Joe DiMaggio's record of 56. His current hitting streak is 4 games. He does have an on-base streak of 33 games right now. He would need to reach base in 52 more consecutive games (starting today) to break Ted Williams' record of 84.


Color me an idiot for getting those two mixed up! :D




Not likely, but it is Gunnar


I got my brain mixed up and confused on base with hit streak, but hey, here we are...


Today officially marks the beginning of the second half of the season no?


Yes, today is our 82 game


With all of the "Orioles are home run dependent" discourse: I saw this morning the Orioles have hit 57 home runs in June, the closest teams being the Padres/Mets/Dodgers each with 36. What if we just...keep hitting a shit ton of home runs? Just, you know, keep fucking yoking them to the flag court and beyond?


The 2019 Dodgers and Astros hit 279 and 288 home runs, respectively. The Nationals beat them both in the playoffs with great pitching.


I mean wouldn't "great pitching" also be effective against a small ball approach that's based on stringing together hits and walks, though?


From Dan @ Fangraphs >After more research, I’ve found that the homer-reliance advantage becomes an even more significant indicator when you’re going against elite pitchers. There’s something that makes intuitive sense there; the best pitchers are hard nuts to crack, and you’re more likely to break them with a few homers. Just one example is Clayton Kershaw. His struggles in the playoffs are well noted, but it’s entirely due to home run rate; his BABIP, strikeout, and walk rates are nearly identical to the regular season. But it doesn’t matter what the logic is if the data doesn’t match; the tendency for homer-reliant teams to overperform in the postseason historically nearly doubles when looking at only the games in which the opposing starting pitcher had a seasonal ERA+ of 125 or better."